Intel C2D 6600, 2GB RAM, GF8800 GTS 640, High quality with some settings downgraded (such as shadows to 21%, looks the same as with 99%)
Outside 30-70 fps, with exceptions like skawlra rock where rate is down to 10-20 fps, with occasional slidesho…
I , too, think that the concept is not the cause for the bad name the game has now. It was the half-baken rushed release, the technical issues it had and to a lesser extend still has, and the outright lies that sigil's management hurled in the comm…
No clear statement from the devs about their plan to fit the "Black Ops", as they were called at the fan faire event, into the existing world. At the event the Black Ops wore Vanu uniforms with alternate coloring and the new logo, but used VS weapon…
Originally posted by soad_nathan Greetings. I played Planetside for awhile. I played on the Emerald server, Vanu. My name was Rindel and I got to BR 15 and CR 2. I have a few questions to you subscribers who know the game pretty well.
Originally posted by jahar
just out of curiousity, is there a standard definition out there for mmofps that says they cant have PvE? and if so, im missing the logic there.. FPS games always have a PvE mode, so why wouldnt MMOFPS?
you hav…
Huxley won't support large battles as PS does. Currently Planetside locks population at about 350 (no real number known) players per map. At the last fan faire event, they pushed the player number up to about 800 on one map. Yes, it lagged badly at …
I will give it another shot when the servers have been merged. Never had that much technical issues as others. And graphically it's a totally different league than WoW, so don't expect it to run on machines that may run WoW smoothly (no slight on Wo…
Rather nasty to develop as a MMO, I recon. PvP it would have to be something like Planetside with Infantry/vehicles from the BT-universe (imagine a dropship full of Davion invasion troops on the deceleration burn attacked by kurita aerospace fighter…
VGSOH tears me apart. I love it, but I don't play it anymore because it frustrated me to the point of biting into my keyboard. I will give it a second try with GU2, and failing that, even with GU3.
Only a small part of the promised things were de…