Warhammer online is a horribly designed game. Mythic had a great title like DAOC under their belt, all they had to do was build upon what they have perfected, even if the franchise changed. WAR ended up being a slopply put together game in which pvp (while great) fails because the rest of the game was not given an equal amount of attention and design. The world being one big ladder thats confined in a box upon another box, and linear in nature is just horrible. Classes were not designed well, the entire situation built between the races and armies was left lacking. The dynamic war and its effect on the world, npcs, and all could..no..should have been so much more. At this point its horribly designed. I believe mythic bought into that idea that the dumb casual consumer isnt picky and will eat anything... in part, thats true, but those consumers are already consuming a better product. Its called WoW. You cant out beat WoW with an inferior WoW clone.
At this point Mythic has two options. One is to let the game die out, trying to milk as much profit as possible to recover their losses, much like AoC, while working on their next title.
The other option is to work on a complete re-design of the game. Kind of like the patch that destroyed SWG, only a patch that would change and fix the problems WAR has. Let players keep their characters, but work on a massive patch that will just alter the work they have already done. Incorporate it into a seamless world, drop the PQ system, add WoW style world drops for items, give diversity of items. Push for large unique dynamic war, get rid of pvp lakes. Get rid of the ladder worlds, give guilds their own HQ's. They already have the materials available, the npcs, all that. They need to redo how the world works though. Chances are though, the owners of the IP hold back the games options.
Basically, you're saying make it more like WoW? What a terrifc idea.
Warhammer may be in its final "development" stages but it is still in its first year of release. They're still adding classes and content. I have only just started playing WAR so I don't have a full opinion on it yet. But as of right now, I say keep releasing patches that provide game fixes and improved content. It is still a baby compared to the full-grown, somewhat incompetent WoW. I hope that this game doesn't have the life sucked out of it or a spontaneous decision to chop it off at the head. There is potential in WAR.
Basically, you're saying make it more like WoW? What a terrifc idea.
Warhammer may be in its final "development" stages but it is still in its first year of release. They're still adding classes and content. I have only just started playing WAR so I don't have a full opinion on it yet. But as of right now, I say keep releasing patches that provide game fixes and improved content. It is still a baby compared to the full-grown, somewhat incompetent WoW. I hope that this game doesn't have the life sucked out of it or a spontaneous decision to chop it off at the head. There is potential in WAR.
Considering i have an "end game" character in WAR, I can honestly say i have seen WAR from start to finish in its character development as well as other features within the game. You have no idea as a new player the problems WAR faces. It cant be fixed with a few simple patches. Honestly, it does need to be more like WoW. You might think WoW is a horrible game, but the reality is that its very very very well designed and balanced in features. There is a reason why its still the top dog in the mmorpg genre. WAR tried to play their hand at WoW, and if you are going to do that, you have to meet the same level of quality design if you want to get their subscribers and target audience. WAR's design is about as stale as 2 year old chips. Its more broken than a tricycle that uses square shaped plastic wheels. Right now its potential is limited because the way the game designed. Its already hit that limit.
The difference is DAOC was a very good game and thats why it is still around.
WAR is just terribly boring and the classes are so basic. Tank classes put out little to no damage making them god awful to play. Casting Nukers die in 3 seconds. Melee dps put out decent damage but drop like flies. Once again NO END GAME. PvE is nonexistent. Gear is very generic. Ladder/Linear
This is all because of Mythic listening to a bunch of whiney noobs. It's the same noobs who PUG'd all the time in DAoC RVR and got raped day in and day out.
Hopefully Mythic has learned to to listen to these idiots anymore.
God the stupidity of such a poll. Even if the game is mediocre it would be utter idiocy to shut it down while it's making money.
No offence but I doubt you'd call the result of such a poll meaningfull either
Hmmmm another linguistic misunderstanding here.
It was NOT a poll to "shut Warhammer down" it was a PETITION poll asking people if we should petition Mythic to shut it down. This is a distinct but subtle difference. We wanted to elicit people's opinions on what to do with Warhammer. This is a perfectly reasonable thing to do given the wide-spread discontent with Warhammer. The survey results based on 288 votes reveal a straight split of one third believing "Warhammer should be closed down immediately" and the other third thinking its a very good game and should stay.
Hmmmm another linguistic misunderstanding here. It was NOT a poll to "shut Warhammer down" it was a PETITION poll asking people if we should petition Mythic to shut it down. This is a distinct but subtle difference. We wanted to elicit people's opinions on what to do with Warhammer. This is a perfectly reasonable thing to do given the wide-spread discontent with Warhammer. The survey results based on 288 votes reveal a straight split of one third believing "Warhammer should be closed down immediately" and the other third thinking its a very good game and should stay.
I guess the shill bonus came in the mail today huh?
I played Warhammer in Beta and release. As I see it Warhammer has potential to be one of the best games out there if they were to implement the following: **WARNING: My OPINIONS are posted below, I do not claim any of this to be factual, you may disagree** No more scenarios, I think that scenarios wreck a game that is supposed to have a large portion of it's foundation based on open PvP (RvR). When I played I could never find anyone to PQ or open PvP with beacause everyone was scenario grinding. Bring in the other capital cities, and quick. Leaving each side of a war with only one objective at the end game hurts. If each side had all three of their cities it would keep things from getting stale as quick. Balance, balance, balance. This one may seem obvious, but the game does not need to be balanced to make each class viable against every other class, it needs to be balanced so that a group vs. a group will be even. I'm not sure how to complete such a feat, but this is what is needed. Do something with the combat system. I'm not sure what it is but combat in WAR to me felt sluggish and non responsive.
I think with the above things WAR could be a good game.
Actually I think that only one capital city per side is the right way to go. having the others will dilute the player base too much.
Also, there seems to be a lot more rvr going on in the game do to more rewards and an easier way to get players into it. I spent a good part of Saturday RvR'ing (if there is such a phrase).
There are some balance tweaks that need to be made, true. And I actually like the scenarios. If this game was just the rvr game I don't think it would work. It gets kind of tiring to wait around in keeps not knowing if the enemy is coming back or if they are going to another pairing.
To be honest I think that being able to siege the keeps as often as one can makes them less of a big deal. A keep would be attacked and no one would be defending it as they were off elsewhere attacking another keep. Perhaps more ownership in the keeps. Lineage 2 had the best sieges and it's somethign that Warhammer could learn from.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Boring unbalanced PvP and horrible terrible PvE, the game is going to be another LOTRO at best. Age of Conan is doing much better, but Warhammer has more depth than Age of Conan.
Originally posted by qbangy32 When you start to worry about how the game works rather than playing the game your on a very slippery slope. No game out there will ever be perfect, they all have issues. Number crunch all you want but why insist on making it a crusade to tell everyone the game is broken in such a way that it becomes unplayable when it so obvisouly isn't, I swing I hit I kill the damn target, if a ms is so damn important I suggest you guys try to build your own game with perfect timing. I've never had the need to look beyond what I can see and experience, I don't give a toss if the animations are out a ms or not, for all the games I've played and that includes WAR I have accepted it's a work in progress, a bug gets reported and fixed, that fix might inadvertently create another bug that was unforeseen, and so the process is repeated, we are all human and no matter how good our planning is bugs always rear their heads. Now if real problems arise that cause my character to suddenly implode everytime I swing my axe THEN I'l be hopping mad, until then you can shove your tiniest of timings where the sun don't shine, becuase I'm sure thats where you'l find your heads.
Read the thread and you will see that even the developers admit to what is happening. Mythic is currently testing a fix for this on the PTR right now (for the second time I guess), so this isn't an issue of my playstyle. It is a fairly large issue for a lot of people. It does suck to cast a 3 second spell and have it take 5 seconds to complete or worse a 1 second cast spell taking close to 3 seconds. It doesn't affect insant, channeled or most melees abilities right now as far as I can tell. Did you even read the thread I linked before you jumped on me about it?
People are already talking about the ptr experience being a night and day difference to what is on live currently. Personally I'm very excited, but 6 months post release is to long for this to have been an issue in a game of this type.
Just read the thread. I simply didn't like how Mythic handled it the first time and the cheap attempt to deceive players by redefining how time is measured. It isn't an issue that is beyond repair or the totally cripples the game, but it does make certain actions unplayable sometimes (in my case certain careers).
I read it and you know what I actually play it right now, playing a DOK and I have not seen any of my spells taking this excessive spell casting time that your talking about, my viewpoint comes from within the game, not following the lead of what others are trying to force down my throat. I've even timed my own spells and guess what, no 1 sec casts taking 1.5 or 2 or even 3 secs to cast, they take 1 sec to cast, amazing really.
If your so adamant spell casting is borked then fine, you believe that, over the past week I've been trying a few different classes from mellee to casters and all of them feel and look ok to me as your normal average player.
Yes I've come across bugs, none have hindered my play, I've ranked up in Reknown lvls, I've beaten opposing players 1v1 and in group RvR, I've lvl'd up at a nice rate and my PvE experience is doing well.
If all this timing was so horrendous you'd think I would have noticed it impacting my game by now, or others aswell and as I did a region chat last night I found no one having a clue what I was talking about, not a bloody clue.
Originally posted by qbangy32 When you start to worry about how the game works rather than playing the game your on a very slippery slope. No game out there will ever be perfect, they all have issues. Number crunch all you want but why insist on making it a crusade to tell everyone the game is broken in such a way that it becomes unplayable when it so obvisouly isn't, I swing I hit I kill the damn target, if a ms is so damn important I suggest you guys try to build your own game with perfect timing. I've never had the need to look beyond what I can see and experience, I don't give a toss if the animations are out a ms or not, for all the games I've played and that includes WAR I have accepted it's a work in progress, a bug gets reported and fixed, that fix might inadvertently create another bug that was unforeseen, and so the process is repeated, we are all human and no matter how good our planning is bugs always rear their heads. Now if real problems arise that cause my character to suddenly implode everytime I swing my axe THEN I'l be hopping mad, until then you can shove your tiniest of timings where the sun don't shine, becuase I'm sure thats where you'l find your heads.
Read the thread and you will see that even the developers admit to what is happening. Mythic is currently testing a fix for this on the PTR right now (for the second time I guess), so this isn't an issue of my playstyle. It is a fairly large issue for a lot of people. It does suck to cast a 3 second spell and have it take 5 seconds to complete or worse a 1 second cast spell taking close to 3 seconds. It doesn't affect insant, channeled or most melees abilities right now as far as I can tell. Did you even read the thread I linked before you jumped on me about it?
People are already talking about the ptr experience being a night and day difference to what is on live currently. Personally I'm very excited, but 6 months post release is to long for this to have been an issue in a game of this type.
Just read the thread. I simply didn't like how Mythic handled it the first time and the cheap attempt to deceive players by redefining how time is measured. It isn't an issue that is beyond repair or the totally cripples the game, but it does make certain actions unplayable sometimes (in my case certain careers).
I read it and you know what I actually play it right now, playing a DOK and I have not seen any of my spells taking this excessive spell casting time that your talking about, my viewpoint comes from within the game, not following the lead of what others are trying to force down my throat. I've even timed my own spells and guess what, no 1 sec casts taking 1.5 or 2 or even 3 secs to cast, they take 1 sec to cast, amazing really.
If your so adamant spell casting is borked then fine, you believe that, over the past week I've been trying a few different classes from mellee to casters and all of them feel and look ok to me as your normal average player.
Yes I've come across bugs, none have hindered my play, I've ranked up in Reknown lvls, I've beaten opposing players 1v1 and in group RvR, I've lvl'd up at a nice rate and my PvE experience is doing well.
If all this timing was so horrendous you'd think I would have noticed it impacting my game by now, or others aswell and as I did a region chat last night I found no one having a clue what I was talking about, not a bloody clue.
So are you saying that Mythic has been working on this issue for months for no reason? I'd think Cast lag has been pretty much proven to be an issue at this point?
If there was some point you'd expect to believe a developer's words I'd assume it's the point where they actually *admit* to things being wrong in their game.
Keridwan I really thought that alot of your threads had some valid points but this one is just horrible, I'am a little dissapointed that you would lower your standards this much.
And as far as the game goes i'am loving it and totally don;t understand where you are coming from.
pretty much agree with this warhammer seems great to me i love the rvr/ and public quest and i haven't had any issues with crashing or lag of any kind, only bad thing i find is in some areas mobs spawn a tad fast otherwise loving it
Your going to have to link me the official response from Mythic that there is a cast lag issue rather than a link to WAR Vault, becuase even though this is not affecting my gameplay, I would like to see if this is being aknowledge by Mythic themselves and not by third party members.
I have also just gone through the General/Technical and Bugs sections of the official WAR forums and found nothing other than the usual posts about lag in scenario's, and none of those mention casting lag.
For such a huge issue I'm coming across nothing that would prove it, ppl I've grpd with this morning tell me they don't notice anything.
If the problem exists it seems it does not affect everyone, just like so many other issues you will find in an MMO perhaps it all boils down to incompatible systems, rather than it being a broader issue affecting the entire player base.
Again please link me the Mythic teams ideas on how they are going to fix this timing problem rather than some random persons idea who then doesn't even post the fix itself.
Your going to have to link me the official response from Mythic that there is a cast lag issue rather than a link to WAR Vault, becuase even though this is not affecting my gameplay, I would like to see if this is being aknowledge by Mythic themselves and not by third party members. I have also just gone through the General/Technical and Bugs sections of the official WAR forums and found nothing other than the usual posts about lag in scenario's, and none of those mention casting lag. For such a huge issue I'm coming across nothing that would prove it, ppl I've grpd with this morning tell me they don't notice anything. If the problem exists it seems it does not affect everyone, just like so many other issues you will find in an MMO perhaps it all boils down to incompatible systems, rather than it being a broader issue affecting the entire player base. Again please link me the Mythic teams ideas on how they are going to fix this timing problem rather than some random persons idea who then doesn't even post the fix itself.
You can't have looked very hard.
Either google cast lag and dig through the pages of cast lag mentions or just google "Mythic Seconds" for the "layertimerwindow.lua" and learn of one way Mythic has already tried to deal with the aforementioned problem (ie, in a patch thus proving they know it exists).
And now that you had a second to think about my previous post and no doubt was going to try and deny it again here a simple google result on MJ's words himself on the issue:
In terms of the second part, casting lag in any MMO will exist if latency is horrible. Even WoW, which handles this stuff very well, can lag at times if conditions are awful (my latency at home is a joke so I've seen this behavior in all games) but the problem is that in WAR, it doesn't happen just when conditions are awful and the team as Colin said, has been working on it. Neither I nor Colin nor anyone is making any excuses for it but it is a very complicated issue that is exacerbated by the way some of our abilities work. They are just as frustrated as some of the players but they continue to try to solve the problems. In terms of why did we say it was fixed, unfortunately, we thought they were fixed but it has proved a bit more elusive than we hoped.
I wish I could say that this was an easy issue or that our team wasn't up to the challenge of a tough issue but neither is true. WAR's RvR nature and larger scale battles tends to make things a bit more challenging and when combined with an very complex ability system and the occassional moding/UI issue, it just has proven to take longer to get this to work for everybody all the time. We need to do better and the team is working hard to do just that. I know we'll get there and hopefully soon.
That said, like I mentioned before, in this thread or maybe one of the others on this forum in the last few days, there's positive vibes on this *exact* issue coming from the current version on the pts (assuming it hasn't launched in the last few days, I don't keep that close a tab ). So with a bit of luck, if they can mange to translate that to live things could be looking up. But, denying the issue existed is folly to me, it's clear as day to anyone who reads up on the game on a semi regular basis imo. (although i guess I have the added benefit on having seen MJ comment on it in the past possibly on VN)
Edit: *cry* got curious what the B in mbj stood far after seeing that link but I can't find it
You can read from warhammer alliance forums, which i always quote, that there's players that have absolutely no lag, stuttering issues/ problem with this games and there's also alot of others have.
Why not look from another side, it really isn't too bad to shut down this game for a while. Fix the bug, take away scencerios, implement better ORVR, meaningful crafting, etc.... Just to take the time to truly come out with a game that they have design to be in the first place.
If not ask yourself, how many times you can play the current RVR at end-game? how many times you can re-roll? Meaningless Crafting? Very soon alot of you will be bored and quit the game for good.
Your going to have to link me the official response from Mythic that there is a cast lag issue rather than a link to WAR Vault, becuase even though this is not affecting my gameplay, I would like to see if this is being aknowledge by Mythic themselves and not by third party members. I have also just gone through the General/Technical and Bugs sections of the official WAR forums and found nothing other than the usual posts about lag in scenario's, and none of those mention casting lag. For such a huge issue I'm coming across nothing that would prove it, ppl I've grpd with this morning tell me they don't notice anything. If the problem exists it seems it does not affect everyone, just like so many other issues you will find in an MMO perhaps it all boils down to incompatible systems, rather than it being a broader issue affecting the entire player base. Again please link me the Mythic teams ideas on how they are going to fix this timing problem rather than some random persons idea who then doesn't even post the fix itself.
You obviously did not read the thread, because there are more than enough mythic employees posting there and admitting to the issue and their mishandling of it. Every single thing I said was true, but you would rather go completely out of your way to make me look like I am fabricating this and am somehow the bad guy for stating the truth. If you are not experiencing this bug then consider yourself lucky.
If you think it hasn't been a problem then you have not been paying attention to what many of the hundreds of thousands of players have said about the games general lack of responsiveness. As I said earlier, this type of problem is a huge issue in a game of this type and mythic was caught red handed handling this in a deceptive manner.
Here is from the developer ColinS in that same thread.
That’s great and all, but now what?
Several of us have been keeping tabs on the comments surrounding casting lag and concerns of the like, and we’ve had a group of engineers working through the issues that have been posted. Mark and I have personally sat down and discussed this problem on several occasions; and I cannot stress enough that this issue is a top priority in Mark’s mind, Jeff’s mind, and mine, so it’s had full attention starting from the top on down.
Here is mark jacobs admitting it in the very same thread
In terms of the second part, casting lag in any MMO will exist if latency is horrible. Even WoW, which handles this stuff very well, can lag at times if conditions are awful (my latency at home is a joke so I've seen this behavior in all games) but the problem is that in WAR, it doesn't happen just when conditions are awful and the team as Colin said, has been working on it. Neither I nor Colin nor anyone is making any excuses for it but it is a very complicated issue that is exacerbated by the way some of our abilities work. They are just as frustrated as some of the players but they continue to try to solve the problems. In terms of why did we say it was fixed, unfortunately, we thought they were fixed but it has proved a bit more elusive than we hoped.
Here are the current patch notes addressing this very issue.
Combat Responsiveness Improvements
We are always working to improve the overall responsiveness of our game client and server. With version 1.2.1 players will see some significant improvements including the following:
* Casting times have become more accurate under normal play conditions, and players should no longer see a significant “stretch” or “pause” when casting spells in low or moderate latency situations.
* Accuracy of the spell cast UI has been improved. The display will now show ½ second increments and will no longer “stretch” time to compensate for latency. Instead, players will see a pause after the bar has filled completely if they are in a high-latency environment.
* Continued improvements to animation and visual effects performance have been made. Players will see smoother transitions between animations and significantly less stuck visual effects, especially when chain-casting abilities.
Please let me know if this isn't enough confirmation for you.
No wonder I haven't been able to find any of those posts, those are on the US forums and I'm on the EU forums.
My apologies for disputing the casting lag, but I did notice colin mentioned that not all players will have the same experience, I must be one of the fortunates.
No wonder I haven't been able to find any of those posts, those are on the US forums and I'm on the EU forums. My apologies for disputing the casting lag, but I did notice colin mentioned that not all players will have the same experience, I must be one of the fortunates.
Well, I could certainly have told you you shouldn't look for Mythic info on GoA forums, lol, unfortunately the Mythic -> Goa relationship has always been a kind of "hands off" relationship despite what they like to claim, apart from getting the same software the rest is split like they were 2 completely different companies.
I'm also not denying that possibly you don't suffer from these issues. There's always the exception to the rule I'm just saying that the problem *is* there (or was hopefully for the players).
This is not Warhammer. This is a bunny fluffy-eared version created by Mythic.
I love Warhammer. It's fiction is gritty, adult and doesn't hold back. There are good descriptions of fights that have equal amounts of action and gore in a setting that justifies pushing the limits. Mythic has none of the above.
This game pulled on the heartstrings of those who love the world Games Workshop created and then utterly failed to deliver.
Shut it down and do it right or don't bother.
I'm just hoping beyond hope that THQ does a better job on 40k. They screw that up and they'll go down in imfamy like SOE because of SWG.
This is not Warhammer. This is a bunny fluffy-eared version created by Mythic. I love Warhammer. It's fiction is gritty, adult and doesn't hold back. There are good descriptions of fights that have equal amounts of action and gore in a setting that justifies pushing the limits. Mythic has none of the above. This game pulled on the heartstrings of those who love the world Games Workshop created and then utterly failed to deliver. Shut it down and do it right or don't bother. I'm just hoping beyond hope that THQ does a better job on 40k. They screw that up and they'll go down in imfamy like SOE because of SWG.
I don't agree with shutting the game down but yes I definately agree that this is NOT how I envisioned Warhammer, I also expected to see a much more grittier game world, however after the initial disappointment I'm enjoying a fun game.
The 40k game intrigues me but I doubt that too will be able to live up to the Table top version, very few conversions if any can live up to the original and long time fans will only be disappointed when (if) the game goes live.
I can remember when SWG went live, I had some friends who where die hard fans of the films, yet after a few days playing the game they left saying it was nothing like what they thought it would be, we all build up our own ideas of how the game should be, invaribly the game never lives up to those high expectations.
Warhammer online is a horribly designed game. Mythic had a great title like DAOC under their belt, all they had to do was build upon what they have perfected, even if the franchise changed. WAR ended up being a slopply put together game in which pvp (while great) fails because the rest of the game was not given an equal amount of attention and design. The world being one big ladder thats confined in a box upon another box, and linear in nature is just horrible. Classes were not designed well, the entire situation built between the races and armies was left lacking. The dynamic war and its effect on the world, npcs, and all could..no..should have been so much more. At this point its horribly designed. I believe mythic bought into that idea that the dumb casual consumer isnt picky and will eat anything... in part, thats true, but those consumers are already consuming a better product. Its called WoW. You cant out beat WoW with an inferior WoW clone.
At this point Mythic has two options. One is to let the game die out, trying to milk as much profit as possible to recover their losses, much like AoC, while working on their next title.
The other option is to work on a complete re-design of the game. Kind of like the patch that destroyed SWG, only a patch that would change and fix the problems WAR has. Let players keep their characters, but work on a massive patch that will just alter the work they have already done. Incorporate it into a seamless world, drop the PQ system, add WoW style world drops for items, give diversity of items. Push for large unique dynamic war, get rid of pvp lakes. Get rid of the ladder worlds, give guilds their own HQ's. They already have the materials available, the npcs, all that. They need to redo how the world works though. Chances are though, the owners of the IP hold back the games options.
Basically, you're saying make it more like WoW? What a terrifc idea.
Warhammer may be in its final "development" stages but it is still in its first year of release. They're still adding classes and content. I have only just started playing WAR so I don't have a full opinion on it yet. But as of right now, I say keep releasing patches that provide game fixes and improved content. It is still a baby compared to the full-grown, somewhat incompetent WoW. I hope that this game doesn't have the life sucked out of it or a spontaneous decision to chop it off at the head. There is potential in WAR.
If they shut it down I will do a grill party. Free beer and steaks for evryone.
DAOC is still around
and if DAOC is still around Warhammer isn't going anywhere for a long long time.
The difference is DAOC was a very good game and thats why it is still around.
WAR is just terribly boring and the classes are so basic.
Tank classes put out little to no damage making them god awful to play.
Casting Nukers die in 3 seconds.
Melee dps put out decent damage but drop like flies.
Once again NO END GAME.
PvE is nonexistent.
Gear is very generic.
Considering i have an "end game" character in WAR, I can honestly say i have seen WAR from start to finish in its character development as well as other features within the game. You have no idea as a new player the problems WAR faces. It cant be fixed with a few simple patches. Honestly, it does need to be more like WoW. You might think WoW is a horrible game, but the reality is that its very very very well designed and balanced in features. There is a reason why its still the top dog in the mmorpg genre. WAR tried to play their hand at WoW, and if you are going to do that, you have to meet the same level of quality design if you want to get their subscribers and target audience. WAR's design is about as stale as 2 year old chips. Its more broken than a tricycle that uses square shaped plastic wheels. Right now its potential is limited because the way the game designed. Its already hit that limit.
This is all because of Mythic listening to a bunch of whiney noobs. It's the same noobs who PUG'd all the time in DAoC RVR and got raped day in and day out.
Hopefully Mythic has learned to to listen to these idiots anymore.
No offence but I doubt you'd call the result of such a poll meaningfull either
Hmmmm another linguistic misunderstanding here.
It was NOT a poll to "shut Warhammer down" it was a PETITION poll asking people if we should petition Mythic to shut it down. This is a distinct but subtle difference. We wanted to elicit people's opinions on what to do with Warhammer. This is a perfectly reasonable thing to do given the wide-spread discontent with Warhammer. The survey results based on 288 votes reveal a straight split of one third believing "Warhammer should be closed down immediately" and the other third thinking its a very good game and should stay.
I guess the shill bonus came in the mail today huh?
Gonna go out on a limb here and give you all a somewhat controversial idea.
If you are no longer having fun playing a game.......wait for it....go play something else.
In what universe would expending this kind of energy to complain about how you think a game sux make any difference in the reality that you live in?
Go find something fun to do. For gods sake go outside!! Spring is here.
Actually I think that only one capital city per side is the right way to go. having the others will dilute the player base too much.
Also, there seems to be a lot more rvr going on in the game do to more rewards and an easier way to get players into it. I spent a good part of Saturday RvR'ing (if there is such a phrase).
There are some balance tweaks that need to be made, true. And I actually like the scenarios. If this game was just the rvr game I don't think it would work. It gets kind of tiring to wait around in keeps not knowing if the enemy is coming back or if they are going to another pairing.
To be honest I think that being able to siege the keeps as often as one can makes them less of a big deal. A keep would be attacked and no one would be defending it as they were off elsewhere attacking another keep. Perhaps more ownership in the keeps. Lineage 2 had the best sieges and it's somethign that Warhammer could learn from.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
Boring unbalanced PvP and horrible terrible PvE, the game is going to be another LOTRO at best. Age of Conan is doing much better, but Warhammer has more depth than Age of Conan.
Read the thread and you will see that even the developers admit to what is happening. Mythic is currently testing a fix for this on the PTR right now (for the second time I guess), so this isn't an issue of my playstyle. It is a fairly large issue for a lot of people. It does suck to cast a 3 second spell and have it take 5 seconds to complete or worse a 1 second cast spell taking close to 3 seconds. It doesn't affect insant, channeled or most melees abilities right now as far as I can tell. Did you even read the thread I linked before you jumped on me about it?
People are already talking about the ptr experience being a night and day difference to what is on live currently. Personally I'm very excited, but 6 months post release is to long for this to have been an issue in a game of this type.
Just read the thread. I simply didn't like how Mythic handled it the first time and the cheap attempt to deceive players by redefining how time is measured. It isn't an issue that is beyond repair or the totally cripples the game, but it does make certain actions unplayable sometimes (in my case certain careers).
I read it and you know what I actually play it right now, playing a DOK and I have not seen any of my spells taking this excessive spell casting time that your talking about, my viewpoint comes from within the game, not following the lead of what others are trying to force down my throat. I've even timed my own spells and guess what, no 1 sec casts taking 1.5 or 2 or even 3 secs to cast, they take 1 sec to cast, amazing really.
If your so adamant spell casting is borked then fine, you believe that, over the past week I've been trying a few different classes from mellee to casters and all of them feel and look ok to me as your normal average player.
Yes I've come across bugs, none have hindered my play, I've ranked up in Reknown lvls, I've beaten opposing players 1v1 and in group RvR, I've lvl'd up at a nice rate and my PvE experience is doing well.
If all this timing was so horrendous you'd think I would have noticed it impacting my game by now, or others aswell and as I did a region chat last night I found no one having a clue what I was talking about, not a bloody clue.
Read the thread and you will see that even the developers admit to what is happening. Mythic is currently testing a fix for this on the PTR right now (for the second time I guess), so this isn't an issue of my playstyle. It is a fairly large issue for a lot of people. It does suck to cast a 3 second spell and have it take 5 seconds to complete or worse a 1 second cast spell taking close to 3 seconds. It doesn't affect insant, channeled or most melees abilities right now as far as I can tell. Did you even read the thread I linked before you jumped on me about it?
People are already talking about the ptr experience being a night and day difference to what is on live currently. Personally I'm very excited, but 6 months post release is to long for this to have been an issue in a game of this type.
Just read the thread. I simply didn't like how Mythic handled it the first time and the cheap attempt to deceive players by redefining how time is measured. It isn't an issue that is beyond repair or the totally cripples the game, but it does make certain actions unplayable sometimes (in my case certain careers).
I read it and you know what I actually play it right now, playing a DOK and I have not seen any of my spells taking this excessive spell casting time that your talking about, my viewpoint comes from within the game, not following the lead of what others are trying to force down my throat. I've even timed my own spells and guess what, no 1 sec casts taking 1.5 or 2 or even 3 secs to cast, they take 1 sec to cast, amazing really.
If your so adamant spell casting is borked then fine, you believe that, over the past week I've been trying a few different classes from mellee to casters and all of them feel and look ok to me as your normal average player.
Yes I've come across bugs, none have hindered my play, I've ranked up in Reknown lvls, I've beaten opposing players 1v1 and in group RvR, I've lvl'd up at a nice rate and my PvE experience is doing well.
If all this timing was so horrendous you'd think I would have noticed it impacting my game by now, or others aswell and as I did a region chat last night I found no one having a clue what I was talking about, not a bloody clue.
So are you saying that Mythic has been working on this issue for months for no reason? I'd think Cast lag has been pretty much proven to be an issue at this point?
If there was some point you'd expect to believe a developer's words I'd assume it's the point where they actually *admit* to things being wrong in their game.
pretty much agree with this warhammer seems great to me i love the rvr/ and public quest and i haven't had any issues with crashing or lag of any kind, only bad thing i find is in some areas mobs spawn a tad fast otherwise loving it
Your going to have to link me the official response from Mythic that there is a cast lag issue rather than a link to WAR Vault, becuase even though this is not affecting my gameplay, I would like to see if this is being aknowledge by Mythic themselves and not by third party members.
I have also just gone through the General/Technical and Bugs sections of the official WAR forums and found nothing other than the usual posts about lag in scenario's, and none of those mention casting lag.
For such a huge issue I'm coming across nothing that would prove it, ppl I've grpd with this morning tell me they don't notice anything.
If the problem exists it seems it does not affect everyone, just like so many other issues you will find in an MMO perhaps it all boils down to incompatible systems, rather than it being a broader issue affecting the entire player base.
Again please link me the Mythic teams ideas on how they are going to fix this timing problem rather than some random persons idea who then doesn't even post the fix itself.
You can't have looked very hard.
Either google cast lag and dig through the pages of cast lag mentions or just google "Mythic Seconds" for the "layertimerwindow.lua" and learn of one way Mythic has already tried to deal with the aforementioned problem (ie, in a patch thus proving they know it exists).
And now that you had a second to think about my previous post and no doubt was going to try and deny it again here a simple google result on MJ's words himself on the issue:
In terms of the second part, casting lag in any MMO will exist if latency is horrible. Even WoW, which handles this stuff very well, can lag at times if conditions are awful (my latency at home is a joke so I've seen this behavior in all games) but the problem is that in WAR, it doesn't happen just when conditions are awful and the team as Colin said, has been working on it. Neither I nor Colin nor anyone is making any excuses for it but it is a very complicated issue that is exacerbated by the way some of our abilities work. They are just as frustrated as some of the players but they continue to try to solve the problems. In terms of why did we say it was fixed, unfortunately, we thought they were fixed but it has proved a bit more elusive than we hoped.
I wish I could say that this was an easy issue or that our team wasn't up to the challenge of a tough issue but neither is true. WAR's RvR nature and larger scale battles tends to make things a bit more challenging and when combined with an very complex ability system and the occassional moding/UI issue, it just has proven to take longer to get this to work for everybody all the time. We need to do better and the team is working hard to do just that. I know we'll get there and hopefully soon.
That said, like I mentioned before, in this thread or maybe one of the others on this forum in the last few days, there's positive vibes on this *exact* issue coming from the current version on the pts (assuming it hasn't launched in the last few days, I don't keep that close a tab ). So with a bit of luck, if they can mange to translate that to live things could be looking up. But, denying the issue existed is folly to me, it's clear as day to anyone who reads up on the game on a semi regular basis imo. (although i guess I have the added benefit on having seen MJ comment on it in the past possibly on VN)
Edit: *cry* got curious what the B in mbj stood far after seeing that link but I can't find it
You can read from warhammer alliance forums, which i always quote, that there's players that have absolutely no lag, stuttering issues/ problem with this games and there's also alot of others have.
Why not look from another side, it really isn't too bad to shut down this game for a while. Fix the bug, take away scencerios, implement better ORVR, meaningful crafting, etc.... Just to take the time to truly come out with a game that they have design to be in the first place.
If not ask yourself, how many times you can play the current RVR at end-game? how many times you can re-roll? Meaningless Crafting? Very soon alot of you will be bored and quit the game for good.
1 example, 800k drop till now about 300k......
Than the game will be in a worst state.
RIP Orc Choppa
You obviously did not read the thread, because there are more than enough mythic employees posting there and admitting to the issue and their mishandling of it. Every single thing I said was true, but you would rather go completely out of your way to make me look like I am fabricating this and am somehow the bad guy for stating the truth. If you are not experiencing this bug then consider yourself lucky.
If you think it hasn't been a problem then you have not been paying attention to what many of the hundreds of thousands of players have said about the games general lack of responsiveness. As I said earlier, this type of problem is a huge issue in a game of this type and mythic was caught red handed handling this in a deceptive manner.
Here is from the developer ColinS in that same thread.
That’s great and all, but now what?
Several of us have been keeping tabs on the comments surrounding casting lag and concerns of the like, and we’ve had a group of engineers working through the issues that have been posted. Mark and I have personally sat down and discussed this problem on several occasions; and I cannot stress enough that this issue is a top priority in Mark’s mind, Jeff’s mind, and mine, so it’s had full attention starting from the top on down.
Here is mark jacobs admitting it in the very same thread
In terms of the second part, casting lag in any MMO will exist if latency is horrible. Even WoW, which handles this stuff very well, can lag at times if conditions are awful (my latency at home is a joke so I've seen this behavior in all games) but the problem is that in WAR, it doesn't happen just when conditions are awful and the team as Colin said, has been working on it. Neither I nor Colin nor anyone is making any excuses for it but it is a very complicated issue that is exacerbated by the way some of our abilities work. They are just as frustrated as some of the players but they continue to try to solve the problems. In terms of why did we say it was fixed, unfortunately, we thought they were fixed but it has proved a bit more elusive than we hoped.
herald.warhammeronline.com/warherald/NewsArticle.war <-- OFFICIAL WARHAMMER SITE REFERENCE FOR YOU
Here are the current patch notes addressing this very issue.
Combat Responsiveness Improvements
We are always working to improve the overall responsiveness of our game client and server. With version 1.2.1 players will see some significant improvements including the following:
* Casting times have become more accurate under normal play conditions, and players should no longer see a significant “stretch” or “pause” when casting spells in low or moderate latency situations.
* Accuracy of the spell cast UI has been improved. The display will now show ½ second increments and will no longer “stretch” time to compensate for latency. Instead, players will see a pause after the bar has filled completely if they are in a high-latency environment.
* Continued improvements to animation and visual effects performance have been made. Players will see smoother transitions between animations and significantly less stuck visual effects, especially when chain-casting abilities.
Please let me know if this isn't enough confirmation for you.
Cast Lag Issue: Yes.
Cast Lag Issues Fixed in 1.2.1: Yes (and adding .5 (.5, 1, 1.5, 2, etc.) second capability to the Cast Bar Timer to boot)
Let's move along, shall we?
No wonder I haven't been able to find any of those posts, those are on the US forums and I'm on the EU forums.
My apologies for disputing the casting lag, but I did notice colin mentioned that not all players will have the same experience, I must be one of the fortunates.
Well, I could certainly have told you you shouldn't look for Mythic info on GoA forums, lol, unfortunately the Mythic -> Goa relationship has always been a kind of "hands off" relationship despite what they like to claim, apart from getting the same software the rest is split like they were 2 completely different companies.
I'm also not denying that possibly you don't suffer from these issues. There's always the exception to the rule I'm just saying that the problem *is* there (or was hopefully for the players).
I think they should shut it down immediately.
This is not Warhammer. This is a bunny fluffy-eared version created by Mythic.
I love Warhammer. It's fiction is gritty, adult and doesn't hold back. There are good descriptions of fights that have equal amounts of action and gore in a setting that justifies pushing the limits. Mythic has none of the above.
This game pulled on the heartstrings of those who love the world Games Workshop created and then utterly failed to deliver.
Shut it down and do it right or don't bother.
I'm just hoping beyond hope that THQ does a better job on 40k. They screw that up and they'll go down in imfamy like SOE because of SWG.
I don't agree with shutting the game down but yes I definately agree that this is NOT how I envisioned Warhammer, I also expected to see a much more grittier game world, however after the initial disappointment I'm enjoying a fun game.
The 40k game intrigues me but I doubt that too will be able to live up to the Table top version, very few conversions if any can live up to the original and long time fans will only be disappointed when (if) the game goes live.
I can remember when SWG went live, I had some friends who where die hard fans of the films, yet after a few days playing the game they left saying it was nothing like what they thought it would be, we all build up our own ideas of how the game should be, invaribly the game never lives up to those high expectations.