For the longest time, I had the same log-in-and-crash problem. Since then, I have stopped playing and my tailor has been under my friends' care. Nonetheless, I am glad for Vanguard to have success in sustaining players through its repairing process. The game definitely deserved a better start.
In the interest of good faith honesty, Vanguard was not good to me today.
When I look at NPC or player's name, I have graphical distortions [I do not always get them, and they are difficult to explain; it is like a ... hmph... imagine looking through a window but there is a crack down the middle of the window (best I could do). The only graphical distortion is NPC and player names plus weather effects.
The same problem with NPC and player name distortions I get with the weather, and it is particular visible with snow [Seeing the storms in the sky is really cool, btw.]
I crashed about three times tonight, and I just got logged out.
WORST: you might not believe this, but this is the strangest thing in any game: sometimes I will appear as offline. I swear to God. Sometimes my friends cannot msg me. When they msg me, it says that I am offline although they can see me in the game. I can talk in guild chat but sometimes my group chat does not work. Sometimes some people can msg me but other times no one can. It is so weird.
Is anyone else having these problems? I knew telling a guy he had bad luck would come back to haunt me, and I have learned my lesson. REMOVE THIS CURSE! PLEASE! !
Who are you? And, what have you done with truenorthbg?!
I just had a really bad day, I hope, with Vanguard in terms of tech stuff. I have not tried to tinker with anything, but the game becomes broken when you cannot communicate in private msgs and groups.
I hope I am not the only person with this problem.
I edited the Topic to reflect what are now known but previously unknown performance issues that can prevent the game from being declared fixed. I had to make a judgment call as to whether I said "mostly" fixed or "almost" fixed. I think, here, it is appropriate to say "mostly."
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Wanna know what I think? I think the people that made Vanguard hired people to talk "good" about the game and how good it has become and post it on the forums pure speculation but one starts to wonder when all you see on the forums is : VANGUARD ROX NOW !! VANGUARD FIXED !!!! VANGUARD IS BETTER NOW! VANGUARD yadda yadda ! I read the mmorpg forums alot and everyday. Feels more like the people writing these post want to have more people on the servers. And want to tell everyone .. EVERY DAY how good this game is now.. BTW SoE listen to beta testers more and dont release a game with 1000s of buggs and make people PAY to find your buggs in final version.
Your last statement simply paints you as a SOE hater so not worth listening to. You see, SOE did not release this game, SOE did not develop this game, SOE bailed this game out from Sigil and is fixing this game.
And you are right, people coming on the forum and saying they like this game and trying to get people to come play must be a SOE conspiracy. It cant just be people who like a game and are trying to get more people to come play because the server population isnt as strong as it should be.
Perhaps you coming to this forum and stating that all these "said" improvements are lies is in fact a SOE Haters conspiracy.
Quote from John Smedley
''Microsoft had wanted to launch this thing in July of 2006,'' Mr. Smedley said. ''We felt like the game needed more time, and we have given it more time, but at some point enough is enough, and we have to ship the game and start generating revenue.''
SOE had more to do with the launch of this game than people want to give credit for. They may not be directly responsible for the lack of coding skill, but they are guilty of repeating the same mistake Microsoft made. Also read that quote and you will see SOE knew the game was crap and decided to release it in order to generate revenue. They were never dedicated to making VG the game is should be and they knowingly pushed this on an unsuspecting public in the shape it was.
SOE isn't the savior here and Sigil isn't solely to blame either. Both had their hands plenty dirty enough to not be excused for what happened with this title.
Depends how you look at it. to me SOE are saviours as i play the game and its much better since they got involved! also if the game hadn't been released early there would not have been any money to carry on with the game. People who enjoy the game will apreciate the fact that the game did not get put on a warehouse shelf and forgot about.
When soe stop improving the game maybe a lot of you will be proven right, but untill then lets just let it lie shall we?
Ok i hated how this game ran and cancelled after 1 month of release, i just started on the free time again and i have to admit that the mess that was vanguard is now enjoyable and is nothing short of a gaming miracle fix, i wish whatever superteam they have on vanguard they would use on swg too.
Mostly in the process of getting fixed with no due consideration for east coast players. This is day three of 4-6 hour updates ,which update the updates. They have a test server , just choose not to use it I guess. They could simply add updates while you are playing and when you relog the update occurs, but why do that when you can drop all the servers. Three days in a's overpaid. My two cents.
Depends how you look at it. to me SOE are saviours as i play the game and its much better since they got involved! also if the game hadn't been released early there would not have been any money to carry on with the game. People who enjoy the game will apreciate the fact that the game did not get put on a warehouse shelf and forgot about. When soe stop improving the game maybe a lot of you will be proven right, but untill then lets just let it lie shall we?
I am talking about what has already happened, not what is going to happen.
I highly doubt there was no money left to continue funding VG considering SOE somehow managed to get enough to buy all the Sigil assets. If SOE had continued funding (under whatever new terms) and the game was launched in a reasonable manner, then yes I can see how people could call them saviors. However, SOE cut funding which forced the game to launch which is the single undisputable fact of why VG launched. At best SOE is just an accomplice for the shape the game was launched. Sigil was 100% at fault for the failures during the Microsoft years, but once SOE picked up the title and allowed the same exact thing to happen, they share culpability.
Considering all the changes to date were enacted by the cut down Sigil staff, changing their paychecks to read SOE didn't really change much. VG now has a SOE producer and has moved to SOE offices so time will tell if anything will change for the better or worse I guess.
I betad this game, and at that time it ran pretty crappy. I built an insane machine to play this game. 8800 GTX 768meg 4gig 800mhz ram. It ran sorta crappy. But I logged in last night and the performance has improved a lot.
It's worth checking out if you have ever played before. From now until Jan 3rd they've reactivated all accounts with more than 60 days of inactivity. Might as well check it out since it's free.
The snow is pretty cool, but I can't wait to see a storm.
nethervoid - Est. '97 [UO|EQ|SB|SWG|PS|HZ|EVE|NWN|WoW|VG|DF|AQW|DN|SWTOR|Dofus|SotA|BDO|AO|NW|LA] - Currently Playing EQ1 20k+ subs YouTube Gaming channel
Im also talking about what has already happened. and i cant say for anyone else but i can say this...FACT for me performance has increased, art has improved in area's, content added and chars balanced. Of course soe released the game to bring money in...what kind of buiseness would they be if they didn't. say whatever you want but for current players we are learning that all the soe doubters are not to be trusted....all i hear is soe this/that and the other, but all i see is whats plain in front of my eyes...VG is getting better consistently! ok it's not moving 100 miles an hour, but i dont expect miracles just steady progress and that's what( on my pc) i am getting.
Tell me how you expect a buisness to carry on funding with nothing coming in? do you really think that soe brought VG in the understanding that is was nearly ready or on schedule? of course not they knew the state it was in but still went ahead and brought it. and so far thier desicion is being proven right. they released early yes and that hurt and scared a lot of players but all they are doing now is trying to gain trust back, and thats exactly whats happening with me.
Soe's best friends are the people who constantly scream " i hate soe" the reason why?...because your average player that dont hold grudges gets sick and tired of it all and decides to see for thereselves.
a) release a game that is busted and liquidate to SOE in 6 months so they can get subscriptions from 20-40k people.
b) release a game that is somewhat launch worthy and share subscriptions with the several hundred thousands that bought the game in the first month or so?
I don't understand the mindset of making excuses for SOE. Yes they bought the game knowing the shape it was in, but it is somehow ok for them to launch it to try to make money? Listen to what you said, it is ok to release unfinished products on consumers to try to make money and cover your own mistakes. Even those you KNOWINGLY made. That is basically asking consumers to fund the risk of your development.
Mind you that I am not saying the game isn't improving, even I think it is. However when the bar is set so low from the initial release anything looks like leaps and bounds of improvement. The choice to cut funding in order to squeeze a few dimes out of people knowing the shape this game was in killed the true potential of Vanguard. Now it is in catchup mode of building trust and find a way to attract players.
Both companies screwed this game up with their choices. Neither of which is a savior. I just don't see how anyone can be considered a savior of something they had a fair share of making the problems in the first place. It would be like pushing your brother/sister into the deep end of the pool only to pull them out after nearly drowning and say, WoW you were lucky I was here to save you.
After checking out the game again during this free period I will say the performance is indeed better but not quite like a polished, finished game. The frame rates are much better than beta and better than the first few months of launch. In places the frame rate will drop down to single digits but the max frame rate is much better. I am using an ATI 2900 xt video card. However, there are not as many Players as during that time on the server so that could help performance also. That said it still has:
Chunking issues. When you cross a boundary it is less but still there. When I sail my boat the game stops at a chunk and I have to restart. At least I don't fall off the boat now or lose invis when on the ground. When you are fighting a MOB you have to consider where the chunk is or you will die when you cross the chunk.
Hitching is still there. You still take a ride to "choppy town" in places.
Grouping is not an option at low levels due to so few people playing. Soloing is very boring in this game with the tedious, slow XP. I guess everyone is playing APW so my level 25 Shaman and 30 Sorc have no one to play with. **This is the reason I will not continue to play the game.**
Various graphical glitches. When I use a rift stone sometimes the graphics will not appear properly or I will be somewhat below the world.
Empty world. Maybe you see other people at level 50 but below that it is still empty. It is a big, huge, empty world. You feel like you are the last person in the world after a nuclear attack. It is just a big dead world. I can not imagine trying to get to 50 so I can play with other people in this empty world solo with this painful XP rate. I would rather stab myself in the eyes.
ok, since being talked into re-installing (blowing teh 2cm's of dust off the gamebox) vanguard, after all all i had to lose was a bit of time, during this free month. My first impressions so far.
Dated Graphics, yup, game looks like its a couple of yrs old at least, when its not quite 1yr old.
Lagg, yup still a laggy game, even when nobody else is around (well i have seen 2 other players so far).
Empty Gameworld, 4 servers, 1 of which is a FFA PVP, the other 3 at a guess have no PvP (cos it doesnt say nothing), all of which are LOW populated, which is not a very good sign at all.
Maybe this 1 month free play is a last ditch attempt to try and coax people back, of which it may, or maynot work. But i doubt the game is going to be fun to play, its goign to be boring and much solo played.
The weather system is sucky too, it rains/snows even when your inside a building (especially the snow particles falling) it is not very good on the eyes and yet there is no way to turn this off.
So far thats all i can say right now as it is only the first impressions. I havent crashed out yet yet, but i have read many are. The game is also not Vista friendly either from posts i have read (but i cannot confirm this as i am still running xp myself until later this year/beginning of the new year).
Yesterday when I logged in (post patch) it was really laggy...but today (after the am reboot), it's not laggy at all, but they never said they fixed anything.
Im also talking about what has already happened. and i cant say for anyone else but i can say this...FACT for me performance has increased, art has improved in area's, content added and chars balanced. Of course soe released the game to bring money in...what kind of buiseness would they be if they didn't. say whatever you want but for current players we are learning that all the soe doubters are not to be trusted....all i hear is soe this/that and the other, but all i see is whats plain in front of my eyes...VG is getting better consistently! ok it's not moving 100 miles an hour, but i dont expect miracles just steady progress and that's what( on my pc) i am getting. Tell me how you expect a buisness to carry on funding with nothing coming in? do you really think that soe brought VG in the understanding that is was nearly ready or on schedule? of course not they knew the state it was in but still went ahead and brought it. and so far thier desicion is being proven right. they released early yes and that hurt and scared a lot of players but all they are doing now is trying to gain trust back, and thats exactly whats happening with me. Soe's best friends are the people who constantly scream " i hate soe" the reason why?...because your average player that dont hold grudges gets sick and tired of it all and decides to see for thereselves.
I hope you dont take this wrong, but i hope you understand where i am coming from when i say you are a sucker, you either believe in the bullcrap, or you really want to believe in the bullcrap. So again, sorry to say you are a sucker, but for you to believe in SOE and believe what they did is the right thing to do, then you are a sucker and would believe in me telling you that santa clause is real and is coming tonight.
Logged in yesterday, ...I do not find the title to this topic to be true
Yea we belive u.....why dont u try to expalin why?? coz u never i wrong?? prove it...
..mmmm wonder who (we) is, and I generally don't reply, and I don't have to prove anything to a person who's grammer is as bad as yours. So enjoy
Wtih a little more work and time I am sure VG will be very playable to everyone. I still have it installed on my hard drive and won't delete it because I honestly want to see SoE continue to work on this game to make it the vision we all had.
Three questions: Are there helm graphics yet? Is chunking still obvious and producing a hitch? Does the AH still lag like all hell? These are loaded questions, and there is no way VG is [Mostly] Fixed.
Chunking is still very bad and hitching is everywhere. It is sort of pathetic. This game is like it is in a regular 1st or 2nd beta. It is not alpha like at launch however.
This free trial will give let you see that all these "Vanguard is fixed!", "Vanguard is better!", "Vanguard performance problems are gone!", " I am going back to Vanguard!" posts are not true.
Chunking is still very bad and hitching is everywhere.
The above is totally untrue and without merit.
The performance for me is generally 95%, although I will experience some lag when in cities. As to the chunking, it is so brief and momentary that it is not worth mentioning. When you "zone" or "chunk" into a new area, you might experience a one second delay; those that make anything more of it are either misleading or cannot afford a better computer.
Yes. Vanguard is much, much better today from release. Yes, Vanguard is mostly fixed.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Chunking is still very bad and hitching is everywhere.
The above is totally untrue and without merit.
The performance for me is generally 95%, although I will experience some lag when in cities. As to the chunking, it is so brief and momentary that it is not worth mentioning. When you "zone" or "chunk" into a new area, you might experience a one second delay; those that make anything more of it are either misleading or cannot afford a better computer.
Yes. Vanguard is much, much better today from release. Yes, Vanguard is mostly fixed.
Now is a great time to try the game yourself to see that this person knows not of what she/he speaks. Don't take my word for it. Go into the game. It is still in beta.
This reminds me of what happened at launch with people blaming the Players for having bad computers. My computer is in the top 10% of rigs out there. Gaming is my hobby and what I spend my spare dollars on. I run everything with the exception of Crysis at the very highest settings. I run Crysis on high but not the max.
Vanguard is still a poor performing wasteland of empty servers.
Chunking is still very bad and hitching is everywhere.
The above is totally untrue and without merit.
The performance for me is generally 95%, although I will experience some lag when in cities. As to the chunking, it is so brief and momentary that it is not worth mentioning. When you "zone" or "chunk" into a new area, you might experience a one second delay; those that make anything more of it are either misleading or cannot afford a better computer.
Yes. Vanguard is much, much better today from release. Yes, Vanguard is mostly fixed.
I think this is where you lose course a bit. If anything, VG has been wildly unpredictable in how it performs for say player A to player B. I read the tech forum looking for an answer or two and have seen all sorts of problems others are having that I don't. Even a few months ago the game ran fine for me. No bugs at all, but now I have issues.
So maybe, just maybe his statement is true, but not in your case. Vanguard still has a ways to go before proclaiming it fixed.
Vanguard does have a randomness to performance, but it is not an empty wasteland. I have never seen more people in Vanguard than I do now. Returners, new players, etc. Vanguard is growing. The population on my server (Seradon) is strong.
Here is a screen shot of the graphical distortion of NPC and player names:
In the interest of good faith honesty, Vanguard was not good to me today.
Is anyone else having these problems? I knew telling a guy he had bad luck would come back to haunt me, and I have learned my lesson. REMOVE THIS CURSE! PLEASE! !
Who are you? And, what have you done with truenorthbg?!I just had a really bad day, I hope, with Vanguard in terms of tech stuff. I have not tried to tinker with anything, but the game becomes broken when you cannot communicate in private msgs and groups.
I hope I am not the only person with this problem.
I edited the Topic to reflect what are now known but previously unknown performance issues that can prevent the game from being declared fixed. I had to make a judgment call as to whether I said "mostly" fixed or "almost" fixed. I think, here, it is appropriate to say "mostly."
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
And you are right, people coming on the forum and saying they like this game and trying to get people to come play must be a SOE conspiracy. It cant just be people who like a game and are trying to get more people to come play because the server population isnt as strong as it should be.
Perhaps you coming to this forum and stating that all these "said" improvements are lies is in fact a SOE Haters conspiracy.
Quote from John Smedley''Microsoft had wanted to launch this thing in July of 2006,'' Mr. Smedley said. ''We felt like the game needed more time, and we have given it more time, but at some point enough is enough, and we have to ship the game and start generating revenue.''
SOE had more to do with the launch of this game than people want to give credit for. They may not be directly responsible for the lack of coding skill, but they are guilty of repeating the same mistake Microsoft made. Also read that quote and you will see SOE knew the game was crap and decided to release it in order to generate revenue. They were never dedicated to making VG the game is should be and they knowingly pushed this on an unsuspecting public in the shape it was.
SOE isn't the savior here and Sigil isn't solely to blame either. Both had their hands plenty dirty enough to not be excused for what happened with this title.
Depends how you look at it. to me SOE are saviours as i play the game and its much better since they got involved! also if the game hadn't been released early there would not have been any money to carry on with the game. People who enjoy the game will apreciate the fact that the game did not get put on a warehouse shelf and forgot about.
When soe stop improving the game maybe a lot of you will be proven right, but untill then lets just let it lie shall we?
Logged in yesterday, ...I do not find the title to this topic to be true
Wow your computer must really be bad , Master yoda
Not really, I played every other MMO released released this year. Also in a couple betas for release next year that play great.
Yea we belive u.....why dont u try to expalin why?? coz u never i wrong?? prove it...
Holy Flamin' Frost-Brand Gronk-Slayin' Vorpal Hammer o' Woundin' an' Returnin' an' Shootin'-Lightnin'-Out-Yer-Bum!! ~Planescape: Torment~
Ok i hated how this game ran and cancelled after 1 month of release, i just started on the free time again and i have to admit that the mess that was vanguard is now enjoyable and is nothing short of a gaming miracle fix, i wish whatever superteam they have on vanguard they would use on swg too.
playing eq2 and two worlds
Mostly in the process of getting fixed with no due consideration for east coast players. This is day three of 4-6 hour updates ,which update the updates. They have a test server , just choose not to use it I guess. They could simply add updates while you are playing and when you relog the update occurs, but why do that when you can drop all the servers. Three days in a's overpaid. My two cents.
I am talking about what has already happened, not what is going to happen.
I highly doubt there was no money left to continue funding VG considering SOE somehow managed to get enough to buy all the Sigil assets. If SOE had continued funding (under whatever new terms) and the game was launched in a reasonable manner, then yes I can see how people could call them saviors. However, SOE cut funding which forced the game to launch which is the single undisputable fact of why VG launched. At best SOE is just an accomplice for the shape the game was launched. Sigil was 100% at fault for the failures during the Microsoft years, but once SOE picked up the title and allowed the same exact thing to happen, they share culpability.
Considering all the changes to date were enacted by the cut down Sigil staff, changing their paychecks to read SOE didn't really change much. VG now has a SOE producer and has moved to SOE offices so time will tell if anything will change for the better or worse I guess.
I betad this game, and at that time it ran pretty crappy. I built an insane machine to play this game. 8800 GTX 768meg 4gig 800mhz ram. It ran sorta crappy. But I logged in last night and the performance has improved a lot.
It's worth checking out if you have ever played before. From now until Jan 3rd they've reactivated all accounts with more than 60 days of inactivity. Might as well check it out since it's free.
The snow is pretty cool, but I can't wait to see a storm.
nethervoid - Est. '97
20k+ subs YouTube Gaming channel
Im also talking about what has already happened. and i cant say for anyone else but i can say this...FACT for me performance has increased, art has improved in area's, content added and chars balanced. Of course soe released the game to bring money in...what kind of buiseness would they be if they didn't. say whatever you want but for current players we are learning that all the soe doubters are not to be trusted....all i hear is soe this/that and the other, but all i see is whats plain in front of my eyes...VG is getting better consistently! ok it's not moving 100 miles an hour, but i dont expect miracles just steady progress and that's what( on my pc) i am getting.
Tell me how you expect a buisness to carry on funding with nothing coming in? do you really think that soe brought VG in the understanding that is was nearly ready or on schedule? of course not they knew the state it was in but still went ahead and brought it. and so far thier desicion is being proven right. they released early yes and that hurt and scared a lot of players but all they are doing now is trying to gain trust back, and thats exactly whats happening with me.
Soe's best friends are the people who constantly scream " i hate soe" the reason why?...because your average player that dont hold grudges gets sick and tired of it all and decides to see for thereselves.
How does a company survive?
a) release a game that is busted and liquidate to SOE in 6 months so they can get subscriptions from 20-40k people.
b) release a game that is somewhat launch worthy and share subscriptions with the several hundred thousands that bought the game in the first month or so?
I don't understand the mindset of making excuses for SOE. Yes they bought the game knowing the shape it was in, but it is somehow ok for them to launch it to try to make money? Listen to what you said, it is ok to release unfinished products on consumers to try to make money and cover your own mistakes. Even those you KNOWINGLY made. That is basically asking consumers to fund the risk of your development.
Mind you that I am not saying the game isn't improving, even I think it is. However when the bar is set so low from the initial release anything looks like leaps and bounds of improvement. The choice to cut funding in order to squeeze a few dimes out of people knowing the shape this game was in killed the true potential of Vanguard. Now it is in catchup mode of building trust and find a way to attract players.
Both companies screwed this game up with their choices. Neither of which is a savior. I just don't see how anyone can be considered a savior of something they had a fair share of making the problems in the first place. It would be like pushing your brother/sister into the deep end of the pool only to pull them out after nearly drowning and say, WoW you were lucky I was here to save you.
After checking out the game again during this free period I will say the performance is indeed better but not quite like a polished, finished game. The frame rates are much better than beta and better than the first few months of launch. In places the frame rate will drop down to single digits but the max frame rate is much better. I am using an ATI 2900 xt video card. However, there are not as many Players as during that time on the server so that could help performance also. That said it still has:
ok, since being talked into re-installing (blowing teh 2cm's of dust off the gamebox) vanguard, after all all i had to lose was a bit of time, during this free month. My first impressions so far.
Dated Graphics, yup, game looks like its a couple of yrs old at least, when its not quite 1yr old.
Lagg, yup still a laggy game, even when nobody else is around (well i have seen 2 other players so far).
Empty Gameworld, 4 servers, 1 of which is a FFA PVP, the other 3 at a guess have no PvP (cos it doesnt say nothing), all of which are LOW populated, which is not a very good sign at all.
Maybe this 1 month free play is a last ditch attempt to try and coax people back, of which it may, or maynot work. But i doubt the game is going to be fun to play, its goign to be boring and much solo played.
The weather system is sucky too, it rains/snows even when your inside a building (especially the snow particles falling) it is not very good on the eyes and yet there is no way to turn this off.
So far thats all i can say right now as it is only the first impressions. I havent crashed out yet yet, but i have read many are. The game is also not Vista friendly either from posts i have read (but i cannot confirm this as i am still running xp myself until later this year/beginning of the new year).
Three questions:
Are there helm graphics yet?
Is chunking still obvious and producing a hitch?
Does the AH still lag like all hell?
These are loaded questions, and there is no way VG is [Mostly] Fixed.
Yesterday when I logged in (post patch) it was really laggy...but today (after the am reboot), it's not laggy at all, but they never said they fixed anything.
I have been attempting to resist this thread but...
This game is just shy of being 1 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!
How can anyone, anyone be happy about the idea that they have "fixed" any of it?
Seriously? and the "Mostly"
I know it sucks not having anything new to play but guys this dream or "vision" died long ago. Let it remain dead.
I hope you dont take this wrong, but i hope you understand where i am coming from when i say you are a sucker, you either believe in the bullcrap, or you really want to believe in the bullcrap. So again, sorry to say you are a sucker, but for you to believe in SOE and believe what they did is the right thing to do, then you are a sucker and would believe in me telling you that santa clause is real and is coming tonight.
Yea we belive u.....why dont u try to expalin why?? coz u never i wrong?? prove it...
..mmmm wonder who (we) is, and I generally don't reply, and I don't have to prove anything to a person who's grammer is as bad as yours. So enjoyWtih a little more work and time I am sure VG will be very playable to everyone. I still have it installed on my hard drive and won't delete it because I honestly want to see SoE continue to work on this game to make it the vision we all had.
Chunking is still very bad and hitching is everywhere. It is sort of pathetic. This game is like it is in a regular 1st or 2nd beta. It is not alpha like at launch however.
This free trial will give let you see that all these "Vanguard is fixed!", "Vanguard is better!", "Vanguard performance problems are gone!", " I am going back to Vanguard!" posts are not true.
The performance for me is generally 95%, although I will experience some lag when in cities. As to the chunking, it is so brief and momentary that it is not worth mentioning. When you "zone" or "chunk" into a new area, you might experience a one second delay; those that make anything more of it are either misleading or cannot afford a better computer.
Yes. Vanguard is much, much better today from release. Yes, Vanguard is mostly fixed.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
The performance for me is generally 95%, although I will experience some lag when in cities. As to the chunking, it is so brief and momentary that it is not worth mentioning. When you "zone" or "chunk" into a new area, you might experience a one second delay; those that make anything more of it are either misleading or cannot afford a better computer.
Yes. Vanguard is much, much better today from release. Yes, Vanguard is mostly fixed.
Now is a great time to try the game yourself to see that this person knows not of what she/he speaks. Don't take my word for it. Go into the game. It is still in beta.
This reminds me of what happened at launch with people blaming the Players for having bad computers. My computer is in the top 10% of rigs out there. Gaming is my hobby and what I spend my spare dollars on. I run everything with the exception of Crysis at the very highest settings. I run Crysis on high but not the max.
Vanguard is still a poor performing wasteland of empty servers.
The performance for me is generally 95%, although I will experience some lag when in cities. As to the chunking, it is so brief and momentary that it is not worth mentioning. When you "zone" or "chunk" into a new area, you might experience a one second delay; those that make anything more of it are either misleading or cannot afford a better computer.
Yes. Vanguard is much, much better today from release. Yes, Vanguard is mostly fixed.
I think this is where you lose course a bit. If anything, VG has been wildly unpredictable in how it performs for say player A to player B. I read the tech forum looking for an answer or two and have seen all sorts of problems others are having that I don't. Even a few months ago the game ran fine for me. No bugs at all, but now I have issues.
So maybe, just maybe his statement is true, but not in your case. Vanguard still has a ways to go before proclaiming it fixed.
Vanguard does have a randomness to performance, but it is not an empty wasteland. I have never seen more people in Vanguard than I do now. Returners, new players, etc. Vanguard is growing. The population on my server (Seradon) is strong.
Here is a screen shot of the graphical distortion of NPC and player names:
Am I the only person with this problem?
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.