Interestingly when the Korean Closed Beta date got changed from July 31st to October 31st we were also told that other important dates (such as open beta for the rest of the world or release date) haven't changed.
We know flight will be restricted with a timer. We've heard the limit to be 1 minute, but we don't know whether this timer will remain the same as we level up. So I wouldn't assume a limit of 1 minute just yet.
In an interview, citadels have been mentioned. However in general terms, you're looking at PvP situations that yield benefits to the victorious faction. So yeah, I suppose it's going to be the Aion equivalent of a siege.
Originally posted by shadowrunxt
Originally posted by Darkseth12
Originally posted by powerpolk
Items in sky? wow, nice post lol
....i dont know what will be in the sky thats why i posted items
In one of the interviews, you can ga…
Apparently the AI will be quite advance, for example, monsters may ambush you. o.O
Many MMORPGs have promised advance AI but they've all failed. Perhaps NCSoft can pull it off in Aion.
As for botting, NCSoft are well aware of botting being a majo…
Originally posted by Darkseth12
I hope aion delivers too but im only worrying of how long will the limit will be, i would want to fly in the air and get some enjoyment out of it , for example like seeing the environment, fly above the water and…
Well we do know that flying has more to offer than just mere flying. Aerial combat, combined with combo'ing will be something to look forward to. Taking damage from sides/back will hurt more, so perhaps flying will make you even more vulnerable. I d…
In one line, flight time limit promotes strategy and prevents flight becoming merely a means of transport.
The gameplay is meant to be fast paced. So we're not sure how PvP will turn out to be, and how flying will have an effect on PvP until we pl…
I'd like to mention a few things.
About the flight restriction issue - this may disappoint some, but think about it strategically. A flight restriction means that there is a greater level of timing involved. Spreading your wings too easy may cost …
Originally posted by Lateris
Is there any info on professions, skills, and those really cool angel wings?
The 8 classes of the Elyos were announced at the NCSoft conference in Korea. We haven…
some closed beta news! It confirms one thing - closed beta won't be global ^^
However, it's good news because we know that there is progress! The tower of eternity awaits!
I'd like to mention that it has been mentioned quite a few times that Aion will be released globally. That would suggest that no country would be able to play the game earlier than the others. However, this does not include Beta.
So generally tha…
Originally posted by runedragon
After to speaking to some of the guys at NCSoft this weekend at Collectormania, I think it is gonna be pretty much the grind they have been doin in all their MMO's. Shame really has alot of potential.
Really? Wha…
It's too early to decide where that title will go to in 2008. I'd definitely keep an eye out for Aion though, whether or not you believe in NCSoft. So far they've given us excellent concepts, and some exciting ideas for gameplay. Let's hope it deliv…
Yeah it's a very well designed site indeed =]
Oh and there's a fair heap of new information available - the lore is very interesting to read! Elyos and Asmodians (not sure whether they're plural names or not) instead of Chosen/Fallen now =D Looks…