I've had a station pass for around the past 5 years and they have always had a station launcher, just that most don't use it and go directly through to the game via each games individual log in. They are changing the skin and adding other crap (granted unwanted, by myself) such as music/movie links but other than that I just fail to see the problem here.
Please read the big bright in your face text:
Yes. To play your Station game you must enter the game through the Station Launcher; it must be installed on your PC in order for you to play and/or download any game.The Station Launcher automatically verifies that you are a licensed entitled user of your purchased Station game and/or subscription plan. During the Public Beta you can launch your games with either Station Launcher or the older, game-specific LaunchPads. After the Public Beta is over, Station Launcher will be the only way to launch Station Games. Please use the Feedback button on the Game Select Screen of the Station Launcher or go directly to the Station Launcher forums to tell us what you think!
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
Wow, where did you get that? The FAQ? But anyway, this won't be the case with PoTBS, since I have already seen the Launcher from beta. And I assume that will be the retail launcher also. So we have nothing to worry about.
Enough with all the anti-Sony CRAP you have been pushing forever. It is getting old and tired so put it to bed already. Sony is the single most respected Media company in the industry and you idiots here think they are the spawn of Satan for changes to 1 game that screwed it up. Lo and behold, Lucas Arts had and always will have creative control over all their intellectual properties. The NGE was and could not have been the brainchild of SOE, and besides it was a separate studio that created and ran the game.
Don't any of you realize that the big names like NCSoft and Sony don't actually make their own games, but instead use studios to make and run the games for them. They just fund the money and get the game out via the servers and such. PoTBS is wholly owned by Flying Labs and subsidized by other investors, Sony is not involved with the decision making or investment of the game itself. Their marketing arm, Platform Publishing is the part that is dealing with PoTBS and Flying Labs, not SOE themselves.
Get rid of the kryptonite tinfoil hats for once and go breathe some fresh air.
Also, about the Launcher, it makes only sense to integrate a single launcher for all games that use the same service. It is economically and physically a sound idea and use to have them all in 1 neat tidy package. If you also notice, there is NOT A SINGLE ADVERTISEMENT in that launcher, it just shows all the games that use the station pass. Knowing Sony and their launcher I would bet that in options you can change what shows on the screen even.
I have mixed feeling about this release. When I first heard about the game and concept in development, I was very excited. One may argue that Sony is only doing the billing and distribution so the game may be unaffected. This may be true, I'm not sure if fears of a take-over is warrented just yet. I'd been burned a number of times by SOE in the past so I'm not sure I'm over the guilt of paying the years of monthly fees to them to try it out just yet. For me it'll be a "wait and see". If Flying Labs does a nice release and there's very very minimal interference from Sony, then maybe I'll give it a go. It's not about hating Sony or self-righteousness, it's about Sony knowing how to treat their customers as human beings. I ask the same of anyone anywhere I go.
Wow, where did you get that? The FAQ? But anyway, this won't be the case with PoTBS, since I have already seen the Launcher from beta. And I assume that will be the retail launcher also. So we have nothing to worry about.
LOL, have you not heard what happens when you assume? SOE said it themselves. You will have to use the station launcher to access any station game. Glad I'm enjoying EVE cause I am done with SOE.
The problem with the launcher is the over the top un-necessary features. People don't want what they don't need. It's fact.
There is no reason for them to do away with the LaunchPad system. It allows you to bypass the stupid launcher they use and go straight to the game and only update what it absolutely needs to for that specific game.
If they allowed both with this new system. then i'm fine. If not, then fk soe. I don't take lightly being forced to use shit I don't need nor want. The way it is now works absolutely fine. It's absurd to change it. People are happy the way it is. Again, changing what isn't broken.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
People can just complain about SOE or whatever, but if they launch a game that I like, I'll just play it. I don't really care who is the publisher or developer, if its a good game, I'll play it.
I'm so over grieving for SWG.
Regarding the SOE Launcher, I've been using it for the past couple of months, its still bit buggy but it does what its intended for.
I'm pretty sure Flying Labs is in control of what is going on in the game. SOE is simply marketing the product for Flying Labs. Atleast that is what I have understood.
They are also using PotBS to market SOE products. Real cheesey and lowdown if you ask me.
Hearing about Steam, the invasive information scanning program, in the launcher has literally made me lose steam about wanting to try Pirates of the Burning Sea. I'm not sure I like the idea of Sony having full prodding rights into my PC. The things I have in my PC are legit, which is the problem. I use my PC for e-mails, banking, etc. I wonder what they would want with that information? Probably nothing, but not willing to take the chance. Sorry Pirates of the Burning Sea, you lost a potential customer thanks to Sony.
Hearing about Steam, the invasive information scanning program, in the launcher has literally made me lose steam about wanting to try Pirates of the Burning Sea. I'm not sure I like the idea of Sony having full prodding rights into my PC. The things I have in my PC are legit, which is the problem. I use my PC for e-mails, banking, etc. I wonder what they would want with that information? Probably nothing, but not willing to take the chance. Sorry Pirates of the Burning Sea, you lost a potential customer thanks to Sony.
I hear PoTBS has their own launcher you can use instead of the SOE one, but this is all hear say and i'm not sure where you obtain it from, but there's not telling how long that'll last.
I'm pretty sure SOE will take over PoTBS soon anyway.
They usually don't take that information, but the issue is that the option is available to them. What does this mean? That any hacker can slip right through and pop right into your PC or hell they could even hijack and duplicate the information sent/recieved by the program it self.
My major issue with such launchers is 1 think: The extra un-necessary security risk that it brings to the consumers PC.
Yes the game it self is a security risk obviously, but that's UNAVOIDABLE to play. While this launcher is not a necessity, but SOE seams to think it is. The LaunchPads start, update the updater, launcher the game specific updater, closes LaunchPad, and from then on you never see it again.
With SOE not being a security programming devision I have fears of their lack of experience with keeping good security measures in place. My major concern is what IF the launcher is hijacked. What if they only take my account? That's just more problems for ME AND SOE. This is all riding on an IF, but that IF can be absolutely removed and changed to NEVER by simply making the new launcher an option and continue with the launchpad method.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
I'm pretty sure Flying Labs is in control of what is going on in the game. SOE is simply marketing the product for Flying Labs. Atleast that is what I have understood.
They are also using PotBS to market SOE products. Real cheesey and lowdown if you ask me.
The same ol same ol. No real point just arguing just continous bashing of SOE. Honestly, just getting into the forums here you go through various clickies and you get exposed to at least 5 different advertisement of various types of games and even a massive online gaming magazine... and yet here we are.
What is extremely funny about this Is I'm willing to bet you'll be able to play your game with far less advertisements exposed to you through the Station Launcher than you do just getting to this forum from the main page of this website. Yet, I don't see you guys raising pitch forks towards MMORPG.com about this.
Seriously, you guys are being silly. Let it go. If you don't want to play PotBS just because of some stupid launcher then its your loss if you enjoy the game.
Note: I want you guys who are whining about this to realize something. This is what you sound like to most people here: "Whaaa SOE released SWG-NGE now they must die.... WHAAA... must get revenge for them making changes to an MMORPG that probably was ordered by Lucas Arts to so... Whaaa.... because I like owned the rights to how that game gets directed.. WHAA REVENGE REVENGE REVENGE!"
who cares if u want to play a single player game or play just 1 game we will load it all up for you straight from the net without ur permission. hey lets throw in our own product as advertisements that you have to download bleeding ur net dry before u even set foot ingame. now lets ad in glitchy patches and crappy support and BAM another failure in the gaming industry.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds -Solid non level based game -Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Well definately doesnt make me feel bad that I never picked the game up.
Out of every 100 men, 10 should not be there, 80 are nothing but targets, 9 are the real fighters. Ah, but one, ONE of them is a warrior, and he will bring the others home. -Heraclitus 500BC
Actually, the only required downloading you'll be doing with a launcher is the required patch files for the launcher and the game. The launcher itself probably won't have anything bigger than 5 megs. Unless SOE is extremely stupid they won't have you patch every single game, even games you do own, without you first going to or specifying the patching of that particular game.
Actually, the only required downloading you'll be doing with a launcher is the required patch files for the launcher and the game. The launcher itself probably won't have anything bigger than 5 megs. Unless SOE is extremely stupid they won't have you patch every single game, even games you do own, without you first going to or specifying the patching of that particular game. Come on. A little common sense here.
One will only have access to those game you are subscribing to and own a copy of.
And one can change a setting to automatically patch games or to patch them when you are going to play them.
I have mixed feeling about this release. When I first heard about the game and concept in development, I was very excited. One may argue that Sony is only doing the billing and distribution so the game may be unaffected. This may be true, I'm not sure if fears of a take-over is warrented just yet. I'd been burned a number of times by SOE in the past so I'm not sure I'm over the guilt of paying the years of monthly fees to them to try it out just yet. For me it'll be a "wait and see". If Flying Labs does a nice release and there's very very minimal interference from Sony, then maybe I'll give it a go. It's not about hating Sony or self-righteousness, it's about Sony knowing how to treat their customers as human beings. I ask the same of anyone anywhere I go.
You are saying that if we are lucky enough your majesty will come and grace this game.
Since all other Sony online games will have this launcher as well, it should hopefully give some more exposure (and ergo more revenue to) POTBS which cant be a bad thing. This , and because I havea feeling that the "desktop control" argument is a bit over the top, would be a reasonable reason for why Flying Labs would welcome the new launcher. Of course that is not such a good story, and lacks the drama of the NGE debacle and sony's shameful DRM episode. But theres always a use even for a dead horse.
I personally don't see any reason to dislike a 'launcher' so long as it works. Every time I turn my computer on I get an advertisement for every single operating system, component, software piece and hardware item installed in it.
I'm not against corps reminding me who is behind the software, so long as it doesn't interfere with or change my experience of the software.
"The death penalty is not a type of capital punishment. A death penalty is losing half your xp, whereas capital punishment is what you get when you enter a pvp area after one week playing. Totally different." - J.K. 2001
Avoiding bloatware is essential to keeping a decent gaming rig running. I don't need the vast majority of this new launcher's features. All I want is to start and patch this one specific game. Why would I have a tray application do that ? The new launcher would be fine if it were an OPTION, even the default one, for PC dummies. As a requirement it sucks, plain and simple.
Who says it's a requirement? Did some checking last night, and it says NOWHERE that you have to. SOE advises to use it for trickle download, but unless you install that stupid beta piece of bloatware, the regular patcher is what comes up when you click the PotBS icon. Same as for NCsoft, really: they too have this integrated launcher, that shows all your NCSoft installations (including betas), but you do NOT need it to start one single NCSoft game.
I think the MMORPG's community IQ average just dropped a few points as a result of this thread. We've managed to take a beta launcher and turn it into Satan's e-Penis. Over reaction and drama FTW!
Please read the big bright in your face text:
Yes. To play your Station game you must enter the game through the Station Launcher; it must be installed on your PC in order for you to play and/or download any game. The Station Launcher automatically verifies that you are a licensed entitled user of your purchased Station game and/or subscription plan. During the Public Beta you can launch your games with either Station Launcher or the older, game-specific LaunchPads. After the Public Beta is over, Station Launcher will be the only way to launch Station Games. Please use the Feedback button on the Game Select Screen of the Station Launcher or go directly to the Station Launcher forums to tell us what you think!
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
[ Playing ] Everquest II
[ Waiting ] Aion, Age of Conan
Wow, where did you get that? The FAQ? But anyway, this won't be the case with PoTBS, since I have already seen the Launcher from beta. And I assume that will be the retail launcher also. So we have nothing to worry about.
Enough with all the anti-Sony CRAP you have been pushing forever. It is getting old and tired so put it to bed already. Sony is the single most respected Media company in the industry and you idiots here think they are the spawn of Satan for changes to 1 game that screwed it up. Lo and behold, Lucas Arts had and always will have creative control over all their intellectual properties. The NGE was and could not have been the brainchild of SOE, and besides it was a separate studio that created and ran the game.
Don't any of you realize that the big names like NCSoft and Sony don't actually make their own games, but instead use studios to make and run the games for them. They just fund the money and get the game out via the servers and such. PoTBS is wholly owned by Flying Labs and subsidized by other investors, Sony is not involved with the decision making or investment of the game itself. Their marketing arm, Platform Publishing is the part that is dealing with PoTBS and Flying Labs, not SOE themselves.
Get rid of the kryptonite tinfoil hats for once and go breathe some fresh air.
Also, about the Launcher, it makes only sense to integrate a single launcher for all games that use the same service. It is economically and physically a sound idea and use to have them all in 1 neat tidy package. If you also notice, there is NOT A SINGLE ADVERTISEMENT in that launcher, it just shows all the games that use the station pass. Knowing Sony and their launcher I would bet that in options you can change what shows on the screen even.
AgtSmith GET OVER your self-righteous self.
I have mixed feeling about this release. When I first heard about the game and concept in development, I was very excited. One may argue that Sony is only doing the billing and distribution so the game may be unaffected. This may be true, I'm not sure if fears of a take-over is warrented just yet. I'd been burned a number of times by SOE in the past so I'm not sure I'm over the guilt of paying the years of monthly fees to them to try it out just yet. For me it'll be a "wait and see". If Flying Labs does a nice release and there's very very minimal interference from Sony, then maybe I'll give it a go. It's not about hating Sony or self-righteousness, it's about Sony knowing how to treat their customers as human beings. I ask the same of anyone anywhere I go.
LOL, have you not heard what happens when you assume? SOE said it themselves. You will have to use the station launcher to access any station game. Glad I'm enjoying EVE cause I am done with SOE.
The problem with the launcher is the over the top un-necessary features. People don't want what they don't need. It's fact.
There is no reason for them to do away with the LaunchPad system. It allows you to bypass the stupid launcher they use and go straight to the game and only update what it absolutely needs to for that specific game.
If they allowed both with this new system. then i'm fine. If not, then fk soe. I don't take lightly being forced to use shit I don't need nor want. The way it is now works absolutely fine. It's absurd to change it. People are happy the way it is. Again, changing what isn't broken.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
[ Playing ] Everquest II
[ Waiting ] Aion, Age of Conan
People can just complain about SOE or whatever, but if they launch a game that I like, I'll just play it. I don't really care who is the publisher or developer, if its a good game, I'll play it.
I'm so over grieving for SWG.
Regarding the SOE Launcher, I've been using it for the past couple of months, its still bit buggy but it does what its intended for.
They are also using PotBS to market SOE products. Real cheesey and lowdown if you ask me.
SoE lol
Playing: Everthing
I have played every MMO that has ever come out.
Hearing about Steam, the invasive information scanning program, in the launcher has literally made me lose steam about wanting to try Pirates of the Burning Sea. I'm not sure I like the idea of Sony having full prodding rights into my PC. The things I have in my PC are legit, which is the problem. I use my PC for e-mails, banking, etc. I wonder what they would want with that information? Probably nothing, but not willing to take the chance. Sorry Pirates of the Burning Sea, you lost a potential customer thanks to Sony.
I'm pretty sure SOE will take over PoTBS soon anyway.
They usually don't take that information, but the issue is that the option is available to them. What does this mean? That any hacker can slip right through and pop right into your PC or hell they could even hijack and duplicate the information sent/recieved by the program it self.
My major issue with such launchers is 1 think: The extra un-necessary security risk that it brings to the consumers PC.
Yes the game it self is a security risk obviously, but that's UNAVOIDABLE to play. While this launcher is not a necessity, but SOE seams to think it is. The LaunchPads start, update the updater, launcher the game specific updater, closes LaunchPad, and from then on you never see it again.
With SOE not being a security programming devision I have fears of their lack of experience with keeping good security measures in place. My major concern is what IF the launcher is hijacked. What if they only take my account? That's just more problems for ME AND SOE. This is all riding on an IF, but that IF can be absolutely removed and changed to NEVER by simply making the new launcher an option and continue with the launchpad method.
[ Played ] 2Moons, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest II, Guild Wars, HellGate: London, Lord of the Rings Online, Rappelz, RF Online, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Last Chaos
[ Playing ] Everquest II
[ Waiting ] Aion, Age of Conan
ding ding ding...
I hear a station pass now!
They are also using PotBS to market SOE products. Real cheesey and lowdown if you ask me.
Products like?
The same ol same ol. No real point just arguing just continous bashing of SOE. Honestly, just getting into the forums here you go through various clickies and you get exposed to at least 5 different advertisement of various types of games and even a massive online gaming magazine... and yet here we are.
What is extremely funny about this Is I'm willing to bet you'll be able to play your game with far less advertisements exposed to you through the Station Launcher than you do just getting to this forum from the main page of this website. Yet, I don't see you guys raising pitch forks towards MMORPG.com about this.
Seriously, you guys are being silly. Let it go. If you don't want to play PotBS just because of some stupid launcher then its your loss if you enjoy the game.
Note: I want you guys who are whining about this to realize something. This is what you sound like to most people here: "Whaaa SOE released SWG-NGE now they must die.... WHAAA... must get revenge for them making changes to an MMORPG that probably was ordered by Lucas Arts to so... Whaaa.... because I like owned the rights to how that game gets directed.. WHAA REVENGE REVENGE REVENGE!"
Again, seriously, thats what you sound like.
hurray another steam style product
/sarcasm off
i hate steam so much...its such a dumb system
who cares if u want to play a single player game or play just 1 game we will load it all up for you straight from the net without ur permission. hey lets throw in our own product as advertisements that you have to download bleeding ur net dry before u even set foot ingame. now lets ad in glitchy patches and crappy support and BAM another failure in the gaming industry.
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Well definately doesnt make me feel bad that I never picked the game up.
Out of every 100 men, 10 should not be there,
80 are nothing but targets, 9 are the real fighters.
Ah, but one, ONE of them is a warrior,
and he will bring the others home.
-Heraclitus 500BC
It have been announced to be on station access since they got SOE as publisher.
And they are and have always been using the 'old' station launcher, SOE launchpad, and will ofcourse using the new one.
What is new and strange with this?
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
Actually, the only required downloading you'll be doing with a launcher is the required patch files for the launcher and the game. The launcher itself probably won't have anything bigger than 5 megs. Unless SOE is extremely stupid they won't have you patch every single game, even games you do own, without you first going to or specifying the patching of that particular game.
Come on. A little common sense here.
One will only have access to those game you are subscribing to and own a copy of.
And one can change a setting to automatically patch games or to patch them when you are going to play them.
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
You are saying that if we are lucky enough your majesty will come and grace this game.
Would that be a time for celebration?
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
Since all other Sony online games will have this launcher as well, it should hopefully give some more exposure (and ergo more revenue to) POTBS which cant be a bad thing. This , and because I havea feeling that the "desktop control" argument is a bit over the top, would be a reasonable reason for why Flying Labs would welcome the new launcher. Of course that is not such a good story, and lacks the drama of the NGE debacle and sony's shameful DRM episode. But theres always a use even for a dead horse.
I personally don't see any reason to dislike a 'launcher' so long as it works. Every time I turn my computer on I get an advertisement for every single operating system, component, software piece and hardware item installed in it.
I'm not against corps reminding me who is behind the software, so long as it doesn't interfere with or change my experience of the software.
"The death penalty is not a type of capital punishment. A death penalty is losing half your xp, whereas capital punishment is what you get when you enter a pvp area after one week playing. Totally different." - J.K. 2001
Avoiding bloatware is essential to keeping a decent gaming rig running. I don't need the vast majority of this new launcher's features.
All I want is to start and patch this one specific game. Why would I have a tray application do that ?
The new launcher would be fine if it were an OPTION, even the default one, for PC dummies. As a requirement it sucks, plain and simple.
I think the MMORPG's community IQ average just dropped a few points as a result of this thread. We've managed to take a beta launcher and turn it into Satan's e-Penis. Over reaction and drama FTW!