My raid leader used to have to whisper me to stop moving in raids because I would harass people with random emotes and jump in there face while they were discussing strats. We would have rat races around the raid and play tag with each other. It's n…
Not a single question about charge manipulation guys? C'mon, if I wasn't working I would have been there, but seriously nobody asked any game breaking questions. Shame...oh and FIRST!!!
If you look back at the history of MMO's you will see the trend has never changed.
EQ/EQ2:Good outnumber eveil to point of the evil guys not even wanting to pvp half the time. It was Horrble.
SWG: Rebels outnumbered Imperials 6:1 on weekends and…
Politics are awsome! I love when people talk about things because it gives me the opportunity to go behond there backs and take there loot and kill em. I just like fighting people, if there are politics involved well then I have to be careful who I…
I think the biggest most vital peice of missinformation is the fact that ALL pvpers are gankers. I've heard this constantly and I constantly get labled a "ganker" because I killed some guy. The problem is that in a static world aka WOW every kill wi…