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  • The best mismanaged mmo ive ever played.
  • 200,000 former daoc players vs 6,000,000 former wow players=Holocaust
  • Is this a Q4/2008 release time frame? It certainly seems that way.CoX is very much appearing to be in maintainance mode atm.Guess you could kinda call it a beta for thier next game.I would do the same thing if I were them.It would just be a waste of…
  • emrgent technologies who makes the engine for daoc,war and probly 40 other games,supports cross platform.its a matter of how much royalties will M$ demand for this game.since it may be the last game many will need to buy.thats the issue.PC versions …
  • Thankyou,hopefully the cox furoms will come back.the mods did't do kaka to stop the soliciting.
  • Can't believe the forums are so dead were having x-box debates.but anyways besides the technical issues,would be the licenseing to make it for x-box,the upfront royalties,and subscription rolayties. one good mmo can cut the average game sales of the…
  • Sounds like a wow player and some easy rps ahhhh,daaahhhh,all posts on this forum are speculative since this game has not been released.
  • Interesting,possibly the ps3 is too advanced,making it essencially  a non windows compatable pc.Perhaps consoles are hitting thier upper limit of there market and the pendulum is swinging back to PC for Advanced games,and consoles are going back to …
  • I always ran in organized grps,and after the major heal patch a ton of midgard healers went 42mend/33 aug.42 mend gave midgard healers the new red major heal which hit for 600+ and was fast and if setup right u could pump out 100+ of them easy.I cou…
  • Kraiden did you say healers had no meaningful role in keep sieges? honestly was that a typo.Who keeps the people alive,especially ones on the ram.who could die on a wall or outside ,recall to lord,self rez and be back in action.who cures nearsight f…
  • I think war is gonna have a solid percentage of experienced serious gamers.there really no other ticket in town.the 2 competing games,1 is vaporware,the other is basically shadowbane 2.
  • Didn't mean that literally(need my lawyer to finish my disclaimer sig).What I meant is they have every posible resource at thier disposal,and im sure as a side note compainies are pushing to reduce costs by using easier design tools so they can pay …
  • hmmm,addy .I'll agree with you about cd in a credible mmo,dont consider it much more than something that was needed.but needed and negletected to the point of revolutionarry ,okay I bow in agreement. when you say taking out old school stealth(i hear…
  • poster above me ,no one will understand the mythic secret it seems.They aren't inventing anything,the engine,the graphics apps,the world,the classes.already exist,there practically cut n pasting this together.honestly It can easily be done in 24 mon…
  • removing what was in a previous game is revolutionanry? And I hate to break it to War fans but CD has been out for quite some time,cov/coh off the top of my head.not to mention most shooters ,and even ultima online had a form of it. I don't see an…
  • I dont belive WAR is throwing a hail mary and trying for a 10.There taking proven material and making an evolutionary game,not a revolutionary one. EA,emergent technologies,Mythic, a license.(lol,at this point gdw is such a bit player).it's a certai…
  • Aoc is trying to do everthing inhouse. to compare AoC release,to WAR.would be like comparing when your neighbor will get the car he has in pieces the last five years, ready vs ordering a new car from a dealership.
  • much more groupability too,with tactics slots you could prolly run 3 in a grp ok.There's still the 50k question on the elf support class.but im guessing decent armor,maybe faster casts,and some grp enhancements.im thinking they might have less damag…
  • Nah,the shield dwarf will probably be one of the first to get love patch.they wont stop assist nukes and most players prefere damage over new gimmics.the 2 healer rear,warpriest with 3 dps up front is more likely.if 2 healers ,plus his own heals can…
  • Whats there really to tweak.the engine they use under license is fine.Class balance could be beta tested for 10 years and it will still need patched a month after release to actual players.Beta testers have proven to be way over rated and to sensiti…