Hey bro sorry to burst your bubble but you're addicted to games and you are a POWER GAMER. Listen to yourself..... and tell a person that dosen't play games this, Yea I don't play much heck there was 2 days this week I played less than 2 hrs. LOL I am lucky if I can get one full day in a week so LoTr is perfect.
The best thing about this game is that the kiddies cannot become Uber and that will keep them in WoW!!!!! woot
LOTRO sucks this is yet another reason why it sucks this guy didn't rush to the end game if you read what he said.... he had a good group of people who are experienced in mmo, this game is crap. Only reason people play it is cause it's LOTRO just another matrix online imo.
LOTRO sucks this is yet another reason why it sucks this guy didn't rush to the end game if you read what he said.... he had a good group of people who are experienced in mmo, this game is crap. Only reason people play it is cause it's LOTRO just another matrix online imo.
If you believe that the OP didn't rush to the endgame then I have a Bridge to sell you, .
There is no way at all that he was taking days off at a time and playing for 2 hours per day unless he was playing 24/7 the rest of the time and hit 50. It is impossible. I have spoken with the guys who hit 50 on my server. At least they are honest. They said hey I don't work currently, aren't in school currently, and don't do anything else currently but play the game. That is an honest person telling you they hit 50. Anyone who tries to claim otherwise is lying.
Currently playing: LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too: Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
Hey guys, I feel something has to be said about LOTRO. I am pretty disappointed and need to gripe so don't take this personal if you like the game.
I was one of LOTRO's bigger fans at least in the sense that it would tide me over till TR or AoC. Well since release (starting at L 15) I played for 3 weeks, I would say yea I played a lot but not that hardcore compared to say, my WOW days.
I took a few breaks in between of 2 days or more without even logging on, and some days I played maybe only a couple hours a day. I am telling you this so you don't think i am some crazy 24/7 power leveler. I do play more then the average person, but not by a huge amount, maybe I end up doing stuff a week sooner before the average person.
I am writing this to let you know what you can expect depending on your play style etc.
Sadly, in 3 weeks from release I managed to do the following:
a) Get to max level.
b) Get the highest level in crafting.
c) Do every major fellowship (group quest, meaning hard) quest in the game.
d) Complete all the end game instances, Urugarth and Carn Dum.
e) Finish all the Epic storyline quests.
f) Defeat every monster stronghold in Ettenmoors (PvMP) with a small group of players.
g) Kill a 24 man raid boss with 6 people.
h) Get all my Legendary traits (skills).
After all this, I had a hard drive crash and I haven't re-installed LOTRO nor have I logged in, in over a week. Why?
1) Itemization is HORRIBLE. Expect to spend hours doing the end game instances and getting loot that is worse then loot you get from quests 10x easier. I am not exaggerating here. For instance, the hardest boss in the game and most fun fight of the ENTIRE game is Mordirith. And guess what, he literally drops loot worse than loot we get off of trash mobs in the instance.
2) End game instances over all are slow and boring. It takes you a couple tries to learn what to do for a couple bosses, but most are just high HP sacks of lard that you chip away at till it's dead (and go have a coffee and come back!) It is just a matter of time sink. Carn Dum, if you don't have the keys, will take you 7 hours.
3) No end game soloing aside from grinding. After 35 theres no way to level without fellowships. For me this wasn't a bad thing but for a lot of people it would be. I'm going to contradict myself here. Although I found the game too easy in a sense, it would not be at all easy for a casual player past 35 because of the need for a good group constantly. You can't just log on and play as you have to do group quests that require a Minstrel. I had a Minstrel that I played with until 50 thats why I could do all this stuff... which brings me to my next point
3A) Vitality the only real stat that matters. You can kill anything with enough Morale(hp). The game is dependent solely on having a healer. Maybe this is good to some people, but I could see it being such an annoyance. Every other class doesn't even matter as long as you have a healer, lol.
4) Every character of a class is the same. There are only a few traits that are good for a particular class and every one will have those traits. Once you've done end game you'll have the exact same quest weapons as everyone else. At least there is dye .
5) Mounts are badly implemented.. one archer can make a L 50 fall off their horse.. whats the point of even having one when you fall off the horse every 5 seconds. . This isn't a huge deal but it is extremely aggravating.
6) Its like they make the game only to L 30 then threw in the rest of the content.. not realising people actually level a lot faster then they thought. Quests are badly mis-labled. There are some group quests that are soloable when they are red, then there are MANY solo quests impossible to solo, surrounded by elites and signatures galore. Also there are quests that would be blue or white to you that are nearly impossible to do even though you are at the right level.
7) The hardest quest in the game is your L 45 class quest. Most classes require items that drop in the hard end game instances... but the drop is not 100% so they are quite hard to get.. some of the items aren't even in game by mistake. And guess what, if you DO manage to get your quest items, the quest rewards are way worse then what you can get from L 40 regular quests! The weapon I got from doing my class quest I used for less than half a level just because I wanted to say i used it.
I guess I thought there was more in this game, I fooled myself lol. Yea they are putting out more 24 man raid content sometime in June, but i wonder if that 24 man stuff is also 6 manable . Eh. Just left me feeling like theres nothing else left and no reason to log in.
I really liked the idea of PVMP and 6 man end game, but they're just badly implemented. I want about 10x as much content and they could have done soooo much more with PVMP. I know the game is new but i thought there'd be a lot more.
Screenshots for proof?
He doesn't have proof. Remember his hard drive just happened to crash after all this.
Highlighted in red is similar to what a child does who didn't do their homework. "Yes, Teacher I did do my homework but my dog ate it."
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Well I'm not going to quote the post from the OP, but I wanted to say thank you.
I was on the fence on whether to buy the game but after reading your post I've decided it's the perfect game for me. I've gotten sick of the games that make you feel like you have to log in constantly to keep up or even progress at all. It sounds like LOTRO is the type of game I can log on to for an hour or two here and there and still progress pretty well.
Hey like they say one man's garbage is another man's treasure. Here's hoping I'll strike my gold with LOTRO.
Ha ha, I would say the same if I hadn't just bought it.
Hey guys, I feel something has to be said about LOTRO. I am pretty disappointed and need to gripe so don't take this personal if you like the game.
I was one of LOTRO's bigger fans at least in the sense that it would tide me over till TR or AoC. Well since release (starting at L 15) I played for 3 weeks, I would say yea I played a lot but not that hardcore compared to say, my WOW days.
I took a few breaks in between of 2 days or more without even logging on, and some days I played maybe only a couple hours a day. I am telling you this so you don't think i am some crazy 24/7 power leveler. I do play more then the average person, but not by a huge amount, maybe I end up doing stuff a week sooner before the average person.
I am writing this to let you know what you can expect depending on your play style etc.
Sadly, in 3 weeks from release I managed to do the following:
a) Get to max level.
b) Get the highest level in crafting.
c) Do every major fellowship (group quest, meaning hard) quest in the game.
d) Complete all the end game instances, Urugarth and Carn Dum.
e) Finish all the Epic storyline quests.
f) Defeat every monster stronghold in Ettenmoors (PvMP) with a small group of players.
g) Kill a 24 man raid boss with 6 people.
h) Get all my Legendary traits (skills).
After all this, I had a hard drive crash and I haven't re-installed LOTRO nor have I logged in, in over a week. Why?
1) Itemization is HORRIBLE. Expect to spend hours doing the end game instances and getting loot that is worse then loot you get from quests 10x easier. I am not exaggerating here. For instance, the hardest boss in the game and most fun fight of the ENTIRE game is Mordirith. And guess what, he literally drops loot worse than loot we get off of trash mobs in the instance.
2) End game instances over all are slow and boring. It takes you a couple tries to learn what to do for a couple bosses, but most are just high HP sacks of lard that you chip away at till it's dead (and go have a coffee and come back!) It is just a matter of time sink. Carn Dum, if you don't have the keys, will take you 7 hours.
3) No end game soloing aside from grinding. After 35 theres no way to level without fellowships. For me this wasn't a bad thing but for a lot of people it would be. I'm going to contradict myself here. Although I found the game too easy in a sense, it would not be at all easy for a casual player past 35 because of the need for a good group constantly. You can't just log on and play as you have to do group quests that require a Minstrel. I had a Minstrel that I played with until 50 thats why I could do all this stuff... which brings me to my next point
3A) Vitality the only real stat that matters. You can kill anything with enough Morale(hp). The game is dependent solely on having a healer. Maybe this is good to some people, but I could see it being such an annoyance. Every other class doesn't even matter as long as you have a healer, lol.
4) Every character of a class is the same. There are only a few traits that are good for a particular class and every one will have those traits. Once you've done end game you'll have the exact same quest weapons as everyone else. At least there is dye .
5) Mounts are badly implemented.. one archer can make a L 50 fall off their horse.. whats the point of even having one when you fall off the horse every 5 seconds. . This isn't a huge deal but it is extremely aggravating.
6) Its like they make the game only to L 30 then threw in the rest of the content.. not realising people actually level a lot faster then they thought. Quests are badly mis-labled. There are some group quests that are soloable when they are red, then there are MANY solo quests impossible to solo, surrounded by elites and signatures galore. Also there are quests that would be blue or white to you that are nearly impossible to do even though you are at the right level.
7) The hardest quest in the game is your L 45 class quest. Most classes require items that drop in the hard end game instances... but the drop is not 100% so they are quite hard to get.. some of the items aren't even in game by mistake. And guess what, if you DO manage to get your quest items, the quest rewards are way worse then what you can get from L 40 regular quests! The weapon I got from doing my class quest I used for less than half a level just because I wanted to say i used it.
I guess I thought there was more in this game, I fooled myself lol. Yea they are putting out more 24 man raid content sometime in June, but i wonder if that 24 man stuff is also 6 manable . Eh. Just left me feeling like theres nothing else left and no reason to log in.
I really liked the idea of PVMP and 6 man end game, but they're just badly implemented. I want about 10x as much content and they could have done soooo much more with PVMP. I know the game is new but i thought there'd be a lot more.
Hm, a strange review; IMO you more review your weird playstyle than the game itself.
To a-h): You really need to rethink you life. Seriously. If you did ALL this in THREE weeks, you must play 24/7 like an obsessed person. (Which means Lotro was so good it obsessed you which would be a very good thing, only I would have advised you to have more self-control.) Either way, I play since launch, I am lv 23 and I skipped many quests to save them for alts, so still plenty to see left even in the levels I did. And I play around 6-8 hours a day. So, IMO, with all due respect, but some of those claims cant be true, unless you really play 24 hours. Nonetheless, I think you really should not rush a MMO like this. You can ruin EVERY MMO experience if you play like obsessed.
to 1) Yada yada... man this debate is SO old: its always crafters VS drop loot. If they would add much more loot crafting would be useless. So IMO its good as it is.
to 3) I am GLAD this is so. There is too much soloing already. I go into a MMO to find friends and go on adventure with groups! Its ok if people solo sometimes, but tbh, if you add too much solo content, its very difficult to find groups. I know its a matter of taste, but I play MMOs for grouping and find soloing boring, so pls, not too many solo quests. Unfortunately, if you allow too much solo content, people stop grouping voluntarily. I have seen it in EQ2. In the beginning there was little solo content, and people were always crying for solo content. Now with so much soloable, it has become far too difficult to find a group. NO THANKS A LOT! I prefer it with most needing a group, for otherwise ppl dont group.
The rest... I am too lazy to comment, but I really think you focussed too much on small details. I am sorry you didnt like Lotro, but tbh with THAT attitude of thinking and playing you wont like ANY MMO.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I've played with my current character since 14th of april (european early access) and I'm level 33.
I don't like power gaming. I might still sound like a power gamer to some, but I've played the beta since the start, so I know what I've been doing, so I haven't been wandering around the Shire, just wondering where I'm supposed to go next.
And don't look at the amount of weeks you've played. Look at the hours, get Xfire.
just give it a few weeks and you'll see tons of these kinda threads.
No you won't. The majority of the player base will take 3-5 months to reach the level cap. So yes maybe in 6 months if Turbine doesn't add anything to the end game you will see more of these posts.
Currently playing: LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too: Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
Every title won't be for every gamer and I fully understand that. With that said, I received my beta invitation in early Nov. and played until open beta. It is impossible to complete the game and all it's content in 3 weeks unless that is all you do all day everyday. The OP lost major credibility trying to persuade otherwise to anybody who has played the game.
I can't even fathom being the highest level crafter in 3 weeks let alone finishing all the questing content. With that said, the game definitely caters to the casual gamer not the power gamer as there's a lot less grinding than in other games I've played.
I've personally decided not to purchase Lotro after beta because of $$$ issues. I'd rather play a free wanna be MMO (GW) for the time being so I'll have the funds to play AoC and WAR if I so choose to. If there was no sub. fee I'd definitely be playing Lotro instead of GW... thus I understand and agree with the positive ratings it's gotten thus far.
And here we go again... *sigh* Actually u did play a bit too much, and tell me then, with that rate of game play? wich game u think suits your needs?.... Why u come here bashing and flaming a game with this awefull *cough* "review" based on your own mistake or style of play?.... ther's no game out there (perhaps only everquest I & II because of the years of development they have) that has that extensive content u need to satisfy ur own eagerness to prove erm... *nothing*. Anyhow, this game is to enjoy every minute of it, it's just hilarious how ppl bash and burn a game that has just a few time out there, insted of considering that so far is the only online game i know that has so few bugs and it's kinda rol errorproof, with no grinding whatsoever only if u like to. Closing this opinion, i think u migth need to re-review the game because if it was sooooo bad as u say u wouldn't played it that many hours in a row nor "finished" it (in your own bizarre concept).
Everquest I at release would've taken even a power gamer more than 3 weeks to reach max. So don't dumb everything else down to boost up your dumbed down game.
Would you read out loud your post?... I SAID and i QUOTE "ther's no game out there (perhaps only everquest I & II BECAUSE OF THE YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT THEY HAVE)"...so that sentece do not imply that a game did not have enough content on release, in fact it stands for WHAT GAME WILL THIS GUY PLAY THAT SATISFY HIS HUGE DESIRE TO SPEND 24/7 HOURS IN FRONT OF THE FREAKING COMPUTER.
So next time use your read skills and try to understand what are u reading.... because your post dosn't make even sense, your contradicting yourself with the 2 ideas.
This is just what happens when a game doesn't have decent pvp. if it was any other game the maxed lvls would be happy since they can go pvp at maximum settings. pvp content makes the pve content last alot longer, dilutes it. a game without pvp needs way too many quests etc. to keep people happy.
And here we go again... *sigh* Actually u did play a bit too much, and tell me then, with that rate of game play? wich game u think suits your needs?.... Why u come here bashing and flaming a game with this awefull *cough* "review" based on your own mistake or style of play?.... ther's no game out there (perhaps only everquest I & II because of the years of development they have) that has that extensive content u need to satisfy ur own eagerness to prove erm... *nothing*. Anyhow, this game is to enjoy every minute of it, it's just hilarious how ppl bash and burn a game that has just a few time out there, insted of considering that so far is the only online game i know that has so few bugs and it's kinda rol errorproof, with no grinding whatsoever only if u like to. Closing this opinion, i think u migth need to re-review the game because if it was sooooo bad as u say u wouldn't played it that many hours in a row nor "finished" it (in your own bizarre concept).
Who the hell are you to tell someone they play a game to much. That they bought and pay for? Why is his style of play a mistake? Because its not your style of play? So, because he has more free time and enjoys spending it playing the game he pays for that means hes trying to prove somehting? It doesnt't seem to me that he was rushing through the game. It seems like he has more time and did everything he could. Doesn't sound like he skipped content to get to endgame.
I agree that he should play how he wants, but this is a typical tale in MMORPGs. People finish the content and want more, but there is no more. You should be happy you live in an age where there is so much entertainment to be found. Once upon a time people had to actually entertain themselves. If the game has become a waste of your time because you have done everything do something else that is more entertaining and worth your time.
This is the only game I have ever heard people say that you can't play as much as you want. Sorry, this game is meant to be be played only a little bit. Ok fine with me drop the monthly fee price since I'm not allowed to play as muh as i choose. I've played quite a few games and never have I run across one that has this mentality.
I agree that he should play how he wants, but this is a typical tale in MMORPGs. People finish the content and want more, but there is no more. You should be happy you live in an age where there is so much entertainment to be found. Once upon a time people had to actually entertain themselves. If the game has become a waste of your time because you have done everything do something else that is more entertaining and worth your time.
I agree with what you wrote.
I just don't like someone telling someone else how they should play. I personally found his review interesting. I wouldn't jump on you when you write how good the game is.
I belive that is the point of the monty fee. You pay as long as you enjoy playing. You pay for the maintenance of the game. For new content you have to pay for an expansion. It sounds to me like you are forced to stick around and pay a monthly fee, but you have a choice to click cancel when you are done.
I agree that he should play how he wants, but this is a typical tale in MMORPGs. People finish the content and want more, but there is no more. You should be happy you live in an age where there is so much entertainment to be found. Once upon a time people had to actually entertain themselves. If the game has become a waste of your time because you have done everything do something else that is more entertaining and worth your time.
I agree with what you wrote.
I just don't like someone telling someone else how they should play. I personally found his review interesting. I wouldn't jump on you when you write how good the game is.
I agree that he should play how he wants, but this is a typical tale in MMORPGs. People finish the content and want more, but there is no more. You should be happy you live in an age where there is so much entertainment to be found. Once upon a time people had to actually entertain themselves. If the game has become a waste of your time because you have done everything do something else that is more entertaining and worth your time.
I agree with what you wrote.
I just don't like someone telling someone else how they should play. I personally found his review interesting. I wouldn't jump on you when you write how good the game is.
The thing is that he is lying. There is no way that he played the amount that he says he played and has done all of the things he says he has done. It just isn't possible.
I would have no problem if he came on here and said "This game sucks for powergamers and this is why" At least then he would be being honest. But when he comes on here and lies about how much he has played, it negates the rest of his post. Why does he feel the need to lie about it to quantify is position?
Currently playing: LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too: Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
And here we go again... *sigh* Actually u did play a bit too much, and tell me then, with that rate of game play? wich game u think suits your needs?.... Why u come here bashing and flaming a game with this awefull *cough* "review" based on your own mistake or style of play?.... ther's no game out there (perhaps only everquest I & II because of the years of development they have) that has that extensive content u need to satisfy ur own eagerness to prove erm... *nothing*. Anyhow, this game is to enjoy every minute of it, it's just hilarious how ppl bash and burn a game that has just a few time out there, insted of considering that so far is the only online game i know that has so few bugs and it's kinda rol errorproof, with no grinding whatsoever only if u like to. Closing this opinion, i think u migth need to re-review the game because if it was sooooo bad as u say u wouldn't played it that many hours in a row nor "finished" it (in your own bizarre concept).
Who the hell are you to tell someone they play a game to much. That they bought and pay for? Why is his style of play a mistake? Because its not your style of play? So, because he has more free time and enjoys spending it playing the game he pays for that means hes trying to prove somehting? It doesnt't seem to me that he was rushing through the game. It seems like he has more time and did everything he could. Doesn't sound like he skipped content to get to endgame.
And again read before posting and I QUOTE AGAIN! "Closing this OPINION..." meaning it was my opinion, so i have the rigth write it, if u don't like it... i don't really care. Some will agree some will not, anyhow opinions are to be considered, they are not designed to be carried out like a military order would have.
And well... another opinion is (and i would risk this) IMPOSSIBLE to finish all the content on the game in 3 weeks.
I think the whole player housing is very interesting. I never really was interested in housing or pvp. Thats not why I started playing MMOs. I started playing MMOs because of the stories I read in books and I wanted to play those characters out in the 3D fantasy worlds. Most of those characters were constantly on the move adventurer types and not ones to settle down and make a house for themselves. I'm curious why people are so adament about having things like PvP and player housing.
Hey bro sorry to burst your bubble but you're addicted to games and you are a POWER GAMER. Listen to yourself..... and tell a person that dosen't play games this, Yea I don't play much heck there was 2 days this week I played less than 2 hrs. LOL I am lucky if I can get one full day in a week so LoTr is perfect.
The best thing about this game is that the kiddies cannot become Uber and that will keep them in WoW!!!!! woot
If you believe that the OP didn't rush to the endgame then I have a Bridge to sell you, .
There is no way at all that he was taking days off at a time and playing for 2 hours per day unless he was playing 24/7 the rest of the time and hit 50. It is impossible. I have spoken with the guys who hit 50 on my server. At least they are honest. They said hey I don't work currently, aren't in school currently, and don't do anything else currently but play the game. That is an honest person telling you they hit 50. Anyone who tries to claim otherwise is lying.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
He doesn't have proof. Remember his hard drive just happened to crash after all this.
Highlighted in red is similar to what a child does who didn't do their homework. "Yes, Teacher I did do my homework but my dog ate it."
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Ha ha, I would say the same if I hadn't just bought it.
Hm, a strange review; IMO you more review your weird playstyle than the game itself.
To a-h): You really need to rethink you life. Seriously. If you did ALL this in THREE weeks, you must play 24/7 like an obsessed person. (Which means Lotro was so good it obsessed you which would be a very good thing, only I would have advised you to have more self-control.) Either way, I play since launch, I am lv 23 and I skipped many quests to save them for alts, so still plenty to see left even in the levels I did. And I play around 6-8 hours a day. So, IMO, with all due respect, but some of those claims cant be true, unless you really play 24 hours. Nonetheless, I think you really should not rush a MMO like this. You can ruin EVERY MMO experience if you play like obsessed.
to 1) Yada yada... man this debate is SO old: its always crafters VS drop loot. If they would add much more loot crafting would be useless. So IMO its good as it is.
to 3) I am GLAD this is so. There is too much soloing already. I go into a MMO to find friends and go on adventure with groups! Its ok if people solo sometimes, but tbh, if you add too much solo content, its very difficult to find groups. I know its a matter of taste, but I play MMOs for grouping and find soloing boring, so pls, not too many solo quests. Unfortunately, if you allow too much solo content, people stop grouping voluntarily. I have seen it in EQ2. In the beginning there was little solo content, and people were always crying for solo content. Now with so much soloable, it has become far too difficult to find a group. NO THANKS A LOT! I prefer it with most needing a group, for otherwise ppl dont group.
The rest... I am too lazy to comment, but I really think you focussed too much on small details. I am sorry you didnt like Lotro, but tbh with THAT attitude of thinking and playing you wont like ANY MMO.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I don't like power gaming. I might still sound like a power gamer to some, but I've played the beta since the start, so I know what I've been doing, so I haven't been wandering around the Shire, just wondering where I'm supposed to go next.
And don't look at the amount of weeks you've played. Look at the hours, get Xfire.
No you won't. The majority of the player base will take 3-5 months to reach the level cap. So yes maybe in 6 months if Turbine doesn't add anything to the end game you will see more of these posts.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
Every title won't be for every gamer and I fully understand that. With that said, I received my beta invitation in early Nov. and played until open beta. It is impossible to complete the game and all it's content in 3 weeks unless that is all you do all day everyday. The OP lost major credibility trying to persuade otherwise to anybody who has played the game.
I can't even fathom being the highest level crafter in 3 weeks let alone finishing all the questing content. With that said, the game definitely caters to the casual gamer not the power gamer as there's a lot less grinding than in other games I've played.
I've personally decided not to purchase Lotro after beta because of $$$ issues. I'd rather play a free wanna be MMO (GW) for the time being so I'll have the funds to play AoC and WAR if I so choose to. If there was no sub. fee I'd definitely be playing Lotro instead of GW... thus I understand and agree with the positive ratings it's gotten thus far.
Everquest I at release would've taken even a power gamer more than 3 weeks to reach max. So don't dumb everything else down to boost up your dumbed down game.
Would you read out loud your post?... I SAID and i QUOTE "ther's no game out there (perhaps only everquest I & II BECAUSE OF THE YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT THEY HAVE)"...so that sentece do not imply that a game did not have enough content on release, in fact it stands for WHAT GAME WILL THIS GUY PLAY THAT SATISFY HIS HUGE DESIRE TO SPEND 24/7 HOURS IN FRONT OF THE FREAKING COMPUTER.
So next time use your read skills and try to understand what are u reading.... because your post dosn't make even sense, your contradicting yourself with the 2 ideas.
*hint* READ, and comprehend what your reading.
My blog:
I agree with what you wrote.
I just don't like someone telling someone else how they should play. I personally found his review interesting. I wouldn't jump on you when you write how good the game is.
I agree with what you wrote.
I just don't like someone telling someone else how they should play. I personally found his review interesting. I wouldn't jump on you when you write how good the game is.
I agree with you on that.I agree with what you wrote.
I just don't like someone telling someone else how they should play. I personally found his review interesting. I wouldn't jump on you when you write how good the game is.
The thing is that he is lying. There is no way that he played the amount that he says he played and has done all of the things he says he has done. It just isn't possible.I would have no problem if he came on here and said "This game sucks for powergamers and this is why" At least then he would be being honest. But when he comes on here and lies about how much he has played, it negates the rest of his post. Why does he feel the need to lie about it to quantify is position?
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
And again read before posting and I QUOTE AGAIN! "Closing this OPINION..." meaning it was my opinion, so i have the rigth write it, if u don't like it... i don't really care. Some will agree some will not, anyhow opinions are to be considered, they are not designed to be carried out like a military order would have.
And well... another opinion is (and i would risk this) IMPOSSIBLE to finish all the content on the game in 3 weeks.
LotR was too anti-thinking for me.
No Exploration. No PvP. No Player Housing. No Challenge. FORCED/Linear Gameplay.
DISCLAIMER: I LOVE the LotR Movies. The game is shallow.
I think the whole player housing is very interesting. I never really was interested in housing or pvp. Thats not why I started playing MMOs. I started playing MMOs because of the stories I read in books and I wanted to play those characters out in the 3D fantasy worlds. Most of those characters were constantly on the move adventurer types and not ones to settle down and make a house for themselves. I'm curious why people are so adament about having things like PvP and player housing.
Some people are just too good at games.