theres a difference between throwing up a website and filling it with every great idea in the book and actually implementing those ideas into a commercially acceptable working product.
this has been around for some 7 odd years in one form or …
"and now you also reveal you don't know first thing about the game "
what game? Have you played this game? I haven't. Or are you (like every other foolish person who hypes this mess) just beating themselves off to some ideas they have …
"Another issue to consider, which we've talked about before, is the timing for the beta testing; things like costs in time, equipment, and support personnel need to be carefully considered in order for the test to be successful and useful. "
No bank in the world gives a 4 year old video game dev company that has done NOTHING to date 20 million dollars.
Multiverse was founded by a group of professionals from Netscape and were only able to get 4 million in funding and not from any bank …
ok there you go
you would think that a bank that is handing out 20 million dollar loand would a…
Really? It's funny how theres no info about any kind of Mofin bank anywhere
Have you ever tried getting a loan from a bank? It's very hard unless you are a big shot with tons of assets and collateral It's even harder to get a loan for business ventures. Banks don't like losing any money. They are strict beyond belief whe…
It does not say Aventurine SA in Greece who is making the mmorpg called Darkfall. It is not proof of anything.
All it says is "Aventurine". That could be in relation to ANYTHING.
I did read it and it means nothing. It's a small text blurb that doesn't go into any kind of details whatsoever. That is not proof of anything,
You are way to naive.
"secondly...whos bragging about WoWs 9 million people. most of the people in this forum dont even like WoW with most of these posts i see."
but yet you have a Blizzard icon as your avatar. hehehehehe
Google is a 1 in a million type company. For every google type success theres tens of thousands of failures. Plus it isn't even in the video game industry. It's a completely different market.
The gaming industry is booming? Ya maybe for companies…
Even if they did get some kind of loan (which is highly questionable because there is no official public press release about it anywhere) that doesn't mean that cash is being used in anyway for a video game.