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  • Definately feeling the same. I think some of it is the new MMO experience that all players feel with that first game. And yet I wonder how much of our eternal search is based on some of the shared design decisions made by almost all devs these days.…
  • Longevity for MMORPGS has been derived using different schemes over the years. In my opinion though it comes down to a basic principle...  Investment + Fun factor + Continued Growth/Changes + Dynamics = Longevity Couple examples from games I have …
  • Hoping this system brings diversity and dynamics into battles... Best encounter that I can remember from all the MMOs I have played would have to be in a 5 man- group playing as a Druid in original EQ... Our puller grabbed a few too many and durin…
  • They should have used the Planescape setting with the city of doors as the main hub. This would have allowed adventure in any genre they wished to pursue...oh well
  • What I am hoping for (and I believe many here are as well) is the day that there is no distinction between PVE and PVP. What do I mean? Combat is more tactical/skill based and player skill is the primary factor in victory/defeat. NPC AI is rampe…
  • Maybe I am crazy, but until a game comes out that lets me (through dynamic and challenging means) become a demi-lich that raises an undead army to slowly conquer every player/npc run kingdom in the world and challenge the gods themselves till I asce…
  • One possible reason is that many times games that are in beta are in an unfinished state. They may have features that have not been implemented yet or graphics that have not had that final touch up. Companies might be afraid that these missing piece…
  • I would have to lean towards skill based systems. They provide a good deal more freedom and are far more immersive/realistic considering that you usually gain a skill in whatever you are actually using (i.e. I swing an axe and I get better at swingi…
  • Played DragonRealms for awhile. I would have to agree from my limited experience with MUDs that they have a much higher degree of functionaltiy and depth than the MMORPG genre has been able to present so far.
  • I have no problem with an item mall that does not give unbalancing bonuses to people who want to pay more. I absolutely loathe the idea once they cross that line though. As far as the P2P comment goes I was using the wrong acronym, sorry. I meant …
  • I am afraid I must say hell no to the item mall route. IMO this is the exact opposite direction that the industry needs to go in. What the item mall represents is "more real money thrown at game" = "better equipment/characters/odds for in-game chara…
  • The stagnation of the MMORPG market is a combination of present game successes (EQ, WOW, etc...) and the fear of uncertainty for investors/developers in moving in a new direction. I think there are plenty of great ideas out there, but feasibility du…