Oh brother, I knew this was coming. More troll food. However, WAR is not AoC. They could've said "you'll be stuck at max level so we can test end-game content" but then once you actually played the game at launch you wouldn't be able to experience the end-game content for the first time. Kind of a bummer. I'll laugh if everyone complains about this, then halfway into the beta Mythic switches it around and says "Please make max level chars from now until the end of beta. We need to test the high level stuff." That probably won't happen but they're still using beta as focused testing, which means they don't have to focus only on the low levels.
sigh, people never learn. Push backs, scrubbing content, hiding upper level content. And, No matter how many times we see it fanboies totaly willing to admit it.
So WoW is a failure? What about Lord of the Rings...hmm...I mean how are we supposed to play the upper level content when you only get a week and a campaign to go into the city takes a month? You boviously don't grasp the scope of a campaign size. Its not a Raid you can go to with 40 friends anytime you want.
I hear people saying wow never had a open beta because you had to have a fileplanet subscription. Heh whatever. But now let's apply the same rule evenly. War certainly won't have one because you actually have to buy the game first. Hello.
You dont have to buy the game you have to pre order it, won an entry, or be in closed beta. They haven't ended contests yet to get into Beta. They also haven't confirmed nor denied they'd never have a fileplanet subscribers invite...just that if they do it won't be EVERYBODY. It'll be first come first serve your flat out of luck if you don't get a key in time.
There doesn't need to be a key for every john dick and harry that wants to find a reason to troll or flame.
It would be like opening a present before Christmas, so we are just going to get to shake it.
That's what Funcom told us closed beta testers when we asked why we weren't able to test out sieges, among other things.
Although I doubt WAR will be anywhere near the fiasco AoC turned out to be, it's still a shaky PR move considering recent events.
except Beta testers have been testing out Sieges for WAR..its even listed on the War Herald. If you look back atleast twice its said Testers are working on end game content including City Sieges.
Um..it's only beta. I don't see the problem. What, are you trying to blast through all the levels in less than a month or so? That is plenty of level room to experience the interface and explore the main areas as well as get a feel for how RvR works.
... even after the NDA is dropped i wont be allowed to talk about it ( i don't think )
Wow there's no end to the redefining of terms to fit their agenda. Now open beta applies only to people who've actually bought the game. Now dropping NDA doesn't really mean you can talk about the game. It's truly laughable. They're going to wake up and realize they can't offer things that aren't really what they mean conventionally.
I frankly don't even remember WoW having a FULL OPEN BETA.
I hear people saying wow never had a open beta because you had to have a fileplanet subscription. Heh whatever. But now let's apply the same rule evenly. War certainly won't have one because you actually have to buy the game first. Hello.
Sounds just like the stupid arguments that the AOC fan boies made, and D&L, Vanguard ect.
What WAR has done by dropping classes and cities a month befor their open Beta is not the same as the progression that WOW went through. No game is the same at it's conception as what actually comes to fruitation, but it's the obvious rush to meet a dead line that paints the picture. Comparingthe natural way in witch WOW limited/balanced things with what WAR has done this last month just shows your fanaticism and ignorance. (And before you call me a WOW fanboi, I don't play or like the game.)
... even after the NDA is dropped i wont be allowed to talk about it ( i don't think )
Wow there's no end to the redefining of terms to fit their agenda. Now open beta applies only to people who've actually bought the game. Now dropping NDA doesn't really mean you can talk about the game. It's truly laughable. They're going to wake up and realize they can't offer things that aren't really what they mean conventionally.
There are two groups of beta testers.
Group A are the original beta testers, they have an extra server option and they test out new patches before they hit the normal beta servers etc. They will be able to test out things like the final king encounter etc which group B does not ever see. People are guessing these guys will still be under NDA for the final encounters etc but I have no clue if it is true.
Group B are the testers that joined at the Guild Beta phase, they will still have tested most but not all of the game and will be out of the NDA for sure.
This isn't really something new. Most games don't like showing off everything to the beta testers because they want some of the game to stay fresh and exciting.
wow you guys are soo funny. You know if I did a global search and replace for war with aoc this whole thread could have been right out of the AoC forums like 3 months ago...
Setting the level cap at 20 IS a red flag. And if they hold the NDA till launch that IS another red flag. If you think otherwise you are a fanboi that is blind to reality.
Personally I got little interest in war but I sure as hell would NEVER preorder any game that does this crap. Certainly not after my experiences with AoC. You know what they say, "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me"
wow you guys are soo funny. You know if I did a global search and replace for war with aoc this whole thread could have been right out of the AoC forums like 3 months ago... Setting the level cap at 20 IS a red flag. Don't agree..this is standard..LotRo, WoW, EQ2, etc all have level caps. There's no need to ahve complete access to Test out a game not to mention it leaves nothing to be desired if you get it all at once. And if they hold the NDA till launch that IS another red flag. If you think otherwise you are a fanboi that is blind to reality. I agree..but Mythic IS dropping their NDA within the next couple of weeks. Its only speculation that there'll be restrictions..but its also completely WRONG speculation they've never once said a thing about limitations to the lift. Personally I got little interest in war but I sure as hell would NEVER preorder any game that does this crap. Certainly not after my experiences with AoC. You know what they say, "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me" I guess your not playing any MMOS then since all Major MMOS do this ..Hell even some of the F2P games limit you on access.
There's cheese for your Whine at the Exit...I hope you enjoy single player games where you never get to TEST anything much less the entire game..*gasp*
To Everyone whining :
The whole point to Open Beta's is a chance to Test out / Demo / Trial the game. As such getting test out the major system of the games is important. All major systems are available at lvl 1 - 20. The only system not available is the Capital Siege (unless they hold an Event which they have Hinted at if you wish to do any research). It takes a month maybe more for players to lock down the requirements to Siege on a capital this is not a simple matter of organizing a 40 man raid this is a massive server event that only happens when the server meets requirements.
What to see in Open Beta
Quests, Public Quests, the group system, the dye system, Scenarios, Open RvR / PvP, 3 Keeps, hidden quests, ToK, the UI, the Career System, the Renown System, Tactics, Morale, the Travel System, the banks, the cities (you can go to the cities your realm's city), the tavenerns, Living Guilds, Dungeons, the Crafting System, 20 classes, 12 different Tier areas (2 tiers for each race), and last but not least Siege Equiptment.
If this isn't enough for you..then don't play its that simple.
wow you guys are soo funny. You know if I did a global search and replace for war with aoc this whole thread could have been right out of the AoC forums like 3 months ago... Setting the level cap at 20 IS a red flag. And if they hold the NDA till launch that IS another red flag. If you think otherwise you are a fanboi that is blind to reality. Personally I got little interest in war but I sure as hell would NEVER preorder any game that does this crap. Certainly not after my experiences with AoC. You know what they say, "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me"
One thing people fail to mention/realize here is that WAR dosn't have a ton of beta testers breaking the NDA to say the game is horrible and not ready.
------------------------------------------------- Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%
I've only skimmed this thread, so I apologize if I'm repeating something that was already said.
Limiting game access can be problematic, true. In AoC, the OB was limited to the newbie island which had game mechanics that were vastly different from the rest of the game, so it was difficult to make a fair and proper assessment of what to expect. With WAR, almost all the game mechanics we can experience in the first twenty levels are the same mechanics we'll see in the final product, with the notable exception of the end siege. We will be able to experience public quests, PvP in both scenarios and open world objectives, zone control and keep capturing, albeit a simpler keep in Tier 2.
Does that mean the game is in trouble? Hardly. Does that mean the end game may not be up to par? I don't know. Given how betas work, I do wonder how much has been tested in terms of how fast, how often and how fun the entire Tier 4 endgame has been tested. My biggest fear has always been that it'll take 3+ weeks for a single siege and if it's even successful, it may only be open for half a day before the reset kicks in. How something like that could be tested when the news makes it seem like seiges have only been recently implemented is beyond me.
But that wouldn't change if they did open up the beta completely. in 10 days, how many players would really get to max rank to even experience this content? Sure, there'd be the OCD types who skip classes or use their vacation time at work, but by and large, the average player - who will likely be busy experiencing all 6 racial areas and all 20 classes - won't even hit 20.
Maybe they'll try a last day stress test party of a siege for fun at the end of OB. But even if they don't, this sounds like making a mountain out of a molehill. Or at least the fears of AoC being dragged into WAR. There are plenty of reservations to have about WAR. I have plenty of them, but personally, I just refused to pre-order and am now wating for the NDA to drop and concrete information and reviews to become available before I decide to purchase. There's nothing stopping anyone else from doing the same if they're worried.
wow you guys are soo funny. You know if I did a global search and replace for war with aoc this whole thread could have been right out of the AoC forums like 3 months ago... Setting the level cap at 20 IS a red flag. Don't agree..this is standard..LotRo, WoW, EQ2, etc all have level caps. There's no need to ahve complete access to Test out a game not to mention it leaves nothing to be desired if you get it all at once. I did not play test LotRO, but you are wrong WOW and EQ2 didn't level cap the Beta. And if they hold the NDA till launch that IS another red flag. If you think otherwise you are a fanboi that is blind to reality. I agree..but Mythic IS dropping their NDA within the next couple of weeks. Its only speculation that there'll be restrictions..but its also completely WRONG speculation they've never once said a thing about limitations to the lift. The point is they extended the NDA. It suggests they have something to hide. It's another peice of the puzzle we have seen many times before. Personally I got little interest in war but I sure as hell would NEVER preorder any game that does this crap. Certainly not after my experiences with AoC. You know what they say, "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me" I guess your not playing any MMOS then since all Major MMOS do this ..Hell even some of the F2P games limit you on access. I've followed/tested games for years and this simply isn't true.
wow you guys are soo funny. You know if I did a global search and replace for war with aoc this whole thread could have been right out of the AoC forums like 3 months ago... Setting the level cap at 20 IS a red flag. And if they hold the NDA till launch that IS another red flag. If you think otherwise you are a fanboi that is blind to reality. Personally I got little interest in war but I sure as hell would NEVER preorder any game that does this crap. Certainly not after my experiences with AoC. You know what they say, "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me"
Reality testing is based on facts not belief. Just because something might be true doesn't make it true.
wow you guys are soo funny. You know if I did a global search and replace for war with aoc this whole thread could have been right out of the AoC forums like 3 months ago... Setting the level cap at 20 IS a red flag. And if they hold the NDA till launch that IS another red flag. If you think otherwise you are a fanboi that is blind to reality. Personally I got little interest in war but I sure as hell would NEVER preorder any game that does this crap. Certainly not after my experiences with AoC. You know what they say, "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me"
Reality testing is based on facts not belief. Just because something might be true doesn't make it true.
Well first, this isn't about testing. It's about having a reasonable expectation. Secondly, if you think testers don't learn from experince and have to relearn/observe/test everything from the ground up you're crazy.
wow you guys are soo funny. You know if I did a global search and replace for war with aoc this whole thread could have been right out of the AoC forums like 3 months ago... Setting the level cap at 20 IS a red flag. Don't agree..this is standard..LotRo, WoW, EQ2, etc all have level caps. There's no need to ahve complete access to Test out a game not to mention it leaves nothing to be desired if you get it all at once. I did not play test LotRO, but you are wrong WOW and EQ2 didn't level cap the Beta. There was a Level cap in OPEN BETA for both Games so unless you got some magical codes that allowed you to test the entire game including raids durign OPEN BETA (not closed) your lying or delusional. And if they hold the NDA till launch that IS another red flag. If you think otherwise you are a fanboi that is blind to reality. I agree..but Mythic IS dropping their NDA within the next couple of weeks. Its only speculation that there'll be restrictions..but its also completely WRONG speculation they've never once said a thing about limitations to the lift. The point is they extended the NDA. It suggests they have something to hide. It's another peice of the puzzle we have seen many times before. They didn't EXTEND the NDA...an official DATE was never GIVEN. In order to EXTEND there has to be something official to EXTEND. Personally I got little interest in war but I sure as hell would NEVER preorder any game that does this crap. Certainly not after my experiences with AoC. You know what they say, "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me" I guess your not playing any MMOS then since all Major MMOS do this ..Hell even some of the F2P games limit you on access. I've followed/tested games for years and this simply isn't true. I think your either lying or your experience over the years has been limited. MMOS don't have to by any LAW give you access to everything during a TRIAL / OPEN BETA and most DON"T. Single player games most DEFINITLY dont' give you the entire game they give you a DEMO to give you an idea of the game. Thats essentially what most OB's are. Most single player games how ever do not have any sort of OPEN testing at all. Working as a Tester and being a player that signs up to Test is completely different.
To Everyone whining :
The whole point to Open Beta's is a chance to Test out / Demo / Trial the game. As such getting test out the major system of the games is important. All major systems are available at lvl 1 - 20. The only system not available is the Capital Siege (unless they hold an Event which they have Hinted at if you wish to do any research). It takes a month maybe more for players to lock down the requirements to Siege on a capital this is not a simple matter of organizing a 40 man raid this is a massive server event that only happens when the server meets requirements.
What to see in Open Beta
Quests, Public Quests, the group system, the dye system, Scenarios, Open RvR / PvP, 3 Keeps, hidden quests, ToK, the UI, the Career System, the Renown System, Tactics, Morale, the Travel System, the banks, the cities (you can go to the cities your realm's city), the tavenerns, Living Guilds, Dungeons, the Crafting System, 20 classes, 12 different Tier areas (2 tiers for each race), and last but not least Siege Equiptment.
The only thing not available for public testing is the City Siege (although they have HINTED at an end of open beta event to do that) If this isn't enough for you..then don't play its that simple.
Only games that dont' expect to retain their customers would give customers 100 percent free access to a game before its released.
Age of Conan was missing content. And not just any content, but core mid- and endgame content. Warhammer Online isn't. That's the main difference between "what this means" in the two games.
Warhammer isn't going to ship with the RvR "turned off" for months. :>
Need to keep the "big picture" in mind.
Yeah, the hardcore min/maxers will be mad that they can't get to 40 before release, but I for one will be too busy trying out different careers with the time I've got to worry about the 20+ game during open beta.
wow you guys are soo funny. You know if I did a global search and replace for war with aoc this whole thread could have been right out of the AoC forums like 3 months ago... Setting the level cap at 20 IS a red flag. Don't agree..this is standard..LotRo, WoW, EQ2, etc all have level caps. There's no need to ahve complete access to Test out a game not to mention it leaves nothing to be desired if you get it all at once. I did not play test LotRO, but you are wrong WOW and EQ2 didn't level cap the Beta. There was a Level cap in OPEN BETA for both Games so unless you got some magical codes that allowed you to test the entire game including raids durign OPEN BETA (not closed) your lying or delusional. And if they hold the NDA till launch that IS another red flag. If you think otherwise you are a fanboi that is blind to reality. I agree..but Mythic IS dropping their NDA within the next couple of weeks. Its only speculation that there'll be restrictions..but its also completely WRONG speculation they've never once said a thing about limitations to the lift. The point is they extended the NDA. It suggests they have something to hide. It's another peice of the puzzle we have seen many times before. They didn't EXTEND the NDA...an official DATE was never GIVEN. In order to EXTEND there has to be something official to EXTEND. Personally I got little interest in war but I sure as hell would NEVER preorder any game that does this crap. Certainly not after my experiences with AoC. You know what they say, "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me" I guess your not playing any MMOS then since all Major MMOS do this ..Hell even some of the F2P games limit you on access. I've followed/tested games for years and this simply isn't true. I think your either lying or your experience over the years has been limited. MMOS don't have to by any LAW give you access to everything during a TRIAL / OPEN BETA and most DON"T. Single player games most DEFINITLY dont' give you the entire game they give you a DEMO to give you an idea of the game. Thats essentially what most OB's are. Most single player games how ever do not have any sort of OPEN testing at all. Working as a Tester and being a player that signs up to Test is completely different.
Well there being a level cap on WOW beta should be easy enough to google and prove.
They are also dropping the NDA around open beta, so if you are trying to imply they are pulling a Funcom you are definately wrong. They likely do not want you to rush through all of the content , it is a beta after all.
Anyone who thinks this could turn out to be an AoC has a reason to since very little information has been released. What I must say is that this is not AoC. Age of Conan was made by a bunch of tards that call themselves Funcom. Mythic is an incredible company that makes incredible products.
sigh, people never learn. Push backs, scrubbing content, hiding upper level content. And, No matter how many times we see it fanboies totaly willing to admit it.
So WoW is a failure? What about Lord of the Rings...hmm...I mean how are we supposed to play the upper level content when you only get a week and a campaign to go into the city takes a month? You boviously don't grasp the scope of a campaign size. Its not a Raid you can go to with 40 friends anytime you want.
You dont have to buy the game you have to pre order it, won an entry, or be in closed beta. They haven't ended contests yet to get into Beta. They also haven't confirmed nor denied they'd never have a fileplanet subscribers invite...just that if they do it won't be EVERYBODY. It'll be first come first serve your flat out of luck if you don't get a key in time.
There doesn't need to be a key for every john dick and harry that wants to find a reason to troll or flame.
If you dont like it the door is stage left.
That's what Funcom told us closed beta testers when we asked why we weren't able to test out sieges, among other things.
Although I doubt WAR will be anywhere near the fiasco AoC turned out to be, it's still a shaky PR move considering recent events.
You are wrong...
But I can't tell you why you are wrong. I can't tell you why because I'm under an NDA. If in fact you are in Beta, you need to Honor your NDA as well.
That's what Funcom told us closed beta testers when we asked why we weren't able to test out sieges, among other things.
Although I doubt WAR will be anywhere near the fiasco AoC turned out to be, it's still a shaky PR move considering recent events.
except Beta testers have been testing out Sieges for WAR..its even listed on the War Herald. If you look back atleast twice its said Testers are working on end game content including City Sieges.
Um..it's only beta. I don't see the problem. What, are you trying to blast through all the levels in less than a month or so? That is plenty of level room to experience the interface and explore the main areas as well as get a feel for how RvR works.
Wow there's no end to the redefining of terms to fit their agenda. Now open beta applies only to people who've actually bought the game. Now dropping NDA doesn't really mean you can talk about the game. It's truly laughable. They're going to wake up and realize they can't offer things that aren't really what they mean conventionally.
I frankly don't even remember WoW having a FULL OPEN BETA.
I hear people saying wow never had a open beta because you had to have a fileplanet subscription. Heh whatever. But now let's apply the same rule evenly. War certainly won't have one because you actually have to buy the game first. Hello.
Sounds just like the stupid arguments that the AOC fan boies made, and D&L, Vanguard ect.
What WAR has done by dropping classes and cities a month befor their open Beta is not the same as the progression that WOW went through. No game is the same at it's conception as what actually comes to fruitation, but it's the obvious rush to meet a dead line that paints the picture. Comparingthe natural way in witch WOW limited/balanced things with what WAR has done this last month just shows your fanaticism and ignorance. (And before you call me a WOW fanboi, I don't play or like the game.)
Wow there's no end to the redefining of terms to fit their agenda. Now open beta applies only to people who've actually bought the game. Now dropping NDA doesn't really mean you can talk about the game. It's truly laughable. They're going to wake up and realize they can't offer things that aren't really what they mean conventionally.
There are two groups of beta testers.
Group A are the original beta testers, they have an extra server option and they test out new patches before they hit the normal beta servers etc. They will be able to test out things like the final king encounter etc which group B does not ever see. People are guessing these guys will still be under NDA for the final encounters etc but I have no clue if it is true.
Group B are the testers that joined at the Guild Beta phase, they will still have tested most but not all of the game and will be out of the NDA for sure.
This isn't really something new. Most games don't like showing off everything to the beta testers because they want some of the game to stay fresh and exciting.
wow you guys are soo funny. You know if I did a global search and replace for war with aoc this whole thread could have been right out of the AoC forums like 3 months ago...
Setting the level cap at 20 IS a red flag. And if they hold the NDA till launch that IS another red flag. If you think otherwise you are a fanboi that is blind to reality.
Personally I got little interest in war but I sure as hell would NEVER preorder any game that does this crap. Certainly not after my experiences with AoC. You know what they say, "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me"
There's cheese for your Whine at the Exit...I hope you enjoy single player games where you never get to TEST anything much less the entire game..*gasp*
To Everyone whining :
The whole point to Open Beta's is a chance to Test out / Demo / Trial the game. As such getting test out the major system of the games is important. All major systems are available at lvl 1 - 20. The only system not available is the Capital Siege (unless they hold an Event which they have Hinted at if you wish to do any research). It takes a month maybe more for players to lock down the requirements to Siege on a capital this is not a simple matter of organizing a 40 man raid this is a massive server event that only happens when the server meets requirements.
What to see in Open Beta
Quests, Public Quests, the group system, the dye system, Scenarios, Open RvR / PvP, 3 Keeps, hidden quests, ToK, the UI, the Career System, the Renown System, Tactics, Morale, the Travel System, the banks, the cities (you can go to the cities your realm's city), the tavenerns, Living Guilds, Dungeons, the Crafting System, 20 classes, 12 different Tier areas (2 tiers for each race), and last but not least Siege Equiptment.
If this isn't enough for you..then don't play its that simple.
One thing people fail to mention/realize here is that WAR dosn't have a ton of beta testers breaking the NDA to say the game is horrible and not ready.
Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%
I've only skimmed this thread, so I apologize if I'm repeating something that was already said.
Limiting game access can be problematic, true. In AoC, the OB was limited to the newbie island which had game mechanics that were vastly different from the rest of the game, so it was difficult to make a fair and proper assessment of what to expect. With WAR, almost all the game mechanics we can experience in the first twenty levels are the same mechanics we'll see in the final product, with the notable exception of the end siege. We will be able to experience public quests, PvP in both scenarios and open world objectives, zone control and keep capturing, albeit a simpler keep in Tier 2.
Does that mean the game is in trouble? Hardly. Does that mean the end game may not be up to par? I don't know. Given how betas work, I do wonder how much has been tested in terms of how fast, how often and how fun the entire Tier 4 endgame has been tested. My biggest fear has always been that it'll take 3+ weeks for a single siege and if it's even successful, it may only be open for half a day before the reset kicks in. How something like that could be tested when the news makes it seem like seiges have only been recently implemented is beyond me.
But that wouldn't change if they did open up the beta completely. in 10 days, how many players would really get to max rank to even experience this content? Sure, there'd be the OCD types who skip classes or use their vacation time at work, but by and large, the average player - who will likely be busy experiencing all 6 racial areas and all 20 classes - won't even hit 20.
Maybe they'll try a last day stress test party of a siege for fun at the end of OB. But even if they don't, this sounds like making a mountain out of a molehill. Or at least the fears of AoC being dragged into WAR. There are plenty of reservations to have about WAR. I have plenty of them, but personally, I just refused to pre-order and am now wating for the NDA to drop and concrete information and reviews to become available before I decide to purchase. There's nothing stopping anyone else from doing the same if they're worried.
Reality testing is based on facts not belief. Just because something might be true doesn't make it true.
Reality testing is based on facts not belief. Just because something might be true doesn't make it true.
Well first, this isn't about testing. It's about having a reasonable expectation. Secondly, if you think testers don't learn from experince and have to relearn/observe/test everything from the ground up you're crazy.
You'll have to try another strwman argument.
To Everyone whining :
The whole point to Open Beta's is a chance to Test out / Demo / Trial the game. As such getting test out the major system of the games is important. All major systems are available at lvl 1 - 20. The only system not available is the Capital Siege (unless they hold an Event which they have Hinted at if you wish to do any research). It takes a month maybe more for players to lock down the requirements to Siege on a capital this is not a simple matter of organizing a 40 man raid this is a massive server event that only happens when the server meets requirements.
What to see in Open Beta
Quests, Public Quests, the group system, the dye system, Scenarios, Open RvR / PvP, 3 Keeps, hidden quests, ToK, the UI, the Career System, the Renown System, Tactics, Morale, the Travel System, the banks, the cities (you can go to the cities your realm's city), the tavenerns, Living Guilds, Dungeons, the Crafting System, 20 classes, 12 different Tier areas (2 tiers for each race), and last but not least Siege Equiptment.
The only thing not available for public testing is the City Siege (although they have HINTED at an end of open beta event to do that) If this isn't enough for you..then don't play its that simple.
Only games that dont' expect to retain their customers would give customers 100 percent free access to a game before its released.
reminds me of, I don't know, every other open/stress test beta I've ever been in
Age of Conan was missing content. And not just any content, but core mid- and endgame content. Warhammer Online isn't. That's the main difference between "what this means" in the two games.
Warhammer isn't going to ship with the RvR "turned off" for months. :>
Need to keep the "big picture" in mind.
Yeah, the hardcore min/maxers will be mad that they can't get to 40 before release, but I for one will be too busy trying out different careers with the time I've got to worry about the 20+ game during open beta.
Well there being a level cap on WOW beta should be easy enough to google and prove.
eq2 does have a trial restriction. level 10 and trial isle only. Not sure about wow.
We are talking about the open beta not the trial. But I excluded EQ because reguardless it released broken as hell. So its a moot point.
plan on getting to 40 in 2 weeks now?
{mod edit: please do not use exessive spaces, it is consider spam}
WoWs is like lvl 20 and you cant trade with people.
Anyone who thinks this could turn out to be an AoC has a reason to since very little information has been released. What I must say is that this is not AoC. Age of Conan was made by a bunch of tards that call themselves Funcom. Mythic is an incredible company that makes incredible products.