Originally posted by rsrestonOriginally posted by Gkarn
If they would update their graphics like Anarchy Online is doing. That will bring them some new and old subs.
What?? The game is beautiful! Games only revamp their graphics after some 6-7 years - IMO. It takes a huge effort to redo all the textures. AO was pretty ugly (even Everquest looked much better than AO in comparison).
Now why isn't CoX a huge success? Some ppl have pointed some strong points, and I'd like to comment on them:
- PvP doesn't happen everywhere: you have to go someplace to spar with your friend - that sucks.
- Missions are repetitive but not because of the maps (which could be more diverse) - it's because of the objectives: kill all enemies, find N things, kill all enemies inside the base - doesn't change much from that. If only we had more ways to solve missions (like D&DO has...)...
- It's not soloable after lvl 20-25 (except if you're playing with a Mastermind). If you solo, you'll take forever to get to max. So you must play at all times in a group - that sucks.
But the game is improving and it seems that the move from Cryptic to NCSoft was a blessing, as many improvements have been done to the game - and the future ones seem exciting as well.
You dont know what you are talking about when you say that it's not soloable after lvl 25. This is probably the most solo friendly MMO game out there. You can set the difficulty level to suit your skill. I soloed a brute to 50 in 145 hours. Please dont spread false information!
I agree that mission diversity both in maps and objectives is what the game needs. Often times when I'm doing bank missions ,stop the robbery mostly, I find myself saying, "Why can't the main body of the game be like this. By this I mean to include if you stick around and do stuff after the bank job, like save the jewelry store stop a fire. Hell, why are there no missions that involve chasing down a criminal driving in a car, stop him before he reaches his destination. Also the way mission contacts are handled didn't feel right for a super hero setting.
The lack of super feeling also comes from the fact that you never face off against mundane criminals and crimes/emergencies. Hell you can go and stop a purse snatching and feel like you are super till the purse-snatcher turns around and spits fire at you. Being a super hero isn't generally about being the underdog either. If I have super strength and I punch a normal guy it should feel like it, not just sound like it. Instead you hit "thug" with your super punch and he doesn't go flying, yeah his health drops a little or you one shot him because he is gray but come on. I can rip up peices of the ground from under my feet but I can't punch a gang member and knock him clear across the street? I can shoot ice from my hands but I need a water tank pack to put out a fire, and rather slowly at that.
Granted if they added Mundane crime it more then likely couldn't be a way to level up but hell you could make it contribute to your hero reputation and with enough reputation lead to interesting and hidden story arcs. Make the NPCs react to your presence even. Even offer some kinda buffs or powers based on your rep. They could take those titles you get as you level up, make them require "rep" and then based on what title you wear it gives you a buff or a new power as long as you have it.
Speaking as somebody who tried the game last year and quit after about a week, I have to agree with the comments about the lack of variety in missions and environment. It's popular nowadays to talk down graphics, saying that it's gameplay that matters, but in an MMO I am going to spend a lot of time in that environment. I want it to be a rich experience. CoX was anything but that to me. It was grim. In fact, it felt like a freebie game. It has those kind of production values. I also found it fairly quiet, which didn't help.
I'm not sure the fact that it's niche is that relevant. The fantasy market is saturated. I read comics myself, not only superhero stuff, but I do read those. So CoX should appeal to me. During the character creation process I thought I was going to love it. But it didn't take me long to realise that it wasn't a place I wanted to spend much time.
In fact, I'm not being contrary when I say that I'm surprised it does as well as it does and that it is only because it has niche appeal that it does so. Many comic readers play it. There are numerous fantasy MMOs out there of better quality. So if it was fantasy I doubt it would do so well.
I don't agree with you on the graphics note, visually I think the game is fine, it is better then WoW and it is older as well. The niche market thing works both in its favor and against it. It will always have that group because it is the only Super Hero MMO but at the same time you get those people that just say "Eh, super heroes are lame." The reality of the situation, I feel, will reveal itself with the release of Champions online
Originally posted by rsrestonOriginally posted by Gkarn
If they would update their graphics like Anarchy Online is doing. That will bring them some new and old subs.
What?? The game is beautiful! Games only revamp their graphics after some 6-7 years - IMO. It takes a huge effort to redo all the textures. AO was pretty ugly (even Everquest looked much better than AO in comparison).
Now why isn't CoX a huge success? Some ppl have pointed some strong points, and I'd like to comment on them:
- PvP doesn't happen everywhere: you have to go someplace to spar with your friend - that sucks.
- Missions are repetitive but not because of the maps (which could be more diverse) - it's because of the objectives: kill all enemies, find N things, kill all enemies inside the base - doesn't change much from that. If only we had more ways to solve missions (like D&DO has...)...
- It's not soloable after lvl 20-25 (except if you're playing with a Mastermind). If you solo, you'll take forever to get to max. So you must play at all times in a group - that sucks.
But the game is improving and it seems that the move from Cryptic to NCSoft was a blessing, as many improvements have been done to the game - and the future ones seem exciting as well.
You dont know what you are talking about when you say that it's not soloable after lvl 25. This is probably the most solo friendly MMO game out there. You can set the difficulty level to suit your skill. I soloed a brute to 50 in 145 hours. Please dont spread false information!
The lack of super feeling also comes from the fact that you never face off against mundane criminals and crimes/emergencies. Hell you can go and stop a purse snatching and feel like you are super till the purse-snatcher turns around and spits fire at you. Being a super hero isn't generally about being the underdog either. If I have super strength and I punch a normal guy it should feel like it, not just sound like it. Instead you hit "thug" with your super punch and he doesn't go flying, yeah his health drops a little or you one shot him because he is gray but come on. I can rip up peices of the ground from under my feet but I can't punch a gang member and knock him clear across the street? I can shoot ice from my hands but I need a water tank pack to put out a fire, and rather slowly at that. Granted if they added Mundane crime it more then likely couldn't be a way to level up but hell you could make it contribute to your hero reputation and with enough reputation lead to interesting and hidden story arcs. Make the NPCs react to your presence even. Even offer some kinda buffs or powers based on your rep. They could take those titles you get as you level up, make them require "rep" and then based on what title you wear it gives you a buff or a new power as long as you have it.
That's actually not a bad idea. It would be great for lower-level toons. While there's really no reason Superman doesn't stop purse snatchers, he usually has "bigger" things to worry about, kwim? Have the little guys stop the snatchers. Maybe offer free reputation change after so many purses recovered. Or have some random NPC set you off on a patrol mish to stop a purse snatching ring. "Thank you so much, Hero! You know, I've been hearing rumors of a ring of purse snatchers in this area. I bet Detective Bob would have more information."
Villains could go around snatching purses or beating up protestors (don't tell me you haven't been tempted). Eventually an NPC reports you and a squadron of Longbow comes after you. You either have to defeat them or evade them for a certain length of time before they give up.
Now where's that suggestion forum???
------------- The less you expect, the more you'll be surprised. Hopefully, pleasantly so.
There are two reasons why the game isn't super big.
1. Instanced misson maps lack variety and feel of immersion
There was a time when everyone would fight crime on the streets until leveling in the mission maps became the best XP/hour. In a way it kind of hurt the feel of zones seeing so many heroes together in a city of heroes was an ecstatic feeling to me. But everyone was in their instances instead and street sweeping kind of went of way despite later changes. The zones I feel offer depth and I why I enjoy my hero/villain fighting in them compared to a small instanced map even to this day (Not to mention more flexibility in being able to use your travel powers).
2. No feeling of superiority over anyone else.
It is kind of ironic that a lot of gamers complain about others having better gear and wish for equality. And yet that is exactly (almost) the CoX series offers. Your level 50 is pretty much the same as my level 50 except for the different power sets and powers selections from those power sets. The additions of loots in a way offers differintiation between players but for the most part they all can function. This is the greatest strength and weakness at the same time of the game.
I am suprised people consider this game a niche game considering it is usually over the 100k mark in subs on average. To me that is not a niche game but it definatley has room for growth.
I am suprised people consider this game a niche game considering it is usually over the 100k mark in subs on average. To me that is not a niche game but it definatley has room for growth.
I think the "niche" tag comes from the sub-genre. If you want to be an elf, there are many different options to choose from. Do you want to be an EQ or WoW or some other elf? Heck, you can even be an elf in CoX. The difference seems to be that in WoW, you're an elf who happens to fights monsters and stuff but in CoX, you're a superhero who happens to be an elf.
In those other games, a character's origin plays a much larger role in skill and ability selection than it does in CoX. In CoX, all ice tankers have the same available powers no matter if they have magic or technological origin. A character's physiology/anatomy has no bearing on their actual abilities.
CoX qualifies as a "niche game" because there are no other straight-up superhero MMOs out there. Once Champions Online goes, well, online... CoX will lose its niche status.
------------- The less you expect, the more you'll be surprised. Hopefully, pleasantly so.
Repetitive missions. Everything else is good, just doing the same ole is going to wear on a lot of players. Now I'm sure we all have our ideas on how to make it better, what I don't get is that Cryptic has had this what for 4 years and they haven't been able to really figure out how to make more unique quests, better storylines, maybe some coming style storytelling while in mission etc?
They added PvP to a game that was sold as PvE, which I think almost always means "no one plays", which means always a waste of resources. They fall into the trap everyone does, they hear reasons why others never tried the game and PvP was one near the top, they add it but they don't realize those people saying they want PvP, weren't interested in actually buying the game if you have it or not now.
They just added more content that is too close to the same as the rest. They have done some nice things but what is the bread and butter of a PvE game? Combat model and Quests. Thye just haven't opened up the creativity bucket enough on their quests. Still great fun in spurts though, nice combat and group pve. Still solid graphics and as noted wonderful character creation and nice skills.
I didn’t say that COX was a bad looking game. But if you want to get people and older subs back, update the graphics. People love to see their old characters in new form, trust me on this.
I like City of Heroes, and will continue to play it, period. I don’t think there will be a game out there in the near future that I will subscribe to. Stargate Worlds has my attention, but I will wait to see if the Vanguard effect happens, then see.
I can foresee that COX will be doing some mission adds in the near future. If they can make some Super Raid type stuff, it would help also.
Originally posted by rsreston
Originally posted by Gkarn
If they would update their graphics like Anarchy Online is doing. That will bring them some new and old subs.
What?? The game is beautiful! Games only revamp their graphics after some 6-7 years - IMO. It takes a huge effort to redo all the textures. AO was pretty ugly (even Everquest looked much better than AO in comparison).
Now why isn't CoX a huge success? Some ppl have pointed some strong points, and I'd like to comment on them:
- PvP doesn't happen everywhere: you have to go someplace to spar with your friend - that sucks.
- Missions are repetitive but not because of the maps (which could be more diverse) - it's because of the objectives: kill all enemies, find N things, kill all enemies inside the base - doesn't change much from that. If only we had more ways to solve missions (like D&DO has...)...
- It's not soloable after lvl 20-25 (except if you're playing with a Mastermind). If you solo, you'll take forever to get to max. So you must play at all times in a group - that sucks.
But the game is improving and it seems that the move from Cryptic to NCSoft was a blessing, as many improvements have been done to the game - and the future ones seem exciting as well.
I didn’t say that COX was a bad looking game. But if you want to get people and older subs back, update the graphics. People love to see their old characters in new form, trust me on this.
I like City of Heroes, and will continue to play it, period. I don’t think there will be a game out there in the near future that I will subscribe to. Stargate Worlds has my attention, but I will wait to see if the Vanguard effect happens, then see.
I can foresee that COX will be doing some mission adds in the near future. If they can make some Super Raid type stuff, it would help also.
Forgive me, but why and the hell would you want to pvp in the start?? The earliest lvl to pvp is 20 (if I remember correctly), right at the time when powers are starting to become somewhat strong. It would be absolutely boring before that.
No pvp at the start, so i didn't play it. I don't buy old level based games.
Forgive me, but why and the hell would you want to pvp in the start?? The earliest lvl to pvp is 20 (if I remember correctly), right at the time when powers are starting to become somewhat strong. It would be absolutely boring before that.
No when they released it, there was no pvp. Also it wasnt a high priority, arenas came out in update four.
Also im not sure, but I dont think they had an open beta.
Forgive me, but why and the hell would you want to pvp in the start?? The earliest lvl to pvp is 20 (if I remember correctly), right at the time when powers are starting to become somewhat strong. It would be absolutely boring before that.
Technically, Bloody Bay is open at level 15. However, lvl 15 toons tend to suffer much pwnage from the lvl 20+ toons - even the ones that have been exemped down to 25.
That happens in all the PvP zones; in an actual fight, the lower level toons usually stand next to no chance against a higher level toon. I don't have much arena experience, but I try to avoid all enemy contact if I'm on the lower end of the lvl range for a PvP zone.
------------- The less you expect, the more you'll be surprised. Hopefully, pleasantly so.
Not enough advertising and the mission running gets a little grindy, if they add something else to level and maybe put some non-combat things in to take up free time it'd be more popular.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
hmm.. with the movie coming up.. i think this game will get more popular... but watever it is, CoH is not a dying game, the figures are not decreasing.
Player numbers have been dropping slowly overall - something like about 5% a quarter for the last few periods and is currently about 134k in active subs. That said, CoH/V still has one of the most dedicated fanbases in MMOs.
Why wasn't CoH/V bigger? Yes, WoW had a huge impact. The complaints of the grind / repetitive missions have also been common, but semi-recent changes to the xp curve in the game sees things move along a lot quicker than in the past, so these things aren't as noticeable imo. The PvE endgame has expanded over time too, so that there are a number of options (RWZ raids, LGTF, STF, LRSF, ITF, Hami, getting full IOs, badges) available for lvl 50 players.
I'm also expecting a boxed expansion to come out, at the very least so it can appear on the shelf before / during ChampO's launch. That'd be the smart way of taking on what will be their closest competitor.
The fact is, when Champion Online comes out, CoX's user count is going to decrease substantially. CO is from what I interpreted, what Cryptic wanted CoH to be originally, however due to technology restraints and financial shortages, they wound up with what's now CoX.
That's one prediction.
On the other hand, you might see a large number of dual subscribers. those who cling to CoX, but still want to try/enjoy Champion Online, and those who simply have ability/lack of focus to play both games at once. (myself guilty as charged with the latter)
Ive heard its got a steady amount of people playing but why is it not big? (Big as in... umm 2x the subs it has now i guess)
So far the only thing ive noticed that is not easy to do it soloing. (im only level 20 MA/DA Scrapper)
But that could just be the class i chose. Anyways the games awsome, so many different things you can do for character customization. The amount of unique character development is almost limitless.
And to boot its fun.
First off, fun is a completely subjective term. Some men like to think that having their naughty bits stepped on by women in high heels is fun. Not to equate that practice with CoH
City of Heroes/Villains, games I played for a couple months each, have the greatest character generation tool in the genre, in my opinion. However, once you get past that and into the actual meat of the game, for many, it gets very redundant. The gameplay is overly repetitive and extremely shallow, at least that is what I felt about the game and I think that that feeling is not unique.
With that said, I think that this is the biggest problems with the MMO genre in general. It is all very vanilla and very repetitive without the depth that I expect from a game that I will sink hundreds if not thousands of hours into.
First off, fun is a completely subjective term. Some men like to think that having their naughty bits stepped on by women in high heels is fun. Not to equate that practice with CoH
You've never been to Virtue's Pocket D, have you ;P
With the latest additions to the game (CoH wise) you can now level almost completely without resorting to the old fashioned boring mission grinding.
Newbie missions till 10, Midnighters till 15, Faultline to 25ish, finish off the Midnighter arc, suffer throught he 35-40 grind that CoX has yet to fix (give it a couple more years. they'll finally figure it out) and then finish it up with the Rikti War Zone.
Granted, after your first run though it gets repetative fast. but that's what comic books are like.
((everything after the first comment was added to provide additional 'information' to the thread.))
My honest take is because it's too repetitive. I always get bored after a month. I do usually put in a month once or twice a year, so I do really like the game. It's just that too many of the instances and enemies are similar, so I get bored after a few weeks.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
I did think of another issue - no auto attack (or a different attack system to what MMO players were used to). Going way back, I remember a lot of players commenting that CoH/V was too 'twitch' for them at launch (remember when that used to be a problem :-) and that not having an auto attack made them too slow. Combat was too hectic.
I'm not saying it was a major reason, but anecdotally it appears that CoH/V was more popular among first-time MMO players than those familiar with the genre.
Originally posted by ninjanerd202
The fact is, when Champion Online comes out, CoX's user count is going to decrease substantially. CO is from what I interpreted, what Cryptic wanted CoH to be originally, however due to technology restraints and financial shortages, they wound up with what's now CoX.
That's one prediction.
On the other hand, you might see a large number of dual subscribers. those who cling to CoX, but still want to try/enjoy Champion Online, and those who simply have ability/lack of focus to play both games at once. (myself guilty as charged with the latter)
I agree - ChampO is going to hit the CoH/V playerbase hard. It will be interesting to see who trickles back and who ends up staying.
Now why isn't CoX a huge success? Some ppl have pointed some strong points, and I'd like to comment on them:
- PvP doesn't happen everywhere: you have to go someplace to spar with your friend - that sucks.
- Missions are repetitive but not because of the maps (which could be more diverse) - it's because of the objectives: kill all enemies, find N things, kill all enemies inside the base - doesn't change much from that. If only we had more ways to solve missions (like D&DO has...)...
- It's not soloable after lvl 20-25 (except if you're playing with a Mastermind). If you solo, you'll take forever to get to max. So you must play at all times in a group - that sucks.
But the game is improving and it seems that the move from Cryptic to NCSoft was a blessing, as many improvements have been done to the game - and the future ones seem exciting as well.
You dont know what you are talking about when you say that it's not soloable after lvl 25. This is probably the most solo friendly MMO game out there. You can set the difficulty level to suit your skill. I soloed a brute to 50 in 145 hours. Please dont spread false information!
You SOLOED a Brute in 145h??
Get a life!
I agree that mission diversity both in maps and objectives is what the game needs. Often times when I'm doing bank missions ,stop the robbery mostly, I find myself saying, "Why can't the main body of the game be like this. By this I mean to include if you stick around and do stuff after the bank job, like save the jewelry store stop a fire. Hell, why are there no missions that involve chasing down a criminal driving in a car, stop him before he reaches his destination. Also the way mission contacts are handled didn't feel right for a super hero setting.
The lack of super feeling also comes from the fact that you never face off against mundane criminals and crimes/emergencies. Hell you can go and stop a purse snatching and feel like you are super till the purse-snatcher turns around and spits fire at you. Being a super hero isn't generally about being the underdog either. If I have super strength and I punch a normal guy it should feel like it, not just sound like it. Instead you hit "thug" with your super punch and he doesn't go flying, yeah his health drops a little or you one shot him because he is gray but come on. I can rip up peices of the ground from under my feet but I can't punch a gang member and knock him clear across the street? I can shoot ice from my hands but I need a water tank pack to put out a fire, and rather slowly at that.
Granted if they added Mundane crime it more then likely couldn't be a way to level up but hell you could make it contribute to your hero reputation and with enough reputation lead to interesting and hidden story arcs. Make the NPCs react to your presence even. Even offer some kinda buffs or powers based on your rep. They could take those titles you get as you level up, make them require "rep" and then based on what title you wear it gives you a buff or a new power as long as you have it.
I'm not sure the fact that it's niche is that relevant. The fantasy market is saturated. I read comics myself, not only superhero stuff, but I do read those. So CoX should appeal to me. During the character creation process I thought I was going to love it. But it didn't take me long to realise that it wasn't a place I wanted to spend much time.
In fact, I'm not being contrary when I say that I'm surprised it does as well as it does and that it is only because it has niche appeal that it does so. Many comic readers play it. There are numerous fantasy MMOs out there of better quality. So if it was fantasy I doubt it would do so well.
I don't agree with you on the graphics note, visually I think the game is fine, it is better then WoW and it is older as well. The niche market thing works both in its favor and against it. It will always have that group because it is the only Super Hero MMO but at the same time you get those people that just say "Eh, super heroes are lame." The reality of the situation, I feel, will reveal itself with the release of Champions online
Now why isn't CoX a huge success? Some ppl have pointed some strong points, and I'd like to comment on them:
- PvP doesn't happen everywhere: you have to go someplace to spar with your friend - that sucks.
- Missions are repetitive but not because of the maps (which could be more diverse) - it's because of the objectives: kill all enemies, find N things, kill all enemies inside the base - doesn't change much from that. If only we had more ways to solve missions (like D&DO has...)...
- It's not soloable after lvl 20-25 (except if you're playing with a Mastermind). If you solo, you'll take forever to get to max. So you must play at all times in a group - that sucks.
But the game is improving and it seems that the move from Cryptic to NCSoft was a blessing, as many improvements have been done to the game - and the future ones seem exciting as well.
You dont know what you are talking about when you say that it's not soloable after lvl 25. This is probably the most solo friendly MMO game out there. You can set the difficulty level to suit your skill. I soloed a brute to 50 in 145 hours. Please dont spread false information!
You SOLOED a Brute in 145h??
Get a life!
You still don't know what you are talking about
Villains could go around snatching purses or beating up protestors (don't tell me you haven't been tempted). Eventually an NPC reports you and a squadron of Longbow comes after you. You either have to defeat them or evade them for a certain length of time before they give up.
Now where's that suggestion forum???
The less you expect, the more you'll be surprised. Hopefully, pleasantly so.
There are two reasons why the game isn't super big.
1. Instanced misson maps lack variety and feel of immersion
There was a time when everyone would fight crime on the streets until leveling in the mission maps became the best XP/hour. In a way it kind of hurt the feel of zones seeing so many heroes together in a city of heroes was an ecstatic feeling to me. But everyone was in their instances instead and street sweeping kind of went of way despite later changes. The zones I feel offer depth and I why I enjoy my hero/villain fighting in them compared to a small instanced map even to this day (Not to mention more flexibility in being able to use your travel powers).
2. No feeling of superiority over anyone else.
It is kind of ironic that a lot of gamers complain about others having better gear and wish for equality. And yet that is exactly (almost) the CoX series offers. Your level 50 is pretty much the same as my level 50 except for the different power sets and powers selections from those power sets. The additions of loots in a way offers differintiation between players but for the most part they all can function. This is the greatest strength and weakness at the same time of the game.
I am suprised people consider this game a niche game considering it is usually over the 100k mark in subs on average. To me that is not a niche game but it definatley has room for growth.
In those other games, a character's origin plays a much larger role in skill and ability selection than it does in CoX. In CoX, all ice tankers have the same available powers no matter if they have magic or technological origin. A character's physiology/anatomy has no bearing on their actual abilities.
CoX qualifies as a "niche game" because there are no other straight-up superhero MMOs out there. Once Champions Online goes, well, online... CoX will lose its niche status.
The less you expect, the more you'll be surprised. Hopefully, pleasantly so.
Repetitive missions. Everything else is good, just doing the same ole is going to wear on a lot of players. Now I'm sure we all have our ideas on how to make it better, what I don't get is that Cryptic has had this what for 4 years and they haven't been able to really figure out how to make more unique quests, better storylines, maybe some coming style storytelling while in mission etc?
They added PvP to a game that was sold as PvE, which I think almost always means "no one plays", which means always a waste of resources. They fall into the trap everyone does, they hear reasons why others never tried the game and PvP was one near the top, they add it but they don't realize those people saying they want PvP, weren't interested in actually buying the game if you have it or not now.
They just added more content that is too close to the same as the rest. They have done some nice things but what is the bread and butter of a PvE game? Combat model and Quests. Thye just haven't opened up the creativity bucket enough on their quests. Still great fun in spurts though, nice combat and group pve. Still solid graphics and as noted wonderful character creation and nice skills.
I didn’t say that COX was a bad looking game. But if you want to get people and older subs back, update the graphics. People love to see their old characters in new form, trust me on this.
I like City of Heroes, and will continue to play it, period. I don’t think there will be a game out there in the near future that I will subscribe to. Stargate Worlds has my attention, but I will wait to see if the Vanguard effect happens, then see.
I can foresee that COX will be doing some mission adds in the near future. If they can make some Super Raid type stuff, it would help also.
What?? The game is beautiful! Games only revamp their graphics after some 6-7 years - IMO. It takes a huge effort to redo all the textures. AO was pretty ugly (even Everquest looked much better than AO in comparison).Now why isn't CoX a huge success? Some ppl have pointed some strong points, and I'd like to comment on them:
- PvP doesn't happen everywhere: you have to go someplace to spar with your friend - that sucks.
- Missions are repetitive but not because of the maps (which could be more diverse) - it's because of the objectives: kill all enemies, find N things, kill all enemies inside the base - doesn't change much from that. If only we had more ways to solve missions (like D&DO has...)...
- It's not soloable after lvl 20-25 (except if you're playing with a Mastermind). If you solo, you'll take forever to get to max. So you must play at all times in a group - that sucks.
But the game is improving and it seems that the move from Cryptic to NCSoft was a blessing, as many improvements have been done to the game - and the future ones seem exciting as well.
I didn’t say that COX was a bad looking game. But if you want to get people and older subs back, update the graphics. People love to see their old characters in new form, trust me on this.
I like City of Heroes, and will continue to play it, period. I don’t think there will be a game out there in the near future that I will subscribe to. Stargate Worlds has my attention, but I will wait to see if the Vanguard effect happens, then see.
I can foresee that COX will be doing some mission adds in the near future. If they can make some Super Raid type stuff, it would help also.
should have a paid expansion pack... players are dying for newer content
No pvp at the start, so i didn't play it.
I don't buy old level based games.
Own, Mine, Defend, Attack, 24/7
Forgive me, but why and the hell would you want to pvp in the start?? The earliest lvl to pvp is 20 (if I remember correctly), right at the time when powers are starting to become somewhat strong. It would be absolutely boring before that.
Forgive me, but why and the hell would you want to pvp in the start?? The earliest lvl to pvp is 20 (if I remember correctly), right at the time when powers are starting to become somewhat strong. It would be absolutely boring before that.
No when they released it, there was no pvp. Also it wasnt a high priority, arenas came out in update four.
Also im not sure, but I dont think they had an open beta.
Own, Mine, Defend, Attack, 24/7
I suspect one is in the cards after they wrap up issue 15.
Forgive me, but why and the hell would you want to pvp in the start?? The earliest lvl to pvp is 20 (if I remember correctly), right at the time when powers are starting to become somewhat strong. It would be absolutely boring before that.
Technically, Bloody Bay is open at level 15. However, lvl 15 toons tend to suffer much pwnage from the lvl 20+ toons - even the ones that have been exemped down to 25.
That happens in all the PvP zones; in an actual fight, the lower level toons usually stand next to no chance against a higher level toon. I don't have much arena experience, but I try to avoid all enemy contact if I'm on the lower end of the lvl range for a PvP zone.
The less you expect, the more you'll be surprised. Hopefully, pleasantly so.
Not enough advertising and the mission running gets a little grindy, if they add something else to level and maybe put some non-combat things in to take up free time it'd be more popular.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
hmm.. with the movie coming up.. i think this game will get more popular...
but watever it is, CoH is not a dying game, the figures are not decreasing.
Player numbers have been dropping slowly overall - something like about 5% a quarter for the last few periods and is currently about 134k in active subs. That said, CoH/V still has one of the most dedicated fanbases in MMOs.
Why wasn't CoH/V bigger? Yes, WoW had a huge impact. The complaints of the grind / repetitive missions have also been common, but semi-recent changes to the xp curve in the game sees things move along a lot quicker than in the past, so these things aren't as noticeable imo. The PvE endgame has expanded over time too, so that there are a number of options (RWZ raids, LGTF, STF, LRSF, ITF, Hami, getting full IOs, badges) available for lvl 50 players.
I'm also expecting a boxed expansion to come out, at the very least so it can appear on the shelf before / during ChampO's launch. That'd be the smart way of taking on what will be their closest competitor.
The fact is, when Champion Online comes out, CoX's user count is going to decrease substantially. CO is from what I interpreted, what Cryptic wanted CoH to be originally, however due to technology restraints and financial shortages, they wound up with what's now CoX.
That's one prediction.
On the other hand, you might see a large number of dual subscribers. those who cling to CoX, but still want to try/enjoy Champion Online, and those who simply have ability/lack of focus to play both games at once. (myself guilty as charged with the latter)
First off, fun is a completely subjective term. Some men like to think that having their naughty bits stepped on by women in high heels is fun. Not to equate that practice with CoH
City of Heroes/Villains, games I played for a couple months each, have the greatest character generation tool in the genre, in my opinion. However, once you get past that and into the actual meat of the game, for many, it gets very redundant. The gameplay is overly repetitive and extremely shallow, at least that is what I felt about the game and I think that that feeling is not unique.
With that said, I think that this is the biggest problems with the MMO genre in general. It is all very vanilla and very repetitive without the depth that I expect from a game that I will sink hundreds if not thousands of hours into.
You've never been to Virtue's Pocket D, have you ;P
With the latest additions to the game (CoH wise) you can now level almost completely without resorting to the old fashioned boring mission grinding.
Newbie missions till 10, Midnighters till 15, Faultline to 25ish, finish off the Midnighter arc, suffer throught he 35-40 grind that CoX has yet to fix (give it a couple more years. they'll finally figure it out) and then finish it up with the Rikti War Zone.
Granted, after your first run though it gets repetative fast. but that's what comic books are like.
((everything after the first comment was added to provide additional 'information' to the thread.))
Because the game is now dated and it shows. The original owners of the IP knew it so left to start a new. Champions Online wipe the floor this old IP.
My honest take is because it's too repetitive. I always get bored after a month. I do usually put in a month once or twice a year, so I do really like the game. It's just that too many of the instances and enemies are similar, so I get bored after a few weeks.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
I did think of another issue - no auto attack (or a different attack system to what MMO players were used to). Going way back, I remember a lot of players commenting that CoH/V was too 'twitch' for them at launch (remember when that used to be a problem :-) and that not having an auto attack made them too slow. Combat was too hectic.
I'm not saying it was a major reason, but anecdotally it appears that CoH/V was more popular among first-time MMO players than those familiar with the genre.
I agree - ChampO is going to hit the CoH/V playerbase hard. It will be interesting to see who trickles back and who ends up staying.