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  • You know what they shoudl have here in this game: /sexfemale [name] (for a male character) & /sexmale [name] (for female character) And then you got some nice graphics of teh action lol, just joking!!! But think about it it would be fun sinc…
  • Oh really then sorry I really did not know just thought the idea was really cool and stuff. Well then I will not pursue them anymore lol, thanks for the tip Greatness!!!
  • So why not try the trial that the official servers are offering unless you want to play on a unofficial/private server that I can help. The only difference are soemtimes the rates are inflated in the private server but I like it like that because th…
  • When I read that review a few days back I sort of got shocked at what he was saying. It was like he hated the whole idea of Hot, sexy women in the game. I mean if you are going to play give us something that is pleasing to teh eye and not something …
  • Ishida would you not still need a beta key to play it though lol. Or are you saying the beta key is in other word sjust sort of a link to get the game client, and if they gave it out ot everyone like non beta guys they could still get in? I mean if …
  • I am actually coming from Lineage II, but I think I will still play Lineage II as will I play this game. The reason being that I am playing on a private server on Lineage II, so on some servers the rates are pretty high and it does not take me too l…
  • I think you would and maybe a bit more. I knwo WoW and I believe they have a better economy system here in RFO!!! So like enjoy
  • I am not sure what is the problem, but a lot of people have had the same problem I believe. Search around a bit and you will see that, I believe it has something with codemasters not sending the beta keys, could be that r something else, sorry not s…
  • Wow man that is all I have to say, wow those pictures and PVP were awsome. I epecially liked the summons and the spells flying everywhere. , lol so cool!!!
  • Well I am guessing that the rates are all 1X, so it is usually like that in all MMORPG. I mean in Lineage II getting to level 20 is like in couple of hour mayeb even one hour, but then to like level 40 or more, huh gonna take you maybe weeks or mont…
  • Originally posted by Farnahm Check out this website, you can find some things from it that are pretty useful. http://users.adelphia.net/~coolmom6/Inside it there's also a cora pvp video thats like 46 minutes long if you want to see what some of th…
  • Can someone clarify what SWG is or as it seems was, is it by anychance Star Wars Galaxies??? If so why did it fall, or did the monthly cost just get up high and why was it so popular?
  • That is not somethign you see everyday, and thank you to both teh poster of those forums and the poster here for giving us this link. I just like the skill they will be cool I hope as they were shown in the movie clips!!
  • YEAAAAAAAAAAAA I can not wait for thsi game to come out, I believe it is going to be the next best thing in MMORPG. I just love the CORA Faction and will most probably play as them. SO farhanm I hope that if you go to American beta server I will be …
    in First! Comment by xGDGx January 2006
  • In a way that is bull for all those that have ordered the game a long time ago. But this also tells us and verifies that the beta version testing of America/Europe has started, atleast we got that far.
  • Ok seriously I have not played the game or anything, but I also do not think it is a Lineage I copy. I mean Lineage II has a really good story, but it is mostly in teh past and stuff, while RF Online is more of the future and all. Crazy things can h…
  • Can you guys explain more, I mean what is PT and all this stuff that you need for new armor? Is it money or soem experience or somethign totally different??? Thank you.
    in New Armor Comment by xGDGx January 2006
  • Yea I want to be Cora, probably summoner too. And then maybe after that a Accretian, as for how the game is. Please if anyone has played Korean one tell us how it is thank you!!!
  • Hey Chonicles, I was wondering same question. I have some good sites that usually have the fastest downloading rates. Although we still have to wait for the torrents themselves, here is site I use: www.mininova.org Enjoy when it comes out, lol!!!
  • Cool sites man, I like the first one a lot explains nicely. But it may look similar to Lineage II and WoW but it is totally different as I have read it. I mean total different economy, PVP system control over things. Pretty cool. And every race has …