Do people crave attention so much that they feel the need to posts reasons why they have no intention of playing Warhammer Online in the Warhammer Forums?
It seems a tad ridiculous and feels like a cry for attention to me.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
Do people crave attention so much that they feel the need to posts reasons why they have no intention of playing Warhammer Online in the Warhammer Forums?
It seems a tad ridiculous and feels like a cry for attention to me.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
So how come your wasting your money on Tabula Rasa.....its a shit class based game according to your not even indepth view. Can ask you something personal? Do you see in 2 dimensions or 3? Last i looked there's more to the world than just a flat surface they killed that theory off ages ago.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Do people crave attention so much that they feel the need to posts reasons why they have no intention of playing Warhammer Online in the Warhammer Forums?
It seems a tad ridiculous and feels like a cry for attention to me.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
So how come your wasting your money on Tabula Rasa.....its a shit class based game according to your not even indepth view. Can ask you something personal? Do you see in 2 dimensions or 3? Last i looked there's more to the world than just a flat surface they killed that theory off ages ago.
Well to tell the truth TR has gotten me away from the fantasy base setting. TR might be class base by design, but I don't have to reroll and start from scratch to choose another profession. Also TR design is skill point base as well so even if I bump into another class type as my own, we might have completely diffrent builds.
I'm not here trying to swade people to TR. I like it, but personally am looking for more than what even TR has to offer for my long term commitment to a game. TR isn't fantasy base, and it is a diffrent game compared to EQ2, WOW, VG, War, and AOC. Might not be the best, and might not ever, but it will do me fine untill I see something a little more eye catching than just the "title" of the game.
Do people crave attention so much that they feel the need to posts reasons why they have no intention of playing Warhammer Online in the Warhammer Forums?
It seems a tad ridiculous and feels like a cry for attention to me.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
DarkFall is fantasy based and DarkFall has "hero" classes whatever you want to call them. To be honest I have been following DF since 03 and would play it if it came out but everyone says beta is around the corner but to no avail every time. If it goes into beta I will give it a shot, but I will not hold my breath.
Do people crave attention so much that they feel the need to posts reasons why they have no intention of playing Warhammer Online in the Warhammer Forums?
It seems a tad ridiculous and feels like a cry for attention to me.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
DarkFall is fantasy based and DarkFall has "hero" classes whatever you want to call them. To be honest I have been following DF since 03 and would play it if it came out but everyone says beta is around the corner but to no avail every time. If it goes into beta I will give it a shot, but I will not hold my breath.
Yes DF is fantasy base, but I'm an old school MMOer and we all know what game that brings us to. UO! Yes I am a die hard UO fan, and the thought that this games design was inspired by that game has peaked my intrest. If it doesn't come out I am leaning towards SGW, just because it isn't a fantasy MMO, and even if it too is a restrictive class base game at least I don't have to look at the same race moduels.
This thread is taken a left turn back to the MAIN topic why aren't you going to play Warhammer?
I won't be playing Warhammer because EA is involved. I don't buy EA games unless I absolutely have to (ie: Spore). They're an evil company that needs to die.
1. War is not WOW and WOW is not WAR! 2 totally different worlds.
2. Just because it may have elves, dwarves, etc doesnt mean its a bad game. Thats like going to a car lot and saying we'll it has 4 wheels so it just the same as any other car! LOL! test drive the darn thing b4 you make a comment!
3.After reading some of the compaints with DAoC and somehow connect it with WAR.....dont ppl realize that you can learn form mistakes, if they were made.
4. I enjoyed the Warhammer tabletop game and am looking forward to this game...when it's fianlly released! :-)
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR. Playing EVE Online and AOC. Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
Because next Gen Mmos have to be able to work with 200+ people on the screen and not a slide show. ...of course..considering I rememer the 1990s really really clearly..I don't remember anything looking as good as WAR back then...not even the FPS games.
Get your facts straight for comparisons and do some research
thank you Troll again!
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Even if it WOULD (doesn't mean it is so don't quote me on this) exact clone of WoW except it would be able to support 200+ people in on screen FIGHTING (might be in same are ) without servers crashing i would play it... sick of trying to raid IF/SW with few guildies coz if we get more ppl we end up looting [You have been disconneted]
Too colorful, graphics too wowish, too focused on former wowplayers
I've got a solution for you since you think the graphics are too colorful/cartoony like WoW.
Put on a blindfold and that should be the right level of color for you!
WAR's graphics are fine imo, getting better too, I prefer performance over shiny glitz. As for being focused on former WoW players, what makes you think that? You think it's a WoW clone? Ugh...
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
I will, most likely, play the game! But I will still post the reasons why I wouldn't if that was the case.
The graphics aren't very impressive, they look kind of like WoW's (but more darker and blahblah) but slightly worse in some places. The PvP and RvR I've seen so far seems to be fairly slow; the caster classes seems to have 3 seconds casting time on their spells, and that's the short ones. The game seems like it has just copied from a few other games, which may be good, but it's still sad because it lacks innovation. WAR is basically just the best ideas from some other games thrown together.
Those are probably the arguments I would pose if I wouldn't want to play this game, although if that was the case I wouldn't hang around here either. However I didn't really elaborate any of the reasons, which I would've done if I were serious about it, so please don't start flaming/arguing.
I won't be playing it cause I am tired of killing orcs... If they dropped WAR 2 year ago it would have been twice the success that it will be. I don't doubt it will be a good game but for myself I am tired of the same ole Orc smashing adventure.
Doesn't anyone else find it a bit odd that in a fantasy based world where anything is possible they continue to produce the same old thing over and over, re packaging it?
Don't confuse a players ability, with a class being Over Powered.
I won't be playing it cause I am tired of killing orcs... If they dropped WAR 2 year ago it would have been twice the success that it will be. I don't doubt it will be a good game but for myself I am tired of the same ole Orc smashing adventure. Doesn't anyone else find it a bit odd that in a fantasy based world where anything is possible they continue to produce the same old thing over and over, re packaging it?
I have to agree! The two longest games I ever played was SWG (before NGE), and UO because they had so much depth to the PvP system, and had me feeling like I could do what ever I want when I wanted. I mean it wasn't like maxing a charcter to a certain level doing all the quest, and then repeat the same end game over and over again.
I think war, and Aoc will do good considering the rich lore of which the games based off of. I am just tired of the linera system. I enjoy the games till I max out, but to experience a diffrent class in those types of games you have to reroll, and repeat everything you already did for the most part. Good games for the most part, but never keeps my attension for more than a few months unlike UO and swg had me for years.
Originally posted by Arkane_A Originally posted by Mistick Originally posted by Cabe2323 Do people crave attention so much that they feel the need to posts reasons why they have no intention of playing Warhammer Online in the Warhammer Forums?
It seems a tad ridiculous and feels like a cry for attention to me.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"! Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
He could always play UO
Id like a game with that kind of class system myself - but I will still be playing Warhammer.
I find it amusing that people rail against "class-based crud" as if there is some huge outcry for games that are not class-based. There is a minuscule outcry for such games, and it is centered on message boards like these. People whose votes actually count, i.e., those who vote with their dollars, seem to think class-based is just fine, thank you. Why aren't there more games without classes? Because the ones that exist don't get enough subscriptions. EVE is the exception because EVE is nothing like a traditional RPG in any sense. It's more of a strategy game.
You are so cluless. UO in it's early days was huge, because of it's system. Morrowind elder scrolls 3 was popular because of point arrangement. SWG was very popular also, but wasn't marketed correctly. Even if you go to DF website there is an out cry that the game gets released, becuase players are tired of the same old class base system.
The best PvP MMOs are built off of skills, not classes!
Too colorful, graphics too wowish, too focused on former wowplayers
Most true WoW loving players whether former or not are not going to like WAR. They are not going to like having to think of their Realm along with themselves. They're not going to want to share in the fight or the glory. They're not going to like that people who aren't hard core raiders & grinders will have the same oppertunities as them (just comparatively longer to reach those goals). Most true WoW players arent' even looking at this game because its RvR based instead of Raid / Gear based.
But if we went by your logic alone then there'd be almost NO ONE left to play WAR since every single one of us has Tried the WoW experience at one point. Even I Have..and I'll be honest I hated it. I prefered EQ2 far more even though EQ2 ran like shit, looked like uber shit just to run, and this one is the kicker here...they FORCED grouping. Instead of making it to where grouping was prefered naturally they forced it..and now..we've seen EQ2 slowly WoW o fied. Though I hear it worked out really well for most.
I still don't see why it being classed base is the sole reason to shun the game. Point systems are not that popular atleast not on the mainstream. I played RPG's and D&D games for years and they were always class based so for me I prefer it. I know my role and I get to customize my character according to my role. Plus I dont have to spend X months + life span in order to get my character into battle ready conditions. In UO and other skill games you pratically live in town for months before your able to protect yourself. Point systems are naturally unbalanced when it comes to a vet vs a new player. There's no real way to ever balance that. Does it make it a crap system? No just a different one. I dont have X amount of years to devote to trying to get my toon somewhere so I can feel some level of acheivement. I dont want things like right away served on a platter but I'd like to see and feel achievement faster than a point system allows.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
I have marginal interest in all new MMO's so I checked WAR among others.
I have a friend who likes Warhammer tabletop and I personally like 40K version.
I won't be playing WAR because it is not my cup of tea, reminds me too much of WoW, and it is based on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay which I tried and found inferior to AD&D and others.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
So how come your wasting your money on Tabula Rasa.....its a shit class based game according to your not even indepth view. Can ask you something personal? Do you see in 2 dimensions or 3? Last i looked there's more to the world than just a flat surface they killed that theory off ages ago.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
So how come your wasting your money on Tabula Rasa.....its a shit class based game according to your not even indepth view. Can ask you something personal? Do you see in 2 dimensions or 3? Last i looked there's more to the world than just a flat surface they killed that theory off ages ago.
Well to tell the truth TR has gotten me away from the fantasy base setting. TR might be class base by design, but I don't have to reroll and start from scratch to choose another profession. Also TR design is skill point base as well so even if I bump into another class type as my own, we might have completely diffrent builds.I'm not here trying to swade people to TR. I like it, but personally am looking for more than what even TR has to offer for my long term commitment to a game. TR isn't fantasy base, and it is a diffrent game compared to EQ2, WOW, VG, War, and AOC. Might not be the best, and might not ever, but it will do me fine untill I see something a little more eye catching than just the "title" of the game.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
DarkFall is fantasy based and DarkFall has "hero" classes whatever you want to call them. To be honest I have been following DF since 03 and would play it if it came out but everyone says beta is around the corner but to no avail every time. If it goes into beta I will give it a shot, but I will not hold my breath.
No cry for attension here. I was just wondering what are players veiws are considering it's the same old gift just wrapped diffrent is all. You may like the way it looks and feels, but in time you will realize it was just the same old class base crud 99% of these next gen mmos are releasing. Waiting for DF personally, and if it never comes I refuse to buy another class base fantasy mmo untill I see a game that has custom built charcters "NOT what class to pick from"!
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
Not really DF is finally going to be launching open beta the summer (hopefully with a Q4 release). Stargate worlds is a structure class built system where it is progression of charcter development, and it is being released Q4 also. So I just need to hang in there long enough to get away from this class base "reroll" another class garbage.
DarkFall is fantasy based and DarkFall has "hero" classes whatever you want to call them. To be honest I have been following DF since 03 and would play it if it came out but everyone says beta is around the corner but to no avail every time. If it goes into beta I will give it a shot, but I will not hold my breath.
Yes DF is fantasy base, but I'm an old school MMOer and we all know what game that brings us to. UO! Yes I am a die hard UO fan, and the thought that this games design was inspired by that game has peaked my intrest. If it doesn't come out I am leaning towards SGW, just because it isn't a fantasy MMO, and even if it too is a restrictive class base game at least I don't have to look at the same race moduels.
This thread is taken a left turn back to the MAIN topic why aren't you going to play Warhammer?
After my experience with how Mark Jacobs ran couldn't pay me to play WAR.
meh, since its going to just like wow, I'd rather just play wow.
I won't be playing Warhammer because EA is involved. I don't buy EA games unless I absolutely have to (ie: Spore). They're an evil company that needs to die.
war = wow in too many ways. may still try it if TCoS and then AoC fail (looking for a player skill based game and df = running gag)
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. War is not WOW and WOW is not WAR! 2 totally different worlds.
2. Just because it may have elves, dwarves, etc doesnt mean its a bad game. Thats like going to a car lot and saying we'll it has 4 wheels so it just the same as any other car! LOL! test drive the darn thing b4 you make a comment!
3.After reading some of the compaints with DAoC and somehow connect it with WAR.....dont ppl realize that you can learn form mistakes, if they were made.
4. I enjoyed the Warhammer tabletop game and am looking forward to this game...when it's fianlly released! :-)
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
Because next Gen Mmos have to be able to work with 200+ people on the screen and not a slide show. ...of course..considering I rememer the 1990s really really clearly..I don't remember anything looking as good as WAR back then...not even the FPS games.
Get your facts straight for comparisons and do some research
thank you Troll again!
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Haha, one word: lol!
I love the reasons the most people give Like the graphics suck and that it is just the same as WoW.
Even if it WOULD (doesn't mean it is so don't quote me on this) exact clone of WoW except it would be able to support 200+ people in on screen FIGHTING (might be in same are ) without servers crashing i would play it... sick of trying to raid IF/SW with few guildies coz if we get more ppl we end up looting [You have been disconneted]
Too colorful, graphics too wowish, too focused on former wowplayers
nothings stops you from from lowering your monitor's Brightness / Contrast
Put on a blindfold and that should be the right level of color for you!
WAR's graphics are fine imo, getting better too, I prefer performance over shiny glitz. As for being focused on former WoW players, what makes you think that? You think it's a WoW clone? Ugh...
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
I will, most likely, play the game! But I will still post the reasons why I wouldn't if that was the case.
The graphics aren't very impressive, they look kind of like WoW's (but more darker and blahblah) but slightly worse in some places. The PvP and RvR I've seen so far seems to be fairly slow; the caster classes seems to have 3 seconds casting time on their spells, and that's the short ones. The game seems like it has just copied from a few other games, which may be good, but it's still sad because it lacks innovation. WAR is basically just the best ideas from some other games thrown together.
Those are probably the arguments I would pose if I wouldn't want to play this game, although if that was the case I wouldn't hang around here either. However I didn't really elaborate any of the reasons, which I would've done if I were serious about it, so please don't start flaming/arguing.
I am willing to give WAR a chance. But if the stars are aligning as they seem to be WAR will have to compete with Aion and WotLK.
I won't be playing it cause I am tired of killing orcs... If they dropped WAR 2 year ago it would have been twice the success that it will be. I don't doubt it will be a good game but for myself I am tired of the same ole Orc smashing adventure.
Doesn't anyone else find it a bit odd that in a fantasy based world where anything is possible they continue to produce the same old thing over and over, re packaging it?
Don't confuse a players ability, with a class being Over Powered.
I think war, and Aoc will do good considering the rich lore of which the games based off of. I am just tired of the linera system. I enjoy the games till I max out, but to experience a diffrent class in those types of games you have to reroll, and repeat everything you already did for the most part. Good games for the most part, but never keeps my attension for more than a few months unlike UO and swg had me for years.
Looks like you will be waiting for QUITE some time.
He could always play UO
Id like a game with that kind of class system myself - but I will still be playing Warhammer.
I find it amusing that people rail against "class-based crud" as if there is some huge outcry for games that are not class-based.
There is a minuscule outcry for such games, and it is centered on message boards like these.
People whose votes actually count, i.e., those who vote with their dollars, seem to think class-based is just fine, thank you.
Why aren't there more games without classes? Because the ones that exist don't get enough subscriptions.
EVE is the exception because EVE is nothing like a traditional RPG in any sense. It's more of a strategy game.
The best PvP MMOs are built off of skills, not classes!
Most true WoW loving players whether former or not are not going to like WAR. They are not going to like having to think of their Realm along with themselves. They're not going to want to share in the fight or the glory. They're not going to like that people who aren't hard core raiders & grinders will have the same oppertunities as them (just comparatively longer to reach those goals). Most true WoW players arent' even looking at this game because its RvR based instead of Raid / Gear based.
But if we went by your logic alone then there'd be almost NO ONE left to play WAR since every single one of us has Tried the WoW experience at one point. Even I Have..and I'll be honest I hated it. I prefered EQ2 far more even though EQ2 ran like shit, looked like uber shit just to run, and this one is the kicker here...they FORCED grouping. Instead of making it to where grouping was prefered naturally they forced it..and now..we've seen EQ2 slowly WoW o fied. Though I hear it worked out really well for most.
I still don't see why it being classed base is the sole reason to shun the game. Point systems are not that popular atleast not on the mainstream. I played RPG's and D&D games for years and they were always class based so for me I prefer it. I know my role and I get to customize my character according to my role. Plus I dont have to spend X months + life span in order to get my character into battle ready conditions. In UO and other skill games you pratically live in town for months before your able to protect yourself. Point systems are naturally unbalanced when it comes to a vet vs a new player. There's no real way to ever balance that. Does it make it a crap system? No just a different one. I dont have X amount of years to devote to trying to get my toon somewhere so I can feel some level of acheivement. I dont want things like right away served on a platter but I'd like to see and feel achievement faster than a point system allows.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
I have marginal interest in all new MMO's so I checked WAR among others.
I have a friend who likes Warhammer tabletop and I personally like 40K version.
I won't be playing WAR because it is not my cup of tea, reminds me too much of WoW, and it is based on Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay which I tried and found inferior to AD&D and others.