Tasos cracks me up. Only fanboys can buy into the garbage that comes from his mouth. The worst thing DF has going for it is this guy. This whole update made me have flashbacks to Shadowbane. The same arrogance and hype with nothing to back it up. The publishing paragraph was a nice spin. Companies usually do not self publish in one area and try to snag a 3rd party publisher in another. Sounds like they are running out of options and that makes me wonder about the quality of the game. Then we get to the "video settings" of the game. The whole paragraph was a contradiction. Outstanding graphics that will blow your mind, but low reqs so every joe can play. Lets not forget that most if not all aspects of graphics are in the settings. Sorry but that whole thing sounded like a used car salesman. "Yes mam, It gets 200 miles to the gallon and has 700 horsepower!" I really hope DF lives up to the hype. I WANT a game like DF. Nothing Tasos is saying makes me think it will be anything described on their site. DF will be released in some form I am 99.9% positive about that, I just have a bad feeling it is turning into Shadowbane 2. Beta coming in 2 days or 2 decades... no one knows for sure.
A lot of the official DF line on graphics looks contradictory to me also. For instance, the 'No Instances' line.
In a previous post, the devs stated that objects cannot be placed on the ground because it would clutter up the place & cause general lag. They have also stated many times that players can build their own persistent houses, or even cities! In most MMOs, player houses tend to be full all the junk they have collected in the game showcased on crafted furniture. One of the reasons they are usually instanced is that all that junk could cause lag to other players just passing by. If objects on the ground would cause problems for the DF graphics engine, then how could it cope with player cities & houses unless they used at least some instances?
There are other areas (Such as can you deforest the world in order to build more player cities, or how do you man & steer a player built ship?) where the logic doesn't quite add up & it seems more like they are just promising almost anything to appease fans who are growing tired of waiting. In other areas though, such as implying mages & archers must fight in FPS mode, it seems more like they said this by mistake & it will change again in the near future.
To me at least, it gives the impression that the game is still in 'Concept Mode' rather than being almost finished.
Maybe they will finally release hard evidence to dismiss all the doubters sometime soon, but I won't hold my breath while I wait.
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
actully mage and archery is first person view its is not in concept mode brannoc would know and oyu know he knows more than we do and he sticks around and runs the forums So. that tells me there being honest with us. even tho some things are misunderstood. you guys will find out we all will. i just kinda scared whats going to happen
A lot of the official DF line on graphics looks contradictory to me also. For instance, the 'No Instances' line.
In a previous post, the devs stated that objects cannot be placed on the ground because it would clutter up the place & cause general lag. They have also stated many times that players can build their own persistent houses, or even cities! In most MMOs, player houses tend to be full all the junk they have collected in the game showcased on crafted furniture. One of the reasons they are usually instanced is that all that junk could cause lag to other players just passing by. If objects on the ground would cause problems for the DF graphics engine, then how could it cope with player cities & houses unless they used at least some instances?
There are other areas (Such as can you deforest the world in order to build more player cities, or how do you man & steer a player built ship?) where the logic doesn't quite add up & it seems more like they are just promising almost anything to appease fans who are growing tired of waiting. In other areas though, such as implying mages & archers must fight in FPS mode, it seems more like they said this by mistake & it will change again in the near future.
To me at least, it gives the impression that the game is still in 'Concept Mode' rather than being almost finished.
Maybe they will finally release hard evidence to dismiss all the doubters sometime soon, but I won't hold my breath while I wait.
If you can't "Have your cake & eat it too", then how can "The proof of the pudding be in the eating"?
Take the Hecatomb? TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.
actully mage and archery is first person view its is not in concept mode brannoc would know and oyu know he knows more than we do and he sticks around and runs the forums So. that tells me there being honest with us. even tho some things are misunderstood. you guys will find out we all will. i just kinda scared whats going to happen