I'll take a game with some bugs that is still enjoyable that i can play for a least a few months, to a console game that more than likely I will complete in 3 weeks to a month.
If i'm having fun in the game i'll play it.
Funcom doesn't have …
There are people that are level 80...so obviously there is content past level 50.
But then again the game has been out for 9 days....if people want to rush to the end game and skip all the good stuff in between when the game is still so young they…
I'm with moped on this one, the better each game is the better the next one will have to be, and the fact that if you get burnt out on MMO there is another amazing one to play.
Only problem with that is i don't have want be in the dilemma of not k…
Quests are ok, but there is something to be said about grinding mobs. It gets annoying when you see some guy out there killing some bandits and you decide...hey this may make things more interesting, what if we team up and kill them together. But wh…