i dont need a second life. reality games are boaring and remind me of real life issues. i play as a hobby to get away from real life for a minute and just indulge in killing stuff.
wow blows to many gold spamers and kids. since i have started playing war i have only met mature adults. so that is the only review i need to keep playing. and that is mine lol.
i tried it when it came out. but i really didnt like it. free or not i am not going back. they are just doing what rf online is doing. rf used to have a sub cost back in the day.
i like the fact that i dont have to pay 40 bucks for an expansion that gives me one class. i.e. wow. this was monthly sub fee so thumbs up to that. and what i hear there is going to be adding another 2 more classes before 09.
it is tragic cause nobody is teaching him how to make hot pockets and to pour mountain dew while inflight between cities. at least eat damn. or at least call for dad to bring you some food.
ffxi is kinda pointless for new players to start now. the grind to catch up to were the game is now is too long and tiredsome. guild wars si the best free. and right now i am playing war and i am likeing that. matter of opinion on p2p. cause money…