Your logic fails.. Just because a small number of slip thru the cracks does not excuse or justify removing our standards.. If we use your logic we should abolish speed limits because people are going to speed anyways.. So why bother, right? Your logic also fails as I have discussed before.. It's NOT 100% parents responsibility to keep their children safe from harm.. As I said, Bussinesses have a duty to as well, as so do our school systems, and our govt.. Actually, it's strong parenting that is standing up and asking the govt's to take action.. I can't stop bussinesses from exposing my child to adult content alone, hence LAWS.. Without laws and rulse we end up living in a society in chaos..
I have to agree with Rydeson here. As a parent I can say that no matter how responsible I try to be, I just can't watch over everything. And locking my kids in a closet, or even hovering over them 24/7, isn't an alternative.
Also a parent I strongly disagree. As stated before in this thread, the answer is to educate our kids in the pitfalls of cyberspace and other facets of life. They will likely access censored information one way or another - better they be aware and prepared.
Lets face it - the kids these days are far more adept at computers than most of us parents lol. I think the last multi- million dollar Government "Filtering Tool" was circumvented by an 11 year old in minutes.
To allow this legislation, is to prevent fun loving Aussies from enjoying many MMOs, and easily sites such as YouTube.
To allow the Australian Government to censor our "Childrens" internet, is to allow censorship of the Australian internet for ALL Australians. It's so simple its stupifying lol - and if you want to keep gaming at under 10,000ms it can't be allowed to happen.
Bannanna, good points, but here's the thing, in my mind.
If our kids perceive that everyone else in the world are basically telling them that we parents are wrong, at some point they will be tempted to think that's the case. My youngest is 18 now. I don't know the ages of your kids. But every parent goes through the "rebellious" stages of their kids. If those kids perceive that you are wrong, according to everyone else, that's trouble.
And surely your stance can't be that everything goes, no censorship at all? It would be OK for your kids to visit porn sites freely? Snuff sites? If they have to work around censorship blocks, at least they are being told that you, the parent, are supported by others in what you are teaching them.
Don't like it? Don't get an internet connection, or find a way to deny your children use of it. Don't take other's rights away because you don't want to "lock the liquor cabinet" yourself.
So my rights and my kid's rights have to take the hit? I can't say I like that solution.
Another case of parents not taking responsability for their children.
And I thought it was bad over here in the states. Seriously, parents need to learn how to control their kids. When I was young my parents told me not to do certain things. Sure, I'd ignore them, but if they found out and they were serious about it then they made sure I didn't do it again. This was achieved by reasonable use of a belt or stuffing me in a corner of a room where they could watch me and make sure I didn't do anything.
Parents today somehow think this is abuse. If you aren't a complete moron you can know what an appropriate punishment is. Kids are tougher than people give them credit for, they can handle a few whacks on their rear end or standing in a corner being bored every now and then. It's these parents these days that say no and then have absolutely nothing to back it up with. Their kids learn this fast and just run rampant.
I caused and do cause my own fair share of trouble. Difference is that now that I'm in my 20's if i do something really stupid I'll get thrown in jail. Thanks to my upbringing I'm well aware that my actions have consqeuences. Which is the point of such punishments with kids.
There needs to harsher penalties on PARENTS to be honest. If someone's kids are looking at porn then the parents should face a heavy fine, if society is going to be so pissy about it. It's like a right of passage almost to get away with looking at porn as a teenager over here. Your parents should be trying to stop you and punish you really badly if you get caught. Hefty fines might actually give parents the incentive they need to be better teachers and parents to their kids. Even though such fines would be nearly impossible to enforce.
I'm getting way out of focus here though, hehe.
It really sucks for you Aussies, suffering from more just awful parenting. Porn and violence might be immoral for kids to watch, but the fact that the material is out there is not inherently obscene nor harmful. It is up to PARENTS on a case by case instance to ensure that any material THEY deem inappropriate for their children does not make it to their children. The tools are out there and are easy to use as far as technology goes. Older and just as effective methods have existed since the dawn of time, hell they might even be more effective.
I'm sorry Amaranthar but parents can already install many different types of net filters, because they don't/won't means that I as an adult have the choice taken away from me? The potential for misuse of this filter is staggering, I am not comfortable with any single organisation deciding what is appropriate for me.
It already blocks discussion of abortion/euthanasia, DISCUSSION,
whether for or against. So if someone discusses these subjects, it can be blocked. My Husband enjoys online poker from time to time, there is discussion of it being blocked, some poker sites are already blocked on the test filter.
This goes beyond protecting children, which I have already stated is in no way a bad thing, please research it, just a little, and tell me you would be comfortable with it.
Being anti-filter DOES NOT make someone pro-porn/snuff, this arguement is already thrown around. Assuming everyone is a sexual deviant/pervert/irresposible because they want to make there own gaming choices or have the ability to have an adult conversation is extremely insulting.
Bannanna, good points, but here's the thing, in my mind. If our kids perceive that everyone else in the world are basically telling them that we parents are wrong, at some point they will be tempted to think that's the case. My youngest is 18 now. I don't know the ages of your kids. But every parent goes through the "rebellious" stages of their kids. If those kids perceive that you are wrong, according to everyone else, that's trouble. And surely your stance can't be that everything goes, no censorship at all? It would be OK for your kids to visit porn sites freely? Snuff sites? If they have to work around censorship blocks, at least they are being told that you, the parent, are supported by others in what you are teaching them.
Rebelious Kids are precisely the ones that will seek the censored data. They will find out that others in the world have a bigger Internet than they do and wonder why. To then put 2 and 2 together and deduct that their Democratic Government has hapilly infringed on their basic Democratic Rights is going to definately peak their curiosity if nothing else.
This leads me to perhaps clarify my point further. Extreme Forced Censorship, like what is proposed by the Australian Governement is what I am against. Period. It is an infringement on basic Democratic Rights. Our Interent Cafe's, schools, unis and even some ISPs already restrict their user's access to dubious content. At home I have software in place that directly restricts my childs access to the internet, and my child is being educated in the pitfalls of cyberspace. I tell my children the truth, which is that under the guise of protecting them, our Democracy that promotes free speech and free choice is deciding to block any content deemed unfit for ANYONE over 15 years old. My kids can draw from that, what anyone with a brain would. The fact that there is no R18+ games rating in Australia, and no clear intention to have one, rings all kinds of alarm bells for me.
It is our kids that will end up ensuring our future doesn't have us all wearing the same clothes and being told what games they can and can't play. It is us as parents that need educate them in their young age and ensure they are not brought up thinking a lack of basic freedoms is normal. Don't get me wrong I am dead against sites that promote, paedophelia, harm to animals/kids/humans etc and I am doing my best as a parent to not allow my children near that. They do however know it exists and know it is wrong.
For me tho, and also the OP - the most relevant issue is that this propsed legislation will quite possibly stop or cripple the ability for many Aussies to play some of our favorite MMOs. MMOs are what I enjoy doing, and I am at risk of being told my own censorship skills for my own kids aren't good enough anymore, so I'm not allowed to enjoy my favorite pastimes anymore. Not Happening.
Sure I can get around it if that hasn't been made a criminal offence, but playing at speeds proxied around a Filtered Australian Internet will not likely be playable.
Most of you all missed the point Austr is trying to do here.. From what I'm reading so far is that Blizzard does NOT Code their product (website) at the appropriate rating.. Many of the posters here are talking about how parents should install programs like net nanny to keep children from visiting adult sites.. The problem is that net nanny as with other programs only work IF the sites have their products rated correctly.. The game is rated correctly for store sales, but is not protected to keep underage teens from d/l it from the websites.. Bizzard isn't being singled out, but thousands of websites worldwide are taking advantage of this loophole in the internet..
If Blizzard and other companies do NOT want to accidently get nailed by this Austr. law, then rate your website appropriately so that programs like net nanny or the govt can ID you correctly.. There are many websites that are exploiting the loopholes in the net, and YES I'm proud that society is doing all they can to keep adult content out of arms reach of children.. If businesses are mistakenly being targeted because of it, then they should make sure their websites and paperwork are all in order.. This is like an adult (who happens to look like they are 16) trying to get into a club at night without an ID.. Don't blame the bouncer if he doesn't let you in.. He's not censoring you,, It's your fault that you didnt' bring ID ..
If Blizzard and other responsible companies want IN, they better bring ID and make sure they are crossing all their T's and dotting all their I's..
Most of you all missed the point Austr is trying to do here.. From what I'm reading so far is that Blizzard does NOT Code their product (website) at the appropriate rating.. Many of the posters here are talking about how parents should install programs like net nanny to keep children from visiting adult sites.. The problem is that net nanny as with other programs only work IF the sites have their products rated correctly.. The game is rated correctly for store sales, but is not protected to keep underage teens from d/l it from the websites.. Bizzard isn't being singled out, but thousands of websites worldwide are taking advantage of this loophole in the internet.. If Blizzard and other companies do NOT want to accidently get nailed by this Austr. law, then rate your website appropriately so that programs like net nanny or the govt can ID you correctly.. There are many websites that are exploiting the loopholes in the net, and YES I'm proud that society is doing all they can to keep adult content out of arms reach of children.. If businesses are mistakenly being targeted because of it, then they should make sure their websites and paperwork are all in order.. This is like an adult (who happens to look like they are 16) trying to get into a club at night without an ID.. Don't blame the bouncer if he doesn't let you in.. He's not censoring you,, It's your fault that you didnt' bring ID .. If Blizzard and other responsible companies want IN, they better bring ID and make sure they are crossing all their T's and dotting all their I's..
I think you missed the point ...
2 main issues are at stake here :
1. Adult gaming is not allowed, while adult films are.
So even tho Age of Conan may not be the greatest game, the fact that you are not allowed to play it as an adult is allarming.
2. The Australian Internet Filter goes far beyond blocking just some mmo's, they block Christian sites, regular porn sites, euthanasia sites, poker sites and some random sites that are not in the slightest controversial.
If you do not see a pattern here, then you are screwed ( if you are an Aussie )
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
To go further, if no adult content is allowed on the internet anymore, that means social networks like Second Life, Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, MSN, Chatting services, all have to be blocked. But don't stop there, all news sites will have to be blocked that may have controversial material, like a report on a car accident where too much blood is shown. etc etc etc
This is the beginning of the end, and I am serious.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
Finally as one of the above posters mentioned, if we are not allowed to have a debate about euthanasia or abortion anymore, then freedom of speech, and basic democratic freedom is out of the window.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
Adult rated MMOs may become a thing of the past for the average Aussie gamer if the Australian Governments internet filter goes ahead. It looks like the purchase of games online and the playing of online games will be included in the illegal and blocked sites. There is already some debate if WoW or Aion would be on that list, so you can bet AoC, MO and DFO would be. Some news articles here and here and a google news overview here.
The Aussie government may think it can control what's accessed and downloaded off the net, but it's will be foolish to think otherwise. Let me just say one thing, the great Chinese firewall. The biggest badest firewall blocking a countries citizens to all the web has to offer, yet it fails to do so. Chinese surfers on a daily bases bypass the firewall to access and download things they shouldn't.
It seems Aussie has surcome to a bunch of very misinformed ruling elite from an older generation making choices that should be in the parents hands, not the governments on what their kids play and how long, and I thought the UK was a Nanny state.
Only thing you can do is speak with your voting in your countries elections for those parties opposed to this stupid censored approach to games rated 18+. Somebody need to give the Aussie government a lesson to lift their shroud of ignorance on the fact that the average Pc gamer are adults and there are games aimed at them, just as there are movies rated +18 for adults and not to treat them with the same attitude as console gaming with is for the most parts a kids market. Games and movies don't make most people do criminal acts. Those who do it have it them regardless if they've played GTA or not.
If they ban +18 rated games then the same pathetic logical thinking of those elite few passing these laws should ban 18+ movies too as they're a bad influences since loads of kids end up seeing the movies anyway. I hopey ou Assie Pc gamers don't give up the fight as they can't stop you from downloading and playing the games you want and have the right to play as an adult.
Most of you all missed the point Austr is trying to do here.. From what I'm reading so far is that Blizzard does NOT Code their product (website) at the appropriate rating.. Many of the posters here are talking about how parents should install programs like net nanny to keep children from visiting adult sites.. The problem is that net nanny as with other programs only work IF the sites have their products rated correctly.. The game is rated correctly for store sales, but is not protected to keep underage teens from d/l it from the websites.. Bizzard isn't being singled out, but thousands of websites worldwide are taking advantage of this loophole in the internet.. If Blizzard and other companies do NOT want to accidently get nailed by this Austr. law, then rate your website appropriately so that programs like net nanny or the govt can ID you correctly.. There are many websites that are exploiting the loopholes in the net, and YES I'm proud that society is doing all they can to keep adult content out of arms reach of children.. If businesses are mistakenly being targeted because of it, then they should make sure their websites and paperwork are all in order.. This is like an adult (who happens to look like they are 16) trying to get into a club at night without an ID.. Don't blame the bouncer if he doesn't let you in.. He's not censoring you,, It's your fault that you didnt' bring ID .. If Blizzard and other responsible companies want IN, they better bring ID and make sure they are crossing all their T's and dotting all their I's..
What Australia is trying to do it limit it's citizens freedom of choice and freedom of speech.
Australia is the only developed country without an R18+ classification for games. SOURCE
Such games are generally considered "RC" (Refused Classification). Many if not most online games here are deemed RC because they are online in nature. I'll leave you to work out what games that may exclude for ALL Australians. Bliz and other companies have done their job because the rest of the planet has exited the dark ages and had rating frameworks in place for them to adhere to.
As to the getting into a club at night analogy - the nightclub the Australian Government is proposing is one that nobody gets into whether you have the ID or not. The Bouncer is the Internet Filter.
I have no objection of censoring internet content as long as it's done within reason.. I have no objection that we do this with music bought at stores, movies you go to see or locations you aren't allowed to go due to age.. It's just the way it is and as a parent I do NOT want my daughter using the interent to circumvent societies rules of censoring.. It's about time people start holding internet information accountable, especially to MINORS.. PERIOD..
Hmm and i always thought that as a parent that was my job?
BTW, this is getting more serious by the minute ( for me at least, I had to catch up on news ).
We all know countries like China, Iran, North Korea, etc are totalitarion regimes who want to control everything and allow no opposition or freedom of speech, so it comes as no surprise that they block all kinds of sites, especially political opponents and such.
I also knew that Turkey does not take freedom of speech and democracy seriously, thats also the reason why they haven't been able to join the EU yet, and they won't in the next decade.
But OMG even my own country is on the list This totally sukcs, altho I haven't found an illegal site yet ...
Edit : Seems Belgium is on the list since april 2009, and only a few sites are blocked, and you get a clear message that it is blocked by the police. Still it is a bad precedent.
But look at all the other countries that are doing cencoring, it's crazy ...
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site : Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
BTW, this is getting more serious by the minute ( for me at least, I had to catch up on news ). We all know countries like China, Iran, North Korea, etc are totalitarion regimes who want to control everything and allow no opposition or freedom of speech, so it comes as no surprise that they block all kinds of sites, especially political opponents and such. I also knew that Turkey does not take freedom of speech and democracy seriously, thats also the reason why they haven't been able to join the EU yet, and they won't in the next decade. But OMG even my own country is on the list This totally sukcs, altho I haven't found an illegal site yet ... Edit : Seems Belgium is on the list since april 2009, and only a few sites are blocked, and you get a clear message that it is blocked by the police. Still it is a bad precedent. But look at all the other countries that are doing cencoring, it's crazy ... Check this link :
Hilary Clinton made comments a few years ago about policing he internet "for the children" of course. No one took it seriously then but with the new administrations views on how we need to be taken care of its something to watch out for in the US as well. Strange times we live in.
There is already some debate if WoW or Aion would be on that list, so you can bet AoC, MO and DFO would be.
These games will not be on "the list" it's already been said that the blocks will apply to games which are not rated in Australia, since the games you have mentioned are quite available on Australin store shelves this means that they are rated and won't be blocked.
I suggest you go read some mmo packaging before you say any more as wow itself has only the US rating on it not any rating at all for australia, also the same with warhammer online and age of conan.
I have to agree with Rydeson here. As a parent I can say that no matter how responsible I try to be, I just can't watch over everything. And locking my kids in a closet, or even hovering over them 24/7, isn't an alternative.
Also a parent I strongly disagree. As stated before in this thread, the answer is to educate our kids in the pitfalls of cyberspace and other facets of life. They will likely access censored information one way or another - better they be aware and prepared.
Lets face it - the kids these days are far more adept at computers than most of us parents lol. I think the last multi- million dollar Government "Filtering Tool" was circumvented by an 11 year old in minutes.
To allow this legislation, is to prevent fun loving Aussies from enjoying many MMOs, and easily sites such as YouTube.
To allow the Australian Government to censor our "Childrens" internet, is to allow censorship of the Australian internet for ALL Australians. It's so simple its stupifying lol - and if you want to keep gaming at under 10,000ms it can't be allowed to happen.
Bannanna, good points, but here's the thing, in my mind.
If our kids perceive that everyone else in the world are basically telling them that we parents are wrong, at some point they will be tempted to think that's the case. My youngest is 18 now. I don't know the ages of your kids. But every parent goes through the "rebellious" stages of their kids. If those kids perceive that you are wrong, according to everyone else, that's trouble.
And surely your stance can't be that everything goes, no censorship at all? It would be OK for your kids to visit porn sites freely? Snuff sites? If they have to work around censorship blocks, at least they are being told that you, the parent, are supported by others in what you are teaching them.
Don't like it? Don't get an internet connection, or find a way to deny your children use of it. Don't take other's rights away because you don't want to "lock the liquor cabinet" yourself.
So my rights and my kid's rights have to take the hit? I can't say I like that solution.
Once upon a time....
No it takes two parents that do not need or desire government intervention.
Another case of parents not taking responsability for their children.
And I thought it was bad over here in the states. Seriously, parents need to learn how to control their kids. When I was young my parents told me not to do certain things. Sure, I'd ignore them, but if they found out and they were serious about it then they made sure I didn't do it again. This was achieved by reasonable use of a belt or stuffing me in a corner of a room where they could watch me and make sure I didn't do anything.
Parents today somehow think this is abuse. If you aren't a complete moron you can know what an appropriate punishment is. Kids are tougher than people give them credit for, they can handle a few whacks on their rear end or standing in a corner being bored every now and then. It's these parents these days that say no and then have absolutely nothing to back it up with. Their kids learn this fast and just run rampant.
I caused and do cause my own fair share of trouble. Difference is that now that I'm in my 20's if i do something really stupid I'll get thrown in jail. Thanks to my upbringing I'm well aware that my actions have consqeuences. Which is the point of such punishments with kids.
There needs to harsher penalties on PARENTS to be honest. If someone's kids are looking at porn then the parents should face a heavy fine, if society is going to be so pissy about it. It's like a right of passage almost to get away with looking at porn as a teenager over here. Your parents should be trying to stop you and punish you really badly if you get caught. Hefty fines might actually give parents the incentive they need to be better teachers and parents to their kids. Even though such fines would be nearly impossible to enforce.
I'm getting way out of focus here though, hehe.
It really sucks for you Aussies, suffering from more just awful parenting. Porn and violence might be immoral for kids to watch, but the fact that the material is out there is not inherently obscene nor harmful. It is up to PARENTS on a case by case instance to ensure that any material THEY deem inappropriate for their children does not make it to their children. The tools are out there and are easy to use as far as technology goes. Older and just as effective methods have existed since the dawn of time, hell they might even be more effective.
Come to Canada... BC is a nice place
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
I'm sorry Amaranthar but parents can already install many different types of net filters, because they don't/won't means that I as an adult have the choice taken away from me? The potential for misuse of this filter is staggering, I am not comfortable with any single organisation deciding what is appropriate for me.
It already blocks discussion of abortion/euthanasia, DISCUSSION,
whether for or against. So if someone discusses these subjects, it can be blocked. My Husband enjoys online poker from time to time, there is discussion of it being blocked, some poker sites are already blocked on the test filter.
This goes beyond protecting children, which I have already stated is in no way a bad thing, please research it, just a little, and tell me you would be comfortable with it.
Being anti-filter DOES NOT make someone pro-porn/snuff, this arguement is already thrown around. Assuming everyone is a sexual deviant/pervert/irresposible because they want to make there own gaming choices or have the ability to have an adult conversation is extremely insulting.
This leads me to perhaps clarify my point further. Extreme Forced Censorship, like what is proposed by the Australian Governement is what I am against. Period. It is an infringement on basic Democratic Rights. Our Interent Cafe's, schools, unis and even some ISPs already restrict their user's access to dubious content. At home I have software in place that directly restricts my childs access to the internet, and my child is being educated in the pitfalls of cyberspace. I tell my children the truth, which is that under the guise of protecting them, our Democracy that promotes free speech and free choice is deciding to block any content deemed unfit for ANYONE over 15 years old. My kids can draw from that, what anyone with a brain would. The fact that there is no R18+ games rating in Australia, and no clear intention to have one, rings all kinds of alarm bells for me.
It is our kids that will end up ensuring our future doesn't have us all wearing the same clothes and being told what games they can and can't play. It is us as parents that need educate them in their young age and ensure they are not brought up thinking a lack of basic freedoms is normal. Don't get me wrong I am dead against sites that promote, paedophelia, harm to animals/kids/humans etc and I am doing my best as a parent to not allow my children near that. They do however know it exists and know it is wrong.
For me tho, and also the OP - the most relevant issue is that this propsed legislation will quite possibly stop or cripple the ability for many Aussies to play some of our favorite MMOs. MMOs are what I enjoy doing, and I am at risk of being told my own censorship skills for my own kids aren't good enough anymore, so I'm not allowed to enjoy my favorite pastimes anymore. Not Happening.
Sure I can get around it if that hasn't been made a criminal offence, but playing at speeds proxied around a Filtered Australian Internet will not likely be playable.
Most of you all missed the point Austr is trying to do here.. From what I'm reading so far is that Blizzard does NOT Code their product (website) at the appropriate rating.. Many of the posters here are talking about how parents should install programs like net nanny to keep children from visiting adult sites.. The problem is that net nanny as with other programs only work IF the sites have their products rated correctly.. The game is rated correctly for store sales, but is not protected to keep underage teens from d/l it from the websites.. Bizzard isn't being singled out, but thousands of websites worldwide are taking advantage of this loophole in the internet..
If Blizzard and other companies do NOT want to accidently get nailed by this Austr. law, then rate your website appropriately so that programs like net nanny or the govt can ID you correctly.. There are many websites that are exploiting the loopholes in the net, and YES I'm proud that society is doing all they can to keep adult content out of arms reach of children.. If businesses are mistakenly being targeted because of it, then they should make sure their websites and paperwork are all in order.. This is like an adult (who happens to look like they are 16) trying to get into a club at night without an ID.. Don't blame the bouncer if he doesn't let you in.. He's not censoring you,, It's your fault that you didnt' bring ID ..
If Blizzard and other responsible companies want IN, they better bring ID and make sure they are crossing all their T's and dotting all their I's..
I think you missed the point ...
2 main issues are at stake here :
1. Adult gaming is not allowed, while adult films are.
So even tho Age of Conan may not be the greatest game, the fact that you are not allowed to play it as an adult is allarming.
2. The Australian Internet Filter goes far beyond blocking just some mmo's, they block Christian sites, regular porn sites, euthanasia sites, poker sites and some random sites that are not in the slightest controversial.
If you do not see a pattern here, then you are screwed ( if you are an Aussie )
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
To go further, if no adult content is allowed on the internet anymore, that means social networks like Second Life, Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, MSN, Chatting services, all have to be blocked. But don't stop there, all news sites will have to be blocked that may have controversial material, like a report on a car accident where too much blood is shown. etc etc etc
This is the beginning of the end, and I am serious.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
Finally as one of the above posters mentioned, if we are not allowed to have a debate about euthanasia or abortion anymore, then freedom of speech, and basic democratic freedom is out of the window.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
The Aussie government may think it can control what's accessed and downloaded off the net, but it's will be foolish to think otherwise. Let me just say one thing, the great Chinese firewall. The biggest badest firewall blocking a countries citizens to all the web has to offer, yet it fails to do so. Chinese surfers on a daily bases bypass the firewall to access and download things they shouldn't.
It seems Aussie has surcome to a bunch of very misinformed ruling elite from an older generation making choices that should be in the parents hands, not the governments on what their kids play and how long, and I thought the UK was a Nanny state.
Only thing you can do is speak with your voting in your countries elections for those parties opposed to this stupid censored approach to games rated 18+. Somebody need to give the Aussie government a lesson to lift their shroud of ignorance on the fact that the average Pc gamer are adults and there are games aimed at them, just as there are movies rated +18 for adults and not to treat them with the same attitude as console gaming with is for the most parts a kids market. Games and movies don't make most people do criminal acts. Those who do it have it them regardless if they've played GTA or not.
If they ban +18 rated games then the same pathetic logical thinking of those elite few passing these laws should ban 18+ movies too as they're a bad influences since loads of kids end up seeing the movies anyway. I hopey ou Assie Pc gamers don't give up the fight as they can't stop you from downloading and playing the games you want and have the right to play as an adult.
What Australia is trying to do it limit it's citizens freedom of choice and freedom of speech.
Australia is the only developed country without an R18+ classification for games. SOURCE
Such games are generally considered "RC" (Refused Classification). Many if not most online games here are deemed RC because they are online in nature. I'll leave you to work out what games that may exclude for ALL Australians. Bliz and other companies have done their job because the rest of the planet has exited the dark ages and had rating frameworks in place for them to adhere to.
As to the getting into a club at night analogy - the nightclub the Australian Government is proposing is one that nobody gets into whether you have the ID or not. The Bouncer is the Internet Filter.
Hmm and i always thought that as a parent that was my job?
BTW, this is getting more serious by the minute ( for me at least, I had to catch up on news ).
We all know countries like China, Iran, North Korea, etc are totalitarion regimes who want to control everything and allow no opposition or freedom of speech, so it comes as no surprise that they block all kinds of sites, especially political opponents and such.
I also knew that Turkey does not take freedom of speech and democracy seriously, thats also the reason why they haven't been able to join the EU yet, and they won't in the next decade.
But OMG even my own country is on the list This totally sukcs, altho I haven't found an illegal site yet ...
Edit : Seems Belgium is on the list since april 2009, and only a few sites are blocked, and you get a clear message that it is blocked by the police. Still it is a bad precedent.
But look at all the other countries that are doing cencoring, it's crazy ...
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Hilary Clinton made comments a few years ago about policing he internet "for the children" of course. No one took it seriously then but with the new administrations views on how we need to be taken care of its something to watch out for in the US as well. Strange times we live in.
You've hit a new low as a western nation when the chinese have more internet freedom than you.
I suggest you go read some mmo packaging before you say any more as wow itself has only the US rating on it not any rating at all for australia, also the same with warhammer online and age of conan.