Anyone ever thought that since this game is in testing that maybe that the people popping in and out where actually in fact bugs or just some bad code that made the recorder not pick up the person. Even show builds are not the final product. Just th…
Originally posted by Orthedos
But why does it matter? The whole point is to enjoy the tour to level 50. IF you find level 1 to 49 so painful as to accelerate your pace thru it, well, you are better off reading a book describing level 50.
Hey i know this a bit off topic but felt necessary to point out. For you War fans out there the level cap is 40 (10 levels per tier) not 50 as some of the people mistakenly mentioned. What's embarrassing is that some people that have bought the CE d…
Originally posted by andmiller
More excited about this game than ever........simply due to the fact that the "tone" of the game just scared away the OP.
Im not a beta-tester but this seems to me to be under the NDA. Only thing i have heard is that there are possibly going to be Dog's of War in scenerios and guards on the keeps in open World RvR.
I read the article and I am personally happy to hear the news. I am just waiting for it come out and this gives me conformation that the game was really delayed just to polish it.