I've been playing since 3:00 pm yesterday and I have yet to experience any kind of queue to play. I have logged in and out at various times and haven't experienced any issues.
Ah yes reason, that's good lets all be reasonable about this after all there was no way NCsoft could have expected this. Couldn't they? Their beancounters knew exactly how many pre-orders were sold, knew all too well how many people created a character during pre-select and on which servers yet they had no idea? I'd say fire the beancounters but then what do I know.
And the reasonable people tell me not to complain as this is what happens with every launch of a triple A MMO and I can't help but wonder: "Really? Are there people stupid enough to accept this?" But then I get in the back of the queue foaming at the mouth until, maybe, the great god of MMO's lets me in and I maybe get to play a few hours before I have to log off again to get some sleep.
No where except in the gaming industry could this type of behaviour survive and even be profitable. No one outside the gaming industry would get away with such blatant disregard for their customers. No one outside the gaming industry could break promises on such a regular basis and still expect to hold on to their customers. We gamers must really enjoy the punishment...
And now it's day 3 of the european headstart and waiting times still average at around FOUR AND A HALF HOURS this does not bode well for release.
and the worst part is that Aion messes with my mouse drivers causing my cursor to hide in the upper lefthand corner of my screen everytime I Alt Tab to the desktop afraid to move which means I can't do Jack while waiting >:(
Ive kinda given up on a headstart, Most of my guild are in there server and most havent logged out, so there fine (damn ones 28 already :P)
Anyway ill just have to catch up whenever im on there, Im not hardcore .. i work. Just when i came on tonight i didtn expect a 9 hour queue time.
I dont honestly care now, but the notes from Brian Knox only relate to Sunday, Any chance you can interview him and ask why its a nine hour queue on a server?
I heard the best solution is to restart the server every 4 hours or so That should get rid of the private shops afkers and help .
Ive decided to not play on another server but watch tv with my family.. See you in game Whenever that will be.
Looks like they are adding an extra server for each region. They also claimed that they raised the server cap. Any of the heavy queued servers noticed the difference?
At NCsoft our commitment is to making the MMO player experience the best it can be. And while Aion has seen a very successful launch that has exceeded our expectations in many ways, we are aware of the longer than usual queue times that players have experienced on some of the servers. This is due to the initial rush of players that we’ve seen in the early days of the game’s launch in Europe and North America.
Since the opening of Head Start this past weekend, we’ve have been heavily focused on striking the delicate balance between managing busy servers with queue times versus overcompensating by adding new servers too quickly that are then underpopulated and don’t deliver a fun experience for players. We did indeed see an initial rush on the first days of Head Start which resulted in longer than desired queue times for some of our servers, and we are working around the clock to alleviate this. In fact, we are happy to confirm we have increased our server caps and are adding an additional server in both North America and Europe by this weekend, and we will continue to evaluate adding additional servers.
That said, we do have alternate servers where players are experiencing lower queue times. People can get a real-time update and select that choice on our website at: http://na.aiononline.com/livestatus/server/
We continue to monitor issues closely and strive to address player feedback quickly to ensure the best possible experience.
I don't really think the servers are full but ncsoft is managing people entering the server for lag and to balance populations. Unless you wanted to have an over populated race you shouldn't whine.
Totally agree,
I think the queue for the Headstart or Launch is a good idea to prevent server crash, and to maintain the race balance. Imagine if there is no queue and everyone log in which can cause server crash, or race balance which one side have 70% asmo VS 30% elyos.
Or how about Ncsoft make 40Server then later on and merge them.
I don't really think the servers are full but ncsoft is managing people entering the server for lag and to balance populations. Unless you wanted to have an over populated race you shouldn't whine.
Totally agree,
I think the queue for the Headstart or Launch is a good idea to prevent server crash, and to maintain the race balance. Imagine if there is no queue and everyone log in which can cause server crash, or race balance which one side have 70% asmo VS 30% elyos.
Or how about Ncsoft make 40Server then later on and merge them.
Yup, a great idea. If you only have a few hours a day to play and you have to play them during rush hour spending all that time in a queue, knowing that this is partly due to people setting up shops that sell nothing just to stay online, then you surely get a warm and fuzzy feeling about your fellow men in general and NCsoft in particular. In those circumstances you feel very grateful they've managed to keep the servers lag free and stable and even managed to balance the races because even though you won't see any of it for those in game alls well and that's the only thing that counts right?
Having lag, server crashes or an over populated race doesn't really matter much when you're in the bleeding queue now does it so stop defending a compagny that doesn't know how to count. This isn't about 10, 15 minutes or even half an hour of waiting this is about HOURS and HOURS of waiting in line, hardly a minor oversight especially taken in account the pre-select two days before the servers opened.
Oh and did I mention I haven't recieved or payed for my box yet?
Now if we knew for a fact all of this would be over after release then it might not matter that much but their failior to fix the problem in a timely fashion does not inspire confidence. And what if they do open up new servers on release day and you find yourself on a server that's still over populated and you still have to wait for hours will there be a free transfer to one of the new servers?
I know what you mean yesterday I started playing in the morning (Europe) so many are at work or school so no queue but after 5-7hrs damn me went afk and d/c tried to re loggin but 7.30h queue so said that all for today.
They will fix the queues in the coming days probably but In my opinion stall is one of the causes there is huge queue time, just by reaching first town (your still in starter zone) you will already see around 10-20 people in a stall that are just there to not have a queue when they come back, same thing happened in the other camp 10-30 stalls were half of them just to not d/c and that is counting only 1 of the channels so yes there is a problem.
Hope ncsoft manages to do something against those people that try to never d/c so that they won't have queues making the time more long for others.
My thread had a poll and lot of constructve posts about this issue. Why was it deleted? [ The poll about Aion beeing one of the worst planned releases ever ] ? I have been with mmorpg for 5 years nwo.. and its the first time i see stuff like this happening here.
Not sure, I have seen not only a ton of forums getting pruned, but many users getting banned for no other reason than having a negative opinion.. Don't worry I am here now to save freedom of speech online..
As for the Aion issue, it is indeed sad to see, right now I am in queue of 2244 with an estimated wait time to login of over 3 hours. Thats not a conceivable picture even for a release day.. It's not 10 years ago anymore, if they were promoting a web site on TV where the servers where to get massive traffic, you would bet they'd be prepared to handle it to not lose out on the revenue that traffic was to bring.. But somehow come customer time... they are the ones that get crapped on. Not tolerable in todays times...
Anyhow, the sad part is there is a queue for individual on all servers, not a queue for server.. this was the mistake.. I guess we have to wait a week now for the mistake to be re-programmed? Lol.. i mean.. DUH, the people they hire these days.. no exp, fresh (in college) students working for peanuts.. sad world we live in while the owners in Japan buy more yachts and massive temples with out cash.
Is it really free when it was part of the purchasing contract? Let's say you buy a game in the store, and inside is a guaranteed copy of a book you have been wanting. You get home and there is no book inside. Do you say "Oh well, it was free" or do you take it back to the store and get another?
Show me where it was part of the purchasing contract, and I'll back off and forfeit my arguments with an apology.
You're using an example of something that will last me years, not two days. You're basically complaining over getting a pack of Skittles that promised 100 pieces and was missing 5 from the pack.
I just cancelled my game account. Not that I don't like Aion, but I don't want to pay a monthly fee for nothing. So I'll come back when servers are less populated ... and something tells me it will happen soon enough ...
last night ALL of the european servers we so full they would not even permit me to queue.
and I do mean ALL. I even tried to login to the french and german servers.
My server Gorgos has my lvl 18 Gladiator which i was really enjoying playing. The only reason I was able to get him that far was that ive been off work most of last week with the Flu.
There are currently 5 ENG servers, nowhere near enough.
Unless many more servers are added, with the option to free transfer, I cant see myself being able to play Aion in the evenings now that im back at work.
If I cant play, I wont pay.
I hope they sort it out. I'd was starting to get into the game, considering finding a legion to join etc.
There are currently 5 ENG servers, nowhere near enough.
EU english servers are simply oversubscribed, nice problem for NCsoft very bad for players. Am considering cancelling after spending 3 hrs trying to play
We pay for service & get none.
If it is not fixed soon Aion will be a victim of its own success.
The EU situation is now so bad i canceled my account and i am trying to get a refund from ncsoft since i bought it directly from them how ever they are ignoring my emails and sending me a copy and paste email which i cant even reply to.
Last night Ayase made this topic on the aion forum
I seriously want my money refunded this is an utter farce of a launce at least aoc/warhammer etc people could actually play and get some responce but these dip shit's are just ignoring eu in every way possible no customer support no ingame support nothing at all. My cousin who i joined the head start with has been able to play twice !! only twice and we are in it since the head start. i had to queue for 7 hours on sunday and 3+ hour's most night's if i try to logg in if i can get in a queue at all.
*waits casually till the free month runs out then buys the MMO like very single before that while laughing his head off at all the hardcore players who bought early access*
depends on the server
It is day 2. Shut up everyone.
NC Soft had these same exact problems when the launched Lineage 2 in NA. It seems more like how they do things instead of an oversight.
When L2 was released it took about a week to for them to open enough servers for everyone so we may be looking at the same thing here.
Ah yes reason, that's good lets all be reasonable about this after all there was no way NCsoft could have expected this. Couldn't they? Their beancounters knew exactly how many pre-orders were sold, knew all too well how many people created a character during pre-select and on which servers yet they had no idea? I'd say fire the beancounters but then what do I know.
And the reasonable people tell me not to complain as this is what happens with every launch of a triple A MMO and I can't help but wonder: "Really? Are there people stupid enough to accept this?" But then I get in the back of the queue foaming at the mouth until, maybe, the great god of MMO's lets me in and I maybe get to play a few hours before I have to log off again to get some sleep.
No where except in the gaming industry could this type of behaviour survive and even be profitable. No one outside the gaming industry would get away with such blatant disregard for their customers. No one outside the gaming industry could break promises on such a regular basis and still expect to hold on to their customers. We gamers must really enjoy the punishment...
And now it's day 3 of the european headstart and waiting times still average at around FOUR AND A HALF HOURS this does not bode well for release.
and the worst part is that Aion messes with my mouse drivers causing my cursor to hide in the upper lefthand corner of my screen everytime I Alt Tab to the desktop afraid to move which means I can't do Jack while waiting >:(
Ive kinda given up on a headstart, Most of my guild are in there server and most havent logged out, so there fine (damn ones 28 already :P)
Anyway ill just have to catch up whenever im on there, Im not hardcore .. i work. Just when i came on tonight i didtn expect a 9 hour queue time.
I dont honestly care now, but the notes from Brian Knox only relate to Sunday, Any chance you can interview him and ask why its a nine hour queue on a server?
I heard the best solution is to restart the server every 4 hours or so That should get rid of the private shops afkers and help .
Ive decided to not play on another server but watch tv with my family.. See you in game Whenever that will be.
I agree to a certain extent.
They should have stopped player creation long before they overloaded the servers by 3k people.
Overloading them by 500-1k people... sure.
Looks like they are adding an extra server for each region. They also claimed that they raised the server cap. Any of the heavy queued servers noticed the difference?
At NCsoft our commitment is to making the MMO player experience the best it can be. And while Aion has seen a very successful launch that has exceeded our expectations in many ways, we are aware of the longer than usual queue times that players have experienced on some of the servers. This is due to the initial rush of players that we’ve seen in the early days of the game’s launch in Europe and North America.
Since the opening of Head Start this past weekend, we’ve have been heavily focused on striking the delicate balance between managing busy servers with queue times versus overcompensating by adding new servers too quickly that are then underpopulated and don’t deliver a fun experience for players. We did indeed see an initial rush on the first days of Head Start which resulted in longer than desired queue times for some of our servers, and we are working around the clock to alleviate this. In fact, we are happy to confirm we have increased our server caps and are adding an additional server in both North America and Europe by this weekend, and we will continue to evaluate adding additional servers.
That said, we do have alternate servers where players are experiencing lower queue times. People can get a real-time update and select that choice on our website at: http://na.aiononline.com/livestatus/server/
We continue to monitor issues closely and strive to address player feedback quickly to ensure the best possible experience.
Totally agree,
I think the queue for the Headstart or Launch is a good idea to prevent server crash, and to maintain the race balance. Imagine if there is no queue and everyone log in which can cause server crash, or race balance which one side have 70% asmo VS 30% elyos.
Or how about Ncsoft make 40Server then later on and merge them.
Totally agree,
I think the queue for the Headstart or Launch is a good idea to prevent server crash, and to maintain the race balance. Imagine if there is no queue and everyone log in which can cause server crash, or race balance which one side have 70% asmo VS 30% elyos.
Or how about Ncsoft make 40Server then later on and merge them.
Yup, a great idea. If you only have a few hours a day to play and you have to play them during rush hour spending all that time in a queue, knowing that this is partly due to people setting up shops that sell nothing just to stay online, then you surely get a warm and fuzzy feeling about your fellow men in general and NCsoft in particular. In those circumstances you feel very grateful they've managed to keep the servers lag free and stable and even managed to balance the races because even though you won't see any of it for those in game alls well and that's the only thing that counts right?
Having lag, server crashes or an over populated race doesn't really matter much when you're in the bleeding queue now does it so stop defending a compagny that doesn't know how to count. This isn't about 10, 15 minutes or even half an hour of waiting this is about HOURS and HOURS of waiting in line, hardly a minor oversight especially taken in account the pre-select two days before the servers opened.
Oh and did I mention I haven't recieved or payed for my box yet?
Now if we knew for a fact all of this would be over after release then it might not matter that much but their failior to fix the problem in a timely fashion does not inspire confidence. And what if they do open up new servers on release day and you find yourself on a server that's still over populated and you still have to wait for hours will there be a free transfer to one of the new servers?
I know what you mean yesterday I started playing in the morning (Europe) so many are at work or school so no queue but after 5-7hrs damn me went afk and d/c tried to re loggin but 7.30h queue so said that all for today.
They will fix the queues in the coming days probably but In my opinion stall is one of the causes there is huge queue time, just by reaching first town (your still in starter zone) you will already see around 10-20 people in a stall that are just there to not have a queue when they come back, same thing happened in the other camp 10-30 stalls were half of them just to not d/c and that is counting only 1 of the channels so yes there is a problem.
Hope ncsoft manages to do something against those people that try to never d/c so that they won't have queues making the time more long for others.
Not sure, I have seen not only a ton of forums getting pruned, but many users getting banned for no other reason than having a negative opinion.. Don't worry I am here now to save freedom of speech online..
As for the Aion issue, it is indeed sad to see, right now I am in queue of 2244 with an estimated wait time to login of over 3 hours. Thats not a conceivable picture even for a release day.. It's not 10 years ago anymore, if they were promoting a web site on TV where the servers where to get massive traffic, you would bet they'd be prepared to handle it to not lose out on the revenue that traffic was to bring.. But somehow come customer time... they are the ones that get crapped on. Not tolerable in todays times...
Anyhow, the sad part is there is a queue for individual on all servers, not a queue for server.. this was the mistake.. I guess we have to wait a week now for the mistake to be re-programmed? Lol.. i mean.. DUH, the people they hire these days.. no exp, fresh (in college) students working for peanuts.. sad world we live in while the owners in Japan buy more yachts and massive temples with out cash.
God Of Whine
Show me where it was part of the purchasing contract, and I'll back off and forfeit my arguments with an apology.
You're using an example of something that will last me years, not two days. You're basically complaining over getting a pack of Skittles that promised 100 pieces and was missing 5 from the pack.
Just one place:
Here is the text:
"Pre-order Aion at Amazon.com and get exclusive in-game items, as well as early access to Aion."
So going by that text, if I "pre-order", I can have "early access".
A 6+ hour queue is not early access.
But I did not Pre-Order so I can not play I can not even sit in queue so yes you have early access
I just cancelled my game account. Not that I don't like Aion, but I don't want to pay a monthly fee for nothing. So I'll come back when servers are less populated ... and something tells me it will happen soon enough ...
same here im done.
last night ALL of the european servers we so full they would not even permit me to queue.
and I do mean ALL. I even tried to login to the french and german servers.
My server Gorgos has my lvl 18 Gladiator which i was really enjoying playing. The only reason I was able to get him that far was that ive been off work most of last week with the Flu.
There are currently 5 ENG servers, nowhere near enough.
Unless many more servers are added, with the option to free transfer, I cant see myself being able to play Aion in the evenings now that im back at work.
If I cant play, I wont pay.
I hope they sort it out. I'd was starting to get into the game, considering finding a legion to join etc.
guess i'll wait and see.
EU english servers are simply oversubscribed, nice problem for NCsoft very bad for players. Am considering cancelling after spending 3 hrs trying to play
We pay for service & get none.
If it is not fixed soon Aion will be a victim of its own success.
The EU situation is now so bad i canceled my account and i am trying to get a refund from ncsoft since i bought it directly from them how ever they are ignoring my emails and sending me a copy and paste email which i cant even reply to.
Last night Ayase made this topic on the aion forum
And then went onto twitter to say
"Packing for Montréal... Going away to the Gamestop Conference in Canada for the rest of the week. Follow @aion_xaen @aion_liv @aion_kinslon "
I seriously want my money refunded this is an utter farce of a launce at least aoc/warhammer etc people could actually play and get some responce but these dip shit's are just ignoring eu in every way possible no customer support no ingame support nothing at all. My cousin who i joined the head start with has been able to play twice !! only twice and we are in it since the head start. i had to queue for 7 hours on sunday and 3+ hour's most night's if i try to logg in if i can get in a queue at all.
Triniel is the busiest area ?
Not Marchutan?
*waits casually till the free month runs out then buys the MMO like very single before that while laughing his head off at all the hardcore players who bought early access*
You guys never learn do you?