played online games since dawn of man BUT everyone have their own cuppa. SO each of us can only say what we like.
so my 2 cents for these 2 games is that guild wars 2 like someone said before is very easy. jump from heart to heart village to villa…
Originally posted by Boneserino Who the hell is Andryah and why do we care? I certainly wasn't playing because of he/she and I certainly wouldn't be quitting either.
So exactly what is the relevance of this " another player leaving and giving…
Originally posted by Brenics Originally posted by shoott321 Originally posted by Shazzta The game is awesome and if your not playing then your missing out. Its has come a long way since beta with content beng added all the time including a new …
Originally posted by DMKano Where are all the folks calling Blizzard liars like they did when Trion was getting DDOS'd for AA launch?
Happens with every launch - Wildstar got DDOSd, ArcheAge, now WoW.
It's hardly a surprise anymore - exp…
Originally posted by Mtibbs1989 Originally posted by obake90 ctrl F---- open world pvp... anytime.... 30+ more pvp tho...
what server??? want a lot of kills?
Ctrl+F doesn't work in beginner zones bec…
Originally posted by Velocinox
If I trolled like this on the forums I would get banned or at the very least a warning.
idd. plus this topic is just and another opinion about someone who wants to be noticed as hardcore or demanding that only by do…
Originally posted by AG-Vuk Honestly I read the first post and while long, it's well written. I just couldn't help thinking. It's a sandbox. Stop whining. You won't be competitive as someone that's been in game for a very long time. There are allian…
somebody mentioned hoping gta mmo, yeah something like that is already out its called all points bulletin APB, unfortunately team behind the game was B-A-D and anticheating software so so poor that game was and is full of cheaters making it unplayab…
all of them, after world of warcraft there is only one that have keep me playing more than 100 hours is Rift and ye i know its fairly similiar with wow. but believe i get easily hyped up with new games and i have played many many many and tested and…
Originally posted by Razeekster Originally posted by flguy147
I hope they have equal amounts of PVE and PVP. I think they may. They do have I think 16 endgame dungeons and an Adventure Zone ready for launch which is their version of raids. I …
Originally posted by MrG8
It is a bad thing... because when I feel a game is a wow-clone I feel like "Bah, why dont game-developers try to come up with something new?
they have been trying with failure so best to stick with the pony.
while i hate word clone because everything is clone of something that was previously already there. id say trying to make wow with new coating is not a bad thing. same with bicycles they always the same but the looks mainly differs. so dont try to i…
for what comes final fantasy hype or so called. in my opinion it was great on 7 and 8 on playstation at times but never placed any hope on mmo versions.
Originally posted by raas1337 Originally posted by Mtibbs1989
Yep, That's right, I've done every dungeon, raid, fate, hest, and trial and finished the story. The end is amazing and I love the last boss fights on the final storyline raid. Now I c…
Originally posted by Mtibbs1989 Originally posted by Metza
damn bro, go outside for a bit.
I'm quite active if that's what you're getting at. I go to the gym, I'm a full-time student studying for my CCNA, and have a part time job. What's your…