A friend of mine has Zelda, so I'll just borrow his first to get a general idea on how the game works. Harvest Moon, I didn't really appreciate, because it gets a bit tedious at times. I'm also waiting for the Chrono Trigger DS version, that's gonna…
My take on this is (and you might have heard of it in the past, I don't really know) is that it's ultimately about the faith more than the religion. For the latter, there's always the danger of following the "rules" and the structures without really…
Thanks for the replies!
I just finished The World Ends with You, so I'm definitely going to try out some of the games you've suggested. I'll probably going to start with Advanced Wars.
Any other games?
Nice. Is Advance Wars long, story-wise? I haven't been able to finish Puzzle Quest yet for the same reason. Anyway, it sounds good.
What's Civ Revolution about?
Oh, ok, then. I was a bit indifferent with the one they released last year. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it, either. Maybe they could fix up the storyline if they're making a sequel.
I've always liked the novelty games (lol @ Cooking Mama and Wario Ware), but I also like the action ones like The World Ends with You. Solving stuff's also fun (Phoenix Wright). In short, I play pretty much everything. lol What else are good?
It might work.:) It would be good if players can be just regular Hogwarts students and not a character of the movie though - although a Draco/Harry war would be sweet. lol
This is going to be horrible, I just know it. Did they even bother to check the original series on how it worked? They look different, their story is different... About the only thing they retained are the names, from the way things stand.
Hey there, newbie here. I'm actually interested in the Buffy RPG (minus the Titanic angle, please), since I loved the TV show. If they're able to pull it off and make it flow like Resident Evil, then I'm all for it.