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  • I tried to buy it, I am in the us with a us cc and stuff.... unable to process the order. Tried again with my other 2 CCs and got the same message. I am going to be really fucking pissed off if I see 3 turbine charges on my credit card.
  • Closed beta is still going on, in fact we had another perfomance patch after the open beta and a bugfixes patch today. Seems like Funcom is really working on the clock to try polish the game as much as they can till release.   I actually typed M…
  • I got my pc from cyberpower.com, it was actually cheaper to get it from here than getting the parts from newegg and building it yourself, I had 10% discount and free shipping and 3 year warranty.
    in PC Advice Comment by gneto May 2008
  • AOC maxes out at 1.6 gigs on my system. Crashing at 1 gig is not memory leak. Sometimes I get that error, but if you press attempt to continue you will go back to the game like nothing happened. Also, nice usage of internet explorer. You probally …
  • Originally posted by BigMango   Originally posted by Ikonic i don't think it was a miracle patch everyone is claiming it to be, It appears that the major change they did to improve performance for some is that they turned off the debugger...…
  • Since I can speak about perfomance, before the patch I was getting around 25-30 fps with everything turned on, 4x aa and 1920x1200. The stalling was really bad though. Now the stalling is gone, and I seem to have gained about 10 fps. Graphics seem…
  • banned from where and from what? All I did was stating that there was a 650mb patch which really decreased loading times, increased perfomanced and got rid of the stuterring. I did notice graphics were slightly improved, specially the fog and lightn…
  • ill bump this thread to you once the patch hits the open beta