Will MMORPGs ever return to the EverQuest/UO days?
No, fortunately, they won't. Most of the community actually likes morgs they way they are now. I've tried dozens of morgs and the ones that I've liked best are WoW, Rift, City of Heroes and SWTOR …
Originally posted by kishe Good ol' times, I'd just go to zone around my level range, shout "XXX looking for XP group" get invite and start killing stuff while chatting away with rest of the group and having a laugh, It was far less grindy and tedio…
Originally posted by Mellkor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOLANti8UCY&feature=related
Considering they are marketing the game with trailers like this, Its no wonder there will be a big "Jedi presence" among gamers.
Hmm, apparently, armi…
Originally posted by warmaster670
Originally posted by Gothbag The thing is that Jedi/Sith are supposed to be a strict minority, armies of Jedi won't make for a very immersive gameplay experience.
except, you know, the fact that armies of jedi …