Wow... seems like very slim pickin's... maybe the updates for warhammer, the next few months, will bring it closer to DAoC rvr.... my fingers are crossed..
If a message pops up that we are under attack, and I am a zone or 2 away I won't respond because of the time it takes me to get there, more flight masters or even if an invite would pop up, like the scenarios, would really be the key for me... and…
I played on Nagafen with 3 RL friends also... got my warden to 60... and loved the PvP,....sure it is a gankfest sometimes but with the level restrictions your not going to get ganked by a 70 while your level 20.. Look I am not a hardcore Pvp'er I …
Thanks for all the info ... that is the server I was on... I hate to hear that it is slowly going by the wayside...and my friend and I might look elsewhere until something else pops that can hold our attention... I was an avid EQ fanatic... good wit…
Thanks Darwa... are you on a pvp server?... and if so has the new marketplace affected your server?... is the level difference the same ?.. I believe it was you can kill or be killed within 5 or 6 levels of each other?
I have been reading other peoples posts and comments and I am getting a good idea about whats been going on... if there is any news or info about the PvP servers I would still like to know... I had a 55 warden when I shut it down..
Thanks for the input. I see a lot of us agree on the same things.... Just make it worth our time to defend or attack a keep,, I have a level 29 SM and am moving into the tier 4 zones soon, by looking at the forums here the battle does seem to change…
I do play and maybe legendary was too much... but just throw us a bone. give me a reason to want to go defend. make it easier for me to get there?...
I play and will continue to play for now... was just asking for some type of updat…
Its's funny I saw someones favorite zone was Paludal Caverns, that was the beginning of the end of EQ for me, I mean I played a long time after that but for some reason (with me) the game lost its luster, I dont know if it got too big or they just s…
I'm with you Aeric67 I'm really looking forward to seeing what they did with Highhold, and I cannot count the number of times I was running across the Karanas (at 2am in the morning in real life,falling asleep at the computer) just to meet someone i…
1- Everquest.... What an awesome feeling when I wandered around Freeport for the first time with all the other newbies, and seeing my first Griffin killing everyone the east common zone.I made a lot of friends, what a great atmosphere for a long t…