there may be a BIT of a dip in AoC's subs around the release of WAR and WoTLK, but they'll be back...when they realise how bored they are with auto-attack combat now. Once you've gotten used to AoC combat, nothing else compares.
Sorry, but AoC WILL NOT be a WoW killer. World of Warcraft is north of 10 million users at this point and likely will hold that for the time being. A Science Channel from last year had it at 7 million. An article I read last week put it at 10 million. With the WoW expansion coming out, adding what should be some popular content (Death Knight, smaller raid groups, mounted combat, a new land, a new faction, etc.) the numbers should stay strong. My guess is that Blizz has this thing close to ready, but will put this thing on the shelf after seeing the AoC launch and will definitely come out before WAR (which has greater potential to hurt WoW) is released.
I don't think AoC comes anywhere close to WoW territory. The Mature rating is going to keep it out of the younger hands and likely will scare away the more conservative of the WoW customers (I know Evangelicals, ministers and other conservative type people who play WoW, but likely wouldn't touch AoC). Furthermore WoW attracted people who had never touched an MMO before, with its casual-friendly gameplay and easy to use interface. I can assure you that I know many who have tried other MMOs, but keep going back to WoW because it is so user friendly. My understanding is that WAR is going to go fairly user friendly, which could help it gain traction against WoW.
WoW, while sometimes boring, tedious, repetitive, etc. set the standard for MMOs. With the numbers the game has, Blizz IS doing something right. Those numbers will remain high until some other company either creates a true clone, puts a WoW feel on a deeper AoC like game, or unti Blizz comes up with something new.
But, as I said, AoC will not be a WoW killer. It will have a nice customer base, if it can work out some of the PR from this launch. It very well could put itself in position as a #2 or #3 (behind WAR) in the MMO space.
<br><b><p>I'm being serious. This game may truly be the WoW killer. Not now, but in a course of a few years. Think about it</p>
<li>600,000 early access slots - ALL SOLD OUT</li>
<li>All 200,000 or so CE - SOLD OUT</li>
<li>1 million have applied for beta</li>
<li>Better graphics, better combat - AoC leads the way for next-gen MMOs; WoW users may become tired of raiding/graphics during the next few years and switch</li>
<li>WoW loses servers - AoC gains more servers</li>
<li>This generation seems to be a lot about graphics and word of mouth advertising - perfect, AoC has excellent graphics</li>
<p>AoC is just exploding in sales. To what I've read, pre-orders are up to 800,000. Almost 1 million subs in the first day of release. Now imagine how the game will expand? Call me a sceptic, but I truly believe this game is <strong>The One</strong>.</p></b></blockquote>
<br> You write that ...
1. 600k in eary access is sold out.
2. 200k in CE is sold out. Link from where you have gotten this number!!
Oh no no... apparently (from what I've heard on these forums) it's not good. We should go play checkers.
From what you;ve read (and I read them too) most people on the forums either are fanboys, people asking for computer advice, or trolls who hated the open beta because it wasn't perfect (despite being a stress test). I've read lots of forums and most of the "average gamer who wants AoC" gamers are not on the AoC forums whining or praising like it's Jesus. Sale numbers don't lie - this game has become one of the top 5 best selling MMOs in a matter of weeks.
If you say sale numbers matter on how good the game is or how much better one game is then it will still be wow 10mil+(and growing) to aocs 1mil+(and growing)..thus you just said wow>aoc.
Give me a link if it is that easy. I havnt found anyone yet.
What we know is AoC have had 1. 5 million unique visitors on AoC homepage since newyear. 2. 1 million applied for beta 3. over 700k unique visitors last week.
Yeah, but I betcha the preorders for WoW: Wrath of the Lich King are well north of anything that Age of Conan says. My guess is WotLK presells way, way more.
In the beginning I thought that AoC will sell something like a half million copies since it was so pvp centric. It looks like it will sell much better than that.
But it isn´t a WoW killer. At best it and Warhammer combined will stop WoW to grow and even decline a bit. Too truly kill WoW it will require that Blizzard releases WoW 2 and screws it up.
In the beginning I thought that AoC will sell something like a half million copies since it was so pvp centric. It looks like it will sell much better than that. But it isn´t a WoW killer. At best it and Warhammer combined will stop WoW to grow and even decline a bit. Too truly kill WoW it will require that Blizzard releases WoW 2 and screws it up.
Maybe who knows, But not one person on this site or any site will know how aoc will really be, They can say whatever they want to sell a game. I have nothing bad to say about aoc, just annoying how everytime a new mmo comes out it will be thw wow killer. wow doesnt need to die its simple if u dont like it dont play it. And who knows WAR might be the aoc killer.
In the beginning I thought that AoC will sell something like a half million copies since it was so pvp centric. It looks like it will sell much better than that. But it isn´t a WoW killer. At best it and Warhammer combined will stop WoW to grow and even decline a bit. Too truly kill WoW it will require that Blizzard releases WoW 2 and screws it up.
Trust me, Blizz WILL NOT screw up WoW 2, World of Starcraft, World of Diablo, or whatever its next MMO is.
In the beginning I thought that AoC will sell something like a half million copies since it was so pvp centric. It looks like it will sell much better than that. But it isn´t a WoW killer. At best it and Warhammer combined will stop WoW to grow and even decline a bit. Too truly kill WoW it will require that Blizzard releases WoW 2 and screws it up.
Trust me, Blizz WILL NOT screw up WoW 2, World of Starcraft, World of Diablo, or whatever its next MMO is.
No but have fun waiting 4-5 years to play whatever game it is they decide on...
I agree mostly with the OP and nobody denies the numbers...and for those thinking AoC will get as many subs as Lotro or less, or saying they cant get past 200k subs, you guys are in denial. The numbers say otherwise.
Do I think this game will kill WoW ? By itself is highly doubtful but maybe in time it will rival the numbers. Indirectly YES it will definitely contribute to the final death of WoW's reign on the industry (which they are well, well, above the next closet in the industry atm).
Why so? Because it is a new leaf being turned over in the industry, and the combination of AoC, WAR, Aion, TCoS, etc etc .. brings finally competition to such a dominated market all at the same time. Games like Aion will get less subs that AoC and those will get AT LEAST 200k. People want new fresh stuff, they are simply bored. I would bet we could do a poll and you would end up with at least 10 different big titles people are waiting on that have predicted release dates in the near future.
The market is going to get split up a bit and you know what..? WoW will be the one to ultimately suffer and it will eventually die...why do you think blizzard has plans on making their big new MMO?
The domination is gonna die look around AoC is friggn huge atm , if you think bliz ain't scared you are crazy.... I have logged into my server a few times this week in WoW and my guild said there are tons of big raiding guilds breaking up/looking for more, so i assume it is having a big impact already and just from this game.
This is what the guys down in the head office at blizz have been doing for the last 2 months
and it will only get worse as the time ticks and all the games release....
Tomorrow will decide a lot of things. However Wow killer is an amusing comment to make about another unfinished, hurried to market MMO.
If they can't handle the numbers in the early start over the weekend they won't be able to handle the number of retail accounts (1million???) made on Monday.
This is simply going to go either badly or really well for Funcom.
Given that they don't have enough servers to cover the pre-order access, they say 600000 was the number they had limited too to ensure quality of service. However then said they could, but won't set the cb servers to release to increase the number of players that would be able to gain early access. Reason? game ain't ready.
The game itself is pretty poor when it comes to graphics, play crisis then you know what jungle looks like. No dx10 support, supposedly kept for release but I would doubt this greatly.
No seemless open worlds, loading screens in the same zone when you die (ffa pvp weekend was for some almost entirely spent staring at it) Oh and jumping, that means your uber muscular warrior cant jump over anything taller than a house cat? Icannot tell you how many time I went o do a vult over a rail only to find myself unable to jump over. We players have been spoiled by GoW, GTA4 and the like. Movement in AoC is pretty restrictive in the stupidest of places. Climbing is a skill for pre-paced ladders and vines. You won't free climbing cliffs or climing mountains to speak to the wise man at the top, oh no! you have to take the preset motorway carved into the landscape. Happy Happy joy joy.
Then you have the release. The original single player portion of the game has a multiplayer element patched onto it. Poorly. And why? I played it throught single player and would prefer it that way, it makes learing the game simpler and attunes you to the controls. Multiplayer does nothing to enhance the game, except all you to party up or pvp with other players early on.
Mind you then again, AoC have gone down the path of trying to make interaction with npcs akin to bioware's method in Mass effect with diaglogue options. Pointless dialogue options that only require you to hold down the 1 key. There's not charm, intimidate, no decent camera angles and when you face the npc, you'll see they appear to a broom shoved up their arse as thet cannot tilt their faces towards you. Clearly seen when you stand above or below them.
Then you have voice acting......I want to be deaf after listening to the drivel. Piss poor voice direction, Goes from boastful rage to dull monotonous dialogue....I you go for voice dialoge in an rpg do it right. A scottish accent doen't make for an instantly believable Cimmerian.
If you were to judge the game on the 2 halves of the game, single players intro lvl1-20 you would imagine most reviewers wouldn't be giving this more than a 4. The multiplayer has yet to be played in full so review is pending.
After release more info will come out, particualrly about PVP and the combat system.
Both are not good. the combat system is over complicated and a mish mash of true free control and hotkeys. hotkeys should be removed and it should be either entirely keystrokes for combos or all hotkeys, the current setup is ridiculous. G15 keyboard users for the win (macros). They have a shiled system that you can change, but honestly, how you are supposed to be able to fast switch it when the samey are bound for your attacks is anyone's guess. Again G15 to the rescue. PvP is the same as wow with the exception of sieges but the later has not been open beta tested, so still remains a mystery but we know the claims of 300 playersfacing off is a pipe dream right now, more like 48 v 48.
So will this game be a wowkiller? no. never gonna happen.
Will this game make money? yes.
Is it overhyped? oh yes.
What no one who make satatemnts like this will be a wow killer gets is wow is like the simpsons, it's almost part of the zietgiest. it's been around for a long time, it is accessable and is bright and is actually fun to play. However it has been around for 4 years, so players do get jaded and move on. AoC is the new Family guy for mature audiences, you'll hate it now, love it later then move on when the New Jetson's comes along.
Wow will never die per se, it will lose subs over time due to a lack of end game content. Indeed all mmo's will suffer the same fate in time. Peoples likes change amsd we all move on to different games. AoC promised so much but has so far been lacking in coming up with the goods. Time will tell if the folks at funcom have what it take to make this a decent mmo. fingers crossed but I have WAR on pre-order just incase.
This is true in some respects but I don't think its possible to create an appealing world based on conan without excellent graphics. The nature of the the lore and material means a cartoony graphics style wouldn't work very well.
Put it this way... the LEAST AoC will do is fairly cripple the WoW subscriptions. At its best, it could kill wow. TBVH, between AoC and WAR, WoW is set for a TKO.
The domination is gonna die look around AoC is friggn huge atm , if you think bliz ain't scared you are crazy.... I have logged into my server a few times this week in WoW and my guild said there are tons of big raiding guilds breaking up/looking for more, so i assume it is having a big impact already and just from this game.
This is what the guys down in the head office at blizz have been doing for the last 2 months and it will only get worse as the time ticks and all the games release....
Vanguard was supposed to be the WoW killer. It failed. (Horrible launch, lots of issues, bad PR ... which, is where I think AoC could head, if it doesn't work to appease customers ... OR if too many people end up with issues running the game)
LOTRO was supposed to be the WoW killer. It isn't (Like WoW, it is user friendly, appeals to a casual gamer, has a recognizable brand) ... but, it is nowhere near 10 million customers.
AoC might sell 1 million units on release, but I don't think they will have 1 million subs after the 30 days is up. My guess is AoC will be somewhere north of 500,000 subs for the time being, with occasional spurts to 1 million, notably around the holidays). I think that many will install the client and be turned off by one or more of the following:
-- Performance Issues (FPS and such)
-- The awkward combat system (the casual WoW customers who buy AoC are going to be turned off, simple as that -- WoW's graces for most of its customer base are the interface, which IS NOT present in AoC)
lol your funny. for one u cant kill wow due to the fact is has no life.
2nd AOC will do nothing to wow. better graphic oh wow yeah high end machine which people dont have so wow will still be played more due to less need for high end machines.
Well I don't know about a WOW-Killer but I know for a fact that many people who I used to play with in WOW and other mmo games will be moving over to AOC for good if AOC delivers a successful launch. So I do believe AOC will impact many current mmo games.
Put it this way... the LEAST AoC will do is fairly cripple the WoW subscriptions. At its best, it could kill wow. TBVH, between AoC and WAR, WoW is set for a TKO.
WoW is going nowhere. Sorry, but AoC is a different game. My 65-year-old mom, 62-year-old uncle, 15-year-old nephew all play WoW -- tons!!! My mom and nephew have tried LOTRO, Vanguard, Everquest, Everquest II, and other MMOs, but just don't like them compared to WoW. They aren't impressed by AoC at all, due to the interface. I'm sure that a vast majority of WoW customers are in the same boat. In my mom's case, WoW was her first MMO. She is a fairly casual gamer, though she takes WoW seriously.
I think that many WoW customers will end up buying AoC and be disappointed. While I like AoC, I still think WoW is a much more polished game, with much better support.
WAR has a better chance, because of the team behind it and the similarities it is expected to share with WoW -- which may help draw away from WoW's rapid base.
Lastly, WoW has an expansion due out, that will outsell AoC -- I'm guessing by at least a 2-1 margin.
WoW developers have the funding and the skill to include in their game pretty much everything the competition has to offer. Unfortunately they have been doing it in a very slow pace, especially considering the amount of money the are generating. In that sense, the release of a competitive MMO will only improve and accelerate what WoW has to offer. For example, things that have been promised on WoW's release but never made it up to now, are now promised to be on the new expansion, just because WAR will have them as well.
In this sense, competition will improve the features offered for all games on the market. Unfortunately, WoW will not address two issues that have an impact on my perception of fun:
The equivalent of a character wipe with every expansion announced.
The severely outdated graphics that even the artistic style can't cover at this point.
Looking back at AoC, the trick will not be the initial sales (although these will determine the momentum the game will achieve over the years), but the sustainability and growth over time. We will know for certain a couple months after the initial release.
Deep down I hope they generate enough money to complete the graphic revamp of AO (if that makes sense). I'm so tired of fantasy games at this point ... Oh, well ...
lol your funny. for one u cant kill wow due to the fact is has no life. 2nd AOC will do nothing to wow. better graphic oh wow yeah high end machine which people dont have so wow will still be played more due to less need for high end machines.
As Vanguard proved, better graphics, don't make for a better game.
In fact, Will Wright proved that long, long, long ago with SimCity, than with The Sims -- which were pretty, but fairly low-end graphics. Graphics are moot, without a good game. Graphics are moot, if you can't play the game due to performance issues.
AOC is gonna be SUPER PRO cant wait till this weekend! btw you cant kill wow they been on south park and have MR T
there may be a BIT of a dip in AoC's subs around the release of WAR and WoTLK, but they'll be back...when they realise how bored they are with auto-attack combat now. Once you've gotten used to AoC combat, nothing else compares.
OP, you write that ...
1. 600k in eary access is sold out.
2. 200k in CE is sold out.
Link from where you have gotten this number!!
Sorry, but AoC WILL NOT be a WoW killer. World of Warcraft is north of 10 million users at this point and likely will hold that for the time being. A Science Channel from last year had it at 7 million. An article I read last week put it at 10 million. With the WoW expansion coming out, adding what should be some popular content (Death Knight, smaller raid groups, mounted combat, a new land, a new faction, etc.) the numbers should stay strong. My guess is that Blizz has this thing close to ready, but will put this thing on the shelf after seeing the AoC launch and will definitely come out before WAR (which has greater potential to hurt WoW) is released.
I don't think AoC comes anywhere close to WoW territory. The Mature rating is going to keep it out of the younger hands and likely will scare away the more conservative of the WoW customers (I know Evangelicals, ministers and other conservative type people who play WoW, but likely wouldn't touch AoC). Furthermore WoW attracted people who had never touched an MMO before, with its casual-friendly gameplay and easy to use interface. I can assure you that I know many who have tried other MMOs, but keep going back to WoW because it is so user friendly. My understanding is that WAR is going to go fairly user friendly, which could help it gain traction against WoW.
WoW, while sometimes boring, tedious, repetitive, etc. set the standard for MMOs. With the numbers the game has, Blizz IS doing something right. Those numbers will remain high until some other company either creates a true clone, puts a WoW feel on a deeper AoC like game, or unti Blizz comes up with something new.
But, as I said, AoC will not be a WoW killer. It will have a nice customer base, if it can work out some of the PR from this launch. It very well could put itself in position as a #2 or #3 (behind WAR) in the MMO space.
it's all over the internet....take a look around.
From what you;ve read (and I read them too) most people on the forums either are fanboys, people asking for computer advice, or trolls who hated the open beta because it wasn't perfect (despite being a stress test). I've read lots of forums and most of the "average gamer who wants AoC" gamers are not on the AoC forums whining or praising like it's Jesus. Sale numbers don't lie - this game has become one of the top 5 best selling MMOs in a matter of weeks.
If you say sale numbers matter on how good the game is or how much better one game is then it will still be wow 10mil+(and growing) to aocs 1mil+(and growing)..thus you just said wow>aoc.
Give me a link if it is that easy. I havnt found anyone yet.
What we know is AoC have had
1. 5 million unique visitors on AoC homepage since newyear.
2. 1 million applied for beta
3. over 700k unique visitors last week.
But I havnt seen the other figures.
Yeah, but I betcha the preorders for WoW: Wrath of the Lich King are well north of anything that Age of Conan says. My guess is WotLK presells way, way more.
In the beginning I thought that AoC will sell something like a half million copies since it was so pvp centric. It looks like it will sell much better than that.
But it isn´t a WoW killer. At best it and Warhammer combined will stop WoW to grow and even decline a bit. Too truly kill WoW it will require that Blizzard releases WoW 2 and screws it up.
Maybe who knows, But not one person on this site or any site will know how aoc will really be, They can say whatever they want to sell a game. I have nothing bad to say about aoc, just annoying how everytime a new mmo comes out it will be thw wow killer. wow doesnt need to die its simple if u dont like it dont play it. And who knows WAR might be the aoc killer.
Trust me, Blizz WILL NOT screw up WoW 2, World of Starcraft, World of Diablo, or whatever its next MMO is.
Trust me, Blizz WILL NOT screw up WoW 2, World of Starcraft, World of Diablo, or whatever its next MMO is.
No but have fun waiting 4-5 years to play whatever game it is they decide on...
I agree mostly with the OP and nobody denies the numbers...and for those thinking AoC will get as many subs as Lotro or less, or saying they cant get past 200k subs, you guys are in denial. The numbers say otherwise.
Do I think this game will kill WoW ? By itself is highly doubtful but maybe in time it will rival the numbers. Indirectly YES it will definitely contribute to the final death of WoW's reign on the industry (which they are well, well, above the next closet in the industry atm).
Why so? Because it is a new leaf being turned over in the industry, and the combination of AoC, WAR, Aion, TCoS, etc etc .. brings finally competition to such a dominated market all at the same time. Games like Aion will get less subs that AoC and those will get AT LEAST 200k. People want new fresh stuff, they are simply bored. I would bet we could do a poll and you would end up with at least 10 different big titles people are waiting on that have predicted release dates in the near future.
The market is going to get split up a bit and you know what..? WoW will be the one to ultimately suffer and it will eventually die...why do you think blizzard has plans on making their big new MMO?
The domination is gonna die look around AoC is friggn huge atm , if you think bliz ain't scared you are crazy.... I have logged into my server a few times this week in WoW and my guild said there are tons of big raiding guilds breaking up/looking for more, so i assume it is having a big impact already and just from this game.
This is what the guys down in the head office at blizz have been doing for the last 2 months
and it will only get worse as the time ticks and all the games release....
I play a lot of games...
LOL made me laugh : )
Tomorrow will decide a lot of things. However Wow killer is an amusing comment to make about another unfinished, hurried to market MMO.
If they can't handle the numbers in the early start over the weekend they won't be able to handle the number of retail accounts (1million???) made on Monday.
This is simply going to go either badly or really well for Funcom.
Given that they don't have enough servers to cover the pre-order access, they say 600000 was the number they had limited too to ensure quality of service. However then said they could, but won't set the cb servers to release to increase the number of players that would be able to gain early access. Reason? game ain't ready.
The game itself is pretty poor when it comes to graphics, play crisis then you know what jungle looks like. No dx10 support, supposedly kept for release but I would doubt this greatly.
No seemless open worlds, loading screens in the same zone when you die (ffa pvp weekend was for some almost entirely spent staring at it) Oh and jumping, that means your uber muscular warrior cant jump over anything taller than a house cat? Icannot tell you how many time I went o do a vult over a rail only to find myself unable to jump over. We players have been spoiled by GoW, GTA4 and the like. Movement in AoC is pretty restrictive in the stupidest of places. Climbing is a skill for pre-paced ladders and vines. You won't free climbing cliffs or climing mountains to speak to the wise man at the top, oh no! you have to take the preset motorway carved into the landscape. Happy Happy joy joy.
Then you have the release. The original single player portion of the game has a multiplayer element patched onto it. Poorly. And why? I played it throught single player and would prefer it that way, it makes learing the game simpler and attunes you to the controls. Multiplayer does nothing to enhance the game, except all you to party up or pvp with other players early on.
Mind you then again, AoC have gone down the path of trying to make interaction with npcs akin to bioware's method in Mass effect with diaglogue options. Pointless dialogue options that only require you to hold down the 1 key. There's not charm, intimidate, no decent camera angles and when you face the npc, you'll see they appear to a broom shoved up their arse as thet cannot tilt their faces towards you. Clearly seen when you stand above or below them.
Then you have voice acting......I want to be deaf after listening to the drivel. Piss poor voice direction, Goes from boastful rage to dull monotonous dialogue....I you go for voice dialoge in an rpg do it right. A scottish accent doen't make for an instantly believable Cimmerian.
If you were to judge the game on the 2 halves of the game, single players intro lvl1-20 you would imagine most reviewers wouldn't be giving this more than a 4. The multiplayer has yet to be played in full so review is pending.
After release more info will come out, particualrly about PVP and the combat system.
Both are not good. the combat system is over complicated and a mish mash of true free control and hotkeys. hotkeys should be removed and it should be either entirely keystrokes for combos or all hotkeys, the current setup is ridiculous. G15 keyboard users for the win (macros). They have a shiled system that you can change, but honestly, how you are supposed to be able to fast switch it when the samey are bound for your attacks is anyone's guess. Again G15 to the rescue. PvP is the same as wow with the exception of sieges but the later has not been open beta tested, so still remains a mystery but we know the claims of 300 playersfacing off is a pipe dream right now, more like 48 v 48.
So will this game be a wowkiller? no. never gonna happen.
Will this game make money? yes.
Is it overhyped? oh yes.
What no one who make satatemnts like this will be a wow killer gets is wow is like the simpsons, it's almost part of the zietgiest. it's been around for a long time, it is accessable and is bright and is actually fun to play. However it has been around for 4 years, so players do get jaded and move on. AoC is the new Family guy for mature audiences, you'll hate it now, love it later then move on when the New Jetson's comes along.
Wow will never die per se, it will lose subs over time due to a lack of end game content. Indeed all mmo's will suffer the same fate in time. Peoples likes change amsd we all move on to different games. AoC promised so much but has so far been lacking in coming up with the goods. Time will tell if the folks at funcom have what it take to make this a decent mmo. fingers crossed but I have WAR on pre-order just incase.
you dont even know what sceptic means, do you?
This is true in some respects but I don't think its possible to create an appealing world based on conan without excellent graphics. The nature of the the lore and material means a cartoony graphics style wouldn't work very well.
ITT: People arguing with their own sock puppets about which came first: the chicken or the egg
Put it this way... the LEAST AoC will do is fairly cripple the WoW subscriptions. At its best, it could kill wow. TBVH, between AoC and WAR, WoW is set for a TKO.
Vanguard was supposed to be the WoW killer. It failed. (Horrible launch, lots of issues, bad PR ... which, is where I think AoC could head, if it doesn't work to appease customers ... OR if too many people end up with issues running the game)
LOTRO was supposed to be the WoW killer. It isn't (Like WoW, it is user friendly, appeals to a casual gamer, has a recognizable brand) ... but, it is nowhere near 10 million customers.
AoC might sell 1 million units on release, but I don't think they will have 1 million subs after the 30 days is up. My guess is AoC will be somewhere north of 500,000 subs for the time being, with occasional spurts to 1 million, notably around the holidays). I think that many will install the client and be turned off by one or more of the following:
-- Performance Issues (FPS and such)
-- The awkward combat system (the casual WoW customers who buy AoC are going to be turned off, simple as that -- WoW's graces for most of its customer base are the interface, which IS NOT present in AoC)
-- Potentially offensive content
lol your funny. for one u cant kill wow due to the fact is has no life.
2nd AOC will do nothing to wow. better graphic oh wow yeah high end machine which people dont have so wow will still be played more due to less need for high end machines.
Sorry, but the only way you can kill WoW is to create WoW 2.
This is coming from someone who hates WoW with a passion.
Well I don't know about a WOW-Killer but I know for a fact that many people who I used to play with in WOW and other mmo games will be moving over to AOC for good if AOC delivers a successful launch. So I do believe AOC will impact many current mmo games.
WoW is going nowhere. Sorry, but AoC is a different game. My 65-year-old mom, 62-year-old uncle, 15-year-old nephew all play WoW -- tons!!! My mom and nephew have tried LOTRO, Vanguard, Everquest, Everquest II, and other MMOs, but just don't like them compared to WoW. They aren't impressed by AoC at all, due to the interface. I'm sure that a vast majority of WoW customers are in the same boat. In my mom's case, WoW was her first MMO. She is a fairly casual gamer, though she takes WoW seriously.
I think that many WoW customers will end up buying AoC and be disappointed. While I like AoC, I still think WoW is a much more polished game, with much better support.
WAR has a better chance, because of the team behind it and the similarities it is expected to share with WoW -- which may help draw away from WoW's rapid base.
Lastly, WoW has an expansion due out, that will outsell AoC -- I'm guessing by at least a 2-1 margin.
WoW developers have the funding and the skill to include in their game pretty much everything the competition has to offer. Unfortunately they have been doing it in a very slow pace, especially considering the amount of money the are generating. In that sense, the release of a competitive MMO will only improve and accelerate what WoW has to offer. For example, things that have been promised on WoW's release but never made it up to now, are now promised to be on the new expansion, just because WAR will have them as well.
In this sense, competition will improve the features offered for all games on the market. Unfortunately, WoW will not address two issues that have an impact on my perception of fun:
Looking back at AoC, the trick will not be the initial sales (although these will determine the momentum the game will achieve over the years), but the sustainability and growth over time. We will know for certain a couple months after the initial release.
Deep down I hope they generate enough money to complete the graphic revamp of AO (if that makes sense). I'm so tired of fantasy games at this point ... Oh, well ...
As Vanguard proved, better graphics, don't make for a better game.
In fact, Will Wright proved that long, long, long ago with SimCity, than with The Sims -- which were pretty, but fairly low-end graphics. Graphics are moot, without a good game. Graphics are moot, if you can't play the game due to performance issues.