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Soldier in the army, lots of free time after duty hours... I love games


Last Active


  • Honestly, there is no comparison between the two games. Its PotBS all the way. PotC is too kiddy, and the graphics, gameplay, and AI are no where near as good as PotBS. I read about someone mentioning Copyrights. Heres a fun fact, PotBS has been in …
  • I will definitly give this game more than just a look. I've been anxiously waiting for the release of this game for some time now. A lot of fans are uspet with FLS for teaming up with SOE, but they shouldn't be. Yes SOE has a bad rep, but they have …
  • Its actually not just a pirate game. It just has pirate in the title, and no they wern't going for the whole Pirates of the Caribbean thing. This game has been in the working for 5 years. This game is evenly based on all four nations. I hope people …
  • QUOTE-"any pirate game (besides POTCO) i think is just trying to get in on the popularity that POTC has caused."   Actually, Pirates of the burning seas has been in the making for 5 years now. they were here before POTC the movie. Sorry. Not t…
  • Pirates of the Burning Sea is gonna be soooooooo much better. Its better graphics, better gameplay, and a million other things. Potc is a pirate game where you play along the story line of the POTC trilogy. Not much more. POTBS is a game set in …
  • Well as far as instancing, one interesting type of instancing that I know of is when you are ingaged in naval combat and board a ship. After exchanging fire, you can come in close to your opponent's ship and board it. You and your opponent enter an …
  • I'm really excited about this. Its looks like the game I was hoping for years ago, but then I though it wasn't possible. This game has a lot goin for it. Unfortunately they keep pushing back the release date. I was hoping that I would be able to pla…