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  • someone actually viewed this page?whoah...this must be the luckiest day in my life!!lol. yes zelda is a great game isnt it? i love it!!! its the closest thing ive ever played that even comes close to a role playing game.
  • ok, ill tell you who the best comedian is!! ME!! lol. just kidding. if i had to pick, right now, who the best comedian was i would pick, 1. the guy at the blockbuster who spits at everyone. 2.the guy that i found who lied to everyone. 3. the g…
  • please...someone help me....i dont know how to download the game camelot....i know im dumb...but someone please help a dumb foolish man find his way to play the game dark age of camelotpretty please?
    in The game Comment by Arathorn July 2004
  • now i really feel stupid...im just like that. now ive made myself an even bigger idiot...i feel sorry for myself....oh well life goes on!it doesnt stop just because ive made myself an even bigger idiot
  • or you could just tell me how to get city of heroes or dark age of camelot. id deeply appreciate it if someone told me. pretty please?
  • not really, i dabble on video games, im not really an indoor person.  hey i got a question i want to be answered... how do you download games? i want to play Knight online but i dont know what to click.... please help me someoneid deeply appreciat…
  • ok, ill help you out on your computer quest. i had a compaq computer, it broke so i wouldnt get that. my friend has a mac, it sucks so i wouldnt get that, i have an emchaines windows xp jome edition and its pretty good. heres a poll and which ever o…
  • oh....i feel so dumb.... oh well that didnt last long. it wasnt my fault you had a typo. i thought it was actually something real. ive learned not to be so quick since the day i found the word emulater on a site. i posted something really....uh.....…
  • please vote here for which ever one you like most, legoes or video games((hint: id vote for video games))    
  • why play legoes, when we can play video games? huh?huh? common sense. i hate legoes. i have a set myself and i hate playing with it. i like video games, i hate legoes. whoever still likes to play with legoes sucks and doesnt know what he is missing …
  • what is a vomputer?! is that some sort of new kinda russion computer or transylvanian?"i vant a vomputer! muahahahaha"?"does hue have ze vomputer?"? im confused. someone please clear all this up for me!! now if you dont mind, i have a life to get ba…
  • hmmm....does anyone actually look at these ttopic thingys? am i just talking to myself? this sucks....i am on a computer, on a site, on a forum/topic and i am talking to myself.... how low can i sink...
  • these are all the posts zelda got?!i dont beleave this!!! how can so many people envy zelda? hmm... maybe i should have included something about the new game coming out...alrighty then. theres a new game coming out for x-box this year. fable... you …
  • ok, im changing my answer. i just bothered to look at diabolicalsin's post and he mentioned fablefor x-box. the way my friends talking about the game fable,  youd be an idiot if you didnt get it. Its suppose to be a great game. anyway, x-box is my n…
  • ok, im going to apply my words of wisdom to this never-ending chain of stupid-ness, look at the votes x-box has, then look at ps2. which one has more votes? ps2. More people like ps2 becasue it has more games and better games then x-box.  they ar…
  • if i had to choose between an xbox and a ps2, i would definately pick ps2! xbox cant be better then ps2, it just cant. i know this because ive played on both and i liked ps2 better!! trust me when i say this...xbox is good but ps2 is better!!