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  • New update from Aventurine, http://forums.darkfallonline.com/ , "For now, players can move away from starting areas to improve their experience." Me an my mate tried doing this, we both ended up in a crash cycle back to NDA screen , so this is r…
  • Krayt Rifle (cant remember exact spelling, but its the one where you need components from those big dragonish beasts). Did wonders for me as a RM/CM .......damn i loved those good 'ol days when SWG was at its prime.  
  • Greetings, It's been a long time since i've played AC, mostly because i played it in 2001-2003 while i was living in the US and it is to this day the best game i have ever played. The community is great, combat is fantastic(the fact that you can a…
  • If you just want to annoy youself, you could allways try to have this playing in the background. http://leekspin.com/ WARNING: May cause headaches if listened to over a long period of time!(Especially if opened several times and have it running …
  • Hello, Im considering playing a shaman, and ill most likely have to listen to my friends whining and yelling "OMG HEAL PLIXX!"on vent, rather then to any music :P  I'll just make sure to log on after they've gone to bed and turn on some "Rise Agai…
  • Ah ok, good to know i havent missed anything yet then! :P Thanks for enlightening me.  
  • I came across this topic and was astounded that you guys still play it, personally i had to quit some years ago and im currently just testing out lots of different MMORPGs. How is AC doing atm(with the expansion and everything)? I was playin on Ha…