I think this will be the kind of game that reorganizes its genre it has such a strong AI you guys dont knowabout it will be played as if it were the real thing it will have rolls just none u can see it will be so detailed it mustve tooken them years…
50$ is the lowest price possible because the game has'nt even come out yet so discounts havent been made you can pre-oreder it for like 20 then pay 30 later
and gamestop has free shipping here but i dont know about europe sorry
thank you you're excellence but remember we are a mere band of thieves we have no need for help that often if we choose to we flee into the trees where we are strongest
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
nice line i shakll be of a good rival tou you're guild
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
The thieves of the symbolic shadow are now still letting people join their guild this guild has been around longer than most of these new guilds
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
interesting guil i would wonder if you'd like a guild allaince
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
perhaps you would liek an allaince with the thieves of the symboliuc shadow we have been around a long time and would like to invite you to the competition
Reseistance i…
lol someones going to ger the shit kiked out of himself
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
yeah im also worried if my comps going to get screwey during the game so im like losing al the games i have
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
ok dickwad if i had a fucking i.q of 12 i wouldnt be abl;pe to shit right let along type or have the mental capacity to realize your a fucking moron
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
hello i would like an alliance with the thieves of the symbolic shadow
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now
I would Like an Alliance you're guild seems stabilized and ready for anything thats a great alliance to have. If you need information on my guild, The Thieves Of The Symbolic Shadow go to our website or E-Mail me. For Immediate info : We are an Evi…
Plz pardon thuis whole stupid debate for my assosciate was actuallt talking about another guild and now im really pissed off cuz i sound like and idiot in front of the guild masters but what the hell plz pardon the last few messages
you are being …
very well if you havent already or looked for it the website to the guild is
I am very interested on how this alliance will turn out for we are of the same killing advantage perhaps we could share ideas as…
i am very sorry BS we the thieves of the symbolic shadow are a guild in which the majority vote in a fair share and apparently whether this incident of the death of the paladin in Diablo 2 was correct or not they still voted to hate you however we a…
hello I am Xzantamwulf of the thieves of the symbolic shadow i was curious if ud like an alliance to an evil Guild Wars Guild there are advantages to having a thieves guild as a friend
keep in touch : xzantamwulf@hotmail.com
Reseistance is fu…
i shall aquire all of the information that is needed from the player
Reseistance is futile join Thieves of the symbolic shadow now