I dunno about other people but i for one get addicted to a game really easily. If its fun to play bam im a addicted. Now maybe not every one gets addicted but i bet alot of people do. the first step is admitting u have a problem.
i liked the raiding of WoW but also the pvp is fun. it would have to have a good balance. and id be playing it more casual like so something with some pvp and maybe some end game i could enjoy casually. i was thinking about FFXI or vanguard. but im …
Thats bad luck. i kno when i buy a game i get very impatient if something goes wrong and stops me from playing it right away. hopefully its wehre the above poster said it was lol. good luck
well ya lvl 15 for a week was a bit much lol but ya all the crafting and stuff, i remember all that, lots of grinding to lvl up ur skills and some items took a lot of farming to get but i think im just kinda bitchin atm so nvm :P im just lookin for …
maybe my old server was just really low pop cuz i always had trouble finding people for parties. and ya i care about lvling i dont want to be lvl 15 for a week before i finally lvl u kno lol. i expect that at higher lvls of course lol
so these soloable quests...do they make it so im not waiting 3 hours for a group and can solo lvl fast? and would it be worth playing again if i couldnt play more then an hour or so a day?
That might be the problem with making WOT into a MMO. It might possibly be too big? There are so many different classes that there is no way to include them all and when people find out the class they wanted to play wont be added, they get all pissy…