Still churning out these evangelizing F2P articles...
Like many have said above, what SWTOR F2P means is simple :
Players are cancelling their subscriptions because the game failed to deliver expectations coming from a big I.P. developped by a bi…
Originally posted by Khaine007
I guess I should clarify on my PvP stats hate. While they may seem like they are "balanced" for PvP, look at it like this. You have Joe Cool who has been doing PvP non-stop, and has all the gear and 200 "resilienc…
Originally posted by Loktofeit
Originally posted by ArEf
Originally posted by Loktofeit
In most cases, the poor guild leaders don't know anything about touting or messaging their guild and the good guild leaders are already usi…
Uh, Ive been playing MMOs for more than a decade on "hardcore" level and Ive never heard of this guild before.
Mass recruiting members is easy, recruiting good players is another ballpark.
The Syndicate, sounds more like a giant corporate of she…
You can play any games casually, depends on your goals.
This game was advertised as casual friendly but in all honesty its total opposite, fatigue system isn't as effective as it was meant to be, players with more time will simply be way ahead of …
This is all great but I feel almost all these additions/improvements including the ones set for 2011 should of been there at release, the way its listed is like part of the list they had on their blackboard while developing the game that they didn't…
Originally posted by taus01
Originally posted by WSIMike
Originally posted by taus01
Nowhere did Wada say we are playing a beta test for the PS3 version. Thread title is missleading and wrong stating false facts.
Time to close ano…
Originally posted by taus01
Maybe it's because you have yet to show proof. None of your posts had any facts. All opinions and speculations.
SE is Dying? Pure speculation you got no facts.
Stock prices on a 10 year low? They are not on a 10 ye…
To be fair you should give this a go, I was doubious about this aswell but Ive been playing for 2 months now and Im still addicted to it.
The game HAS persistence, you actually have heroes to manage with stats and gear that affects your troops fig…
Originally posted by Nerph man i was planning to go to bed but now ill have to sit here and press f5 all night in hopes of getting my grubby hands on a key :P
Sent you a key.
Originally posted by Khalen
Blizzard hasn't announced yet if US people can make an account on EU servers. (They will email if a person asks for it I believe to be informed when it's possible).
Thanks for the info I already knew but Im not from…
Thanks. It was that simple heh just replace us. by eu. ;p
Originally posted by Neas
Originally posted by BerzerkBlack
Hi, is it possible for one of you to give me the EU login adress ? It can be found in your in WoW folder.…
Ye we are quite a few playing on US servers. There are several importing shops such as , they even are going to import gamecards so it will not be a problem to pay.
I don't know the situation about creating an acco…