Do you have Adobe Illustrator installed on your XBOX? How about Quark? Okay, how about FL Studio? No? I didn't think so. (Incidentally, even those those programs are better suited to a MAC...there's NO WAY to have them on your XBOX.) This really is a rather silly debate, because I get 100 x more from my PC than I get from a console. Gaming is not all there is to life. However, with my PC I get high quality gaming AND....a whole lot more. Now.... Can you do all of that on your measley XBOX? Furthermore....can you sync your XBOX with your Blackberry?
You can on your PS3. Yes.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
If all of that anti-PC stuff is true, then how come I still love my PC. I have a 360 and a PS3, but I spend about 1/1000 of the time on them that I do on my computer. About the only time I play on my consoles is to play some fighting game when I have company. Then when they leave I go back to my computer again. Plus, it's kinda fun to go to the electronics store and see all the new stuff I can buy. I love upgrading. It's a fun hobby.
And you've just confirmed what I've suspected all along: PC gamers are more about the PC than the game. I used to be big on building systems too. It was a lot of fun to tweak and overclock and get a system just so. At some point though, I lost interest and just wanted something that I could turn on and play games on.
Although to be honest, I think that part of the reason that I lost interest was because I was about to fall off the lunatic fringe and start messing around with Beowulf Clusters. Seriously, there is absolutely no reason for a normal person to have one of those things. If you're into dicking with computers for the sake of dicking with computers though, that kind of thing might just be right up your alley.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
There is no mystery around PC vs Consoles for The Truth to be revealed. It's pretty simple really; if you compare the XBOX 360 against a PC there really isnt much difference from a technical point of view between the 2. With the growing popularity of smaller PC's they even start to look the same as well now (have a look at Dell studio slim for an example).
The problem with consoles is that they are not always backwards compatible. Take the new PS3 for example. It wont play PS2 games. Mos t if not all PC games are backwards compatible. If i buy a new system in 5 years i will still be able to play Diablo 2 on it. That is ofc an assumption but so far it has held true.
Another issue is we have X-Box, Wii, PS3 , PS2, Xbox 360 all having their own games developed for their individual platforms, not seeing the light of day cross platform because of licence agreements between game developers and the console makers. That's not a problem on the PC either. The only problem we have is upgrading ever 3 or 4 years. I have a AMD FX-60 with a Geforce 7950 GT 500MB card i bought 3 years ago playing the new games just fine. I'm starting to feel the need for an upgrade within a year which i can get away with for under $500.
A. Real gamers have both. (Not necessarily true. A lot of adults use solely PCs, or RARELY use their consoles IF they have them. That would be me. I have them....I rarely use them. However, my teenage son does.) With this statement, I draw the conclusion that you bought the consoles for your son and not for yourself. B. Sex can be complicated too, doesn't mean I'm not into it. (This I fully agree with. LOL) C. This issue isn't the hardware, or the controller, it's the community, xbox live is the bottom of the food chain. (I get into that issue a bit below.....)
I agree with some of this. Most adults can afford and prefer a PC because it's not only used for games or playing DVDs. We pay our bills (yeah, those things that Mommy and Daddy pay for a lot of gamers right now) online, we converse in forums (such as this one), we watch videos, we read the news, we check the week's weather, we keep in touch with our grown children in other cities, we do our banking, our shopping, send cards, letters, keep jouranls, write college papers, do the things from work that we can actually take home, read the blogs that we're interested in, have video conferencing capability to communicate with our jobs and family, design our websites, edit our photos, print manuals, and check the stock market, amongst many other things.
Do you have Adobe Illustrator installed on your XBOX? How about Quark? Okay, how about FL Studio? No? I didn't think so. (Incidentally, even those those programs are better suited to a MAC...there's NO WAY to have them on your XBOX.)
This really is a rather silly debate, because I get 100 x more from my PC than I get from a console. Gaming is not all there is to life. However, with my PC I get high quality gaming AND....a whole lot more.
Can you do all of that on your measley XBOX? Furthermore....can you sync your XBOX with your Blackberry?
Your post has two parts to it so I'll respond to each individually.
Part 1: Console gamers are kids that can't afford a PC -
Oh no, not at all. A LOT of console gamers are kids whose parents bought them the consoles, as well. First of all, I never said only children had consoles. You should have perhaps read a bit more carefully. I did, however, state that adults more often probably prefer PCs.
And your proof?
From a gaming perspective alone....let's take FPS games. The targeting and movement for FPS games is much more precise, in my opinion, on the PC. Have you ever wondered why most professional gaming competitions are on PCs rather than consoles. Hmmm?
Yes, that is your opinion. Last weekend I took advantage of the free Unreal Tournament 3: Black promo. I spent about two hours getting my ass royally handed to me before I switched to using the 360 controller. After the switch my kill ratio improved. It's not the controller, it's the player and what the player feels most comfortable with.
Has it ever occured to you that someone could own both a PC and a console? Has it never dawned on you that some adults are just cheap bastards? And have you never considered the possibility that maybe it's cheaper to buy a PC exclusively for business, reserving games for consoles?
Have you ever read an entire post to determine whether or not the questions you are asking apply to the person to whom you're asking? Apparently not... I own both. Perhaps if you READ the post rather than skimming it, you'd have known that. Furthermore, this entire thread is full of opinions and this is mine.
Yes, I did read your original post. Yes I did note the condescending tone. Yes, i noticed your implication that console gamers were people that don't have to pay bills -"Those things that Mommy and Daddy pay for."
scroll up if you have selective amnesia.
Apparently not...
Part 2: I can do all sorts of thing with my computer that can't be done on a console -
Yes, and I can do a lot more with a Swiss Army Knife than a kitchen steak knife. Thing is, I haven't replaced all the knives in my house with Swiss Army knives. I really doubt that you're editing videos or photos while you play World of Warcraft. Likewise, I find it hard to believe that someone would be composing either music or an email while playing Counter-Strike. Why not use the hardware you own for the purpose it was originally intended? The right tool for the right job, no?
BTW, the PC was not originally, nor is it still, intended for gaming. If the PC were intended for gaming then its architecture would be radically different than the box of boards and cards that you currently know today.
I don't give a rat's ass what someone chooses to play their games on.
Nope, you just use it a means of judging their character....
Both console and PC are fine for games. It really all depends on what games you're talking about playing. HOWEVER, I'm sick to death of the morons who are determined that consoles are superior to PCs. That's just an idiotic argument that has no basis in truth whatsoever. You cannot argue that for overall USE (not just gaming) that PCs are not the obvious choice.
Well, a blender is superior to a hammer when it comes to crushing ice. The PC was never intended to play games. Early home computers were. But the PC as we currently know it didn't even have the ability to play games until the advent of the VGA card. Before that, serious computer gamers were using Amigas and Atari STs. Why? Because those machines were built with graphics and sound in mind.
The PC has to be built specifically with additional hardware to run games. Integrated graphics and sound on the PC is a joke. Maybe when hardware manufacturers start making all-in-one PCs with decent graphics and sound chips on a custom board, this will change. I'm not holding my breath though.
I am mystified by your objection to integrated sound. I stopped giving money to Creative ripoff Labs about 5 years ago. IMO creative soundcards are the number one source of complaints about bugs in PC games.
Hey it's OK, PC is not for everyone. PC gaming is for people who are intelligent and make good money. There's nothing wrong with your little "ghetto" game toys. I think it's good that you're not ashamed of it.
Hey it's OK, PC is not for everyone. PC gaming is for people who are intelligent and make good money. There's nothing wrong with your little "ghetto" game toys. I think it's good that you're not ashamed of it.
WTF? I think we have reached new grounds in the world of stupid.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
For me it's all about where the MMO's are, and that at present is PC's.
Not for long.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
Hey it's OK, PC is not for everyone. PC gaming is for people who are intelligent and make good money. There's nothing wrong with your little "ghetto" game toys. I think it's good that you're not ashamed of it.
People who prefer consol platforms will continue to prefer them no matter what is said about them for as long as they exist. Same as people who prefer PC's will keep prefering them for as long as they exist.
My opinion is I prefer PC's because they still offer me more freedom in what I choose to do with them and how I improve what I currently have to do more. Consols are far more proprietry beasts.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
There is nothing more dangerous than a true believer.
I was gonna stay out of this thread as it is so laughable but now that it is still around after 24 hours I may as will give the console kiddies something to watch. You girls complain about hardware issues with PCs?
I was gonna stay out of this thread as it is so laughable but now that it is still around after 24 hours I may as will give the console kiddies something to watch. You girls complain about hardware issues with PCs? K this this is for the 360 Sexbox kids: Oh you're a PSFail user instead? No you go my child: Wii much? here ya go: Don't get me wrong I would love to just spend $400 on a gamin rig instead of $2000 ...btw does the HDTV come with a console for free? So just let me know when they set a release date for Diablo III, Starcraft 2 and SW:TOR on a conjoke and I'll pick one up. In the meantime I'll play some LOTRO on my gameboy... /thread
Although I won't go into this whole ridiculous debate, I have been a PC gamer for 30 years now. I have a high end gaming rig and I also have a PS3 I play on a very nice home theater system with a 50" plasma. There are some PS3 games that look absolutely phenomenal in HD especially on a 50" plasma. However, I still have not seen anything that has over killed my PC graphics. The PS3 has come the closest to any of the consoles I have owned. The biggest difference for me is mods and content, the endless set up options with key and mouse, etc... I still favor FPS games on PC as well and when I look at games like COD4 on PC, 360, or PS3, PC looks better hands down.
I would not go so far as to say that consoles are absolute shit however. Gaming is fun regardless but the majority of games I play are PC based. I use the console for exclusive games, sports, and racing games, and exclusive RPG's. I still find myself playing my PC far more. Matter of fact I started playing The Witcher again on PC and that game is just frigigng amazing in content and graphics. The sheer options of PC gaming with high end video cards etc. makes the PC gaming genre more accessible and all. However, it comes at a massive cost.
To keep up with the top gear or newest chip sets, etc. one is constnalt upgrading a PC every 6-12 months. I know I have had over 6k in this last gaming rig over the past 3 years with upgrades, swaps, etc. My PS3 cost me $600 when I bought it and the 360 was taken to the creek and shot after sending in the 5th one for repair and I hardly used the damn thing (FU Micronuts!). In the end, not every one can afford a high end gaming rig even when you build your own rigs today your still spending anywhere from 2-3 grand if you dont buy shit parts.
The funniest thing, however, is the fact that console games cost far more, have far less content, and DLC is expensive. In the end I find I can spend far more on the console and DLC etc. than I ever could on my PC...
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
One huge issue when moving to consoles is disk size. People will have to: A. Completely fill up their hard drives, or B. Switch disks while they play, and C. Live in a very small MMO world.
So, is it time for me to stroll in and proclaim the earth shattering fact that I have in MY PS3 an 250 GB HDD!!!?!? Mind blown, ok?
If you like games, consoles are just the place to be now, at least untill new Blizzard games ship.
If you use your PC for buisness, who the fuck cares, get to work and stop slacking on the forums!!!
This is in response to Jimmy_Scythe the original poster of this thread:
I'm gonna inject on your post to give you and anyone else that thinks they know the answer the FACTs.
Let's begin:
PC Gaming / Gamers
Plus Side
1. Ultimate machine for gaming - PC's can be upgraded and there is no console in existence that can out perform the pure power of a top end gaming PC, that's a hard core FACT.
2. Keyboard & Mouse - You can argue this until you're blue in the face but the FACT remains that keyboard and mouse is ten times more accurate than a console controller. Something for Xbox 360 Live players if you are playing against PC gamers, you're gonna get your but handed to you.
3. MoDs. If you're a PC gamer then you know that the modding community can keep a game title alive for many many years to come changing it almost completely. This is something the console community doesn't really get to enjoy. I am seeing however Add-Ons for games like what the Playstation Store offers for PS3 games, sometimes free and other times for a small fee. No matter PC gamers get to enjoy all the cool mods for free like for Half Life 2 for example while PS3 gamers don't get to experience that at all. I would like to see Microsoft and SONY to find a way to provide MoDs to console gamers on a larger scale.
4. Games - By far some of the best titles are only available on PC. RPG's are much better on PC's than they are on consoles. I'm sorry characters with huge heads and tiny bodies look ignorant and cartoony graphics are ridiculous. FPS's rule on the PC with much better support for multiplayer and server support and of course we get MoDs.
5. Controllers & Other Devices - We have a much larger selection from sophisticated flight controller systems to console style controllers to gaming mice and keyboards.
Negative Side
1. Money - You better have a job that pays well because this is something you will always need alot of. Considering updating your graphics card about every 1 to 2 years which can cost more than a console unit for a top end card. You can pay anywhere from $400 to $700 dollars. This is one of the biggest reasons that I can find to justify switching to console gaming from PC.
Keep in mind that's just the graphics card, you're talking a whole lot more money if you plan on building a high to top end gaming rig. In our economic depression we are in, (not a reccession like the media claims but we are in the beginning phase of a depression) it's just not sensible unless you're a multi-millionaire.
2. Viruses and Other Forms of Maliciousness - Yup if you are a PC gamer then you know that dealing with these issues is and can be a real head ache.
3. Hackers / Script Kiddies - One of the number one reasons it sucks to game online. These pukes run rampant on all game types. They tend to prefer and ruin FPS online and mmorpg games for everyone. If I could reach through the PC display and grab the idiot by the neck that uses hacks to cheat their way through a game I'd be the happiest MoFo alive.
Console Gaming / Gamers
Plus Side
1. Cheaper - Goes without saying, more cost effective way of gaming over PC
2. Easier - I understand not everyone is a computer genius which sometimes it takes that to tweak your PC games to run better or if problems ensure you can fix it.
3. Multiplayer - Console gamers are getting to experience the multiplayer aspect of gaming like never before that us PC gamers have been enjoying forever.
4. Add-Ons - Like I mentioned before console gamers especially PS3 owners are starting to get recognition for added game content for some of their favorite games.
5. Controllers & Other Devices - I'm starting to see more options open up for console gamers in controllers. I especially like the new flight joystick for PS3. Finally a company realized it was time to give console gamers a sophisticated flight joystick.
6. Cheaters & Viruses - Console gamers can take a breath to know that they don't have to worry about viruses, script kiddies and cheaters on a mass scale like PC gamers do. The most I've seen is map glitching at most
Negative Side
1. Money - You can still spend a considerable amount in cash on new games if you buy like me. Also Microsoft and SONY both have their gimmicks to get more cash out of us with the new systems. Accessories in every variety, some required, talk about gouging us. Yet still cheaper than being a PC gamer
2. System Malfunction - Unlike PC's that I can repair no matter what the issue at hand is console units usually are done if they fry, (red circle of death for PS3 owners).
Yes it sucks, we are at Microsoft's and SONY's hand in having to ship the unit to them to be repaired which in some cases for the fees they charge it is a better decision to just buy a new one, which happened to me.
3. MoDs - Forget about getting the real cool MoDs, not gonna happen, if we are lucky we'll at least get 1 or 2 game add-ons maybe free more than likely for a price.
I'm leaving the list as it is, there is more that can be added but I think I touched some of the major issues.
I myself am a hard core PC gamer but after buying a Playstation 3 last year I find myself absolutely loving console gaming just as much as my PC.
So know, (especially if you read this far), that my facts I put out are unbiased. I have enjoyed both systems for gaming equally now and I will defend both to my dying end.
By the way been playing some Left 4 Dead MoDs on my PC and playing the hell out of Resident Evil 5 for PS3.
Also I love Call of Duty World at War: Nazi Zombies, before you say "yeah sure you'll say for PC", I actually bought it for PS3 so I do not get to play all the MoDs out for it.
Anyway it's about enjoying gaming to it's fullest and no one should be close minded to other systems other than the one they play on.
Here's an interesting fact: The gaming community is one of the most diverse communities in the world. It is also the most abusive where gamers abuse other gamers for anything and everything.
This thread is pretty stupid, or at least what the OP wrote. The low down is this:
Consoles are built for ease of use, PC's are not, but have been getting better. When a developer creates a game for a console, he only has to make sure it works on one of those consoles. So if you make a PS3 game, it only has to work on one PS3 to work across all PS3 platforms, unless you mod your PS3. With a PC, you cannot make a game for one PC and expect it to run on everyone else's system. PC's can have multiple configurations, consoles cannot. But since you made a list, I will throw this question out there. When you want to upgrade your console, whats the price? When you want to upgrade your PC, whats the price? See you can upgrade a computer by part, but you cannot do that with a console. You have to wait to for Sony or Nintendo or whatever to release a new console before you can upgrade. So it may be ease of use, but you have to live with waiting for them, instead of us PC users just upgrading ourselves whenever we want. I go for PC anyday over any console. Especially since console hardware is at a standstill and PC parts keep coming out every week. If you don't know what I mean by stand still, look at the size of the PS3 or xbox 360. Just imagine the size of the next console, it will most liekly be the size of a shuttle PC. Ontop of that, who knows the cost. You could easily be spending over a grand on your next console.
And a note to the guy above my post, you can easily spend more money on consoles then any PC. I play maybe at most, 5 games in a cycle. But if I wanted to play another game, if it wasn't an MMO, I could for free with ease. A console game is 50 bucks a pop or a minimum of 2 bucks to rent per day, sometimes a tad less in certaina areas. I have a friend who is a semi console junky who owns well over 100+ xbox 360 games and just purchased a Wii. He has easily spent more money on his console that I have ever spent on anything, seriously. A console hobby is one of the most expensive, next to gambling. There was a 60 minute special about it to boot. He told me a price range on the amount hes spent, and it's well over 3-4 grand. I've spent 750 on my computer and maybe a 100-200 on upgrades in the past 4 years. He has had his xbox since last year. So, it all depends on your playstyle.
Good lord, its like most of you have been living in a cave about consoles. Just look at homeboys "Mouse and keyboard" argument....
News flash, you can hook a USB mouse and keyboard to a PS3.
Now what?
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
For me it's all about where the MMO's are, and that at present is PC's.
Not for long.
Champions online, the agency and dc universe are being developed for a pc and console release. Publishers go where the money is and potentially, more money can be made with consoles. The pc gaming market, imo is far smaller than the console market. I expect mmorpgs to be released exclusively for consoles in the future.
I'd rather game on my pc but I appreciate the stability of consoles. Consoles don't require driver downloads, hardware upgrades, worry over system requirements and there are no software conflict concerns. 99% of the time a console game works every time.
Most of you are...dead wrong almost about everything. So to start this off the right way....
Lets weed through all the wannbe PC guys, that don't even have a PC system to at least match a Xbox 360.....
Post your specs they should be a Min of:
Monitor 1920x 1080 (if not leave the thread)
A Dual core CPU over 3.0. (if not leave)
A GPU with 256-bit + over 512 Memory. (If not leave)
Why? If you don't have this min your specs are under XBOX or PS3 Consoles. You have no right to talk shit. Plain and simple.
I can show you so many charts and tables, don't push me.... just walk away. Plus I build High-end PC's monthly just because I can.
Most of you are fish swimming with sharks. Trying to use "OUR" high-end hardware, passing it off like you own one. We don't need low end PC nerds fighting our fight.... now that they should be all gone, we can get down to the issue.
A REAL F'N GAMER PLAYS GAMES! It doesn't matter what you play it on. This little battle is f'n stupid. Most of it its all about strait up jealousy. Console and low-end PC user's want to play some of the games us high-end user's play @ High Res. ( which is the point your all missing..) But they cant, their broke. Either mommy cant pay for it, or you work as a Mop monkey. This Argument isn't even about Games anymore, its about classizism. You tools don't even realize it.
A true gamer plays all games for the fun of the game content. Gamers should always want more. The difference between high-end gaming and low-end is... MONEY. Then when you don't have any. Poor ass people tend to blindly defend what they have it's all they got.
Statements like "your retarded to spend that much money." is something poor people say. "Real beauty is only skin deep...." "That's something only ugly people say." This statement is the same argument here.
I own every system, from PC back to the my house right now. I have been collecting games for 8 years now. Playing them Since the Apple 2c.
I'm a real gamer. If a game comes out I can play it. PS3, PC, XBOX who cares as long as the game is good.
And me being well past A prof gamer. I own all the systems, and play all the systems. In terms of "graphics" the list goes as follows.............
In order:
1# high end PC I play Crysis , Farcry, Fallout, Dead Space and MMO'S that use DX10 on full MAX settings @1900x1200
PS3 I loved MGS, RE,
Mid grade PC................why bother..but I built one for my girl to play games
XOBX 360.....................the OG XBOX live was better and, not as many little kid's. But, all the COD. R6, Fables, so many good titles Xbox's strong point
Low End PC.................. Not worth the money when you get more with a console
XBOX ............................My 6 year old plays this now
PS2................................Poor kid's in my city play this...But God of War what the shit.
Gamecube ....................Resident Evil 4 and Mario....all that has to be said it was a great system
A High End PC's are for GAMERS with money. To get that last bit of RES out of a game and all the bells and whistles.
PS3 is for the "Elite Console Gamer" that wants as much as it can handle at high-end LCD's, plasma's, and TV resolutions(1080p) without AA (which its the biggest REASON WHY CONSOLES ARE BEHIND HIGH END PC's)
Mid grade PC with a mid grade Monitor 22" is on par with the PS3 based on the monitor's RES compared to a 1080P tv and how far you are away from it.
XBOX 360. I love this system but you Xbox fans need to STFU. You have been soundly beaten buy SONY's Blue Ray. Your pissed cause you bought the wrong one and have no money to upgrade.
Most of you morons think that the highest you can go is HD HD HD HD is the best yaaaa.!
Your wrong your in the middle of the list.
The higher the resolution the better the graphics.
SDTV: 480i (NTSC, 720×480 split into two 240-line fields)
SDTV: 576i (PAL, 720×576 split into two 288-line fields)
EDTV: 480p (NTSC, 720×480)
HDTV: 720p (1280×720)
HDTV: 1080i (1280×1080, 1440×1080, or 1920×1080 split into two 540-line fields)
HDTV: 1080p (1920*1080 progressive scan)
Then you switch to a monitor and keep going up the scale.
PC: 1600*1200
PC :1920*1200
PC: 2560*1600
PC with triplehead2go. 3840*1024 and 5040*1050
There is a few I missed(*) but who cares. The point has been made.
In order to support high res you need more video memory. That's why high end PC with huge GPU's will always be on top.
Not to mention AA (In digital signal processing, anti-aliasing is the technique of minimizing the distortion artifacts known as aliasing when representing a high-resolution ) AF (Anisotropic Filtering is a method of enhancing the image quality of textures on surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles with respect to the camera where the projection of the texture (not the polygon or other primitive on which it is rendered) appears to be non-orthogonal) consoles are basically low res output PCs with out AAand AF (a low end PC see the list above.)
So for the slower Tech people..... all the "lego blocks" you see, on the edges of lines in your games when you look up close. Thats cause there is no AA or AF.
So there is no really winner if your a real gamer excpet when are you willing to pay more for your gaming experience. If money is no object the a high-end PC beats everything hands down.
It comes down to class, if you have the money your going to upgrade a PC as if you did you car.... New rims, CD player, etc. Its a hobby.... but for most of you.... your going to upgrade your petal bike.
I left allot of points...and missed a few tech issues (like sound,games, controllers vs Mouse, Drivers and so on most have been coverd so far) will post after the wall of crap that comes trying to burn down my tree house. .
And for all you that really don't know. i will help you out.
PC's Vs Consoles.
in order to have a PC look better than a Xbox 360 or PS3 you need to have"
Min sys req.
A monitor @ 1920 X 1200
9800 GTX or better
A video card with 512 memory (more memory the better Monitor Res you can get and run nice frames)
a dual core CPU 3.0 or higher ( if not you will bottleneck your Video card....making it SLOWER) note just because its 3.0 doesn't make it good. take AMD...there top of the line chip still slower that the E8400 in most Apps
Memory 4g DD2 800
your Settings should be no less than
2x AA
Vsync ON
(this can be played with say ATI or AMD....if you like shit CPU'sAND GPUs')
if you cant have this setup at least...... make sure you never post in a PC vs Console thread. cause you have no right.
For REF.
Component ........XBox 360 ..................................................................Playstation 3 .....................................................Better XB or PS
Media ......................DVD ........................................................................Blu-Ray ............................................................9GB Vs 50GB PS
Max Resolution:........... 1080i .............................................................1080p ...................................................Interlaced Vs Progressive PS
Best Video:.......... Component ...............................................HDMI 1.3 (on best system) .......................................HDMI allows HD video and audio. PS
Network 100Mbit ...................................................................1Gbit (1000Mbit), 802.11 .................................................PS3 has much faster connection. PS
Overall System Speed 1 TFlop ......................................................2.18TFlops ..................................More then twice the speed! PS
Look at the table. Not much really where you could claim the XBox 360 is ahead. Perhaps a bit more RAM, but the PS3's RAM (or at least half of it) is much faster so that should put that ahead. In terms of video the HDMI 1.3 spec allows for not only HD video (1080p) but also the HD audio which will be used in upcoming Blu-Ray movies. Blu-Ray movies for those unaware are one of two upcoming competing formats (the other being the lower capacity HD-DVD). All Blu-Ray movies are encoded at 1080p (1920 x 1080 resolution, compared to 720 x 576 for PAL DVD's). Another big announcement is that the controller, as well as being wireless, will be tilt sensitive so you can tip it to move things in the game world. Sadly it also loses the rumble feature. Anyway enough of the talk. Here's the hard facts for PS3 and images of the system - including the new controller design.
High-end PC vs PS3 cause there is no reason to add the 360 the PS3 Stomps it.
"The Graphics Processing Unit is based on the NVIDIA G70 (previously known as NV47) architecture, which focuses on maximizing per-pixel computation in favor of raw pixel output. The GPU will make use of 256 MiB GDDR3 VRAM clocked at 700 MHz. The GPU has access to the XDR main memory as well"
this was in 06 the new PC GPU's Blow this away. Sorry Sony.... all you got is Blueray games.
And if you want to flame me Post your Specs under your post...and lets see.
one of 10 i built . this is my last one. about upgrade again
"Beauty is only is only skin deep..." said the AMD/ATI fan. "Blah..Thats just what ugly people say..." said the Intel/Nvidia fan. You want price / performance, use the dollar menu..
I have only 1 thing against Console gaming and it is the lack of play with a mouse and keyboard.I play PC and console games and for some reason I always enjoy playing with a mouse and keyboard for everything ,but sports games and flight games.Shooters,mmos.I have to have a Mouse and Keyboard to really enjoy them.Hopefully in the future the 360 and ps3 will offer mouse and keyboard support,xbox is goin in the right direction with the bluetooth keyboard but lack in the mouse support.
I have only 1 thing against Console gaming and it is the lack of play with a mouse and keyboard.I play PC and console games and for some reason I always enjoy playing with a mouse and keyboard for everything ,but sports games and flight games.Shooters,mmos.I have to have a Mouse and Keyboard to really enjoy them.Hopefully in the future the 360 and ps3 will offer mouse and keyboard support,xbox is goin in the right direction with the bluetooth keyboard but lack in the mouse support.
PS3 does support keyboard and mouse, its the games that need to support it.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
There are no Total Wars for console. Thats all i will say.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
Again, laughable. PC's will always triumph over consoles till they get it into their heads to use keyboard/mouse. When they do it's just a toned-down pc anyway so we're back to square 1. That troll up there is quite funny though, allthough quite insultive.
You can on your PS3. Yes.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
And you've just confirmed what I've suspected all along: PC gamers are more about the PC than the game. I used to be big on building systems too. It was a lot of fun to tweak and overclock and get a system just so. At some point though, I lost interest and just wanted something that I could turn on and play games on.
Although to be honest, I think that part of the reason that I lost interest was because I was about to fall off the lunatic fringe and start messing around with Beowulf Clusters. Seriously, there is absolutely no reason for a normal person to have one of those things. If you're into dicking with computers for the sake of dicking with computers though, that kind of thing might just be right up your alley.
Here you go.
Have some more.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
There is no mystery around PC vs Consoles for The Truth to be revealed. It's pretty simple really; if you compare the XBOX 360 against a PC there really isnt much difference from a technical point of view between the 2. With the growing popularity of smaller PC's they even start to look the same as well now (have a look at Dell studio slim for an example).
The problem with consoles is that they are not always backwards compatible. Take the new PS3 for example. It wont play PS2 games. Mos t if not all PC games are backwards compatible. If i buy a new system in 5 years i will still be able to play Diablo 2 on it. That is ofc an assumption but so far it has held true.
Another issue is we have X-Box, Wii, PS3 , PS2, Xbox 360 all having their own games developed for their individual platforms, not seeing the light of day cross platform because of licence agreements between game developers and the console makers. That's not a problem on the PC either. The only problem we have is upgrading ever 3 or 4 years. I have a AMD FX-60 with a Geforce 7950 GT 500MB card i bought 3 years ago playing the new games just fine. I'm starting to feel the need for an upgrade within a year which i can get away with for under $500.
I agree with some of this. Most adults can afford and prefer a PC because it's not only used for games or playing DVDs. We pay our bills (yeah, those things that Mommy and Daddy pay for a lot of gamers right now) online, we converse in forums (such as this one), we watch videos, we read the news, we check the week's weather, we keep in touch with our grown children in other cities, we do our banking, our shopping, send cards, letters, keep jouranls, write college papers, do the things from work that we can actually take home, read the blogs that we're interested in, have video conferencing capability to communicate with our jobs and family, design our websites, edit our photos, print manuals, and check the stock market, amongst many other things.
Do you have Adobe Illustrator installed on your XBOX? How about Quark? Okay, how about FL Studio? No? I didn't think so. (Incidentally, even those those programs are better suited to a MAC...there's NO WAY to have them on your XBOX.)
This really is a rather silly debate, because I get 100 x more from my PC than I get from a console. Gaming is not all there is to life. However, with my PC I get high quality gaming AND....a whole lot more.
Can you do all of that on your measley XBOX? Furthermore....can you sync your XBOX with your Blackberry?
Your post has two parts to it so I'll respond to each individually.
Part 1: Console gamers are kids that can't afford a PC -
Oh no, not at all. A LOT of console gamers are kids whose parents bought them the consoles, as well. First of all, I never said only children had consoles. You should have perhaps read a bit more carefully. I did, however, state that adults more often probably prefer PCs.
And your proof?
From a gaming perspective alone....let's take FPS games. The targeting and movement for FPS games is much more precise, in my opinion, on the PC. Have you ever wondered why most professional gaming competitions are on PCs rather than consoles. Hmmm?
Yes, that is your opinion. Last weekend I took advantage of the free Unreal Tournament 3: Black promo. I spent about two hours getting my ass royally handed to me before I switched to using the 360 controller. After the switch my kill ratio improved. It's not the controller, it's the player and what the player feels most comfortable with.
Has it ever occured to you that someone could own both a PC and a console? Has it never dawned on you that some adults are just cheap bastards? And have you never considered the possibility that maybe it's cheaper to buy a PC exclusively for business, reserving games for consoles?
Have you ever read an entire post to determine whether or not the questions you are asking apply to the person to whom you're asking? Apparently not... I own both. Perhaps if you READ the post rather than skimming it, you'd have known that. Furthermore, this entire thread is full of opinions and this is mine.
Yes, I did read your original post. Yes I did note the condescending tone. Yes, i noticed your implication that console gamers were people that don't have to pay bills -"Those things that Mommy and Daddy pay for."
scroll up if you have selective amnesia.
Apparently not...
Part 2: I can do all sorts of thing with my computer that can't be done on a console -
Yes, and I can do a lot more with a Swiss Army Knife than a kitchen steak knife. Thing is, I haven't replaced all the knives in my house with Swiss Army knives. I really doubt that you're editing videos or photos while you play World of Warcraft. Likewise, I find it hard to believe that someone would be composing either music or an email while playing Counter-Strike. Why not use the hardware you own for the purpose it was originally intended? The right tool for the right job, no?
BTW, the PC was not originally, nor is it still, intended for gaming. If the PC were intended for gaming then its architecture would be radically different than the box of boards and cards that you currently know today.
I don't give a rat's ass what someone chooses to play their games on.
Nope, you just use it a means of judging their character....
Both console and PC are fine for games. It really all depends on what games you're talking about playing. HOWEVER, I'm sick to death of the morons who are determined that consoles are superior to PCs. That's just an idiotic argument that has no basis in truth whatsoever. You cannot argue that for overall USE (not just gaming) that PCs are not the obvious choice.
Well, a blender is superior to a hammer when it comes to crushing ice. The PC was never intended to play games. Early home computers were. But the PC as we currently know it didn't even have the ability to play games until the advent of the VGA card. Before that, serious computer gamers were using Amigas and Atari STs. Why? Because those machines were built with graphics and sound in mind.
The PC has to be built specifically with additional hardware to run games. Integrated graphics and sound on the PC is a joke. Maybe when hardware manufacturers start making all-in-one PCs with decent graphics and sound chips on a custom board, this will change. I'm not holding my breath though.
I am mystified by your objection to integrated sound. I stopped giving money to Creative ripoff Labs about 5 years ago. IMO creative soundcards are the number one source of complaints about bugs in PC games.
Hey it's OK, PC is not for everyone. PC gaming is for people who are intelligent and make good money. There's nothing wrong with your little "ghetto" game toys. I think it's good that you're not ashamed of it.
WTF? I think we have reached new grounds in the world of stupid.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
For me it's all about where the MMO's are, and that at present is PC's.
Not for long.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
The truth is there is no truth only opinion.
People who prefer consol platforms will continue to prefer them no matter what is said about them for as long as they exist. Same as people who prefer PC's will keep prefering them for as long as they exist.
My opinion is I prefer PC's because they still offer me more freedom in what I choose to do with them and how I improve what I currently have to do more. Consols are far more proprietry beasts.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
There is nothing more dangerous than a true believer.
I was gonna stay out of this thread as it is so laughable but now that it is still around after 24 hours I may as will give the console kiddies something to watch. You girls complain about hardware issues with PCs?
K this this is for the 360 Sexbox kids:
Oh you're a PSFail user instead? No you go my child:
Wii much? here ya go:
Don't get me wrong I would love to just spend $400 on a gamin rig instead of $2000 ...btw does the HDTV come with a console for free?
So just let me know when they set a release date for Diablo III, Starcraft 2 and SW:TOR on a conjoke and I'll pick one up.
In the meantime I'll play some LOTRO on my gameboy...
Although I won't go into this whole ridiculous debate, I have been a PC gamer for 30 years now. I have a high end gaming rig and I also have a PS3 I play on a very nice home theater system with a 50" plasma. There are some PS3 games that look absolutely phenomenal in HD especially on a 50" plasma. However, I still have not seen anything that has over killed my PC graphics. The PS3 has come the closest to any of the consoles I have owned. The biggest difference for me is mods and content, the endless set up options with key and mouse, etc... I still favor FPS games on PC as well and when I look at games like COD4 on PC, 360, or PS3, PC looks better hands down.
I would not go so far as to say that consoles are absolute shit however. Gaming is fun regardless but the majority of games I play are PC based. I use the console for exclusive games, sports, and racing games, and exclusive RPG's. I still find myself playing my PC far more. Matter of fact I started playing The Witcher again on PC and that game is just frigigng amazing in content and graphics. The sheer options of PC gaming with high end video cards etc. makes the PC gaming genre more accessible and all. However, it comes at a massive cost.
To keep up with the top gear or newest chip sets, etc. one is constnalt upgrading a PC every 6-12 months. I know I have had over 6k in this last gaming rig over the past 3 years with upgrades, swaps, etc. My PS3 cost me $600 when I bought it and the 360 was taken to the creek and shot after sending in the 5th one for repair and I hardly used the damn thing (FU Micronuts!). In the end, not every one can afford a high end gaming rig even when you build your own rigs today your still spending anywhere from 2-3 grand if you dont buy shit parts.
The funniest thing, however, is the fact that console games cost far more, have far less content, and DLC is expensive. In the end I find I can spend far more on the console and DLC etc. than I ever could on my PC...
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
So, is it time for me to stroll in and proclaim the earth shattering fact that I have in MY PS3 an 250 GB HDD!!!?!? Mind blown, ok?
If you like games, consoles are just the place to be now, at least untill new Blizzard games ship.
If you use your PC for buisness, who the fuck cares, get to work and stop slacking on the forums!!!
This is in response to Jimmy_Scythe the original poster of this thread:
I'm gonna inject on your post to give you and anyone else that thinks they know the answer the FACTs.
Let's begin:
PC Gaming / Gamers
Plus Side
1. Ultimate machine for gaming - PC's can be upgraded and there is no console in existence that can out perform the pure power of a top end gaming PC, that's a hard core FACT.
2. Keyboard & Mouse - You can argue this until you're blue in the face but the FACT remains that keyboard and mouse is ten times more accurate than a console controller. Something for Xbox 360 Live players if you are playing against PC gamers, you're gonna get your but handed to you.
3. MoDs. If you're a PC gamer then you know that the modding community can keep a game title alive for many many years to come changing it almost completely. This is something the console community doesn't really get to enjoy. I am seeing however Add-Ons for games like what the Playstation Store offers for PS3 games, sometimes free and other times for a small fee. No matter PC gamers get to enjoy all the cool mods for free like for Half Life 2 for example while PS3 gamers don't get to experience that at all. I would like to see Microsoft and SONY to find a way to provide MoDs to console gamers on a larger scale.
4. Games - By far some of the best titles are only available on PC. RPG's are much better on PC's than they are on consoles. I'm sorry characters with huge heads and tiny bodies look ignorant and cartoony graphics are ridiculous. FPS's rule on the PC with much better support for multiplayer and server support and of course we get MoDs.
5. Controllers & Other Devices - We have a much larger selection from sophisticated flight controller systems to console style controllers to gaming mice and keyboards.
Negative Side
1. Money - You better have a job that pays well because this is something you will always need alot of. Considering updating your graphics card about every 1 to 2 years which can cost more than a console unit for a top end card. You can pay anywhere from $400 to $700 dollars. This is one of the biggest reasons that I can find to justify switching to console gaming from PC.
Keep in mind that's just the graphics card, you're talking a whole lot more money if you plan on building a high to top end gaming rig. In our economic depression we are in, (not a reccession like the media claims but we are in the beginning phase of a depression) it's just not sensible unless you're a multi-millionaire.
2. Viruses and Other Forms of Maliciousness - Yup if you are a PC gamer then you know that dealing with these issues is and can be a real head ache.
3. Hackers / Script Kiddies - One of the number one reasons it sucks to game online. These pukes run rampant on all game types. They tend to prefer and ruin FPS online and mmorpg games for everyone. If I could reach through the PC display and grab the idiot by the neck that uses hacks to cheat their way through a game I'd be the happiest MoFo alive.
Console Gaming / Gamers
Plus Side
1. Cheaper - Goes without saying, more cost effective way of gaming over PC
2. Easier - I understand not everyone is a computer genius which sometimes it takes that to tweak your PC games to run better or if problems ensure you can fix it.
3. Multiplayer - Console gamers are getting to experience the multiplayer aspect of gaming like never before that us PC gamers have been enjoying forever.
4. Add-Ons - Like I mentioned before console gamers especially PS3 owners are starting to get recognition for added game content for some of their favorite games.
5. Controllers & Other Devices - I'm starting to see more options open up for console gamers in controllers. I especially like the new flight joystick for PS3. Finally a company realized it was time to give console gamers a sophisticated flight joystick.
6. Cheaters & Viruses - Console gamers can take a breath to know that they don't have to worry about viruses, script kiddies and cheaters on a mass scale like PC gamers do. The most I've seen is map glitching at most
Negative Side
1. Money - You can still spend a considerable amount in cash on new games if you buy like me. Also Microsoft and SONY both have their gimmicks to get more cash out of us with the new systems. Accessories in every variety, some required, talk about gouging us. Yet still cheaper than being a PC gamer
2. System Malfunction - Unlike PC's that I can repair no matter what the issue at hand is console units usually are done if they fry, (red circle of death for PS3 owners).
Yes it sucks, we are at Microsoft's and SONY's hand in having to ship the unit to them to be repaired which in some cases for the fees they charge it is a better decision to just buy a new one, which happened to me.
3. MoDs - Forget about getting the real cool MoDs, not gonna happen, if we are lucky we'll at least get 1 or 2 game add-ons maybe free more than likely for a price.
I'm leaving the list as it is, there is more that can be added but I think I touched some of the major issues.
I myself am a hard core PC gamer but after buying a Playstation 3 last year I find myself absolutely loving console gaming just as much as my PC.
So know, (especially if you read this far), that my facts I put out are unbiased. I have enjoyed both systems for gaming equally now and I will defend both to my dying end.
By the way been playing some Left 4 Dead MoDs on my PC and playing the hell out of Resident Evil 5 for PS3.
Also I love Call of Duty World at War: Nazi Zombies, before you say "yeah sure you'll say for PC", I actually bought it for PS3 so I do not get to play all the MoDs out for it.
Anyway it's about enjoying gaming to it's fullest and no one should be close minded to other systems other than the one they play on.
Here's an interesting fact: The gaming community is one of the most diverse communities in the world. It is also the most abusive where gamers abuse other gamers for anything and everything.
This thread is pretty stupid, or at least what the OP wrote. The low down is this:
Consoles are built for ease of use, PC's are not, but have been getting better. When a developer creates a game for a console, he only has to make sure it works on one of those consoles. So if you make a PS3 game, it only has to work on one PS3 to work across all PS3 platforms, unless you mod your PS3. With a PC, you cannot make a game for one PC and expect it to run on everyone else's system. PC's can have multiple configurations, consoles cannot. But since you made a list, I will throw this question out there. When you want to upgrade your console, whats the price? When you want to upgrade your PC, whats the price? See you can upgrade a computer by part, but you cannot do that with a console. You have to wait to for Sony or Nintendo or whatever to release a new console before you can upgrade. So it may be ease of use, but you have to live with waiting for them, instead of us PC users just upgrading ourselves whenever we want. I go for PC anyday over any console. Especially since console hardware is at a standstill and PC parts keep coming out every week. If you don't know what I mean by stand still, look at the size of the PS3 or xbox 360. Just imagine the size of the next console, it will most liekly be the size of a shuttle PC. Ontop of that, who knows the cost. You could easily be spending over a grand on your next console.
And a note to the guy above my post, you can easily spend more money on consoles then any PC. I play maybe at most, 5 games in a cycle. But if I wanted to play another game, if it wasn't an MMO, I could for free with ease. A console game is 50 bucks a pop or a minimum of 2 bucks to rent per day, sometimes a tad less in certaina areas. I have a friend who is a semi console junky who owns well over 100+ xbox 360 games and just purchased a Wii. He has easily spent more money on his console that I have ever spent on anything, seriously. A console hobby is one of the most expensive, next to gambling. There was a 60 minute special about it to boot. He told me a price range on the amount hes spent, and it's well over 3-4 grand. I've spent 750 on my computer and maybe a 100-200 on upgrades in the past 4 years. He has had his xbox since last year. So, it all depends on your playstyle.
Good lord, its like most of you have been living in a cave about consoles. Just look at homeboys "Mouse and keyboard" argument....
News flash, you can hook a USB mouse and keyboard to a PS3.
Now what?
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Not for long.
Champions online, the agency and dc universe are being developed for a pc and console release. Publishers go where the money is and potentially, more money can be made with consoles. The pc gaming market, imo is far smaller than the console market. I expect mmorpgs to be released exclusively for consoles in the future.
I'd rather game on my pc but I appreciate the stability of consoles. Consoles don't require driver downloads, hardware upgrades, worry over system requirements and there are no software conflict concerns. 99% of the time a console game works every time.
Most of you are...dead wrong almost about everything. So to start this off the right way....
Lets weed through all the wannbe PC guys, that don't even have a PC system to at least match a Xbox 360.....
Post your specs they should be a Min of:
Monitor 1920x 1080 (if not leave the thread)
A Dual core CPU over 3.0. (if not leave)
A GPU with 256-bit + over 512 Memory. (If not leave)
Why? If you don't have this min your specs are under XBOX or PS3 Consoles. You have no right to talk shit. Plain and simple.
I can show you so many charts and tables, don't push me.... just walk away. Plus I build High-end PC's monthly just because I can.
Most of you are fish swimming with sharks. Trying to use "OUR" high-end hardware, passing it off like you own one. We don't need low end PC nerds fighting our fight.... now that they should be all gone, we can get down to the issue.
A REAL F'N GAMER PLAYS GAMES! It doesn't matter what you play it on. This little battle is f'n stupid. Most of it its all about strait up jealousy. Console and low-end PC user's want to play some of the games us high-end user's play @ High Res. ( which is the point your all missing..) But they cant, their broke. Either mommy cant pay for it, or you work as a Mop monkey. This Argument isn't even about Games anymore, its about classizism. You tools don't even realize it.
A true gamer plays all games for the fun of the game content. Gamers should always want more. The difference between high-end gaming and low-end is... MONEY. Then when you don't have any. Poor ass people tend to blindly defend what they have it's all they got.
Statements like "your retarded to spend that much money." is something poor people say. "Real beauty is only skin deep...." "That's something only ugly people say." This statement is the same argument here.
I own every system, from PC back to the my house right now. I have been collecting games for 8 years now. Playing them Since the Apple 2c.
I'm a real gamer. If a game comes out I can play it. PS3, PC, XBOX who cares as long as the game is good.
And me being well past A prof gamer. I own all the systems, and play all the systems. In terms of "graphics" the list goes as follows.............
In order:
1# high end PC I play Crysis , Farcry, Fallout, Dead Space and MMO'S that use DX10 on full MAX settings @1900x1200
PS3 I loved MGS, RE,
Mid grade PC................why bother..but I built one for my girl to play games
XOBX 360.....................the OG XBOX live was better and, not as many little kid's. But, all the COD. R6, Fables, so many good titles Xbox's strong point
Low End PC.................. Not worth the money when you get more with a console
XBOX ............................My 6 year old plays this now
PS2................................Poor kid's in my city play this...But God of War what the shit.
Gamecube ....................Resident Evil 4 and Mario....all that has to be said it was a great system
A High End PC's are for GAMERS with money. To get that last bit of RES out of a game and all the bells and whistles.
PS3 is for the "Elite Console Gamer" that wants as much as it can handle at high-end LCD's, plasma's, and TV resolutions(1080p) without AA (which its the biggest REASON WHY CONSOLES ARE BEHIND HIGH END PC's)
Mid grade PC with a mid grade Monitor 22" is on par with the PS3 based on the monitor's RES compared to a 1080P tv and how far you are away from it.
XBOX 360. I love this system but you Xbox fans need to STFU. You have been soundly beaten buy SONY's Blue Ray. Your pissed cause you bought the wrong one and have no money to upgrade.
Most of you morons think that the highest you can go is HD HD HD HD is the best yaaaa.!
Your wrong your in the middle of the list.
The higher the resolution the better the graphics.
SDTV: 480i (NTSC, 720×480 split into two 240-line fields)
SDTV: 576i (PAL, 720×576 split into two 288-line fields)
EDTV: 480p (NTSC, 720×480)
HDTV: 720p (1280×720)
HDTV: 1080i (1280×1080, 1440×1080, or 1920×1080 split into two 540-line fields)
HDTV: 1080p (1920*1080 progressive scan)
Then you switch to a monitor and keep going up the scale.
PC: 1600*1200
PC :1920*1200
PC: 2560*1600
PC with triplehead2go. 3840*1024 and 5040*1050
There is a few I missed(*) but who cares. The point has been made.
In order to support high res you need more video memory. That's why high end PC with huge GPU's will always be on top.
Not to mention AA (In digital signal processing, anti-aliasing is the technique of minimizing the distortion artifacts known as aliasing when representing a high-resolution ) AF (Anisotropic Filtering is a method of enhancing the image quality of textures on surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles with respect to the camera where the projection of the texture (not the polygon or other primitive on which it is rendered) appears to be non-orthogonal) consoles are basically low res output PCs with out AAand AF (a low end PC see the list above.)
So for the slower Tech people..... all the "lego blocks" you see, on the edges of lines in your games when you look up close. Thats cause there is no AA or AF.
So there is no really winner if your a real gamer excpet when are you willing to pay more for your gaming experience. If money is no object the a high-end PC beats everything hands down.
It comes down to class, if you have the money your going to upgrade a PC as if you did you car.... New rims, CD player, etc. Its a hobby.... but for most of you.... your going to upgrade your petal bike.
I left allot of points...and missed a few tech issues (like sound,games, controllers vs Mouse, Drivers and so on most have been coverd so far) will post after the wall of crap that comes trying to burn down my tree house. .
And for all you that really don't know. i will help you out.
PC's Vs Consoles.
in order to have a PC look better than a Xbox 360 or PS3 you need to have"
Min sys req.
A monitor @ 1920 X 1200
9800 GTX or better
A video card with 512 memory (more memory the better Monitor Res you can get and run nice frames)
a dual core CPU 3.0 or higher ( if not you will bottleneck your Video card....making it SLOWER) note just because its 3.0 doesn't make it good. take AMD...there top of the line chip still slower that the E8400 in most Apps
Memory 4g DD2 800
your Settings should be no less than
2x AA
Vsync ON
(this can be played with say ATI or AMD....if you like shit CPU'sAND GPUs')
if you cant have this setup at least...... make sure you never post in a PC vs Console thread. cause you have no right.
For REF.
Component ........XBox 360 ..................................................................Playstation 3 .....................................................Better XB or PS
Media ......................DVD ........................................................................Blu-Ray ............................................................9GB Vs 50GB PS
Processor....... 3.2GHz G5 - 3 Cores .............................................3.2GHz Cell - 7 SPEs ...........................................Cell has 7 SPE's PS
System RAM:.... 512MB GDDR3 @ 700MHz, 10MB ......... 256MB XDR @ 3.2GHz, 256MB @ 700MHz ............ Faster RAM for the PS3.
Graphics Chip:........ ATi@500MHz ..........................................nVidia RSX@550MHz................................................... Fairly similar.
Max Resolution:........... 1080i .............................................................1080p ...................................................Interlaced Vs Progressive PS
Best Video:.......... Component ...............................................HDMI 1.3 (on best system) .......................................HDMI allows HD video and audio. PS
Network 100Mbit ...................................................................1Gbit (1000Mbit), 802.11 .................................................PS3 has much faster connection. PS
Overall System Speed 1 TFlop ......................................................2.18TFlops ..................................More then twice the speed! PS
Look at the table. Not much really where you could claim the XBox 360 is ahead. Perhaps a bit more RAM, but the PS3's RAM (or at least half of it) is much faster so that should put that ahead. In terms of video the HDMI 1.3 spec allows for not only HD video (1080p) but also the HD audio which will be used in upcoming Blu-Ray movies. Blu-Ray movies for those unaware are one of two upcoming competing formats (the other being the lower capacity HD-DVD). All Blu-Ray movies are encoded at 1080p (1920 x 1080 resolution, compared to 720 x 576 for PAL DVD's). Another big announcement is that the controller, as well as being wireless, will be tilt sensitive so you can tip it to move things in the game world. Sadly it also loses the rumble feature. Anyway enough of the talk. Here's the hard facts for PS3 and images of the system - including the new controller design.
High-end PC vs PS3 cause there is no reason to add the 360 the PS3 Stomps it.
"The Graphics Processing Unit is based on the NVIDIA G70 (previously known as NV47) architecture, which focuses on maximizing per-pixel computation in favor of raw pixel output. The GPU will make use of 256 MiB GDDR3 VRAM clocked at 700 MHz. The GPU has access to the XDR main memory as well"
this was in 06 the new PC GPU's Blow this away. Sorry Sony.... all you got is Blueray games.
And if you want to flame me Post your Specs under your post...and lets see.
one of 10 i built . this is my last one. about upgrade again
Antec 1200 full tower
Quad Core Q9450 overclocked @3.6
Zalman 9700 CPU cooler
EVGA 790i ultra
Munchkin DDR3 4gigs 1600 7.7.6:18 T
EVGA GTX 295 Overclocked @ 690/ 1468/ 1166
WD Raptor X 150gig X2 Raid 0
Corsiar h1000watt PSU
Smasung 26 inch LCD syncmaster 1900x1200
Wacom Cintq 21 inch digital art monitor
logitech G15 keyboard
logitech MX laser mouse
logitech 5.1suround
"Beauty is only is only skin deep..." said the AMD/ATI fan. "Blah..Thats just what ugly people say..." said the Intel/Nvidia fan. You want price / performance, use the dollar menu..
I have only 1 thing against Console gaming and it is the lack of play with a mouse and keyboard.I play PC and console games and for some reason I always enjoy playing with a mouse and keyboard for everything ,but sports games and flight games.Shooters,mmos.I have to have a Mouse and Keyboard to really enjoy them.Hopefully in the future the 360 and ps3 will offer mouse and keyboard support,xbox is goin in the right direction with the bluetooth keyboard but lack in the mouse support.
PS3 does support keyboard and mouse, its the games that need to support it.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
There are no Total Wars for console. Thats all i will say.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Again, laughable. PC's will always triumph over consoles till they get it into their heads to use keyboard/mouse. When they do it's just a toned-down pc anyway so we're back to square 1. That troll up there is quite funny though, allthough quite insultive.
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.