Originally posted by Ozmodan You can only burn so many bridges until people just start ignoring you. I think they are close to that point now. FFXI is still a far better game.
Abyssea...yeah sure, lol
I'll keep enjoying myself in 14 and not …
Cheap way to get subs. May as well hit the gold cap quickly and don't even bother with legendaries because you'll lose the ability to use them Monday. Unless you go gold that is.
Massively talked with a GA dev and he said this will not be GA2. If you guys want to relive that old Tribes 2 then try out http://www.tribesnext.com/ . They run on private servers of Tribes 2.
Refreshed all day yesterday to not get one in the end. I feel like I got kicked in the face and didn't think about it. Oh well time to see what other betas are out there...