Quit trolling. My name calling is from the point that all fanboys do is criticise anyone whose view differs from their own. And thats what a large majority of people began doing when I showed a dislike for CCP. Are you not doing the same as them?
Please read the entire post. I asked a valid question to begin with and came across a lot of fanboy criticism. I'm not one for standing down to circular logic and arrogance, hence the numerous posts, numerous but rational & from a point of exper…
What is it with you/ a lot of eve fans and taking personal offense at anyone who doesn't like the game? I dislike Eve, not the players, let's get that straight.
The flaw with your character farming is that:
1)All characters would have to be activ…
How? Please explain that. After playing eve for a while I know the flaws in it, and personally, I wouldn't pay a monthly sub for a game with them in. So instead of branding me a troll and a lier, how about you say how I'm warping truth, or is it the…
When I "grow up" I sincerly hope I'm not stuck playing virtual spacships. Talking on vent while in an office? Somehow I can't help think but you watch too many internet reviews ...
Getting an education is an excuse for not having a job, hence it's …
Again look at the sub scription count. One of the previous posts has a link to a good graph which shows that CCP hasnt released any sub info since there previous peak back in April. Maybe with alts closing down, mixed with more adverts, server pops …
Nice graph, although what is interesting is that the last subscription anouncement was in April time, around there highest server pop. Now i'd have expected them to release a 275k mark with the 45k population, but it hasn't happened which leads to w…
It's worrying that a father uses the term "Butt hurt" .
Plus its also somewhat disturbing that you seriously have an inability to understand ghost training. You talk as if it was an advantage to some players. Everyone could do it!
The reason so …
*Sigh* No, the evidence shows bugger all, as I've explained due to the fact CCP refuse to release the active subscriptions. As you must be aware of, when the record gets high, everyone logs on their alts. All the high number may mean is the bombardm…
Calm the rage, I'm criticising eve, not you.
Those ships are useless, more so in 0.0. The only BC that anyone would expect to see in 0.0 is the drake, and to get that full t2 fitted takes at least 5 months from scratch. Missles, shields, navigatio…
I criticise EvE for very valid points, hence the reason I was originally asking why have the numbers increased and this makes me a troll?
No, it makes me someone who disagrees with you. I have presented many good reasons for why EvE is a bad game a…
Lieing to your customers, not once but twice isn't a disaster? Just a accidental press on the bullsh*t button lol ?
Plus the starbase exploit was well handled, if it wasnt for the fact CCP only found out via petition, with the exploit having been …
Your the cool kid...
If you look, no ones actually answered the bloody question, not to mention does anyone know the active sub count? THought not, so server numbers means more trail accounts from net banners.
If your happy to play a dated game …
Hahahah, obvious troll is obvious.
No bridge here dude, move on.
Insulting people and making stuff up isn't good, nor does anyone care to hear about it. Move on to youtube where you'll be appreciated.
Ghost training being gone is UNFAIR as all…
Right, I take offense at being called a troll when your the one making stuff up.
My character was flawlessly made to be a fast learning character, and in no way can you be effectively 0.0 ready in under 3 months. Full Tech 2 fittings etc on useful…
So, out of curiosity, your totally willing to ignore the fact they lied to all their players, not once, but twice, amongst showing a complete incompetence when it comes to actually finding the real bugs, while charging a extortionate amount of money…
And what if you can't get a job because your still in education??
Plus you missed the point completely with EvE. $35 won't do squat, you need 2 years to become any good in eve, so $420 please for a totally bland game if you don't want to supremly …
Not wanting to go on, but I sincerly believe CCP is ripping everyone off for a substandard game.
How were the cards not feasble? CCP were getting more money than monthly subs by using them
Non-issue? My entire corp has quit eve (20+) after all …
1:Eve time codes
Putting the price up to $35 was rediculous, but I and others were not to bothered, after all the expansions were free.
2:Ghost training
Some people applauded it, many more (check the forums) thought it was outrageous to remove a…