I don't see the big deal.
Politicians continually bash their opponents, despite the qualities that their respective opponents may have.
Sure, other games may not be bad, but you can't blame Darkfall followers for understanding the system and kno…
Tunabun, all you're doing is admitting how much an ass you are. Way to go buddy,
But if the attention makes you feel cool, I'll surely ignore the rest of this thread.
Ignorance is bliss.
immaturity in MMORPGs will only grow as long as the gaming developers fail to stop holding the hand of their players and making the game easy for them.
Of course, griefing will happen in every MMORPG no matter what, because you simply can't preven…
I tend to roll melee classes over caster classes, I dunno why really. I've played my share of everything though, from a thief, mage, warrior, pk, archer, etc.
My favorite had to be the oldschool UO battle mage. I had always used archery sinc…
It would be a miracle the day everyone finally realizes what a waste of time WoW is and how it's actually not that good of an MMORPG.
But alas, ignorance is bliss.
I would have to say a debugged version of the early 1999 Ultima Online.
Of course it wouldn't ever be brought back, but those were the best times in gaming ever.