You may cancel your account at any time by logging into the website, clicking the "Billing" link on the left side of the page, then the "Cancel Account" link on the right. Choose your subscription to cancel, enter your email add…
also went to the support page (found link on the main page) and when logging in with email/password i put in a 'case' to cancel.
i got an automated response from the above email address. which also told me to go to the web …
To make a long story short. Not having a good experience at all with simply down loading the free trial and patching. Not a good impression on me, seems like I have rolled 2 years back in time to all the agrivation during beta. I will likley just ca…
Thanks all for the responses. Please keep them comming. We are purchasing a new home so are hestiant to spend the bucks for another game. (two copies, my husband and myself). We have been playing Wow pretty extensivly, but that is loosing its joy fo…