I definitly gonna play horde. I like the trolls and undead And the fact that alliance is overpowered because of the love for NE is only make the choice to play horde stronger. Much meat to kill :P
The contest is the only thing I can think off the last days..
If I win I would party the whole night and put mmorpg.com as my favorit and startpage, but I never win anything
I hate when ppl are only signing up for beta's for selling them later on ebay. U are only abusing the fact the company wants u to test their game and maybe a real fan of the game cant get the beta were they waited so long for
Blizzard expect the game goes gold at the end of 2004 for the US, Canada and Korea. The servers for the rest of the world will come a little bit later. But Blizzard is always late with releasing games but they always bring out the best games of it's…
On Battle.net (the site of blizzard) is a whole forum about wow guilds and the recruiting. I think u got more chanse of succeeding there...
direct link: http://www.battle.net/forums/wow/board.aspx?ForumName=wow-guildhall
good luck