Yea I saw it but didn't enjoy it cause the theater was packed and when every scary scene happen you have those stupid people yelling out of no where like AHHH!!!! or shouting OHH JESUS CHRIST NOOO!!!!! it was funny in the begining but just got annoy…
Hmm yea I would of liked to play this RAgnarok online 2 because its a sequal to a great game but usally people say..... The second one can never surpass the first one.
Man that is SO bull and it looks like if it was just slapped on but on the other hand if you take out all the crap the white MR2 looks nice I wouldn't mind getting that.
Well I am a newb in this game and I killed a guy thats like over 10 lvls above me or so and he called me a hacker? I was like Okay??? ahh well this game is pretty fun but to bad I always get owned but feel free to play with me -Kugashira-
Hmm the game won't work... I have the requirements and then some then I installed and updated MANUELLY sorry for poor spelling but when I log in to a server it just freezes or doesn't do anything can you help me? or what am I missing?
Well do not forget Nintendo Revolution that is also comming out! But I do agree I think PS3 will kill the competition...
but there is a downside to all these new great consoles the $$$ How much do you think the PS3, XBOX360, and the Nintendo Revol…