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  • The game has taken some nice steps forward as far as enviroment, setting and in game story being presented to a the player... but game play I'm not seeing anything new in game play that adds any depth to combat, just running and gunning.
  • Make an XBox Live account with a somewhat girl like username and set your profile info to female. Then go play all the multi-player games you usually do and see what happens when people think your a girl playing the same games you usually do.
  • In the previous betas I did have an issue with combat. It didn't have a great feel or impact and dodging seemed pretty useless really. This last weekend felt completely different however. Things did feel more responsive and several attacks that need…
  • Not really a fan of griefing in general... but man that's just waaaaaay too funny!
    in Nerf Bikes Comment by nezbel June 2012
  • I do feel the urge to play but I also don't want to play much of it so I can keep the game fresh for launch. What I am dieing to know is, what have they done with all the feedback from the last beta?
  • Certainly you probably won't see anything that's suppose to be in it until release but yes the home instance was in the game and is the first instance location you get sent to after the tutorial.
  • I did like the gameplay but I do think several things still need to be tightened up in the game. I noticed I got a small delay on a lot of things unless I turned my graphics down to the lowest possible then I would get better responses. My system is…
  • Originally posted by WellzyC   I dont like how they are keeping the asura and sylvari out of the Betas... I think thats going to create a "flavor of the month" syndrom at release. Lots of ppl rolling the same race because its not anything they hav…
  • Short term going to play Tera. It's mostly using the standard MMO game mechanics but I feel that they have done one of the better jobs of combing action game play and should be amusing for awhile. World of Darkness is a long-term look out as I hope …
  • I have my own reservations about how Secret World is gonna be as well but I can also see it isn't just open world. I mean your not playing some adventurer. Your playing a person that is part of an organization and gets sent to certain locations when…
  • I don't see this as much as being an issue of lore, though I can't say I'm in favor for it from a lore prespective either but its arguable. No, I see the issue in min-maxing. Once the classes start getting access to each others power there is going …
  • I have a really hard time taking this review seriously, the scores just seem bloated and it feels like they're contridictions in the review. The only score that feels honest is the Value.  I mean, just look at the Innovation review: Frankly, Hellg…
  • Oh no, cleavage and belly buttons. What ever shall we do!   In all seriousness though, I don't see anything wrong with the pictures other than as someone noted the artist needs to brush up on their lessons. Other than that I mean, are you offend…
  • I honestly don't see the problem. Why should they leave something out? What if I want to solo for a bit and just work on something myself. It always good to have game play options and having a peronsal story can help you feel more attached to your c…
  • I always end up waiting about a year before picking up the Elder Scrolls games. Leaves plenty of time for people to mod it up which I like quite a bit and that alone gives so much replay value to those games compared to the current standard in MMOs.
  • Spacemarines for me! Enjoying the game quiet a bit, even though it is on rails all the action and story going on while your playing keeps you focused pretty much I feel. Also the multiplayer is fun and the customization of your own Space/Chaosmarine…
  •   Originally posted by Painlezz Confused why people care about "lore" and "RP" Some dude (maybe chick) is sitting in a room somewhere pulling all of this stuff outta their ass.  I've always looked at it like this: Movies for example, I don…
  • I'd like a beta key and more than happy to return the love.
  • Have to agree with MattVid. Its doesn't look bad at all but TOR is not the best graphical game. FFIV is definately sitting at the top, though ugh I coudln't play that game for more than half an hour. With you include games no released in the US thou…