Originally posted by Yellowman26 personally, I would like a decent space sci-fi where you could visit planets, explore a universe. (even if the planet in question is only so big that it basically ranges from a small city to a small village. I had my…
Yawn...I think Eve is a good game but Im so tired of peoples failed attempts to breath life into it and try to make up for CCPs giva shit atitude. Its a great PvP game with a whole lot of glitter spread around but once you have been around the gate …
Originally posted by HandsomeHuss I'm not a roleplayer myself, but the great thing about sandbox is that you can make of the world what you want. The potential for RP in EvE is huge.
I saw one of the coolest ideas in a thread over on the official …
Originally posted by strangerdang One of the reasons i stopped playing is that the community as a whole thinks this is some FPS solo game, where you see a target, pursue it and try to kill it, rather than use team strategy, utilizing each class of t…
I played this game in closed beta and returned to it recently to check it's progress. Tier 1 and 2 are very enjoyable primarily due to there not being any SPGs. Even though there is very little actual team work the layout of the maps and the tank …
Originally posted by qazyman
though i am now approaching 65m SP I don't have any more fun than I did back then (in some ways less tbh
This is the great irony of EVE, and something few people will ever truly understand : )
If they thought their flash card video would impress me they have failed. Don't get me wrong I think this title has potential,however it is clear that their marketing people do not.
I don't think you said you prefer fantasy so might I suggest Eve Online. I know the game can "feel" inpersonal and spreadsheet like sometimes but of all the MMORPGs I've played with people Eve was by and far the most enjoyable in a group. You will m…
Originally posted by Slapshot1188 I think this speaks for itself... particularly the part where they attack another player.
Dude! You know the gaylords blocked youtube on the firewall here at work, …
Originally posted by djnexus Why are companies allowed to release games in this state and make a profit. I think its bad business. While the game looks cool on paper, im all for it being a sandbox full on pvp like DF but at least wait until its read…
I've been playing Beta 7 and from the first moment I logged in it constantly reminded me of LOTRO. Ya, some of the mechanics are unique but the fact remains that the under lying game play is the same or has been done before. Click monster, click too…
I stopped playing last year for many of the reasons you pointed out. As I predicted back then and the fanbois claimed otherwise the game has unfolded as I predicted. Noob tiers just fooder for veterean players over and over. Numerous heavy late war …
Been playing it long, hehe?
I have too watch myself when I get a new game. I have learned over the years of playing betas and releases that I can get overly excited in the first few weeks. Then I come to MMORPG.com and post a game review that a m…