Stop reading this on your phone, tablet, PC, chromebook, Mac, or whatever it is that you’re using to read this right now and go outside. No, really. Stop. If you’re reading this, then you’re not following directions and you’re just being one of thos…
This game will never be on the same level as WoW or GW. What they are doing I would hardly classify as "improvement" The game is so dull and boring its not even funny.
Just because there aren't alot of people on X server on off-peak times doesn't mean the game is dead or dying. Yes the bigger name games will have more people on off-peak times because of 2 reasons.
1. They have obviously been out alot longer and …
Sadly there will never be a "zero solo content" MMORPG again. Blizzard totally shifted the way MMO's are to be produced. I miss the old days like EQ sititng in Sebelis /ooc'ing for a group or forming a LDoN group sitting at the camp in BB. That ship…
Originally posted by akewlguy
dood WoW already kill everything $oE make i hear EQ2 and matrix online will be shutdown this year cuz they lose too much money on lame games like swg eq and matrix
EQ2 wont be shutdown... there is still a HUGE amo…