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Look all around the world at what you see. Look at America the Christian nation and look at how God has blessed it.
Now look around all the other parts of the world and you see people living in poverty compared to America and being held back and controlled especially in most muslim countries.
Any country that is not Christian but is doing well is because of America who blessed them, because they could'nt bless themsleves.
How is that? It must be God who blsses "HIS PEOPLE", so then they can be a blessing to others.
America in its little bitty age compared to all others has totally left others countries in the dust that were here thousands and thousands of years before America was even thought of. And look at America and how blessed America is because of God.(I personally believe that the forefathers of America made a covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ.)
If I was a person in another country I would take this to heart when deciding what God to serve because it is plain for the whole world to see that there is only one God who answers his people's prayers and blesses them and that would be Jesus.
I don't see any evidence that the people of other countries that serve other god's from Africa to China,to the muslim world,anywhere you look,etc have a god who has answered their prayers and blessea them like Jesus has America,etc.
Do you? Has Buddha blessed asia? like Jesus has America? Has the hindu god's blessed like Jesus has?What about Muhammad?
I think that anybody who is honest can see which God blesses his people and which god's don't.
O_o o_O
I seriously hope this post was sarcasm, or else I think I just laughed for nothing, because I find this post to be downright rediculous. Many african countries are also christian nations.
I will let you think about that one for a while.
edit: deleted last part of the comment, I did not know the post was not made by outofctrl, I apologize.
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Im sorry. But i cant agree with you America hasnt blessed anyone yes I live in USA. but last time i checked we just blow countries up that dont play by our rules.... We rebuild because we want to look good for the rest of the world. but you are wrong Outfctrl and this tread i believe was a huge mistake... and yes i am a Christian but im not going to sit here and tell people how there God is fake as they try to do to us... And Jesus was a Jew so why is Jerusalem so Fed up your Wrong i think bro.. sorry cant stand by you on this one. Americans Sux and im one so i have every right to say your country Blows and is the biggest bullys. Oh we have nukes well be the police of the nations F- that... let the world police itself. getting off topic sorry.... but really being a christian country hasnt blessed us more so than any other country. we just have more money and power...
And for Gameloading Were talking about entire countries not nations for you africa thing... Africa as a country is not christian
oh and if america is so Christian Why cant people say marry christamas anymore?? whats this happy holiday crap? why were our 10 commandments taken out of court houses? tell me Why do we stray so far from or Christian roots this country isnt christian and god hasnt blessed this country....
Just me though
america is also the obesity capital of the world...were you blessed with that one.
get off your high horse, the country aint that great and at least we dont shoot up americans and call it 'friendly fire'. god obviously blessed us with the ability to shoot straight.
not to mention its that kind of superiority attitude which has also blessed america as probably yhe most hated country in the world.
so please vote, is the op full of crap?
You are right they are not blessed so for the topic of God blesses his people it is wrong. Im with you Game
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
I have respect for people who have their own opinions and ideas. Damn you, cursors!
Personly I don't beleive in these ''God" types, basicly because there is NO proof of their existence. Although I do think there is more than we can think and imagine. My idea about this Jesus character is that it was a story in that age to keep the people happy, and let them beleive that their sicknesses and diseases can be cured by this person so they wouldn't gave up hope.
''Any country that is not Christian but is doing well is because of America who blessed them, because they could'nt bless themsleves.'' This is for me completely ridiculous, why do you think America has supreme powers or such? Feel free to quote on that one.
Actually, I found my original post on another forum and cracked up. I wanted to see how all you would react. Those of you that know me, know I am not a hardcrore Christian, butI do believe in Christian values, not to that extreme. I found that comment while reading responses to this:
Buddha: Fat. Bald. Sleeps a lot. Again, though, nice personality. Used to be prince, which is a definite plus.
Krishna: She brought him home for Thanksgiving her first year at college. The one with the eyeliner, the orange clothes and the flute. OK once you get to know him.
Mohammed: Swarthy. Illiterate. Kills people. Basically we're talking O.J. without the Heisman. Even if you could overlook the whole nine-year-old girl thing, the guy is a definite "no".
Christians may believe Jesus is God and, surprisingly, the Son of God at the same time, and also a spiritual character but when you say God you mean the one who created the world and everything around it. Muslims, Jews, when they think of God think of the one who created everything just like Christians, Jews called God El or Yahwah, muslims call God Allah, those are just the names for god in their own languages. Muhammad is just a prophet nothing more.
Furthermore, there are many secular countries, sweden, denmark, etc that are more prosperous than America. I have a larger income per capita than the US, with much less social problems, and at the same time, they don't have the whole world hating them. Israel a jewish state is very close to being as successful as America, actually with their small population and the proximity of hostile nations they do a much better job than America does. Furthermore, back in the day, 900-1300 Muslims in Andalucia were pretty much the cream of the crop.
Let's take a look at the great America.
1. Highest obesity rate - woot, go go christian values of greed and gluttony
2. Highest crime rate by far - other countries don't really have much crime, 30,000 homocides a year in America, woot, turn that cheek baby.
3. America is the world leader in weapons manufacturing, selling, etc They drop more bombs than anyone, only country to drop a nuclear bomb on a city, etc. Amazing christian values. I just remember reading in Gospels.
"Jesus hast proclaimed that one day his tribe will drop destruction from atop those non-christian infidels in the far east of land that will be called Ja-pan."
4. Tim Heggerd anyone?
If anyone really looks at America it is a shithole, especially the non-democratic states and the non-democratic countries.
Oh yeah, go go domestic violence, police brutality, incest, etc.
Omg, I almost forgot, while your forefathers were making covenants with Jesus Christ, they were making deals with slave traders to bring slaves from Africa and treat them worse than dogs. Go Go Christian Values.
America is so retarded, look at Kramer, you know he really believes that or he wouldn't have said it. In the 1960's, people in the south were segregated, what fucking barbaric and archaic values is that. I can't even fathom how stupid a human can be for thinking they're better than someone due to the color of their skin.
I will say though that US is great in the freedom it gives it citizens. Which is tolerable with the other bullshit, but i would never ever call this country great, it does a few important things very well, but then sucks the big one in other areas.
Also, just so you know, I believe among the white, caucasian, anglo-saxon, WASP population, those that are most religious, i.e. go to church the most and participate, are the poorest sector in that group. Also, Arab-Muslim households on average make almost twice as much per year as the average american population. I'm sure the Jewish population in America completely destroys the general average, the Chinese-American population as well. Look at your medical schools, your law schools, your business schools, filled with a disproportionate amount of Jews and Asians for their population size.
Thus, other posters will call you an idiot and ignorant, i'll just prove it to you, have a nice day, do you still like Tim Heggerd?
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
We were blessed geographically, not by "God". Are you a retard? Go watch Guns, germs, and steel by Jared Diamond and edit your post.
I have in the past agreed with some of the things you have had to say not all but some, however with this statement above, I can not help but wonder if you are having some sort of mental break down, because that post is just filled with pure stupidity. For you to make such a statement as above I find it hard to believe that you could actually believe in such and out right lie of pure bull shit. Some one who would believe in that statement of yours as being factual would also believe that Jelly Beans grow on trees in Zimbabwe. Bring it on down now.
Damn byotch dat aint no friggn moon fool, dat be a friggn space station byotch.
Sure Game, you have to scroll down about half way. Oh, dont even think of flaming me about my favorite site!!
Here is the link on comments about "Would you let your daughter date Mohammed?"