Originally posted by PureHatred
Originally posted by Aquakitty
Hi, I noticed a few glaring spelling and grammar mistakes, if you are trying to be professional might be a good idea to look into that,
Also, its help-AN-MMORPGer not help-A-MMOR…
Originally posted by LordSlater
Overall pretty good but i have to say using words like leet is not a good idea as it will only appeal to alimited audience and as a magazine it should appeal to the brouder Gaming community. Also dont forget those …
Originally posted by Soraellion
looks cool
A few comments on your final front cover; there's some typos in it.
- the gods and heroes part; you misspelled "it's "
- wow gold part; you missspelled "where's "
- flyff part; "abut"
- the 150 balloo…
Originally posted by Jackcolt
It's actually pretty good. I'd say it's a bit rough a couple of places, but you done a pretty good job making a Magazine there. Reminds me of the only mag I used to read, which was PCG.
if u wanna leave your…
i think ive got plenty of votes on things now, so its all kewl! =D
im doing more mock ups now, so ill be posting a few from time to time on the website, so let me know wot u think when use them!
if the website hasnt been loading properly on FF for you, its now fixed. =D
thanks for all the support. still need as much as i can get though
CHEERS every1!
still looking to get my topic pinned!...
its http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/112618
how do i get it pinned? theres another user servey thats pinned, so why cant i get mine pinned?
does anyone know?
Thanks to everyone thats helped me so far! the new poll has got 21 votes in under a week, thanks to everyone! still need more though. The more the better!
question added to the website. magazine name!!
Need you all to vote on the name of the magazine from the choices on the website
its www.freewebs.com/projecthelpammorpger
no i understand. its completely fair. its hard to trust
all i say is, search google for relequestual. im all over the gaming and computing world! =D
ah well. im getting enough results by posting the same message every day or 2. still dont no how t…
Originally posted by paulscott
ooo amazing a longer poll that lets you see the data.
huh? was that sarcasum? cant tell on here. not sure exactly wot you mean here. do tell =D
gd advice.
yeh, it took me a year to decided wot i was gunna do for my A-Levels. ive looked at uni placements aswell. but my thinking was, i do what i like, and ill then be able to do a course that requires me 2 be able to do what i love doing =D
Originally posted by Vegetto
Aww, why you doing that at AS-Level, don't do it to full A-level! hehe. I did that, was my highest Grade i think, though it was less media focussed.
My advice to anyone doing A-Levels is thus: I know they are tough, …
Originally posted by paulscott
the chances of you actually sharing the info after your project is zero... sadly not worth my time anymore.
The results are all there to see! just look on the site! u can click see results below the poll, and the c…
Ok then, looks like I'll have to do some more posting. I guess i never really thought about people wouldnt click on the link as its on a free hoasting site. Thats a pain. All the information about its on the website, so i guess i could copy n past i…
thanks for all the support. that website is very helpful for my coursework, as it has readership info and stuff. so i can bung it in the apendix about already existing materail. this is the only mag ive seen which is devoted completely to MMO. nice …