He created the earth because he can. He created humans, because he can. He gave them freewill, because he can. Then humans decided to sin, because He gave them freewill. So now the purpose of the earth and all on it, is to await the second coming of His son, and for the believers to save as many as they can from eternal damnation.
Religion - because mankind really needed to make up a whole new way to justify torturing and killing eachother.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
Religion - because mankind really needed to make up a whole new way to justify torturing and killing eachother.
Ah, Christianity is not torturing and killing each other. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
First he said "religion" not Christianity.
Second, Christians may not currently be trying to kill one another overtly but that is far far from the truth of history. Persecution & prejudice between the different Christian groups has been a driving force for thousands of years.
As my signature says, people who call themselves Christians may say or do silly things, but the real Christianity is the following of the leadership of Christ. Torture is the opposite of Christian doctrine, as we are to take the torture gladly with much rejoicing, not administer it.
as an agnostic, the answer to theis question 'What is the purpose of the earth and why did God create it?' doesnt matter to me, because I dont care if god exists or not. if he does then I dont even know if he cares what the purpose of earth is. Heaven and Hell seems least likely to exist in any situation. Since it has no proof...
So the purpose of the earth is mostly irrelevent...
I think you'd find yourself surprised if you searched for 'proof' concerning those things, although, it is interesting to read such a reply. You basically quoted the book of Ecclesiastes in your response, which I find massively interesting.
I think you'd find yourself surprised if you searched for 'proof' concerning those things, although, it is interesting to read such a reply. You basically quoted the book of Ecclesiastes in your response, which I find massively interesting. Blessings,
theres proof of heaven and hell LOLOLLOLOLLLOL
you've been spoonfed by books of nonsense. books on magical religions aren't proof of anything.
I'll keep it quick, as this is derailing the topic.
Jeremiah prophecied the captivity of Israel in Babylon for 70 years. - Happened (prophesied in Jer 25, Daniel noticed it was soon to be accomplished [Dan 9] and came to pass during the days of Haggai and Zecharia/Ezra and Nehemiah if I remember right).
Amos prophecied the invasion of Assyria. - Happened
Daniel prophecied the rasing up of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece (and it splitting up into four territories) and Rome. - Happened (Dan 8)
Jesus prophesied the destruction of the temple (and Jerusalem). - Happened (Mat 24, Mark 11, Luke 21)
There is too much, really..
Prophesied the Messiah would come from the House and Line of David (2 Sam 7)from the town of Bethlehem (Micah 5). . . leave Egypt (Hos 11) . . minister in Capernaum (Is 9). . . ride on a colt (Zech 9) . . . be wrongly accused, struck on the cheek with a rod (micah 5), silent during the whole ordeal and killed (Is 53, Ps 22, Zech 12, and more). . . being raised from the dead (Ps 16).
I'll keep it quick, as this is derailing the topic. Jeremiah prophecied the captivity of Israel in Babylon for 70 years. - Happened (prophesied in Jer 25, Daniel noticed it was soon to be accomplished [Dan 9] and came to pass during the days of Haggai and Zecharia/Ezra and Nehemiah if I remember right). Amos prophecied the invasion of Assyria. - Happened Daniel prophecied the rasing up of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece (and it splitting up into four territories) and Rome. - Happened (Dan 8) Jesus prophesied the destruction of the temple (and Jerusalem). - Happened (Mat 24, Mark 11, Luke 21) There is too much, really.. Prophesied the Messiah would come from the House and Line of David (2 Sam 7)from the town of Bethlehem (Micah 5). . . leave Egypt (Hos 11) . . minister in Capernaum (Is 9). . . ride on a colt (Zech 9) . . . be wrongly accused, struck on the cheek with a rod (micah 5), silent during the whole ordeal and killed (Is 53, Ps 22, Zech 12, and more). . . being raised from the dead (Ps 16). Sound familiar? *Jesus...* Blessings,
The mayans predicted a lot of things that came true as well. and so did confucius and television mind readers. educated guesses are not prophesies. and books translated thousands of times, without an original publishing date are not to be whole-heartedly trusted. just look at adam and eve and evolution. anyways, the bible kept people in line thousands of years ago, now it's just an hassle. that and every other religulous book.
but my favorite thing about jesus, is reading about his time spent in the himalayas... he could have survived the crucifixtion (people took him down) and went on a soul search quest in those mountains.
I would love someone to dig up possible graves of Jesus in Kashmir even if it is chasing rabbits. We could do a dna test at least, and I bet Jesus did have a proper burial wherever he died.
I've had some thoughts lately and I think it's safe to say that this physical universe is Gods dreams/magic trick. It's all an illusion , it's not eternal nor is it the truth so it cannot actually exist except that our egos , having the power they have can play an illusory trick on us into make believing the world , as well as our minds too of course.
the only reason most bash religion is because your politics say to.
Now there is an interesting statement....
How do you figure?
Don't feed the troll.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
I find it funny how everyone claims to be a "true christian". You all believe in the same stupid book written for amusement and fell for it. Literally. It's all campfire stories, never proven to be true and people that are too stupid use it as a crutch to explain the unexplainable. News flash, man, has done everything and more than what is told in the bible. All of the ignorant myths as to why things happen have already been explained by science and proven with physical evidence. I also am content with some things will never be explained in our lifetime. But I don't need a make-believe character to fill in that void to make me feel better about the things that I don't understand or ignorance. Nothing in the bible impresses me. You are controlled. Do as you are told or live forever in a fire pit. Yeah, go on, keep being sheep and send your deity some money on Sunday too while you're at it. Gas prices are high and your child molesting homosexual priest needs to fill his Cadillac's gas tank. Religion holds back the intelligent people from advancing.
Obviously you don't know what Christianity is, since you seem to hold a TV/fundamentalist athiest view of it (do as you are told or live forever in the fire pit has nothing to do with what most if not all Christians believe). I suggest you learn a bit more than Sam Harris' view of Christianity.
Actually, religion is what made the west more advanced than the rest of the world. It was religion that brought forth the notion of a rational universe governed by laws, as well as the scientific method. It was religion taht brought about the notion that universal literacy was a good. It was religion that brought us the orimting press, and subsequently, an educated society.
True enough, many bad things can be laid at religion's doorstep -- but almost every good thing in our lives today came from religion as well.
I find it funny how everyone claims to be a "true christian". You all believe in the same stupid book written for amusement and fell for it. Literally. It's all campfire stories, never proven to be true and people that are too stupid use it as a crutch to explain the unexplainable. News flash, man, has done everything and more than what is told in the bible. All of the ignorant myths as to why things happen have already been explained by science and proven with physical evidence. I also am content with some things will never be explained in our lifetime. But I don't need a make-believe character to fill in that void to make me feel better about the things that I don't understand or ignorance. Nothing in the bible impresses me. You are controlled. Do as you are told or live forever in a fire pit. Yeah, go on, keep being sheep and send your deity some money on Sunday too while you're at it. Gas prices are high and your child molesting homosexual priest needs to fill his Cadillac's gas tank. Religion holds back the intelligent people from advancing.
Obviously you don't know what Christianity is, since you seem to hold a TV/fundamentalist athiest view of it (do as you are told or live forever in the fire pit has nothing to do with what most if not all Christians believe). I suggest you learn a bit more than Sam Harris' view of Christianity.
Actually, religion is what made the west more advanced than the rest of the world. It was religion that brought forth the notion of a rational universe governed by laws, as well as the scientific method. It was religion taht brought about the notion that universal literacy was a good. It was religion that brought us the orimting press, and subsequently, an educated society.
True enough, many bad things can be laid at religion's doorstep -- but almost every good thing in our lives today came from religion as well.
With thousands of Chrisitian denominations worldwide which one is true Christianity? The 700 Club?
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Originally posted by Fishermage Obviously you don't know what Christianity is, since you seem to hold a TV/fundamentalist athiest view of it (do as you are told or live forever in the fire pit has nothing to do with what most if not all Christians believe). I suggest you learn a bit more than Sam Harris' view of Christianity. Actually, religion is what made the west more advanced than the rest of the world. It was religion that brought forth the notion of a rational universe governed by laws, as well as the scientific method. It was religion taht brought about the notion that universal literacy was a good. It was religion that brought us the orimting press, and subsequently, an educated society. True enough, many bad things can be laid at religion's doorstep -- but almost every good thing in our lives today came from religion as well.
Oddly, you may want to look these people up. Greeks? Lived in Greece? Directly responsible for the rational view of the world that we have now? Derived interesting things like a round earth long before the Christians decided it was flat?
Christianity managed to delay that from showing up for a while, and then kill a few prominent scientists because it disagreed with church doctorine.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
Originally posted by Fishermage Obviously you don't know what Christianity is, since you seem to hold a TV/fundamentalist athiest view of it (do as you are told or live forever in the fire pit has nothing to do with what most if not all Christians believe). I suggest you learn a bit more than Sam Harris' view of Christianity. Actually, religion is what made the west more advanced than the rest of the world. It was religion that brought forth the notion of a rational universe governed by laws, as well as the scientific method. It was religion taht brought about the notion that universal literacy was a good. It was religion that brought us the orimting press, and subsequently, an educated society. True enough, many bad things can be laid at religion's doorstep -- but almost every good thing in our lives today came from religion as well.
Oddly, you may want to look these people up. Greeks? Lived in Greece? Directly responsible for the rational view of the world that we have now? Derived interesting things like a round earth long before the Christians decided it was flat?
Christianity managed to delay that from showing up for a while, and then kill a few prominent scientists because it disagreed with church doctorine.
Christians didn't decide it was flat; that's a myth. Most Christians throughout the history of Christianity belived in a spherical earth. The scientific method was pioneered by Muslims and perfected by Christians.
The Greeks FAILED. The Romans failed. They had some great ideas, as did the Romans, but it took Christianity to create the modern world. What was missing from both societies was twofold: the notion of Christian liberty, and the notion of universalism.
It was Christianity that brought Aristotelian though to it's full flowering, and that brought about the modern world. Christianity grew UP in that rationalist world, and was the first religion to present itself to that audience -- then Islam did as well after it.
Together, they brought us the modern world.
I am NOT discounting the Greeks here, I am merely putting it all in proper perspective. Everything we hold dear comes from religion. It has other "parents" as well, but without religion, we would not have it.
Originally posted by Fishermage Christians didn't decide it was flat; that's a myth. Most Christians throughout the history of Christianity belived in a spherical earth. The scientific method was pioneered by Muslims and perfected by Christians. But as to the fable that there are Antipodes, that is to say, men on the opposite side of the earth, where the sun rises when it sets to us, men who walk with their feet opposite ours, that is on no ground credible. Myth, like most things, has its basis in reality. Even when accepting a round earth, the church fathers insisted no humans could be dwelling there because God would have spoke to them too. When it turned out that their God, of course, didn't really seem to give a damn about the peoples of the Antipodes, well, they soldiered on gamely.
As for the scientific method, what exactly happened to it's western father, Galileo Galilei? Patted on the back by the church and given a big bear hug? Awarded a medal for being such a revolutionary guy? Lots of acclaim and acknowledgment from the church? Yeah, I have no idea why I'd think the church had problems. The Greeks FAILED. The Romans failed. They had some great ideas, as did the Romans, but it took Christianity to create the modern world. What was missing from both societies was twofold: the notion of Christian liberty, and the notion of universalism. The Greeks and Romans certainly did not fail. Their empires fell. So did Christianity. Where is the empire of Innocent III? The most powerful man in the world? What happened to the empire of the Vatican to whom Europe turned to before making any decisions.
Gone. Died out. Innocent III was the height of its power. It was Christianity that brought Aristotelian though to it's full flowering, and that brought about the modern world. Christianity grew UP in that rationalist world, and was the first religion to present itself to that audience -- then Islam did as well after it. *Cough* Galileo. I'm so surprised that suddenly he's a big hero of the church. How about Darwin? Another church favorite I'm sure. Descartes? Hah. You guys merit Francis Bacon, at best. Together, they brought us the modern world. I am NOT discounting the Greeks here, I am merely putting it all in proper perspective. Everything we hold dear comes from religion. It has other "parents" as well, but without religion, we would not have it. Bull. Religion at best has been a harbor to certain philosophers in the monastic lifestyle, and at worst an instrument for fighting free thought and free speech. It's never played as central a role as its followers like to think.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
Conservatives' pessimism is conducive to their happiness in three ways. First, they are rarely surprised -- they are right more often than not about the course of events. Second, when they are wrong they are happy to be so. Third, because pessimistic conservatives put not their faith in princes -- government -- they accept that happiness is a function of fending for oneself. They believe that happiness is an activity -- it is inseparable from the pursuit of happiness.
Just note how inadequately you argued however. I said RELIGION, and included Islam, then you went into a childish, anti-intellectual screed against the catholic church. Please, do spend some time learning how to debate and discuss a topic, then get yourself more informed of that topic, then we can chat. Seems this kind of thing is a pattern with you.
Please. More informed? Nice code words for "I actually have no answer for this, so I'm going to ad hom my way out of it." Do we really want to discuss how much Islam has helped progress? The ashes of the Library of Alexandria stand as mute testement to that, and we haven't even hit 1000 CE.
Religion, in all its forms, has been at best a refugee scholars hide under to try and protect themselves when they're not being labeled heretics. At worst, well... the Spanish Inquisition, the trial of Galeleo (I see we're still ignoring him), the ashes of the library, the fatwah on Rushdie, yeah...
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
Sharajet, anecdotes are NOT arguments. I began by saying that many many bad things have been done in the name of religion. By dispensing with that on the onset, it invalidates all your anecdotes, regardless of the bile you spit with them.
If you have a point to make, make it. Your anecdotes are not relevant. Please go back, reread, and actually address what I am saying.
WHAT? BLASPHEMY! Seminary school is really tough... honest. Lol.
The universe is not infinate.
MMO migrant.
He created the earth because he can. He created humans, because he can. He gave them freewill, because he can. Then humans decided to sin, because He gave them freewill. So now the purpose of the earth and all on it, is to await the second coming of His son, and for the believers to save as many as they can from eternal damnation.
Religion - because mankind really needed to make up a whole new way to justify torturing and killing eachother.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson
Ah, Christianity is not torturing and killing each other. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
MMO migrant.
Ah, Christianity is not torturing and killing each other. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
First he said "religion" not Christianity.
Second, Christians may not currently be trying to kill one another overtly but that is far far from the truth of history. Persecution & prejudice between the different Christian groups has been a driving force for thousands of years.
As my signature says, people who call themselves Christians may say or do silly things, but the real Christianity is the following of the leadership of Christ. Torture is the opposite of Christian doctrine, as we are to take the torture gladly with much rejoicing, not administer it.
MMO migrant.
as an agnostic, the answer to theis question 'What is the purpose of the earth and why did God create it?' doesnt matter to me, because I dont care if god exists or not. if he does then I dont even know if he cares what the purpose of earth is. Heaven and Hell seems least likely to exist in any situation. Since it has no proof...
So the purpose of the earth is mostly irrelevent...
The purpose of life is what you make it
I think you'd find yourself surprised if you searched for 'proof' concerning those things, although, it is interesting to read such a reply. You basically quoted the book of Ecclesiastes in your response, which I find massively interesting.
MMO migrant.
theres proof of heaven and hell LOLOLLOLOLLLOL
you've been spoonfed by books of nonsense. books on magical religions aren't proof of anything.
I'll keep it quick, as this is derailing the topic.
Jeremiah prophecied the captivity of Israel in Babylon for 70 years. - Happened (prophesied in Jer 25, Daniel noticed it was soon to be accomplished [Dan 9] and came to pass during the days of Haggai and Zecharia/Ezra and Nehemiah if I remember right).
Amos prophecied the invasion of Assyria. - Happened
Daniel prophecied the rasing up of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece (and it splitting up into four territories) and Rome. - Happened (Dan 8)
Jesus prophesied the destruction of the temple (and Jerusalem). - Happened (Mat 24, Mark 11, Luke 21)
There is too much, really..
Prophesied the Messiah would come from the House and Line of David (2 Sam 7)from the town of Bethlehem (Micah 5). . . leave Egypt (Hos 11) . . minister in Capernaum (Is 9). . . ride on a colt (Zech 9) . . . be wrongly accused, struck on the cheek with a rod (micah 5), silent during the whole ordeal and killed (Is 53, Ps 22, Zech 12, and more). . . being raised from the dead (Ps 16).
Sound familiar?
MMO migrant.
The mayans predicted a lot of things that came true as well. and so did confucius and television mind readers. educated guesses are not prophesies. and books translated thousands of times, without an original publishing date are not to be whole-heartedly trusted. just look at adam and eve and evolution. anyways, the bible kept people in line thousands of years ago, now it's just an hassle. that and every other religulous book.
but my favorite thing about jesus, is reading about his time spent in the himalayas... he could have survived the crucifixtion (people took him down) and went on a soul search quest in those mountains.
I would love someone to dig up possible graves of Jesus in Kashmir even if it is chasing rabbits. We could do a dna test at least, and I bet Jesus did have a proper burial wherever he died.
more on this:
{ Mod Edit }
talk about sheep.
the only reason most bash religion is because your politics say to.
black sheep have you any wool.
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
Now there is an interesting statement....
How do you figure?
I've had some thoughts lately and I think it's safe to say that this physical universe is Gods dreams/magic trick. It's all an illusion , it's not eternal nor is it the truth so it cannot actually exist except that our egos , having the power they have can play an illusory trick on us into make believing the world , as well as our minds too of course.
Now there is an interesting statement....
How do you figure?
Don't feed the troll.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson
Obviously you don't know what Christianity is, since you seem to hold a TV/fundamentalist athiest view of it (do as you are told or live forever in the fire pit has nothing to do with what most if not all Christians believe). I suggest you learn a bit more than Sam Harris' view of Christianity.
Actually, religion is what made the west more advanced than the rest of the world. It was religion that brought forth the notion of a rational universe governed by laws, as well as the scientific method. It was religion taht brought about the notion that universal literacy was a good. It was religion that brought us the orimting press, and subsequently, an educated society.
True enough, many bad things can be laid at religion's doorstep -- but almost every good thing in our lives today came from religion as well.
Obviously you don't know what Christianity is, since you seem to hold a TV/fundamentalist athiest view of it (do as you are told or live forever in the fire pit has nothing to do with what most if not all Christians believe). I suggest you learn a bit more than Sam Harris' view of Christianity.
Actually, religion is what made the west more advanced than the rest of the world. It was religion that brought forth the notion of a rational universe governed by laws, as well as the scientific method. It was religion taht brought about the notion that universal literacy was a good. It was religion that brought us the orimting press, and subsequently, an educated society.
True enough, many bad things can be laid at religion's doorstep -- but almost every good thing in our lives today came from religion as well.
With thousands of Chrisitian denominations worldwide which one is true Christianity? The 700 Club?
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Oddly, you may want to look these people up. Greeks? Lived in Greece? Directly responsible for the rational view of the world that we have now? Derived interesting things like a round earth long before the Christians decided it was flat?
Christianity managed to delay that from showing up for a while, and then kill a few prominent scientists because it disagreed with church doctorine.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson
Oddly, you may want to look these people up. Greeks? Lived in Greece? Directly responsible for the rational view of the world that we have now? Derived interesting things like a round earth long before the Christians decided it was flat?
Christianity managed to delay that from showing up for a while, and then kill a few prominent scientists because it disagreed with church doctorine.
Christians didn't decide it was flat; that's a myth. Most Christians throughout the history of Christianity belived in a spherical earth. The scientific method was pioneered by Muslims and perfected by Christians.
The Greeks FAILED. The Romans failed. They had some great ideas, as did the Romans, but it took Christianity to create the modern world. What was missing from both societies was twofold: the notion of Christian liberty, and the notion of universalism.
It was Christianity that brought Aristotelian though to it's full flowering, and that brought about the modern world. Christianity grew UP in that rationalist world, and was the first religion to present itself to that audience -- then Islam did as well after it.
Together, they brought us the modern world.
I am NOT discounting the Greeks here, I am merely putting it all in proper perspective. Everything we hold dear comes from religion. It has other "parents" as well, but without religion, we would not have it.
as always Wiki is only a useful start to a discussion, but it is simply bogus to believe that Christianity ever "decided" the earth was flat.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson
And that is why...
Conservatives' pessimism is conducive to their happiness in three ways. First, they are rarely surprised -- they are right more often than not about the course of events. Second, when they are wrong they are happy to be so. Third, because pessimistic conservatives put not their faith in princes -- government -- they accept that happiness is a function of fending for oneself. They believe that happiness is an activity -- it is inseparable from the pursuit of happiness.
Please. More informed? Nice code words for "I actually have no answer for this, so I'm going to ad hom my way out of it." Do we really want to discuss how much Islam has helped progress? The ashes of the Library of Alexandria stand as mute testement to that, and we haven't even hit 1000 CE.
Religion, in all its forms, has been at best a refugee scholars hide under to try and protect themselves when they're not being labeled heretics. At worst, well... the Spanish Inquisition, the trial of Galeleo (I see we're still ignoring him), the ashes of the library, the fatwah on Rushdie, yeah...
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson
Sharajet, anecdotes are NOT arguments. I began by saying that many many bad things have been done in the name of religion. By dispensing with that on the onset, it invalidates all your anecdotes, regardless of the bile you spit with them.
If you have a point to make, make it. Your anecdotes are not relevant. Please go back, reread, and actually address what I am saying.