It's a good thing they locked the thread. But, that is funny.
Stoop to their level?
A self-righteous person who believes that he is above logic and intellect.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
i just downloaded the game this morning. and ive tried it for like 30 mins now. and all i can say is terrible.... TERRIBLE. they cant release this game in at least 6 months. the release date version of conan looks like fckin heaven to this. why are they rushing the release? money? well, they will earn more money in the longshot if they w8.
i just downloaded the game this morning. and ive tried it for like 30 mins now. and all i can say is terrible.... TERRIBLE. they cant release this game in at least 6 months. the release date version of conan looks like fckin heaven to this. why are they rushing the release? money? well, they will earn more money in the longshot if they w8.
I believe releasing the game this early is going to end up making it shut down. They might be out of money now, forcing them to release, but this is a very bad idea. We will see though.
i just downloaded the game this morning. and ive tried it for like 30 mins now. and all i can say is terrible.... TERRIBLE. they cant release this game in at least 6 months. the release date version of conan looks like fckin heaven to this. why are they rushing the release? money? well, they will earn more money in the longshot if they w8.
Any particular reasons why you believe it is terrible?
I'm not sure what the issue is when talking about MO mods. I have said some pretty bad stuff about their game on their own website/IRC in the past several months and haven't had any action taken at all.
Better than some other sites where I have been loyal and faithful every post...until I used one keyword (on accident actually because I was used to saying it)..."Darkfail" inside of a joke and got an insta-warning just for using that term..strike 1 =( Followup conversation via PM was ignored.
That to me is more disturbing than MO forums
Disclaimer: This is not a troll post and is not here to promote any negative energy. Although this may be a criticism, it is not meant to offend anyone. If a moderator feels the post is inappropriate, please remove it immediately before it is subject to consideration for a warning. Thank you.
i just downloaded the game this morning. and ive tried it for like 30 mins now. and all i can say is terrible.... TERRIBLE. they cant release this game in at least 6 months. the release date version of conan looks like fckin heaven to this. why are they rushing the release? money? well, they will earn more money in the longshot if they w8.
Any particular reasons why you believe it is terrible?
thats alot to post but the first that hit me was the Stamina meter which went up and down a little too fast just because of 1 jump. no directions to just give me a tiny bit of tutorial or start. Even Eve Online gave me that which is a pretty hardcore game. i got stuck in buildings, the game closed me of certain areas, like the furnace. + alot more. well i guess i still have to w8 for WoD online.
the graphics are extremely horrible but i guess theyll fix this for retail. and i couldnt enter any of the tents. i ran the game on full in 1920x1080. NPCs didnt even move after i hit em like 20 times with my weapons, no dialogue or speech from them either when i interaceted (R) with em. it even lagged at some wierd places and i got a i7 920. 5870, 6gb OCZ ram and watercooling running Crysis Warhead on full.
I'm actually quite neutral in this whole war of gamers thing. I am just sick of people being too stupid to realize games are meant to be fun. Of course you get games like DF and MO which basically allow FPS gamers (notorious for hating their fellow man and being one death away from going postal on humanity IRL) to let their inner psychopath out. 12-16 year old boys with a sudden onslaught of testosterone and a whole lot of attitude. Seems like these kids think they have something to prove. What in the fuck can they prove on the interwebs?
While the first response I read to this post was critical of his opinion I agree with this guy almost one hundred percent. I consider myself to be somewhat vocal when it comes to products I like and those I have knowledge of and don't like for what I consider to be good reasons I can be a bit of a bear, but one thing I can say is I've imo avoided the whole kill or be killed attitude that so many gamers seem to take.
At present the only mmo I'm playing is STO and I've read some very ridiculous stuff about that game comments like "they are breaking the lore" and entire posts dedicated to proving that point which is not possible since there is no definitive statement from CBS saying what Star Trek is about (the closest thing to one is at the beggining of the shows and that makes it clear the show is about the ship and crew not the universe itself). These are the types of things I think Mystik tires of just like I do.
Another good example is AOC anyone who has read my posts knows that I have no love for that game nor the company that produced it, I made my point known and moved on it doesn't anger me that they still make the game or that people sub to it and I certainly will not ever resort to bashing the player of a game that I don't like and I've seen many posters on here do that. One of my favorites was a guy who said during a debate about solo play vs group that solo players were "polluting" the mmo genre, this smacks too much of a guy pissed off that he is in the minority and that not enough companies see the value of developing game the way he likes them made and we as gamers need to move away from these attitudes.
It's one thing to not like a game or even a company but I think when these issues start to become an us vs them issue between players we are all in the wrong like it or not we all contribute to the health of the industry and sometimes things might not go the way we wish but we should still be aware that the overall amount of people interested in mmo's is the reason for every games development ike it or not we all need each other to make sure there is even a chance that the game we personally want to see made get's made.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
So... this thread is about a forum poster on the MO forum who suggests they should come here and post respectfully about how they enjoy the game..?
Seriously, how should anyone even be able to "stay on topic" in this thread? Theres nothing to discuss..!?
Oh and this is spot on:
Originally posted by tcosaddict
Am I the only one who sees how funny this shit is? Look at the first 8 replies to the OP. 1 of them goes further into detail and lists some posts and the other 7 of them belong to Slapshot1188, Rlmccoy1987 and HanoverZ. That's exactly what the guy was saying in the MO forums. How there's 4 people roughly who just post negativity and more or less respond to eachother continuously. The fourth, of course, would be HerculesSAS. Way to prove his point guys. It's funny that you actually call them pathetic.
Well just to try and be the voice of reason, most of the post in this thread weren't overly hateful... if anything they seem pretty level-headed, and perhaps sometimes flippant, they are mostly to the point. While I understand your rant and frustration, if you read through all the posts in this thread alone, you'll see that there is a point to all this. It's not necessarily "us" vs. "them", but more like we are being critical about issues w/ Starvault's quality assurance in regards to MO. Let's face it, theres be plenty of legitimate issues people have posted, over and over, but that's because they want this game to succeed, rather than watching yet another of many indie MMO's fade away into obscurity and mediocrity.
When I first saw screenshots of this game, back before Darkfall was even released, I have to admit I have had my hopes up since then. But with all the issuse that arrose, can you really blame people for getting a little bit mad at Starvault. You have to admit quite a few things have gone wrong.
Personally I'd like to see this game succeed, but seeing the events leading up to present in regards to their title, please forgive those players who have become a little bit cynical and jaded thereof. It's really not us vs. them, it's just we want a good MMO pvp game to be released... is it too much to ask for quality these days?
I'm all for a bit of mudslinging if it's for the right reasons. For example, I am totally all for consumers vs. corporations. I feel that when a company promises something to people it should hold up those promises and provide exactly what they initially stated from the get-go. I understand why people are angry at SV, and I feel bad for those who already sunk money into MO. People who paid and genuinely want the game to succeed but are getting shafted are the victims here. It is a legit argument when a fan or potential buyer jumps in here and states that they paid for something that they aren't getting and are demanding retribution.
It is not legit when someone comes into the forums and starts bad-mouthing the game or company solely because they feel they have a right, even when they haven't paid a single cent or kept an eye on development. Same goes for a player of another game jumping on here to rant that his game is better "because it just is" and that the other game is going to fail.
Rather than going about their business and playing the game they like, they feel threatened by this game (or others, in general) and waste time spouting off mindless bullshit.
To be fair, and trying to be as neutral as possible, I feel that legitimate haters who have been shafted by SV thus far have a right to rant. The same goes for fans with exceedingly high hopes, and generally positive expectations. These two sides shouldn't be at each other's throats however. If anything it should be all users against SV. It doesn't have to be all out war or anything but if the entire community for the game stuck together perhaps they could put some pressure on SV to do the right thing in the end.
It's just painful to see so many people obviously torn up inside over a silly game. The only real solution is to just wait, pressure SV and stop treating fellow players like complete bullshit. We're all in the same boat here, regardless of our outlook on the game's future. We either deal with it in a civil manner or simply walk away. It's not rocket surgery.
Wow Mystic in all my time on mmorpg you're one of the first I've seen who seems to have the same convictions I feel I have about gaming, I'm totally against dishonest policy, companies lying about what will be in game sometimes right up until launch but as stated earlier it's foolish to assume I can make my own convictions someone elses once I saw that there were enough people indifferent to the way Funcom treated them I moved on since then I can honestly say I've left many a positive post on the AOC boards commending them for the steps they've taken in making the game better and delivering a fun experience to the customers they do have and I think there aren't enough gamers willing to do this.
As stated the hate that Cryptic often get's is totally unwarranted they released a very uninspiring game does that really call for all the vitriol that exists around the game? I don't think so but more importantly I certainly don't want to be told I'm a tool,carebear,noob or whatever else they think of just because I actually enjoy the/a game.
In respect to this issue in general I think the post made asking for counter opinions was not made by a SV employee so there is nothing wrong with it with the exception of the fact that as stated most of the posts on here negative to this game are not unreasonable at all there is not alot of blind hate it as I've seen it are very valid points stating that this game is not ready to launch and from mosts experience isn't even close to that state. For a player like me this is very important as I stated I think by the time a company asks for your money there is a certain level of goods and services expected and if it is not delivered upon that's a problem so while I think the fans of the game have every right to post the positives they see about the game it is not or should not be an us vs them issue simply because I as a player do not feel I should be expected to pay for an incomplete game.
Thanks Mystic for your posts which as I stated was refreshing to finally hear someone on here shared my opinion and seems to generally care about the state of the gamers more than there own personal feelings.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Okay, am i the only who is growing very tired of this stupid internet war between this site and MO's? I want to say this site is full of very insightful players and reviewers who's gaming opinions i trust more than my own sometimes, but i also want to say, this site is also full of trolls. It is not our duty to shoot down the opinions of others, if you want to discuss the game, make a thread about it; but there is a huge difference between discussing and trolling. So when people come onto this forum posting their good encounters with a game, it is NOT your duty to go and try to beat out their opinion with yours. We are all here to have fun. Stop the trolling and embrace the love of the game. We are a massive community, us online gamers, we need to stand united, not troll each other into hating the subject.
THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT! PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS! With love, -Galacticz PS: Haven't played MO once, so please don't label me one of their flamers. I am just tired of the trolls.
i feel sorry for those who pre-orderd this Dvd-Cover with some gameArt showed in it. if the game releases like this, theyre subscriber base is gonna disappear like a snowball in thell. ofcourse there is a chance they will release an "miracle patch" (HAHA) to solve some of the issues to make it playable till they get further fixes.
I wonder why they closed it? There wasn't anything too inflamatory in their posts? What's Starvault afraid of?... one can only wonder.
What are they afraid of? Lets see, first and foremost their game is not in good shape. Secondly, they do not have the funds to allow them time to fix those problems. Thirdly release is imminent...
Most importantly in normal circumstances you are skinned alive by the majority, when you release a game in such a state.
I do not condone the idea of silencing your players concerns. However, when you are up against a wall you sometimes have to do the unthinkable. They don't need any help in smearing their reputation or the quality of their product. They've done plenty themselves to do that for you. These guys just bit off more than they could chew, now the money has been spent the work has been done and they're stuck with the outcome.
They will crash and burn hard, I think they know this. They are angry about it and they have little choice but jump straight into the fire.
Sorry gang but spring is in the air, I love Malickie's posts and he's actually someone I am fairly certain I don't always agree with but he does always tell it like it is.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
A good game needs no defense. A bad game has no defense.
I couldn't agree more.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
It's a good thing they locked the thread. But, that is funny.
Stoop to their level?
A self-righteous person who believes that he is above logic and intellect.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
I can't believe this entire thread hasn't been locked or deleted.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
i just downloaded the game this morning. and ive tried it for like 30 mins now. and all i can say is terrible.... TERRIBLE. they cant release this game in at least 6 months. the release date version of conan looks like fckin heaven to this. why are they rushing the release? money? well, they will earn more money in the longshot if they w8.
I believe releasing the game this early is going to end up making it shut down. They might be out of money now, forcing them to release, but this is a very bad idea. We will see though.
Any particular reasons why you believe it is terrible? (livestream)
The War Z Shenanigans(youtube)
Mortal Online Vids
I'm not sure what the issue is when talking about MO mods. I have said some pretty bad stuff about their game on their own website/IRC in the past several months and haven't had any action taken at all.
Better than some other sites where I have been loyal and faithful every post...until I used one keyword (on accident actually because I was used to saying it)..."Darkfail" inside of a joke and got an insta-warning just for using that term..strike 1 =( Followup conversation via PM was ignored.
That to me is more disturbing than MO forums
Disclaimer: This is not a troll post and is not here to promote any negative energy. Although this may be a criticism, it is not meant to offend anyone. If a moderator feels the post is inappropriate, please remove it immediately before it is subject to consideration for a warning. Thank you.
Any particular reasons why you believe it is terrible?
thats alot to post but the first that hit me was the Stamina meter which went up and down a little too fast just because of 1 jump. no directions to just give me a tiny bit of tutorial or start. Even Eve Online gave me that which is a pretty hardcore game. i got stuck in buildings, the game closed me of certain areas, like the furnace. + alot more. well i guess i still have to w8 for WoD online.
the graphics are extremely horrible but i guess theyll fix this for retail. and i couldnt enter any of the tents. i ran the game on full in 1920x1080. NPCs didnt even move after i hit em like 20 times with my weapons, no dialogue or speech from them either when i interaceted (R) with em. it even lagged at some wierd places and i got a i7 920. 5870, 6gb OCZ ram and watercooling running Crysis Warhead on full.
While the first response I read to this post was critical of his opinion I agree with this guy almost one hundred percent. I consider myself to be somewhat vocal when it comes to products I like and those I have knowledge of and don't like for what I consider to be good reasons I can be a bit of a bear, but one thing I can say is I've imo avoided the whole kill or be killed attitude that so many gamers seem to take.
At present the only mmo I'm playing is STO and I've read some very ridiculous stuff about that game comments like "they are breaking the lore" and entire posts dedicated to proving that point which is not possible since there is no definitive statement from CBS saying what Star Trek is about (the closest thing to one is at the beggining of the shows and that makes it clear the show is about the ship and crew not the universe itself). These are the types of things I think Mystik tires of just like I do.
Another good example is AOC anyone who has read my posts knows that I have no love for that game nor the company that produced it, I made my point known and moved on it doesn't anger me that they still make the game or that people sub to it and I certainly will not ever resort to bashing the player of a game that I don't like and I've seen many posters on here do that. One of my favorites was a guy who said during a debate about solo play vs group that solo players were "polluting" the mmo genre, this smacks too much of a guy pissed off that he is in the minority and that not enough companies see the value of developing game the way he likes them made and we as gamers need to move away from these attitudes.
It's one thing to not like a game or even a company but I think when these issues start to become an us vs them issue between players we are all in the wrong like it or not we all contribute to the health of the industry and sometimes things might not go the way we wish but we should still be aware that the overall amount of people interested in mmo's is the reason for every games development ike it or not we all need each other to make sure there is even a chance that the game we personally want to see made get's made.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
cmon guys. get ur asses to the battlefront. Battlefield Bad Company 2 time fill our souls with fun til BF3 is released
So... this thread is about a forum poster on the MO forum who suggests they should come here and post respectfully about how they enjoy the game..?
Seriously, how should anyone even be able to "stay on topic" in this thread? Theres nothing to discuss..!?
Oh and this is spot on:
Originally posted by tcosaddict
Am I the only one who sees how funny this shit is? Look at the first 8 replies to the OP. 1 of them goes further into detail and lists some posts and the other 7 of them belong to Slapshot1188, Rlmccoy1987 and HanoverZ. That's exactly what the guy was saying in the MO forums. How there's 4 people roughly who just post negativity and more or less respond to eachother continuously. The fourth, of course, would be HerculesSAS. Way to prove his point guys. It's funny that you actually call them pathetic.
Well just to try and be the voice of reason, most of the post in this thread weren't overly hateful... if anything they seem pretty level-headed, and perhaps sometimes flippant, they are mostly to the point. While I understand your rant and frustration, if you read through all the posts in this thread alone, you'll see that there is a point to all this. It's not necessarily "us" vs. "them", but more like we are being critical about issues w/ Starvault's quality assurance in regards to MO. Let's face it, theres be plenty of legitimate issues people have posted, over and over, but that's because they want this game to succeed, rather than watching yet another of many indie MMO's fade away into obscurity and mediocrity.
When I first saw screenshots of this game, back before Darkfall was even released, I have to admit I have had my hopes up since then. But with all the issuse that arrose, can you really blame people for getting a little bit mad at Starvault. You have to admit quite a few things have gone wrong.
Personally I'd like to see this game succeed, but seeing the events leading up to present in regards to their title, please forgive those players who have become a little bit cynical and jaded thereof. It's really not us vs. them, it's just we want a good MMO pvp game to be released... is it too much to ask for quality these days?
I'm all for a bit of mudslinging if it's for the right reasons. For example, I am totally all for consumers vs. corporations. I feel that when a company promises something to people it should hold up those promises and provide exactly what they initially stated from the get-go. I understand why people are angry at SV, and I feel bad for those who already sunk money into MO. People who paid and genuinely want the game to succeed but are getting shafted are the victims here. It is a legit argument when a fan or potential buyer jumps in here and states that they paid for something that they aren't getting and are demanding retribution.
It is not legit when someone comes into the forums and starts bad-mouthing the game or company solely because they feel they have a right, even when they haven't paid a single cent or kept an eye on development. Same goes for a player of another game jumping on here to rant that his game is better "because it just is" and that the other game is going to fail.
Rather than going about their business and playing the game they like, they feel threatened by this game (or others, in general) and waste time spouting off mindless bullshit.
To be fair, and trying to be as neutral as possible, I feel that legitimate haters who have been shafted by SV thus far have a right to rant. The same goes for fans with exceedingly high hopes, and generally positive expectations. These two sides shouldn't be at each other's throats however. If anything it should be all users against SV. It doesn't have to be all out war or anything but if the entire community for the game stuck together perhaps they could put some pressure on SV to do the right thing in the end.
It's just painful to see so many people obviously torn up inside over a silly game. The only real solution is to just wait, pressure SV and stop treating fellow players like complete bullshit. We're all in the same boat here, regardless of our outlook on the game's future. We either deal with it in a civil manner or simply walk away. It's not rocket surgery.
Wow Mystic in all my time on mmorpg you're one of the first I've seen who seems to have the same convictions I feel I have about gaming, I'm totally against dishonest policy, companies lying about what will be in game sometimes right up until launch but as stated earlier it's foolish to assume I can make my own convictions someone elses once I saw that there were enough people indifferent to the way Funcom treated them I moved on since then I can honestly say I've left many a positive post on the AOC boards commending them for the steps they've taken in making the game better and delivering a fun experience to the customers they do have and I think there aren't enough gamers willing to do this.
As stated the hate that Cryptic often get's is totally unwarranted they released a very uninspiring game does that really call for all the vitriol that exists around the game? I don't think so but more importantly I certainly don't want to be told I'm a tool,carebear,noob or whatever else they think of just because I actually enjoy the/a game.
In respect to this issue in general I think the post made asking for counter opinions was not made by a SV employee so there is nothing wrong with it with the exception of the fact that as stated most of the posts on here negative to this game are not unreasonable at all there is not alot of blind hate it as I've seen it are very valid points stating that this game is not ready to launch and from mosts experience isn't even close to that state. For a player like me this is very important as I stated I think by the time a company asks for your money there is a certain level of goods and services expected and if it is not delivered upon that's a problem so while I think the fans of the game have every right to post the positives they see about the game it is not or should not be an us vs them issue simply because I as a player do not feel I should be expected to pay for an incomplete game.
Thanks Mystic for your posts which as I stated was refreshing to finally hear someone on here shared my opinion and seems to generally care about the state of the gamers more than there own personal feelings.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
i feel sorry for those who pre-orderd this Dvd-Cover with some gameArt showed in it. if the game releases like this, theyre subscriber base is gonna disappear like a snowball in thell. ofcourse there is a chance they will release an "miracle patch" (HAHA) to solve some of the issues to make it playable till they get further fixes.
What are they afraid of? Lets see, first and foremost their game is not in good shape. Secondly, they do not have the funds to allow them time to fix those problems. Thirdly release is imminent...
Most importantly in normal circumstances you are skinned alive by the majority, when you release a game in such a state.
I do not condone the idea of silencing your players concerns. However, when you are up against a wall you sometimes have to do the unthinkable. They don't need any help in smearing their reputation or the quality of their product. They've done plenty themselves to do that for you. These guys just bit off more than they could chew, now the money has been spent the work has been done and they're stuck with the outcome.
They will crash and burn hard, I think they know this. They are angry about it and they have little choice but jump straight into the fire.
Sorry gang but spring is in the air, I love Malickie's posts and he's actually someone I am fairly certain I don't always agree with but he does always tell it like it is.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
I'm not sure what this is all about, but the pic on post #71 is hilarious!