Still lookin for an invite from a kind fellow gamer, posted here a few days ago as well with no luck. So I figured I'd try again! I can PM info or whatever you may need.
Thanks for your time
Still looking for a key as well, experience wise I've been playing FPS games since rainbow six and pretty much every fps since then. However I got really addicted to Planetside and have been desperately looking for an MMORPG-FPS since then to get my…
The simple answer is no, it's not what people want and/or need from the MMO market. Companies are not out there to do what is good for their user base, but rather to make as much money as possible off them with out causing them to leave. (ie: Minima…
While I have to say that FFXIV ended up not being fully my cup of tea (simply because it felt too restrictive in my ability to progress as fast as I would like, and yes I fully understand the xp restrictive system and that you're supposed to level o…
first of all... holy wall of text. Try breaking things up into a paragraph or two to make it less eyeball melting. Second of all the game clearly has to be assassins creed 2 or some splinter cell variant but I don't believe that's released yet.
Originally posted by Gikku
Originally posted by grandpagamer
Originally posted by laephis
Originally posted by Reeper
Originally posted by cybermerc
Originally posted by grandpagamer
Originally posted by Reeper
I play the game wit…
This is sweet! This is the game I've beeen waiting for a looooong time, when tribes and tribes 2 died out I had to settle for CoD and its various after thought versions. Granted CoD4 was pretty damn fun it wasn't anything near as creative as what I'…
Originally posted by Reklaw
May 19, 2008 <---- Wait so people were expected to notice less than 1 full day before release that DX10 wasn't going to be in at launch? Ya sure thing, btw most of those sites didn't have the info posted before 10…
I have yet to receive anything in regards to that from amazon myself and since I'm not sure when they should/could/would fire the email off I'm planing on sending an email to their support.
Can any one confirm if they have actually received one of…
Wow that was way more detail then I was expecting to get asking as much as I did with nothing in return! Thank you very much Jeratan! that cleared up quite a bit of my concerns and biggest hold up in starting out within eve
The game seems really…