Buddha: Fat. Bald. Sleeps a lot. Again, though, nice personality. Used to be prince, which is a definite plus.
Fat and bald?!?!? since you are talking about "used to be a prince" i assume you are talking about Siddhartha Gautama the 28th Buddha, he was far from fat and wasnt bald at all... please refrain from talking about something you dont know or obviously didnt read enough about...
Originally posted by BlazinBlades I have in the past agreed with some of the things you have had to say not all but some, however with this statement above, I can not help but wonder if you are having some sort of mental break down, because that post is just filled with pure stupidity. For you to make such a statement as above I find it hard to believe that you could actually believe in such and out right lie of pure bull shit. Some one who would believe in that statement of yours as being factual would also believe that Jelly Beans grow on trees in Zimbabwe. Bring it on down now.
Posted by a 12-year-old cursor who doesn't have a clue what life is.
Outfctrl, you really need to make your sarcasm a little more obvious to keep from pissing people off.
I like posts like this because you never see replies from people who do hold similar beliefs, at least until someone on the other side says something offensive or completely off-base. It really does put extremist views into perspective and slaps some people *cough*Zerogenum*Ob1sr*cough* in the face with some common sense.
Well, the original post may not have been serious, but I'd still like to quote a couple of things.
Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11, 1796 " As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."
Matthew 5:45 "...for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. "
Even if America was based on Christianity, that wouldn't bless us with prosperity.
If you're building an mmorpg, or if you'd like to share ideas or talk about this industry, visit Multiplayer Worlds.
im from America. and theres nothing too great about me country. but dont make generalizations about all americans based on stats. im neither fat, stupid, nascar fan, incest driven, or any of those other insulting things that you pointed out. yes some do. doesnt mean the whole country does. if that were the case, then all polish people would be stupid. all french women hairyer then all get out. and all mexicans horny. actually i think that last one is true. lol. but anyway, the point is that we dont all do or act like your gross exagerations say we do. so while i agree that saying america is better or "blessed" over other countries is a false statement. its no more false then some of those insulting statements that you made.
1. Highest obesity rate - woot, go go christian values of greed and gluttony. Yeah it couldnt have anything to do with our prosperity, large food supply and the fact that we pay a lot less for food than other developed countries. Our country is just terrible! ANd in which bible that you read does it teach people to over eat????? 2. Highest crime rate by far - other countries don't really have much crime, 30,000 homocides a year in America, woot, turn that cheek baby. Yeah, show me which respectable media outlet gave you that piece of crap info? USA does not even the highest crime rate when you take out all the waring, and really violent nations. England and Wales have the highest crime rate among developed countries. But if it makes you feel safer maybe you should move to Brazil, Somolia, the COngo or Jaimaca. 3. America is the world leader in weapons manufacturing, selling, etc They drop more bombs than anyone, only country to drop a nuclear bomb on a city, etc. Amazing christian values. I just remember reading in Gospels. Yeah, note to Cryo, "that was a Democrat who dropped the only nuke in history. It wasn't the Christain coalition that got together and said, hey, lets nuke Japan. But thats a whole different thread.
"Jesus hast proclaimed that one day his tribe will drop destruction from atop those non-christian infidels in the far east of land that will be called Ja-pan." 4. Tim Heggerd anyone?
If anyone really looks at America it is a shithole, especially the non-democratic states and the non-democratic countries. Im sorry MA must be ugly but I have "looked at 27 of the 50 states and I would say the USA has great beauty. But to be honest, the ugliest and dirtiest place I visited, by far, would be New York City.
Oh yeah, go go domestic violence, police brutality, incest, etc. Yeah America is definitely the only country in the world withthose problems. And for sure its root cause is reading the bible.
Omg, I almost forgot, while your forefathers were making covenants with Jesus Christ, they were making deals with slave traders to bring slaves from Africa and treat them worse than dogs. Go Go Christian Values. Only the USA had slaves??? Wow, Im learning history all over again.
Also, just so you know, I believe among the white, caucasian, anglo-saxon, WASP population, those that are most religious, i.e. go to church the most and participate, are the poorest sector in that group. SHow me were you are getting this stuff. I mean, that is just insane!! ok Also, Arab-Muslim households on average make almost twice as much per year as the average american population. I'm sure the Jewish population in America completely destroys the general average, the Chinese-American population as well. Look at your medical schools, your law schools, your business schools, filled with a disproportionate amount of Jews and Asians for their population size.
Thus, other posters will call you an idiot and ignorant, i'll just prove it to you, have a nice day, do you still like Tim Heggerd?
Dont go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. (Mark Twain)
Thank you, I was curious what people on the other board had to say about it. I shall edit the post I made on the first page, as I didn't know that it was not your post, so I apologize for the rudeness.
But in the future, I think it is a good idea if you mention that a post is not yours, or else people would get the wrong idea's about you.
1. From simple observation, i think the more wealthy a person in america, the incidence of obesity is less. The more poor and lower socioeconomic a person is, the more likely they are to be obese. So your point about how cheap food can be is not a reason for teh obesity. It's the sedentary lifestyle. Other countries have access to food that may be a bit more expensive but still pocket change in the overall income of the average person. Either way, it should not be a quality of a christian country right? Just because food is cheap and relatively available doesn't give a reason for a person to eac 320320342 calories and then sit on their ass all day watching Nascar lmao.
2. Hmm, yeah i'm wrong about highest crime rate in the world. Apologies for that. Looking at the internet, i can't find up-to-date numbers, only one i saw was 15k. Either way, not befitting of a xtian country.
3. does it matter who dropped it. Would Jesus approve?
4. By shithole i didn't mean the natural beauty, america is a very beautiful country in reference to its mountains, rolling hills, foliage, waterfalls, etc. Just the people and the areas.
5. Once again, i'm not comparing them against the world, just the greatest country in the world blessed by God.
6. The OP was stating how US was blessed by GOd and what not, i'm showing clear acts in the history that would not be sanctioned by Jesus and this is yet another case. You're arguing something i'm not trying to say.
7. Hahha, I should have paid more attention, i said whites were the poorest, i forgot about hispanics and african americans . I found on wikipedia, look at Asian-Americans and they make more than whites. I did see data for arab-american households on average making mroe than american households, but that probably included hispanics and african americans but then again they fall under christian too.
Anyway,. the poster said it just to get a response, so there's no point discussing it. However, i guarantee you there are tons of people who think this way.
Catch me streaming at twitch.tv/cryomatrix You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
1. From simple observation, i think the more wealthy a person in america, the incidence of obesity is less. The more poor and lower socioeconomic a person is, the more likely they are to be obese. So your point about how cheap food can be is not a reason for teh obesity. Actually that proves my point exactly. Even the poorest among us have access to lots of food. It's the sedentary lifestyle. Other countries have access to food that may be a bit more expensive but still pocket change in the overall income of the average person. Either way, it should not be a quality of a christian country right? Having abundance? Just because food is cheap and relatively available doesn't give a reason for a person to eac 320320342 calories and then sit on their ass all day watching Nascar lmao. Well that is true. My religion, and other CHristain denominations I know of, certainly does not teach people to eat all day long and watch TV.
2. Hmm, yeah i'm wrong about highest crime rate in the world. Apologies for that. Looking at the internet, i can't find up-to-date numbers, only one i saw was 15k. Either way, not befitting of a xtian country. Well maybe the fact that we care about our crime rate and keep it low in comparison to other nations is becasue we follow judeo-CHristain values.
3. does it matter who dropped it. Would Jesus approve? Thats just the thing. The answer would totally hijack this thread. SO if it really interests you then lets make a new thread. THe very short answer, imo, Maybe. It did end the war.
4. By shithole i didn't mean the natural beauty, america is a very beautiful country in reference to its mountains, rolling hills, foliage, waterfalls, etc. Just the people and the areas. Ok well, thats your experience in MA I guess. I cant argue with your experience. Mine is different.
5. Once again, i'm not comparing them against the world, just the greatest country in the world blessed by God. Hmm, well I am comparing this country against the world. I would rather be here. Even amongst the fat ugly people.
6. The OP was stating how US was blessed by GOd and what not, i'm showing clear acts in the history that would not be sanctioned by Jesus and this is yet another case. You're arguing something i'm not trying to say. Ok, well I guess we agree, slavery would not be sanctioned by Jesus.
7. Hahha, I should have paid more attention, i said whites were the poorest, i forgot about hispanics and african americans . I found on wikipedia, look at Asian-Americans and they make more than whites. I did see data for arab-american households on average making mroe than american households, but that probably included hispanics and african americans but then again they fall under christian too.
Anyway,. the poster said it just to get a response, so there's no point discussing it. However, i guarantee you there are tons of people who think this way. I dont doubt that! Hatred of the USA is the newest fad in acedemia and Hollywood. At least your hip and cool!
Dont go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. (Mark Twain)
Originally posted by outfctrl Look all around the world at what you see. Look at America the Christian nation and look at how God has blessed it.
Now look around all the other parts of the world and you see people living in poverty compared to America and being held back and controlled especially in most muslim countries.
Any country that is not Christian but is doing well is because of America who blessed them, because they could'nt bless themsleves.
How is that? It must be God who blsses "HIS PEOPLE", so then they can be a blessing to others.
America in its little bitty age compared to all others has totally left others countries in the dust that were here thousands and thousands of years before America was even thought of. And look at America and how blessed America is because of God.(I personally believe that the forefathers of America made a covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ.)
If I was a person in another country I would take this to heart when deciding what God to serve because it is plain for the whole world to see that there is only one God who answers his people's prayers and blesses them and that would be Jesus.
I don't see any evidence that the people of other countries that serve other god's from Africa to China,to the muslim world,anywhere you look,etc have a god who has answered their prayers and blessea them like Jesus has America,etc.
Do you? Has Buddha blessed asia? like Jesus has America? Has the hindu god's blessed like Jesus has?What about Muhammad?
I think that anybody who is honest can see which God blesses his people and which god's don't.
Because we all know that the Japanese converted to Christianity.
Originally posted by outfctrl America in its little bitty age compared to all others has totally left others countries in the dust that were here thousands and thousands of years before America was even thought of.
1)Most of the countrys in Europe are newer then America. Like Germany. Germany was not forumed untill the mid 1800s. And Italy was not there either. Again forumed in the mid 1800s.
2)America was not "though of", it was forum by geographical phenominah (spelling).
Originally posted by outfctrl Look all around the world at what you see. Look at America the Christian nation and look at how God has blessed it.
Now look around all the other parts of the world and you see people living in poverty compared to America and being held back and controlled especially in most muslim countries.
Any country that is not Christian but is doing well is because of America who blessed them, because they could'nt bless themsleves.
How is that? It must be God who blsses "HIS PEOPLE", so then they can be a blessing to others.
America in its little bitty age compared to all others has totally left others countries in the dust that were here thousands and thousands of years before America was even thought of. And look at America and how blessed America is because of God.(I personally believe that the forefathers of America made a covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ.)
If I was a person in another country I would take this to heart when deciding what God to serve because it is plain for the whole world to see that there is only one God who answers his people's prayers and blesses them and that would be Jesus.
I don't see any evidence that the people of other countries that serve other god's from Africa to China,to the muslim world,anywhere you look,etc have a god who has answered their prayers and blessea them like Jesus has America,etc.
Do you? Has Buddha blessed asia? like Jesus has America? Has the hindu god's blessed like Jesus has?What about Muhammad?
I think that anybody who is honest can see which God blesses his people and which god's don't.
Actually the Treaty of Tripoli states America IS NOT a christian nation. But what do I know I'm one of those fool who thinks the earth is older than 4000 years
I read at that forum "And founded a religion that has done more good then any other." I could not stop laughing.
The catholic church did nothing good for the world. The stoped people from exploring science and burned free thinking wemon. Imaging if all those wemon killed were given a chance to brain storm into stuff. They could have though up the steam engine long before the people in brittain did.
There are more examples as to why the church is not a good thing at all. But they have been told and told here, if you do not beleive them then you are lost.
I think that I'm the only person who didn't take him seriously...you people need to put this post into context with his other posts, he has said on numerous occasions that he isn't a Jesus freak or any kind of hardcore christian.
It's an interesting idea though, I was actually thinking about this last night.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Originally posted by Draenor I think that I'm the only person who didn't take him seriously...you people need to put this post into context with his other posts, he has said on numerous occasions that he isn't a Jesus freak or any kind of hardcore christian. It's an interesting idea though, I was actually thinking about this last night.
i didnt take it seriously either. i thought it was quite funny. i do think that some people got way too bent out of shape about it and started making dumbass comments about all americans which i take personally. some people think theyre so much better than others. bah.
Outfctrl, you really need to make your sarcasm a little more obvious to keep from pissing people off.
I like posts like this because you never see replies from people who do hold similar beliefs, at least until someone on the other side says something offensive or completely off-base. It really does put extremist views into perspective and slaps some people *cough*Zerogenum*Ob1sr*cough* in the face with some common sense.
Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.
Well, the original post may not have been serious, but I'd still like to quote a couple of things.
Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11, 1796 " As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."
Matthew 5:45 "...for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. "
Even if America was based on Christianity, that wouldn't bless us with prosperity.
If you're building an mmorpg, or if you'd like to share ideas or talk about this industry, visit Multiplayer Worlds.
By all means, please do feel free to explain??? Brint it on down now
Damn byotch dat aint no friggn moon fool, dat be a friggn space station byotch.
Dont go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. (Mark Twain)
Sure Game, you have to scroll down about half way. Oh, dont even think of flaming me about my favorite site!!
Here is the link on comments about "Would you let your daughter date Mohammed?"
Thank you, I was curious what people on the other board had to say about it.
I shall edit the post I made on the first page, as I didn't know that it was not your post, so I apologize for the rudeness.
But in the future, I think it is a good idea if you mention that a post is not yours, or else people would get the wrong idea's about you.
1. From simple observation, i think the more wealthy a person in america, the incidence of obesity is less. The more poor and lower socioeconomic a person is, the more likely they are to be obese. So your point about how cheap food can be is not a reason for teh obesity. It's the sedentary lifestyle. Other countries have access to food that may be a bit more expensive but still pocket change in the overall income of the average person. Either way, it should not be a quality of a christian country right? Just because food is cheap and relatively available doesn't give a reason for a person to eac 320320342 calories and then sit on their ass all day watching Nascar lmao.
2. Hmm, yeah i'm wrong about highest crime rate in the world. Apologies for that. Looking at the internet, i can't find up-to-date numbers, only one i saw was 15k. Either way, not befitting of a xtian country.
3. does it matter who dropped it. Would Jesus approve?
4. By shithole i didn't mean the natural beauty, america is a very beautiful country in reference to its mountains, rolling hills, foliage, waterfalls, etc. Just the people and the areas.
5. Once again, i'm not comparing them against the world, just the greatest country in the world blessed by God.
6. The OP was stating how US was blessed by GOd and what not, i'm showing clear acts in the history that would not be sanctioned by Jesus and this is yet another case. You're arguing something i'm not trying to say.
7. Hahha, I should have paid more attention, i said whites were the poorest, i forgot about hispanics and african americans . I found on wikipedia, look at Asian-Americans and they make more than whites. I did see data for arab-american households on average making mroe than american households, but that probably included hispanics and african americans but then again they fall under christian too.
Anyway,. the poster said it just to get a response, so there's no point discussing it. However, i guarantee you there are tons of people who think this way.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Dont go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. (Mark Twain)
Why are you posting in this if the OP admitted to it being a wind up?
Look what I just did.
2)America was not "though of", it was forum by geographical phenominah (spelling).
The catholic church did nothing good for the world. The stoped people from exploring science and burned free thinking wemon. Imaging if all those wemon killed were given a chance to brain storm into stuff. They could have though up the steam engine long before the people in brittain did.
There are more examples as to why the church is not a good thing at all. But they have been told and told here, if you do not beleive them then you are lost.
I think that I'm the only person who didn't take him seriously...you people need to put this post into context with his other posts, he has said on numerous occasions that he isn't a Jesus freak or any kind of hardcore christian.
It's an interesting idea though, I was actually thinking about this last night.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Allow me to quote a song(Please guys, take no offense - It is just a light hearted joke):
He's running through the woods so black
A loyal servant of christ
Dogs are barking down his back
He's running for his life
He came with words of love and peace
These heathens had to be saved
He thought that he could make them see
Instead he was enslaved
In captivity he spoke of god
To all he met he preached
But when his master's patience ran out
He knew he had to flee
Tears are running down his cheeks
As he sobbign realizes
That in this land his god is weak
And today he's going to die
He stumbles out onto an open field
Where an old oak tree grows
In the branches hang men of three
Dressed in preacher robes
His knees refuse to carry him on
Terror shines in his eyes
His faith in christ is almost gone
His god's left him to die
Below the dead he says his prayers
To the god he thought was alive
When he hears a calm voice say:
As his breath leaves his eyes open wide
A bright light comes from above
He greets this light with a smile
And thinks: "There is a God"
The sound of eight hooves reaches his ears
Comes from the heavenly light
Two wolves' howls fill his heart with fear
And he sees two ravens fly
Down from the sky a warlord rides
Like fire his one eye glows
And just before the preacher dies
He knows his god is false
WTF is that about? Do you run around randomly calling people idiot on the streets too?
WTF is that about? Do you run around randomly calling people idiot on the streets too?
prolly not, he might get punched on the streets, lol.
Until then, I consider this a non-denominational monotheistic country.
You got me, the mere thought of this idea makes me a complete idiot. I didn't say that I agree with it, but it's an interesting consideration.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.