Originally posted by mike470
Is there a download for the client?
There is a private forum for people who are in the test group and a password protected client download is made available as updates are released. There isn't a public clie…
Originally posted by Dlore
heh...I'm a pretty basic mmo player when it comes to words....whats an Indie Game? Is it like a sandbox style or what? I looked ta the site but eh, I dont wanna wait a few days-weeks to try out the beta, I'd just like t…
Originally posted by mrcalhou
Any requirements for becoming a tester? Particularly on the hardware.
Right now there are no fixed minimum hardware requirements (we are actually interested in seeing how well the game will run on lower end …
We are still taking Alpha testers and add new testers with each new phase of testing. The next phase is set to begin tomorrow so new testers can sign up through Monday.
Originally posted by mike470
I'll let you know if there are any more problems.
edit: it worked
The link to register directly from the forum has been fixed now as well. Thanks for the heads up and glad you made it over successful…
Originally posted by mike470
I recently tried registering, but there is a problem. Whenever I click Register, I get this note:
vBulletin Message
After receiving recent reports that the the verification email was not being received by some people we did a complete audit on our email system and fixed a few issues. Unfortunately Hotmail still completely deletes all incoming emails from us (it d…
Originally posted by Evasia
Btw ive tryed to register but still no email to confirm it and get a password?.
Is register at moment closed?
Registration for the site is open. We have had problems with the mail server in the past although …
Originally posted by vajuras
trying to sift through youtube for it this all I could find:
"This video demonstrates the power of the customization system built into Gnostaria. On top of being able to interchange different armor, clothing and body …
Originally posted by theanimedude
Originally posted by Emeraq
Can anyone tell from the random screenshots on the games website, if they are using the Realm Crafter program for this title? The building in particular kind of looks like to be a …
Thanks for the kind words and interest in Gnostaria. I'm the lead developer over at Gnostaria.com (my username over there is Zeruel) and original creator of this game / game world. Gnostaria is the spiritual successor to a highly modified NWN pers…