Ok then well thanks for trying to help. I guess it doesn't matter either way because I atleast plan on trying the game for thirty days just because it's DC and it seems interesting.
Originally posted by monstermmo I've personally had zero issues with the mouse and keyboard controls and I only used the default. I found it to be perfectly comfortable.
Oh i do use a trackball if that matters.
Trackball? Now that is old sc…
Originally posted by miagisan
Originally posted by Tinybina
Originally posted by gerhard45
Originally posted by Lobotomist
Both Blizzplanet and Diablo3.com have countdowns to an event occurring on May 1st.
Could this be it ?!?
Originally posted by Gnazon
I have read somewhere (and I hope I am not breaking any NDAs here) that the beta client is locked at low settings graphics, that is why there is such difference between the official footage and the leaks. This of cours…
What about a medieval assassin mmo? Kind've like assassins creed but every man for himself and staged in western europe. You maybe start on the streets as a begger/cut throat and can do anything to work your way up through ranks (kinda like levels b…
If real life was a mmo I would start by pking every member of the goverment everywhere to create total anarchy then I would hack it and make it look like -------> Bob did it. Then I would do a raid with my guild on Africa to get us some diamond…
Well basically world PvP, I really wana use seige weaps on keeps though. Launching yourself with a orc-a-pult into a keep just sounds awesome. Even greater how you can do it on purpose.